Lions and Tigers and CGI Bears, Oh My! June '16 - COMPLETED 6/4, page 22

I recognize the rain photo...we had more rain on our trip June 4-10 than we had sunshine. Sad but true. It was still great!

Maybe you should take Dylan to Teppan Edo at least once a week so he will eat veggies! We don't have a hibachi place within an hour and a half of home, but we make it at home. It is almost the same.
i have wanted to try TE on our last trips, but couldn't decide if it would be "worth" the cost or if the food would be good. Your write up places it on the list for a future visit.

Yay for Dylan branching out in his eating.
Teppan Edo is the absolute best! Our 6 yr old, who is a terribly picky eater, fell in love with the YumYum Sauce from Teppan Edo and has been talking it up ever since. Gotta love Disney; it changes even the pickiest of eaters. :thumbsup2
We eat at Teppan Edo every trip since it is Emily's favorite. I discovered a few years ago I can't eat the YumYum sauce because it makes me feel queasy. Steve & Emily always chuckle when they are filling the sauce dishes and go "YumYum sauce!".
Great spot for Illuminations!

It was! We never thought of going up there.

One more week!!!!!!!

We're going Friday :)

I recognize the rain photo...we had more rain on our trip June 4-10 than we had sunshine. Sad but true. It was still great!

I saw the reports from the week before we got there. That stinks! Disney's fun in the rain, too, though.

We don't have a hibachi place within an hour and a half of home, but we make it at home. It is almost the same.

Do you flip a shrimp tail into your hat and make a train out of a chopped onion? If not, you really need to start.

i have wanted to try TE on our last trips, but couldn't decide if it would be "worth" the cost or if the food would be good. Your write up places it on the list for a future visit.

Yay for Dylan branching out in his eating.

I hope you try it and like it! If Dylan will eat it, it has to be good. Or peanut butter.

Not to hijack nilla's TR...

No worries ;)

Teppan Edo is the absolute best! Our 6 yr old, who is a terribly picky eater, fell in love with the YumYum Sauce from Teppan Edo and has been talking it up ever since. Gotta love Disney; it changes even the pickiest of eaters. :thumbsup2

Our kids ate wonderfully at Jiko about 5 or 6 years ago. It's. But then, the next night, they eat next to nothing.

Steve & Emily always chuckle when they are filling the sauce dishes and go "YumYum sauce!".

Oh yeah, that was another one! They also said, "thank you for your patience" an awful lot. Even though nothing took overly long.

Hi I'm just following along!

We do allow that :)

I have an update all typed up, but posting an update takes at least 20 minutes, and it's getting late. I'll post it tomorrow night. Day 5 is going to be a three-update day, cuz that's how we tour.

Thanks for reading!
Fun update! we really enjoyed Teppan Edo when we went in 2011. It was my first time at a Hibachi place. I have been to a couple since then and they are fun.

Great view for IllumiNations!!

I love those light up sidewalks!
Day 5 - Friday - Magic Kingdom

  • Hit Magic Kingdom at Rope Drop for Morning Extra Magic Hours
  • Back to Coronado after lunch
  • Return to Magic Kingdom after dinner

  • Space Mountain: 9:00-10:00
  • Seven Dwarfs Mine Train: 10:00-11:00
  • Splash Mountain: 11:30-12:30

  • Be Our Guest (Quick Service): 11:00am
  • 'Ohana: 5:35pm
Magic Kingdom has Extra Magic Hours this morning, meaning even those of us who are too cheap to pay for the Extra Morning Magic or whatever it's called get an extra hour in the parks all too ourselves. Without those of us who are too cheap to stay onsite. We want to take advantage of that and replicate the success of our early morning Day 2, so I'm up at 5:30. Normally, that would have been enough sleep, but considering that we were awoken at 1:00 am by the sounds of the Republic test-battling the Empire and/or First Order high above Hollywood Studios, I was a bit tired. But not too bad. As long as I don't do consecutive nights of inadequate rest, I'm usually ok.

I booked our FPs for early this morning, so we can get back to the resort for some more mid-day swimming/resting/whatever. That's a big part of our plan for this year, if you haven't noticed. It's ironic, since we used to decry such anti-park behavior. We're older now, and we've also been on Splash Mountain roughly 27,139 times, so it's all good even if we don't get on it another 542 times on this trip. We'll settle for riding it 218 times instead. #SlowingDown

With no issues getting ready beyond the usual "Dylan, you need to get in the shower NOW" and "Emily, we really have to go", we were at MK in plenty of time for EMH rope drop. In we go, along with the throngs of other on-site guests:

The girls pause for a photo in front of the Castle:

During the photo, Kristin asked Dylan to hold her Dooney and Bourke Disney wristlet. After the shot, he returned it via his favorite method of person-to-peron item transfer: "think fast".

