Let me rephrase this question


Proud to be an American
Jan 11, 2001
It looks like they moved my thread although I don't believe it's relevant to just a resort thread, more of a DVC question.

My question is:

Is it difficult to get an accommodation at a Disney Resort at the 7month mark using your points? I know it's difficult at the 7 month mark to get a DVC resort accommodation. Was wondering about let's say the Poly or AKL.
I got AKL ressies on points at a date 1 month before the vacation. This was shortly before AKL opening day. HTH
I doubt you would have a problem. Last year, I reserved a room at the YC for President's week (a pretty busy time!) at 5 months out. We ended up with a very nice waterview room!
did you just decide to go at 7 months out or is this a hypothetical question? I thought the 7 month window only applied to DVC resorts and everything else could be scheduled at 11 months out. Is this not correct?
loribell, you are correct that Disney resorts can be reserved using points at the 11 month mark.
I thought the opposite. I thought the ONLY thing you could book at 11 mos. was your home resort. Everything else had to be booked at 7 mos.

BTW, this is for a possible trip coming up in either Feb., Sept., Oct., or November 2002. We're planning on possibly staying at Poly Concierge.

Does anybody know the answer to this?
Yes you can book Disney collection at 11 months out. I have called for different reservations and like anything else, it is subject to availability. Given the current state of affairs, it is probably easier to get a DC room than a DVC room! Disney has a ton of rooms to fill where as with DVC we are already committed to going by virtue of our purchase. It will depend when you are going in Feb. If it's presidents weekend, it may be a little more difficult. Be aware that once you make a ressie with DC you can not convert them back to DVC status. A call or email to MS will confirm availability.
I thought the ONLY thing you could book at 11 mos. was your home resort.

Actually, the ONLY thing you cannot reserve at 11 months is another DVC resort.

The 11 month priority applies to your home resort and all other program options- Disney Collection, Concierge Collection, Adventure Collection and World Passport Collection (II). Non-home DVC resorts are the only option not available until 7 months.

DVC availability at other WDW resorts is no different than a cash reservation at those same resorts, as no rooms are "saved" or limited for DVC point reservations.
Let me correct one thing in your opening question. It can be difficult to reserve at non home DVC resorts at 7 months but it doesn't have to be. The best strategy for reserving non home resort WDW DVC resorts is to make a home resort reservation then change it over to the desired destination at 7 months out. This works best for WDW to WDW DVC exchanges but can work for any of them. HH will be the hardest for summer along with BW Christmas and spring break. Lately Dec and early Jan have also been difficult but I suspect that will change in a couple of years.

On a side note, I did see DVC HH on the II cash getaway list for less than $700 for 1 and 2 BR units over the next 2 months.
Am I missing something? What advantage is gained by booking at your home resort at 11 months only to try and change to another DVC resort at 7 months. How does having the booking increase your chances of getting a room at the non-home resort ? Or did I totally misinterpret what you meant in your posting.
It doesn't increase your chances of getting the non home resort at the 7 month window but it does guarantee you a room and vacation at the desired time. Obviously this works best between the WDW resorts but to a certain extent works well to VB as you are still looking at flying into Oralndo, for those that will fly.


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