** Kat & Pauls Wishes Wedding 3.8.11 WG/AG/DP @ UK Lochside **

You looked beautiful!!! And those little princesses were ADORABLE!!! And LOVE your cake!!! Can't wait to see more popcorn::
Thank you! :goodvibes I felt beautiful! And they totally stole the show! Walking through the hotel everyone was ooo'ing and ahh'ing over them!

You looked beautiful Kat! and so did your space! The tables, cake, and decor were great! Cant wait to read a full TR! :goodvibes

Thank you! I couldnt believe how amazing everything looked! I cant wait to get the photos back so I can see it all again!
I can't believe it's time to start my TR! I'm a little bit sad about it but here we go!!

February 28th - We woke up earlier than usual. DH had to go to work as he couldn't get the day off. He was planning on getting the train to Gatwick later in the day SO he thought it'd be a good idea to go in early in the hope he could leave before 5pm.

My dad had been working nights the night before so he was coming to us straight from work so he could drive DH to work. I didn't have to be up but had told DH I'd get up and cook them both a nice breakfast..bacon sarnies all round! :thumbsup2

Dad and DH left about 7:20am and I headed to the spare room to make sure everything was packed! I was so worried we'd forget something important that I wrote a 2 page checklist the day before! I went over and over it but eventually admitted defeat and just had to assume I'd packed everything we needed! I got washed and dressed, dragged all the cases down stairs (I've no idea how I managed that...they were heavy!) and then watched the last 2 gossip girls I had taped on my planner while I waited for my mum to arrive so we could take Toby to the cattery. She picked us up right on time, we both had our excited faces on (I wish I had a picture of that!) and we loaded the car up and were on our way! :goodvibes

Toby's been to the cattery so many times it's always really easy dropping him off although I always miss him the minute I leave him! He's like my baby!!

Once he was comfortable in his temporary home, mum and I headed back to hers to have some lunch. We still had a few hours until we needed to leave for the airport and we filled that time watching tv, talking about what we were going to do when we got there and grazing in their fridge! Waste not want not!

We reached our first obstacle when dad started to load up the car...too much luggage not enough space! Mum's got a big car but it was touch and go as to whether or not we were going to get all four cases, my wedding dress, mums emv, 3 adults, 4 lots of hand luggage, 2 over night bags and a partridge in a pear tree into the car! (That last one was a joke BTW!) At one point dad was getting a cab!! :laughing: But being the star that he is he got it all in with just enough space for us too! :thumbsup2 We left for the airport about 2:30pm and my sister and her family left their home around the same time.

I text DH to let him know we were on our way and he replied with 'so am I, I've had 3 guiness!' Men eh?! Any excuse to go to the pub!

The ride to the airport went quickly with lots of singing of country songs (we're big fans of country music and always listen to K92fm when we're in Florida) and before we knew it we were at the Hilton! :yay: My sister had been dropped off at the airport instead of the hotel so they had to walk through the airport to get to the Hilton so we waited up in the bar area for them (minus a cocktail that, to be honest, I'd of quite liked right then!)

Checking in was rather painful...I was wearing my Minnie Mouse bride ears and a 'happily ever after' button but for some reason the woman checking us in asked if we were going to Germany?! :confused3 We told her we were going to Florida for my wedding and she asked if we were going to Disney...er hello, did you see the ears?! She told us we were going to love Disney and by then we'd given up and were just nodding politely at her!

DH said he wouldn't be with us for a while as he was still on the train so we headed to our rooms to drop off our hand luggage. There was yet more drama when we got to the rooms. When my mum booked the rooms she told them we would need 2 beds and a cot in one of the rooms but when we got to the room there was just one bed and we were told we couldn't have another bed AND cot in that room. My mum had the confirmation on her email but we didn't have access to the internet so she ended up having to pay more money to get a family room so there was enough room for my sister's family! Once that was all sorted we headed to the bar to wait for DH (again no cocktails!) The boys had a beer and the rest of us entertained the kids.

Here's me and my sister and my nephew Stevie


DH finally arrived and we headed into the airport to check in. There was no queue at the Virgin desk which is always good! We got checked in and then headed for dinner. What we didn't know however, was that there was a lot of building work going on and there was nowhere to eat in the south terminal so we had to get the train to the north terminal! There was only 2 places to eat and we'd planned on eating at Frankie and Bennies but had to pick somewhere else in the end but foods food eh ? It was still yummy so we didn't mind!