Ill-advised. He throws it horribly, the wristlet nearly hits Kristin in the face, and she's not too happy. The latter may or may not be an understatement.

With that incident causing some early friction, it's back to Fantasyland to see if we can Pixie Dust it all away. Anyone know where we can find some Pixie Dust? Somewhere on this map, maybe:

Yeah, Neverland sounds about right. But how long will it take us to get there?

Can't argue with that. I take two completely random FL shots before we enter...

Since we're doing this one on standby, we get to see the critically acclaimed Peter Pan's Flight Standby Queue:

Thumbs down to Disney on that last one, for trying to make the mermaids look all playful and cheery while glossing over the fact that they TRIED TO KILL WENDY. As much as you want to rewrite history, Disney, some of us will never forget.

Hi, Nana!

More queue fun:

You might not be able to tell from the last photo, but Tinkerbelle, who makes her way around this area, is magicking the lock on that chest. Fun!

This was my favorite part of the queue, without question:

It may be hard to see, but we're ringing shadow bells with the shadows of our hands, and they're actually ringing. Correctly, as if they were actual, non-shadow bells. There was also an effect where shadow butterflies would land on your hand's shadow. How on Earth do they do that?

Oh, yeah. Magic. My bad! I almost forgot.

Due to the early family drama, I'm riding with Dylan, and Kristin is riding with Emily. Dylan can't stand this ride anymore, but I try to explain to him how to properly appreciate it. He does seem to agree that having Mickey Mouse come in and give mini-London the Godzilla treatment would be fantastic, so there is that.

We heard rumors that Disney would be removing the Tic Toc stuff from this ride in response to the alligator attack, but I don't believe it. Besides, I think TT is a crocodile, not an alligator. #KnowYourSpecies. At any rate, he's still here. And I think he'll remain here. We'll see.
After visiting Neverland, we skipped (not literally, but that would have been fun) over to the Hundred Acre Wood to ride another Attraction We Like But Won't FP or Wait Over 20 Minutes For (tm), the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. I do love this ride, but it's one I wouldn't be too upset if I missed. That said, there's no way I can walk past these watermelon bongos and NOT play them.

No further photos of that ride, for whatever reason. I blame laziness. As I said before, this is a great ride, but it doesn't even crack the top ten of my favorite attractions. That just goes to show how awesome Disney is!

Before we hit any more attractions, I propose checking if any of us are the rightful monarch of England. Gotta check that every now and then. It's like testing a smoke alarm or getting your oil changed.

Emily was revealed to be just that when she was younger, but she must have been impeached at some point without our knowledge, since the Sword in the Stone wouldn't rise for her since then. Neither kid wanted to even try this year, but after I said I would, they suddenly wanted to, too. Ok, let's check the polls!

It's not Dylan. Let's see if it's me:

Nope. Emily gives it another go:

Next year, man. Next year.

It's still before 9:00 (Space Mountain FPs for 9-10), so we stop on into Mickey's Philharmagic. This is an often-overlooked favorite of ours. Maybe we take it for granted because there's never a long line?

Kristin loves the Hidden Mickey in the Whatever That Instrument Is:

We put on our opera glasses and enjoy the show. Thanks to this one, I refer to ALL 3-D glasses in WDW (Star Tours, Toy Story Mania, etc.) as such.

One thing I like about this attraction is it gives you a good idea of returning guests vs. newbies, based on how many people turn around after Donald gets launched out of the Whatever That Instrument Is to the back of the theater. I'd say the ratio is about 12-1 newbs to vets this time.

A quick photo of the Carousel, which is the only interaction we'll have with that ride this trip...

A few more photos from Fantasyland...

..and it's off to Tomorrowland!

Merida's not here yet, I guess:

And since we're here...

There's no line, so we might as well ride the Mad Tea Party, too:

Dylan rode in a different cup. He and Emily didn't want to ride together, so Em's with us. And Em likes to spin it:

And Dad likes to try to avoid puking:

Did it! Avoided it, that is.

Now, for no reason whatsoever, is a scene from the Rankin/Bass animated classic "The Castle that Did Something to Christmas":

Actually, that was the Beast's Castle. It looks like it could be from Rudolph or something, though, doesn't it?

After taking that, it appears we put the phone down for a few hours and got NO PICTURES. None. It's inexplicable, but true.

