letting my 9 year old dye her hair?

the dye would be permanent because i'd be too scared to do it myself! i'll be bringing her to a professional!
hi all. my 9 year old wants to dye her hair blue. im tempted to let her do it since it is summer and i think she should just get it out of her system. i bought the dye already but i dont knnow what people will think of me if i do it. thoughts?

I am one that would question your judgement on this. She is 9 years old. Dying her hair blue is a very adolescent thing to do, and I question why even teens would want to do this. That said; she is a child. She should do age appropriate things and this is not age appropriate. Children are children for a very small amount of time. Do not rush her into her teen years.
Edited to add, this may affect her peer relationships, even though it is summer. Her friends' and aquaintance's moms may think she is behaving a bit too precociously for her age.
Here's a story my hairdresser was just telling me about Monday when I got my hair done.. She had a Mom call and wanted to bring her daughter in to have her hair "fixed". The problem? She let her daughter put in wash out blue hair dye for a day camp party. Well, it did not wash out all the way. Because her hair was so blonde and having almost no pigment,(not white blonde but pretty close) the dye stuck to it, and only washed out part of the dye. So you can guess what her hair turned out to be.... Green. 4 hours and $75 later, the girl had normal colored hair. They ended up having to put a shade of darker blonde to cover up the last of the hint of green the girl had after bleaching it out. That story alone made me shy away from doing anything crazy to my hair! :scared1:
Just be aware that this may not be returned to a normal color very easily when it comes time for school to open again.. A 13 yr. old we know did something similar and it turned out to be a very costly nightmare..:eek:

What you choose to do 'should' be perfectly fine, after all it's only hair. BUT be prepared for how other parents & DD's friends might react to the color if it is permanent. Depending on where you live & the people around you, it might be just viewed as something innocent & fun or it might stir social trouble. If DD's friends and their parents have a problem with the behavior no amount of explaining it away will help her after the fact.

So yes, in a perfect world a kid should be able to do whatever he/she wants to do with their head without consequences but in the world we do live in, sometimes there are consequences even if we don't think they are appropriate.

Along these same lines - I don't know what the OP's summer plans are, but something that was always drilled into my head growing up was: "You never get a second chance to make a first impression.."

Just something to ponder..:goodvibes
hi all. my 9 year old wants to dye her hair blue. im tempted to let her do it since it is summer and i think she should just get it out of her system. i bought the dye already but i dont knnow what people will think of me if i do it. thoughts?

I would think you were nuts (first reaction)
I would let her do it.....perhaps chunks rather than the whole head??.....I say, its summer, agree to get it out of her system (though you MAY be opening a can of worms, :lmao:) and with the proviso that it goes back to natural come August, before school starts up......

Good Luck deciding...Hmmmmmmmmmmmm:confused3
If you go ahead, post some PIX!!

along these same lines - i don't know what the op's summer plans are, but something that was always drilled into my head growing up was: "you never get a second chance to make a first impression.."

just something to ponder..:goodvibes

I don't see anything wrong with it at all. Though after hearing some of the stories of what happens to blond hair when it is dyed, I would seriously consider taking her to a professional for advice on whether it will eventually come out!

My daughter went through a "I want red hair" phase. So I bought her that temporary spray on stuff. She loved it! She got the effect she wanted without permanent changes. It was perfect for her. If she had continued that phase, I probably would have allowed her to do something more permanent but she got over that after about six months.

Don't worry about what other people think. She's your child, you know what kind of personality she has, you know if she can handle any negative feedback she might get...if you think it's all good, then by all means do it.
My DD was a little older than this when we let her dye her hair. If I remember correctly, she was in middle school.

Her hair has been pink, blue, and purple.

I have a funny story to tell. When her hair was pink, we had breakfast at Cinderella Castle. She had her picture taken with the prince during breakfast and he asked her what her name was.

Well, that evening, we were watching the parade in the Magic Kingdom. The prince rode by, looked right at our daughter, waved and yelled her name. Hi Sarah.

There's no way he would have ever remember her or picked her out in a crowd without the bright pink hair.

Fast forward to today. Her hair is back to it's regular color brown and she is a college student with fond memories of her special "prince moment and picture."

I don't see the problem with letting your daughter dye her hair. Believe me, there are much bigger battles to come in the future.

That is absolutely adorable! That must have been a really special moment for your daughter. How sweet!
First impression? Is she going on a job interview? She's 9! Let her do what she wants... It's not like she's asking for a belly ring or an eyebrow piercing. If the blue doesn't wash all the way out, make her a brunette for a few months. Who cares? She's only 9 once.
Just be aware that this may not be returned to a normal color very easily when it comes time for school to open again.. A 13 yr. old we know did something similar and it turned out to be a very costly nightmare..:eek:

Along these same lines - I don't know what the OP's summer plans are, but something that was always drilled into my head growing up was: "You never get a second chance to make a first impression.."