Once we'd all been fed and watered we headed back to the Hilton for a drink (finally!) before heading to bed. I had a cockatil and then went back to the room to shower. The boys stayed on for a few more. We all slept well and before we knew it the morning had arrived and we were leaving in just a few hours!! :hyper:

Here's DH looking at the 'view' from our room (it was of the car park!)



I was up, washed and dressed quickly and then headed to the bar with DH to wait for everyone. Once all assembled we headed back into the airport and through passport control so we could have breakfast at Frankie & Benny's. It's traditional now that we have breakfast there. I'd never dream of suggesting anywhere else and now when I go to any Frankie & Benny's it reminds me of going on holiday!

Here's DH and I at breakfast


All the family


After breakfast there was some shopping, shopping and more shopping! My neice got a new game for the DS


She left her dad playing with it so she could shop with her mum! This is my BIL singing to the DS! :rotfl:


DH, BIL and I went for a drink in one of the bars and then it was time to head to the gate ready for boarding!!



Here's my mum waiting to board


And my dad


We flew on 'hot lips'


and had pretty good seats too. DH and I both watched Harry Potter on the flight. We listened to our ipods, he played on his PSP and we played with my neice to pass the time. During the flight is when we got our first bit of pixie dust! pixiedust: We got a bottle of Moet! We don't know if it was gift from my family or a gift from the hostess as no one is owning up but either way it was very nice and much appreciated!

We landed on time and stayed seated while everyone else left the plane. I collected my wedding dress from the airhostess and they got my mum a wheelchair as her emv wasn't there yet. DH pushed her through passport control and nearly got himself arrested when he took some pictures by baggage claim! :laughing: He was asked to delete the pictures and they stood there and watched him do it! Our cases came out quickly and by the time my sister and her family were through passport control we had all our luggage and theirs too! We just had to wait for the car seat and buggy to arrive.

We managed to get lost trying to find our car. People kept getting split up and when we found them we'd lose someone else! It was driving my crazy! I was not a happy bunny by then!

When we finally found our car we got in and drove off to meet my mum and dad. DH hit the breaks and I swear he gave me whiplash!! He's not used to driving an automatic as we have a manual at home. We left the airport, mum and dad leading followed by my BIL and then us. We managed to get lost after about 5 minutes and it panicked me so much I nearly cried! I called my mum and they had noticed we weren't behind them and had pulled over to wait for us. We'd got lost as we'd followed the wrong car into a car park! :rotfl:Once we caught up with them it was all ok. We got to the villa in about 45 minutes, took all our luggage in and then went back out to Perkins. We went in mum and dads car. It was late and with the time difference our bodies thought it was silly o'clock in the morning but that didn't stop us! We were going to Perkins if it killed us!! Laura was shattered so we ate and then went back to the villa. I unpacked while the others chatted in the lounge then we all went to bed!

Up next - Day 1 - Shopping for MOH dress * alert - total drama!!*
I'm so excited! We got our wedding photos back yesterday!! They are all amazing!! It took 2 hours to go through the CD with my mum and dad this afternoon but it was so much fun! It bought back lots of happy memories! :goodvibes
March 2nd - We planned on heading to Davids Bridal today to buy my sisters MOH dress. We all woke up bright and early, got dressed and drove to The Golden Corral for breakfast (another tradition for our family) I love it there but we only do it once during the holiday because about 1/2 way through I tend to hit a brick wall and just can't eat anymore!

Here's me, my sister and my nephew ready to leave for breakfast!


When we got to The Golden Corral Dad gave DH a handy tip for the whole driving/braking issue...at home he drives with both feet as we have 3 pedals...Dad suggested he only use his right foot to control both the brake and gas and it worked like a charm! No more whiplash for me!! :woohoo:

Breakfast was great (as always) and we all made several trips to the buffet stations (as always) My neice also had ice cream...well, she was on holiday!! :)

Here's my sister, BIL and nephew enjoying their breakfast


My nephew enjoying his breakfast...he's only 18 months but eats like we do!


