Leaving for DL tomorrow! Any tips on flying w/a 3 yr old?


DIS Veteran
Aug 31, 2005
We fly out tomorrow morning. The flight should only be about 1 1/2 hours but my 3 1/2 year old never stops talking or moving and he has never been on a plane before. I am afraid that the other passengers will want to kill him before we get there. Anybody a "seasoned flyer with young children" that wants to give me some travel tips?

Bug's Mom
Well i've flown at some time or another will all my kids when they were that age. I brought a small bag of stuff like a back pack for him to carry. I didn't stuff it with things I made that mistake the first time and stuff was everywhere. a coloring book with a pack of 8 crayons. some story books. last time I brought our portable dvd player that was a god send. then she slept(we had a 5 hour flight). between getting a small drink and a snack which she thought was the coolest it was all over. if it is a big plane sometimes they gave out those re-usable sticker things with a background that kept them busy. bring some of your own snacks too that they really like so they are distracted. it will go by fast and you will surprised how much more easier it was than you thought.


I can totally relate! I have an 11DD, 6DS and 2DD and we travel often, twice to Disneyworld in Florida- a 5-5 1/2 hour flight not counting all the waiting in the airports. UGH!! We also drive 8 hours to my dear inlaws several times a year.

What I do is buy several small age appropriate toys, books and snacks/candies for each of my children and wrap them separately in different colored wrapping paper for each child (that way I know what goes to who without having to worry about name tags). I usually buy a gift for each hour of travel and each hour (less or more time depending on your child and age) I let them open one. When they get down to the last surprise they know that we are almost at our destination. It has really helped cut down and almost eliminate the "Are we there yet?".

Examples of some items I have given my children: small books, coloring books with crayons (Crayola makes a line called Color Wonder where the markers only color on their special paper or coloring books- GREAT STUFF so you don't have to worry about marking on clothes or upholstry), small figurines, actions figures, key chains of their favorite characters, small stuffed animals, candy, etc.
If possible, I try to find things that relate to and that the kids can use for our trip. For our upcoming DL trip later this week, I have a couple of Disney wallets (with a few Disney Dollars already tucked inside, of course ) and a new Radio Disney CD for my older kids, Disney Chapsticks that I found at our Costco a few months ago, small personal handheld Disney fans from the Disney store, small Disney word search and crossword puzzles book from Walmart and different snacks/candies. I always seem to have great luck finding a large variety of age appropriate Disney stuff at my local Walmart that don't cost alot.

If you have a portable DVD player, you could get their favorite Disney movie and let them watch it. While we don't have one, I see them frequently at the airports and the kids seem to be pretty occupied with it, for a while at least.

Best of luck to you and have a great trip. We'll be following you soon as we leave for Disneyland Wednesday night and will be in the parks Thursday-Sunday.
I know what you mean, others have offered some great tips. I always get a few NEW things that DD has never seen or snacks that she doesn't have often. The portable DVD player was a LIFE SAVER for us!! There's also Benedryl ;-)
I really appreciate those of you who responded for taking the time to share your experience with me. You gave me some great ideas! Sorry, I posted the same message twice....I didn't think that it went through the first time!

Bug's Mom
One of the BIGGEST problems we had when our DS was that age and a bit smaller was the kick, kick, kicking of the seat in front of him. It is just close enough (LOL!) for their little anxious legs to reach. We ALWAYS apologize in advance to the people in front of us and they almost ALWAYS smile and say they had kids that age once. If you try to pretend your child isn't annoying everyone, everyone ends up hating your guts and thinking you're a clueless parent. But if you try to control your kid, apologize like crazy, and do your best, people are generally very understanding.

I would ask when checking in at the gate if they can't put you in bulkhead or in a row with no one in the seat in front of your little guy. That way if he does kick and pull the tray up and down, etc, you won't be bothering anyone in the seat there. A big stress reliever for mom, believe me!

If he hasn't ever flown before, certainly be prepared for the "ear" thing where it hurts like heck upon landing. Bring his favorite candy to chew on the way up and then on the way back down. For us it's always Skittles.

I always pack surprise snacks and new little toys, stickers, etc. to entertain.

Finally, and this is most important. Get on LAST. Do not preboard for heaven's sake and don't get on in the mad crush of people boarding when they call your row. Burn off as much energy as possible in the concourse and then you can get on, sit, and the plane takes off. Trust me, this will make the sitting-still time substantially shorter, which is always a good idea.

