Lacking motivation and a plan

Chasing the magic
Nov 11, 2009
Howdy, DISers. I'll keep this short. I don't need to lose weight but I do need to gain weight and get in shape. I'm disappointed in my eating habits and lack of exercise. Everything seems so hard and I don't know where to begin. I want to eat healthy things and work toward a nice body without straining or impacting my joints too much. I just don't know what to do for motivation: a plan, join a group, find a workout pal (I can't seem to find one), find the right routine, plan meals ahead of time? I just feel so...demotivated, like I've wasted time and this is all out of reach. It's a weird it's all too complicated. Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks for reading.
Try to mix it up and get a bit of exercise into your social activities before committing to any set plan. Try out as many things as you can and see what you actually enjoy. I don't know what might be in your area but where I am a lot of gyms have introductory trial passes, plenty of other activities have a come and try a class for free option, etc. once you have found a few activities you enjoy it is easier to work out a plan and get more motivated. Once you have a couple of fun exercise activities per week (ideally the sort of thing you look forward too) you may also be more motivated to exercise just for the sake of exercise eg jogging or lifting weights etc to improve your fitness and strength so you are better and what you have chosen as your 'thing'.

As for the eating. Unless you have complicated dietary requirements, eating a healthy diet is quite easy. Start by swapping any high sugar/salt/fat foods for less process options and eating more vegetables and lean proteins. Add flavour using herbs and spices. If you don't like cooking then cook less often and in larger quantities so you can live off leftovers. If you want to actually bulk up with muscle then you might need more guidance but don't try a big overhaul at once. Smaller changes slowly to see which ones work for you are more likely to lead to a long term lifestyle change than a sudden big change you will never maintain.
Thank you for all of your advice and ideas! I definitely should try to make it fun. Cardio/running/aerobics/dancing seem to bring me the most joy naturally, so I could start with those. Everything after that can only help. I'm antsy about gyms collecting my information but perhaps I'll look into finding fitness groups somehow. I don't know why it seems so hard to eat healthy but you do break it down so that it's simpler. I do need to cook more often and make that a habit. It's work I need to do. Baby steps, I guess!
You need to START. You can't do everything all at once, but you ARE wasting time if you let that paralyze you and don't do ANYTHING.

I spent years feeling the same way. I don't have any health issues and I'm not looking to lose weight, so, while being healthier seemed like a good idea, it was just too much to think about; too much work.

In May (as in 12 weeks ago), I started running, mostly because I wanted to wear sparkle skirts and do the Star Wars races (motivation can totally be silly, as long as it works). I used the C25K app which is super easy and increases gradually. I didn't wait around till my husband or somebody would do it with me. I didn't join a gym and get a new workout wardrobe first. Just a free app and my regular tennis shoes.

Within a few weeks, I was into it. Turns out that my body really likes feeling healthy. I want to exercise because it feels good. I want to eat healthier because I can feel the difference when I don't.

I signed up for fun 5ks in my area - Color Run, Tiki Run, etc - because I like getting medals (again, silly motivation WORKS). I realized I wanted to be a BETTER runner. I started going to weightlifting, yoga, and dance classes at my local YMCA - because I WANT to because it's making me HAPPIER!

Now I have a whole closet of workout clothes, a schedule filled with group classes at the Y, workout buddies - including my husband who watched my transformation and wanted in, 3 medals from 5ks - and 12 more planned (including the Star Wars 5k and 10k in January - never lost site of my original goal!) and a healthy diet. START somewhere, anywhere, and your body will thank you and you'll WANT to keep it up. Stay where you are and you'll continue to feel unmotivated and overwhelmed!
I just found this thread...I am so glad they have this forum to encourage and help each other!
First let me say that I personally LOVE working out! It is my hobby, my outlet for stress, etc. I am making myself into a healthier version of me, slowly gaining the body that I've always wanted. I am not there yet, but I am working on it and have come a long way.

The best thing to do is start something, anything! Whatever it is will be better than doing nothing.:rolleyes: If you are trying to GAIN weight, the best thing is weight training, not cardio. While starting with jogging may get you going, you will need to use weights to build muscle. However, if you, like my wife, hate the idea of using dumbbells, you can do bodyweight training. This includes zero dumbbells, only your own bodyweight. Pushups, squats, lunges, etc. are all examples of bodyweight training. It can be as intense or as mild as you make it, and would provide the convenience of not needing a gym to do it. (You could do your workout during your favorite show--after one episode, you are done for the day!) also has great ideas--I use it all the time!

For nutrition, keep it simple. Low sugar, lower processed carbs (chips, soda, etc.) and fats, and higher protein intake. Protein equals muscle growth...bad carbs turn to sugar which turns to fat if not burned off in time. Stick with veggies and LOTS of protein, and you'll do fine! Best of excited for you!!!:smooth:
I will chime in. I will start with the food. The EASIEST way to think about eating is this (IMO), if God didn't make it, don't eat it. In other words, if it is processed or made in a factory then stay away from it for at least a month. Eating clean for a month will break all of the bad habits. Drinking water, eating fresh fruits and veggies on top of whatever protein it is you prefer will make you feel like a million dollars.

