Losing more attractions....


DIS Veteran
Dec 4, 2001
I have heard that Jungle Cruise may be going under! I am curious as to if anyone has heard anything about this. IM NOT SAYING THAT IT IS CLOSING FOR SURE! I am just asking if anyone knows about this. I doubt it is going to happen though. If the ride has fast pass doesnt that usually mean that it is a major attraction? Oh well any info would be appreciated. Thanks a ton
Uhhh...where did you hear this? I really really doubt that they will close it for good. It might go down for rehab, but not close.
Talk about wishful thinking but Jungle Cruise at DL went down for several months right when they started building Indy.
Jungle Cruise is one of the most popular rides at MK - I can't see them closing it (not to mention that it's one of my favorites!).

They're spending alot of money on updating the ride at DL for the 50th anniversary - maybe they're thinking of doing the same thing at MK?
Rides you will NEVER see close:
1) Haunted Mansion
2) Pirates of the Caribbean
3) Jungle Cruise
4) Space Mountain
5) Big Thunder Mountain
6) It's a Small World
7) Indiana Jones Adventure
8) Splash Mountain
These rides (and others not listed) are integral to the identity of the parks. They are what differentiate Disney parks from all others.
I don't know where this rumor started, but it couldn't be more false. Scoop sent me a PM in regards to a similar rumor the other day, and hopefully he will post my response on this thread (It was worded so nicely, you see.)
Safari Steve and everyone else i am sorry for posting this please dont get angry i was just passing it along hoping anyone could give me some info about it.

MooBooks that list....... You're right

and let's not forget Toer of Terror!! (of course they'd have to tear the whole building down if they did that)
OK AV, I'll bite...
What would Disney's reason be for closing Jungle Cruise?
It moves a great deal of people quickly, the animitronics are not that sophisticated so they shouldn't be that expensive to maintain, it's doesn't take a lot of CM's to run, it's one of the originals, and it's very popular.
Why would it close?
it's doesn't take a lot of CM's to run
...the Cast Member to guest ratio on JC is pretty high. You also have to consider that skippers are not your average just-off-the-street Cast Members.

If this was to ever happen, I am willing to bet it would be because of the cost of staffing the Cruise compared to the number of guests Cruised.

Just because something has lines doesn't mean it's cost effective. JC depends on having a good number of excellent skippers each "servicing" a limited number of boat passengers at a time. This is precisely the kind of money-saving project that Disney has affinity for: no one's going to stop coming if JC goes down, it sells no plush, and it's costly in terms of staff-to-guest ratio.
I just can't believe WDW would do this under any circumstance.
This is where we come back to seeing/not seeing a trend. I think it would be easy to make a business case that JC is one of the less cost-effective ways to keep guests occupied for X units of time, and that the trend has been to maximize this type of cost-effectiveness. I would not be surprised at all if this happened, it fits the trend of valuing bookkeeping entries over guest experience and Disney tradition.

It's always interesting to plot the points where different people realize "oh, crap, that _was_ a slippery slope, after all."


PS: Would it be too provocative for me suggest that, had the announcement been "JC definitely closing" directly from Disney themselves, it would have been the 'Scoop who would have pointed out the staffing costs, with excusatory intent?
Look at 20k Leagues! That attraction had some of the longest lines in the park and Disney closed it for unknown reasons (too costly to operate/retrofit)

Perhaps in the future, we'll be walking by an empty JC river and the queue area used for a meet and great? I hope not. I never thought they'd close down 20k either (with no replacement)
Spaceman, you really answered your own question about 20000 leagues...It was too expensive to fix or "retrofit". Even though it was a popular attraction it was nearing the end of its usefullness...Seriously, today it would be viewed as very lame, indeed (much like the current brouhaha over the equally lame but historically cool COP). So what choice did Disney have? Redo an aging ride or move on? Now I'm not sure when Splash Mountain came to be in comparison to the closing of 20000 leagues but if the same money could have been used for a new attraction in place of an aging (albeit popular attraction) then they made the right move wouldn't you say? Although I'd really like something in the lagoon...Even a great water fountain/music show would satisfy me...But JC IMO, isn't going anywhre without an unfixable problem in its path. I do not believe mere economics will doom this attraction.
:smooth: :smooth: :bounce: :smooth: :smooth:
Its entirely another thing to close a popular attraction just to save money.
...math is math. EE was popular, but by your own arguments, Disney closed it, so therefore it wasn't popular _enough_ to justify the cost. It's Disney's decision, not ours, to determine whether JC is popular _enough_ to justify its cost.

You can feel free to believe that Disney's assessment of JC's popularity to cost ratio matches your own, but my experience suggests that there is nothing "Magical" about JC that would make it immune to closure, if the right spreadsheet came along.


PS: And if there _is_ a problem that will cost anything significant to fix, JC is a goner.
While the Skipper to guest ratio is higher than that of Pirates, the capacity is also higher than that of Pirates, and the % of utilization is also higher than pirates. Also, CMs at Jungle Cruise are payed the same rates as CMs at other attractions. The only difference is that many of us like to talk more than the average CM. Also, most of the CMs at Jungle are College Program, and cost less to use than the average CM.

Attractions that have gone to seasonal closure or have simply been put out of their misery were either doing less than 50% OHRC most of the time, had a low capacity to begin with, or both. None of these circumstances apply to Jungle Cruise.
Wouldn’t an attraction that featured thirty year old phony animals be considered “lame” when there is a whole brand new theme park filled with real animals just a bus ride away?

Seems to me that all those labor hours, all that land, and all those hours spent answering letters complaining about stereotypes, natives, and Great White Hunters could be used for a better purpose. Say like selling plush? Who needs a fake “real-life” adventure when you can promote film merchandise? Besides, closing a popular attraction isn’t going to stop people from coming, but opening up a brand new ride will certainly sell more tickets.

Just a thought.

Oh yes – seems that Skyway, Keel Boats, Canoes, ‘The Legend of The Lion King’ and ‘Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride’ all had rather healthy lines when they were closed too.


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