Kids at Heart, Gluttons for Punishment, or just plain Idiots? We report. You decide.

Tricia, that would be a great tag .. but seriously, does the Tag Fairy even exist on the Universal side of the house? I think one used to in the long, long ago (hence my Mummy tag), but I think he was sent into banishment and he still being flogged somewhere in a dungeon. :rolleyes1

I do believe we have lost our fairy.

Which, also, would make a great tag.

I guess we really are the red headed step-children on the DIS. :rolleyes:

yeah, what she said:rotfl:

imo, it's a great way for those of us whose memories are starting to go downhill to remember all the gory details of a trip...and it helps to take the edge of withdrawal pangs.:sad1:

the only way i'm able to remember details is to look @ both my media card & my "book" i carry as daily plans/dining/shows,etc. (aronda parks prep pad - have i mentioned i'm a contributor to the series & quoted prominently? claim to fame:lmao: mostly covers WDW; another good source if you devour guidebooks as i do )

anyway, great report Jodie...we expect another one in 3 weeks!;)
Great report Jodie. Sorry you got sick. The family from the UK really went above & beyond. Things like that renew your faith in humanity.

Now, I'm going in search of the other trippie. You did write one, right?
Also, on Thursday, when we rode the Mummy, we were witness to an interesting (yet age-old) scenario: a young girl about the age of 9 or 10 was waiting in line to board the coaster with her mother and father. She was clearly upset, afraid, and did not want to ride. I cannot even begin to tell you how mean her mother was to her, telling her to stop her crying and whining. She was being a baby, and she was to shut up and like it. I felt horribly for this poor girl. She was visibly shaken, and her mother was having nothing of it, and in fact, the father looked afraid of the mother too.

When this family loaded the coaster, the TM saw how upset the little girl was and asked her if she really wanted to ride. The mother snapped at the TM, "She's fine. Just go."

The TM said, "Ma'am, we cannot let this train go if she's crying." To which the mother turned to her daughter and demanded again, "Stop crying."

The TM ignored the mother, and looked directly at the daughter and sympathetically asked, "Honey, you don't have to ride if you don't want to. Do you want to ride? If you don't want to ride, we can let you out now."

We were sitting right behind this family so we saw the whole blessed thing. The mother nudged the daughter, and the daughter reluctantly nodded that she would ride.

The TM asked the girl if she were sure. The poor child said yes, and as soon as the TM left, the mother scolded her kid, "Thanks, you almost got us kicked out of the ride."

Mike and I of course watched the whole thing intently, breaking only briefly to give each other the wide-eyed, WTH?-Are-you-believing-this type of look.

Cripes. Even I was afraid of this lady, and I didn't dare open my mouth to tell this lady to cut her poor kid a break.

Her dad rode most of the coaster with his arm around her. When she got off the ride, her mom was all smiles: "See? It was fun, right?" How in the world could it have been fun for her? She was still quietly crying, and just nodded at her mom. Poor kid.

Well, sorry for the interruption.

OMG, I hate parents like that. It just drives me bonkers. I used to work for a movie theater and I came very close on innumerable occasions not seeling tickets to parents bring their like 2/3 yr old kids to a scary movie. Or slapping someone (usually a dad, no offense and I mean it) who was taking their family out to see a movie, the kids wanting to see a cartoon of course, and the person replies "hell no, I don't want to see no cartoon!!". Urgh! Anywho.....great TR Jodie!!! I've literally laughed out loud many times!
you know that story above my post about the little girl really grabs my goat. I mean sometime people really don't get it. I wish the TM would have suggested the child swap. there is no way in he** i will force my babies if i really knew
they were scared. being fun scared is one thing, crying...

Not cool.


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