As for exercise, you say you don't mind running. You are a fan of Disney, obviously. Why not sign up for a runDisney race (not sure what your financial situation is obviously) and train for that. I hated running but I did that because I wanted to get out of my comfort zone and I knew I would stick to it for Disney. I went from fat and out of shape in February of 2014 to now having run a marathon and one Disney race last year and I am training for 2 more marathons this year, one of them being Disney in 2016. I still have weight to lose but I am officially healthy now.

If you don't like the gym but want to add some weight you can try either P90X or P90X3. I have them both. They are awesome. You can do it with minimal equipment. P90X is more weight lifting focused and the workouts are an hour long. P90X3 is more full body overall fitness. It is more core focused. The workouts are about 35 minutes. They are in-home workout programs but you WILL get in shape if you do the work.

I do agree with a previous poster. DO NOT WAIT FOR ANYONE ELSE! You want to get in shape so you take control of your life. Pick something and give it your best. If it doesn't work move on to something else. You may not love your first pick but waiting to decide is not getting you any closer to your goal.
Thank you, Waiting2goback! I couldn't agree more with that assessment. Clean eating is indeed vital. We also own fact, that is how I began to get into shape. If you are willing to finish, it will transform your body as well as your life. But the important thing is to start. And remember,, don't let the naysayers bother you! Somebody will always be negative about change, even good change. Ignore them, prove them wrong and enjoy your life!:rolleyes:
And remember,, don't let the naysayers bother you! Somebody will always be negative about change, even good change. Ignore them, prove them wrong and enjoy your life!:rolleyes:

Thank you and I also very much agree with this. In the past when I tried to get in shape my biggest naysayer was my future ex-wife. She was so negative, rather than supportive. Looking back on it now see that I stopped getting in shape because of her because I bought into the negativity.

I hope the OP will come back and let us know what he/she is doing. I don't care what he/she picks, just that he/she makes a decision and starts!!!
I hope the OP will come back and let us know what he/she is doing. I don't care what he/she picks, just that he/she makes a decision and starts!!!

Indeed!!! I find that people who work out/stay fit tend to encourage each other, even if philosophies and preferences are slightly different. We understand the struggle is real, and we feel each other's pain. Just my take though.
I do hope they give us an update too!
Hey! Wow. Has it been almost half a year since I started this thread? I've finally emerged from my cave. Sorry I've been MIA. Life has been busy for the past few years due my return to school (first night school, then full-time, plus work and a lot of time spent with my ex and family friends, then dealing with a break-up), and particularly insane over the past few months as I've been completing my most hellish semester and internship. Thank you so much for all of the feedback and support! I'm definitely down with avoiding processed foods, and I'm averse to overconsumption of meats (especially red meats), sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. "If God didn't make it, don't eat it." I love that.

I really like --> love cardio--dancing, aerobics, spin cycling, running. A few years ago, I was doing pretty well on-track for a half-marathon, then fell off the wagon once school began since coursework became my first priority. I wish I could find a way to balance fitness and work or school, or fitness, work, and school. It's more of a possibility this semester, which should be a bit more chill than the previous one. It's been a dream of mine to run the WDW Marathon or Half-Marathon (not sure I actually want to put my joints/body through 26+ miles non-stop).

I'm so thrilled that you pushed yourself outside of your comfort zone (inspired by Disney!) and beyond the negative voices of your ex to become a marathoner and clean eater within a year! More importantly, I'm glad you recognized that shedding her energy was essential to your health and well-being. I hope she is somewhere learning to adopt a better attitude.

I can deal with the gym but am somewhat gym-averse, plus don't want to pay for a gym (although I do like a few of the classes). I have heard of P90X but felt it wasn't for me. I tried it a few times with my ex, but just didn't enjoy it as much as I did aerobics classes, Zumba, spin cycling, and running outside. I know I need to do anaerobic activity, but I usually like to do it slowly, at my own pace, so boot camps and videos don't usually work for me when it comes to muscle workouts.

I did get into a couple of body workout routines for a while and was able to jog at least once or twice a month, squeezing in some walks and dances, but I would never feel like I had the time to get the exercise as frequently as I would have liked. And finals weeks were bad...I subsisted on McDonald's for that period of time for the sake of comfort, dealing with a lot of persistent stress, and convenience (Sure, exercise would have been a better option, but I just don't feel like I have as much time for it when I'm swimming in due dates! LOL.).

I think my biggest issue was trying to decide on a routine. I wanted it to be just right for my schedule; generally, I'm good at following a program that's laid out for me, and I finally feel ready. I think this is the perfect time to really focus on my body. Usually, I tend to get overwhelmed by over-researching on the internet. Planning is so much work. Fortunately, for Christmas, I was able to get my sister to put together a simple, sustainable diet and workout routine for me and my schedule. She's really into fitness and wellness, and it was easy to have a conversation with her about my preferences, which can get particular over certain elements. I'm planning on cooking in batches, consuming lots of nutrients, and tightening my core while still fulfilling my love of cardio.

So bottom line is that 2016 looks like it will hopefully be my year! I just turned 30. Hopefully there's still time to look and feel fabulous. I actually found an old WISH journal that I started when I planned to train for the marathon, linked in my signature. I'm going to resurrect it somehow and keep a fitness journal this semester. Happy holidays to all! Here we go!


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