Therefore, instead of trying to recreate the adventure using just the imagery of the written word, I'm going to give you the bulletpoint breakdown:
  • Space Mountain Standy
  • SPace Mountain with FPs
  • Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin
  • Carousel of Progress
  • Mine Train with FPs
Alright, maybe some more words:

It worked out great, because there was a 15-minute standby when we reached Space Mountain, so we got to ride it twice. Love this ride!

I'm just plain terrible at Buzz anymore. I used to be pretty good.

We love the CoP. Especially Kristin. So many reusable lines in that one. I think the one we use the most is, "fluff, mostly. But it's fun."

I'm surprised we didn't take any pictures on or around the Mine Train. But we didn't.

We got the phone out again when we got to the restaurant:

I originally wanted to eat dinner here again (one of my favorites), but we couldn't get ADRs for it. The compromise was lunch. I loved pre-booking the meal, and it turned out to be a pretty good idea.

We're a little bit early, though, and we can't get in yet. Darn. Let us in!

With about 10 minutes to kill, we walked around New Fantasyland, camera out:

Crowd shot!

It was still early, but the crowds weren't too bad. Is it time to go lunch yet?

Ok, more photos:

This is an awful lot of construction for just one dark ride. I think I like the outside of it more than the inside.

Across the way, King Triton harnesses the Power of Grayskull:

He has the - hey, look: hot tic tac toe action!

Clouds are getting a bit threatening:

One more pose...

...then, it's time to eat!

There's a huge line to get in. What gives?

Oh, that's the line for ordering. Man, pre-ordering was a fantastic idea. No wait! It looked like the line to order was at least 20 minutes long. Pre-order, folks!
For whatever reason, we pick to eat in the Boring Room this time.

We never ate in here before. I do like it better than the Main Hall, unless you're near the snow windows.


No photos of the artwork, though. Not sure why not. We were busy getting drinks and condiments, I guess. The artwork is fun. It shows Belle and the Beast in all sorts of HIL-ARIOUS situations. But again, no photos.

The food arrives in good time. Kristin decided to make it two days in a row for Croque Monsier:

The kids got the turkey sandwich:

I got the beef sandwich:

Notice the veggies. Healthy!


For dessert, we all got the same thing:

Not healthy!

(at all)

I thought my sandwich was great, but Dylan couldn't believe there was no cheese on his. Hey, you read the menu, kid.

Kristin also couldn't believe there was no cheese on her sandwich. Or there was very little cheese that was hard to spot and impossible to taste. Either way, cheese WAS listed on the menu. She was not a huge fan of this place before, and has completely written it off now.

We all loved the cupcake, of course, but this certainly wasn't as good as we had hoped. Cool place to eat, though.
After the meal, we took a visit to the West Wing:

Then, it's back out into New Fantas-ummmm, no. We see the massive door swing open, and it's a downpour outside. I guess we're not going anywhere just yet. No choice then but to take more photos!

At some point over the last few days, Kristin started getting a cold, sinus infection, or something. It started as a scratchy throat, then moved into her nose, and ultimately, into her chest. She brought an antibiotic down that she got recently but didn't take, so she's on that now. And Sudafed. I feel for her, because it's awful being sick on vacation. She says it's not too bad, though, and she has no problem continuing on.

While she self-medicates, we are invited to be this guy's guest:

And this friends'/coworkers' guests. Aww, thanks!

Ahh, NOW we photograph the artwork in the Boring Room:

See? I told you. HIL-ARIOUS.

The rain lets up (it didn't rain very long), and out we go. But one more photo!

We plan to head back to CSR at some point after lunch, but we're not quite ready to leave the Magic Kingdom. Stay tuned!

(Up next - MORE Magic Kingdom!)

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Love the EMH plan! I don't know if we'll do EMH at MK or not. This past June the only days they didn't open MK at 8 for the general public was EMM and EMH days. So, we could do a Thursday where everyone is let in at 8 or a Friday where only resort guests are let in at 8. I'll have to decide. And see if DH is into getting there at 8.

One of our 3 MK days, we definitely plan to hit PP first thing, then most likely Pooh, as that is my 4 yr old's fave ride. Glad to see it worked out well.

Sounds like you took care of a lot of Tomorrowland!

I haven't done BOG dinner, but we did lunch. I was playing with doing a PPO breakfast but we are paying oop so I don't think so. I think we'll stick with lunch. I'm sure my DH will probably go for the roast beef. I did the turkey last time but I'm planning the kids menu grilled cheese next time with some French onion soup. Oh and the strawberry cream cheese cupcake, bc it's the bomb!


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