My neice tucking into her breakfast ice cream


My dad and sister


Once we were all done with breakfast my Dad, BIL and DH took the kids back to the villa for a swim and my mum, sister and I drove to Davids Bridal at Millenia. We got there 15 minutes before opening so we sat in the car and just chatted. When the store opened we made our way inside, let them know we were looking for a MOH dress and had a look around. I was concerned as there weren't many dresses in the right colour blue/right size but we took what we could find. There weren't many though! Just 3! My sister had already said she didn't want a full length dress so we mainly focused our search on shorter dresses (sorry I don't have any pictures from this eventful trip!)

The first dress she tried on was the right colour but a little too big. No problem though as DB have a great alterations service. I liked it but mum and Sarah weren't loving it.

The 2nd dress was chiffon and flowy but I wasn't sold! It was black and I was having a hard time picturing it in the right shade of blue. It was however, the favourite out of the 2.

The 3rd dress was in a sludgy green colour (that makes it sound awful but it was a nice colour on her!) It was a long grecian style dress (I have a picture of this one!)...


...but she preferred the short flowy dress and I was easy so we hunted down a sales consultant and...

...Let the drama begin...

I told them I wanted the black dress but in the colour 'malibu' (I'd just like to point out here that on their website it wasnt 'malibu' it was 'cornflower' so I had told everyone, including Carol and Warren, that our colours were cornflower and pistacio. When I saw what cornflower was instore it was nowhere near the colour I wanted...) and in a smaller size and SHOCK :scared1: she told me it was going to take 12 WEEKS to get it in stock as it was a new colour! In my head I'm screaming! :mad: 12 weeks?! What do you mean 12 weeks?! I have 6 days!! On the outside I am silent...doing a fish impression...everyone is silent...and staring at eachother...12 weeks? My sister breaks the silence with 'don't cry' Seriously?! Probably the one phrase practically guaranteed to make you cry! :sad1: (I didn't, but I wanted to!) My mum suggests another colour or maybe a different shade of blue. I tell her this isn't possible...everything, EVERYTHING, for the wedding has been based around this colour (I hadn't yet put 2 and 2 together about the difference in colour) I cannot change it 6 days before the wedding (how much would Warren of hated me if I'd sent him an email telling him to change it all?!) So we decide we'll go with the first dress. She tries it on again. It's the right colour. It'll need some alterations but nothing major. I know mum and Sarah didn't love it but it looked good on her and really, beggers cant be choosers eh?! My fault for leaving it so late I guess!

I decide to take just one more look around the racks and see if there's anything else. Jackpot! I find 2 more dresses...right size...right colour...but both strapless. We were trying to avoid strapless dresses due to my sisters large b**bs (or the planets as DH refers to them! :rotfl:) The first one is the same dress my original MOH was going to have. She put it on, it looked good, better than the other dress we were going to have. The 2nd dress had a bubble skirt...it was cute! She tried it on and BINGO! We found her dress! :yay: It fits, it's the right colour, we're all smiles! We go back in the dressing room and...I can't undo the zip! I check, it's not caught on anything. It doesn't look broken. I try, mum tries, the sales consultant tries. This is not good. They take her back to alterations. A few minutes pass. Then a few more. This does not feel good. Then out she comes holding the dress up (quite clearly undone) and...they had to break the zip to get it off her! They said it wasn't broken and they couldn't figure out why it was stuck but they were great and said they would replace the whole zip so no problem right?!

We give them back the dress and it goes back into alterations to get a nice, brand new zip! While it's gone we pick out a nice hair comb with 2 white flowers on it. Simple and understated. Then we checked out the shoes but my sister is 5'11" and I'm only 5'6" so heels were kind of out of the question and we didn't like any of the flats. We head round the corner to look at more shoes when my sister calls me back to where she is standing with the original sales consultant and the manager who then breaks the news that, as the dress is a new colour, they don't actually have any zips in the right colour!! :scared1: Seriously! Can things get any worse?! :confused3

The manager (Marsha) has good news though. She says they can get the dress sent to me from another store in time for the wedding. :yay:

She calls Tampa and the phone just keeps ringing out. After 15 minutes of trying to get in touch with them she calls the store in Atlanta and arranges for it to be delivered to her store in just a few days. What a star! :thumbsup2 I'm pretty sure we wouldn't get service like that in the UK! We pay for everything (get a 10% discount too as I got my dress there! Got to love discounts!) head out the door and breathe a big sigh of relief! There may of been a whole lot of drama but it's another job jobbed!! :cool1:

After our not so hassel free trip to DB we head to Perkins for lunch. I love Perkins :lovestruc I had the chicken buffalo wrap...delicious! I actually had it like, 4 times while we were away! :laughing: Sarah had a salad...being good to make sure she fitted in her dress I guess?! I wasn't being so good!