Good luck!! It will be great, I'm sure, and as a previous poster said, it will go by quicker than you think. Enjoy!!
I always take a backpack with stuff my dd hasn't seen before and I notice she is so busy looking around, she doesn't use 1/2 the stuff I bring. I have found a window seat is best, gives her a chance to look around. Have a great time. (She will likely sleep all the way home, my kid does.)
We've flown extensively with our kids since the youngest was two (like America, Australia is a big place and unless you like 12 hour drives, flying is your only option - also, the flight to Disneyland is 14 hours!).

The three big tips are:
1. Pack a backpack full of colouring books, crayons, pencils, markers etc, as well as those cheap kids puzzle books you can buy.

2. Pack snacks such as cookies, small juice boxes, crackers etc.

3. Buy some of those smelling strips from a chemist that help clear you ears. Both our kids suffer terribly from ear ache when the plane comes into land due to the air pressure - cabin crew should have these anyway, but just top be safe, buy some from a chemist before you go. Chewing gum etc will also help.
A couple of suggestions that's worked for my DW & I with our 3.5 DS.

1. A DVD player works great (make sure batteries are charged)
2. Sticker books or coloring books. Get a new one to keep them busy
3. Put the little one in the window seat so they can look at the scenery
4. Unlike a previous poster, we try to pre-board to grab the first row. That eliminates the kicking the seat problem. If that fails, you could try having one spouse in front and one next to the child that way the seat they kick is yours.
5. Have a bottle or sippy cup handy for descent, that's when the cabin pressure changes and it will prevent ear pain/damage for your child.
6. Above all, have fun, the day after the flight, no one but you is going to remember the trip.
Any suggestions for smaller children?

My 13 month old does not like to sit still, he'll climb on anything and everything. It's only 2 hours, but that seems like an eternity to me. Food will only last so long and he's too young for coloring.

I have my 5 year old covered - I'm taking her Leap pad. I love those books!
Buy the little one a seat if you're referring to a lap ride. I know it's more expensive but our kids know that the car seat has NO negotiation...you're in there, baby, like it or not. I think the consistency of being strapped in the car seat is very reassuring. I'm sure others will disagree with me from a cost-savings standpoint or what have you, but I can't imagine flying with my babies in my lap. I never did it with my DS and I don't plan on doing it with my baby now. We just figured once they're two you gotta buy them a seat anyway, so we just pretend you always have to. (I think some airlines offer a rebate?) Besides, it's safer with turbulence, etc.

Bring WAY too many amusements, lots of new little things like mirrors, play telephones, etc. Hide some of his favorites NOW and pull them out on the trip.

Frankly we find flying with our babies and kids easier than driving because for once we're passengers too, and not distracted by driving, and can give our kids our full attention. Priceless!
We have a seat for the one year old. The peace of mind is well worth the cost.

Actually having us sitting by him will be bad not good. He does so much better in the car when one of us isn't sitting by him. When we are he gets very mad that we don't hold him. We never have, but he still keeps thinking we're going to start. Eternal optimist I guess.

We'll just have to stock the toys and food and hope for the best.
Guess you could put him in the row behind you, then it would be just like the car LOL! Sorry to hear that he is worse with your attention...just goes to show that one family's tips are another family's joke!

In your case, then, I'd plan for getting him OUT of the car seat when the belt light goes off and either dance with him in the back of the plane, or if you're lucky (or unlucky as the case may be?) and he can walk already, let him cruise the aisles for a while. I was always able to avoid this situation, but it might be the best thing to keep him calm and quiet. I guess you'll just need to be prepared for major fussing on the way up and way down. A small little lovey blanket might be a good idea for covering each other's heads and playing peek-a-boo as a distraction...and if he hasn't had too much fun stuff yet at his age (ie candy!) then that might be really interesting for quite some time.

Is he too big already for a front pack? You could strap him on and walk the aisles without him getting into trouble...?

That's it, I'm all out of ideas. Good luck to you! When are you going?
My cousin has a 3 yr.old daughter who is constantly wiggling and moving about and jumping all over the place! She doesn't like to sit still. When my cousin travelled with her on the plane to overseas destinations, she would bring along a small portable DVD player with headphones for her daughter. Her daughter would happily watch The Wiggles or Dora and it kept her entertained and quiet. Good luck. :earsboy:
That's a great idea about peek a boo. He loves it.

I don't know if he'll be walking. We're flying November 14th, he very well could learn to walk between now and then. I'd rather not get him out of the seat because I don't want him to think that getting out of a seat inside a moving vehicle is an option.

I thought about the DVD player, but he's not all that interested in tv. Teletubies will entertain him for a few minutes (the sacrifices you make for your children!) but not anywhere near an hour and 45 minutes.

I'll just do my best to try to bring things to entertain and feed him and apoligize like crazy if he's a brat.

Does anyone want to know what flight so they can avoid it, LOL!


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