Just something to ponder..:goodvibes

OMG she's nine! Do we really have to worry about a child making a good first impression? Is she going for a job interview for pete's sake. It's for fun, and to have to worry about what someone else might think of you having fun is a sad commentary on society.

I can't imagine what you or DawnCt1 would think of me if you saw me at Disney. Not that I would care.
First impression? Is she going on a job interview? She's 9! Let her do what she wants... It's not like she's asking for a belly ring or an eyebrow piercing. If the blue doesn't wash all the way out, make her a brunette for a few months. Who cares? She's only 9 once.

this is what I was wondering too! On Saturday we went to get my son's hair cut the stylest asked if he wanted color in it.. He said no I would have let him have any color he wanted! He just turned 4 today :goodvibes
I don't see anything wrong with it, but I would only do a few streaks or I would do the tips. I'm actually considering doing my tips (slightly shorter than shoulderlength hair). That way when I'm tired of it, I'll just cut it off.

I'm the teen services librarian and I just think it would be fun. We have a few librarians with crazy colored hair. If the librarians are going neon how out of the norm can it be.:rotfl:

For those worried about the "impression" that a 9 year old will make.....what kind of society is in your neighborhood that a little kids' hair will make her a social ourcast. I'm from a conservative, red voting, bible belt, god forbid we progress in our thinking or attitudes state and little kids here do it all the time.

My nephews are upperclass socially, go to a private school, country club, yadda yadda yadda. There have been kids in thier social circle (and them) with colored hair, spikes, mohawks, numbers shaved into thier crew cuts, girls with blue/pink/black streaks in their hair, and temp body art. The only thing I have not seen in that group is facial piercings. Know why? Because all the other stuff is just a fad, it will wash out/grow out/get restyled in a heart beat. Facial piercings now THAT is a more permenant modification and worth getting their conservative panties in a wad over, but a little hair dye. No way.
Edited to add, this may affect her peer relationships, even though it is summer. Her friends' and aquaintance's moms may think she is behaving a bit too precociously for her age.

If her friends leave her just because of her hair color then they weren't friends in the first place. Who cares what other parents think. Honestly, life is to short.
"You never get a second chance to make a first impression.."

The kid is NINE years old. Are you telling me that you want kids running around already worrying what other people think about them? Adults shouldn't be worrying about such things let alone kids!!!!
Funny, DS10 just asked over dinner if he can dye his hair blue for school on Monday. Mondays is sports day and he is on the blue team:lmao:. Tuesday is the last day (and a half day at that).
He has medium brown hair. We put green streaks in last summer when he was playing the Jungle in a production of The Jungle Book and again last fall when he was Puck for Halloween. It is hard to find a tempory dye which will show up over the brown:confused3 Anyway, I told him if I can figure out where to get the dye here in Germany (no Hot Topic:rolleyes:) before Monday he can (nothing in the school rules against it). He is 10 and it is fun. I always tell the kids temporary things which aren't dangerous are fine. They are both smart enough not to dye hair before being in a wedding or auditioning for a role on stage, etc.

Add me to the list of people who thinks the "first impressions" comment is very odd. What kind of impression does the 9 year old need to make?

OP--you will certainly run into some parents who think you are nuts. Others will think nothing of it and others will think you are great. Do what feels right to you;)
I'm with most posters. Let her color with temporary color. My 13 yr. old daughter did that last year. She would color a streak of hair around her face. It would wash out in a month or so. No biggie.
I teach 2nd grade. I've had boys every year that get mohawks and no one makes a fuss.. I don't see the big deal about hair color.;)
OP--I forgot to post that you mentioned it would be permanent because you do not trust yourself and would take her to a professional. Often times the hair stylists have temporary colors they can use as well (usually something that lasts for 10-15 washes or so). It wouldn't hurt to ask.
I vote let her do it- but start with chunks or streaks. If she likes that after a week or two, then go for more if she's still into it. Sometimes kids like the thought of something, then when they realize how permanent it is, they change their minds.

When I was younger, I was in a private school that didn't let us dye our hair "unnatural" colors. So, on the weekends I would use Hair Mascara and give myself blue or red streaks that would wash out before I went back to school on Mondays. Maybe your daughter could try out the Hair Mascara a few times to give it a less permanent testing phase? Then she can also play with the placement/amount of blue that she'd like to actually do.


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