After Perkins we went back to our villa for a much needed relaxing swim


and a nice BBQ with the family...or so we thought! In typical man fashion...they'd been home all day but no one had bothered to check the BBQ...when they finally did not only was it filthy it also had no gas! :rotfl: We ended up with dinner from McDonalds that night!

Up next - Day 2 - our first trip out alone!
Oh no! What a horror story at Davids! At least they fixed it and got everything sorted out, I cant wait to see pictures of her dress and everything on your day! :goodvibes
DH and I had planned on waking up early again today as we had lots to do but that didn't quite go as planned!! We were tired!! Got to love jetlag eh?!

First on the list once we did actually manage to get up and out of the villa...marriage licence. My dad printed directions to the court house from our villa for us...it seemed fairly simple but it was the first time DH and I had been out driving, long distances, on our own! :drive: I won't lie, I was nervous! :worried: I made sure I had a full battery on my phone, just in case!! :laughing: We headed out and down the 192...I'm a great map reader if I do say so myself! ;) We got to the courthouse without any trouble! :thumbsup2 It took about 45 minutes I think but we had K92 on the radio and it was a beautiful sunny day so it was actually really nice.

DH parked the car and we walked over to the courthouse. I'll admit I was a little nervous. I'd never been to a courthouse before and I do hate going places I've never been! I like to know where I'm going whereas DH is quite happy to just figure it out as we go. We headed inside and joined the queue to get through security. DH set the alarams of as he didn't take his phone out of his pocket :rolleyes:...tut tut...causing trouble everywhere we go!

When we got past security we had no idea where to go but luckily found someone who worked there who told us to go to the 2nd floor and when we got out of the lift it was all sign posted. I remembered from other PJs that people had said how busy it was but when we got there (about 11am) there was no one in the queue and just 2 people already being helped! DH went to join the queue but, thanks to the boards, I remembered to get a form and fill it all in. Within a few minutes we had been called up and they'd taken our money. I joked to DH about whether or not we'd have to raise our right hand or put our hand on a bible or something so you can imagine our surprise when we were actually asked to raise our right hand...I don't remember what she said to us now but when she walked away the two of us were grinning from ear to ear...it was like being in the movies!! :goodvibes

It was all done super quick and before we knew it we were walking out with our marriage licence!! :banana:

Here's me outside the courthouse with our marriage licence!



Once we were done there we headed to the Florida Mall. We had to pick up a gift for DHs BM. Again we got to the mall without any trouble...got to love those maps...and when we got inside we headed straight to Guess. We picked out a watch for the BM in about 5 minutes...and a pair of shoes for me too ;) They even recommended a place to get it engraved so once we'd paid we headed to the shop opposite where they engarved it in 20 minutes! While we were waiting for that we got a drink in the food court and then I headed off in search of somewhere to get my nails done! I found a place who could fit me in straight away. They did a great job too although they kept bugging me to get a pedicure too but I kept refusing as I'd had one just a few days before we went away! They also gave me a neck and should massage that really hurt!! Never again!! DH got his hair cut at the same time then we met up again at the food court and before heading for the exit bought some blue and green jelly beans for the kids treausre chests and a pair of shoes for DH and then headed to DTD! :goodvibes

Here's DH and I at DTD


Although I tried desperately to convince DH to let me buy lots of wedding related items he only let me buy things we actually needed for the wedding day...mean!! So our first stop was World of Disney to buy 2 vinylmations, 1 black and 1 white for DH and I to write on for eachother, we also picked up 3 Disney princess photo frames for the little bridesmaids and a tinkerbell necklace for his mum. I did look at the ears while we were there but they didnt have the ones I wanted. It turns out that nowhere had the ones I wanted, I guess they stopped doing them? So we ended up in the Disney art shop where you could buy different hats and add any style ears you wanted! We got black hats for everyone and black ears for the guys and red and white polka dot ears for the women. We also got everyones names put on them. It cost just under $200! :scared1: So we decided that these would be the favours for everyone...anything to save a little bit of money!!

After DTD I was all shopped out so we decided to head back to the villa. Of course as is always the way when you really want to just get home...we took a wrong turn and ended up in ESPN on the day they had something going on and it took us FOREVER to get out!! We did eventually of course and got home quite quickly after that!

For the rest of the day we just chilled out at the villa. Our friends Paul and Hayley were flying in as were DHs mum and brothers, our photographer and best man. We had a BBQ for dinner (thanks to my BIL for cooking) and just as we were about to sit down to eat DHs brother called to let us know they had arrived...as is the norm we couldn't get him off the phone so by the time he did hang up most of us had finished eating so DH had to eat alone!

Later that evening I got a text fom our friend Paul saying they were having trouble picking up their keys. Little back story here...they booked a villa through their TA and were told they'd get the details 6 weeks before. Then it was 4 weeks and then they were told they wouldn't get the details until they actually arrived in Florida! They were given another address, very close to our villa, where they had to go to collect their keys, then they would be given their villa address. By the time they got to the place they needed to get their keys from no one was there!! The 2 little ones were asleep in the car and it was the middle of the night in the UK! They ended up going into the chinese buffet next door and using their phone. They eventually got a code to the get their keys and address. We had said before we left for the holiday that we'd get them some supplies from Publix so they didn't have to drag the girls out so we'd already headed out to do that when we got a text to tell us their villa address. Turns out they were in Haines City! Needless to say they weren't happy as they were originally told they'd be about 10minutes from Disney! We drove to their villa (which took about 40 minutes from ours!) and delivered their food. It was great to see them but we were all disappointed that we weren't closer :sad2: We stayed for a drink and then headed home. When we got back to our villa about 10pm everyone was in bed!! :scared1: We spent ages knocking on the door until my sister finally got up and let us in. Dad, DH and I all got in the hot tub as none of us were tired! It didn't take long for the heat to get to me though and I headed to bed closely followed by DH and dad...who obvously went to sleep in his own room not ours! :rotfl:
Yay Kat another update!!
I am sorry your friends were so far away!!! I would have been furious!!!
Looking forward to reading more!!
Yay Kat another update!!
I am sorry your friends were so far away!!! I would have been furious!!!
Looking forward to reading more!!

I can't believe it's been as long as it has!! I'll try not to leave it so long before the next post!

Yes it was quite pants that they were so far away but we still saw them loads! Everyone else was on the Idrive so they weren't very close either!! :rotfl:

I can't believe its nearly time for you VR! You must be getting sooo excited! :goodvibes
Wow, 40 minutes sucks! I was annoyed enough that DH's parents were at SSR and we were at POR :rotfl:
DH, Dad and BIL headed out to pick up the BM and photographer as they had an appointment at midday with Carolyn Allens to try on their suits! This was one thing I wasn't worried about but I guess I should of been!!

The guys all had lunch at Perkins before heading over for their appointment.


Here's a few pics from their suit fitting...



Whilst they were at their appointment, I headed to Walmart to sort out favours/place cards with my MOH, Mum and the kiddies.

Little back story...In April we got buckets that we were going to fill with sand and put a little gift in and they came with little round cards that we were going to write peoples names on so it'd be like a favour and placecard all in one! Well, the previous night I decided to make a start on them and had a total meltdown. DH tried to help but really, he couldn't do anything right so ended up sending in the voice of reason aka my mum. She tried to help too but could see I wasn't loving it so suggested we head to Wal Mart in the monring before the rehearsal and pick up something else. So that's what we were doing!

We got some ribbon for the kids activity bags and some sweets for the buckets and a pen we could use to write on the buckets...doesnt sound like much but in the end they turned out pretty good! (pictures to come later!)

After Wal Mart we went for lunch at, surprise surprise, Perkins! :goodvibes We had to be at the WG for 3pm for the rehearsal and before that we had to drop all our stuff off at Francks! So we ended up sitting in the car in the car park of Perkins putting together the kids favours and activity bags and the place cards for everyone else. My MOH wrote all the names on the buckets for me and my mum was in charge of ribbon for anything and everything that needed it! I love my family so much :lovestruc I really can't see anyone else sitting in the car with me finishing wedding diy projects I probably should of finished days ago!

We got it all done and I packed it away in the box we had to buy specially and then we headed to Frankcs! We were at Perkins at the crossroads so it didn't really take that long to get there but I became a total bridezilla!! Why were so many people trying to cross the road when I had places to be?! People were driving so slow!! Get out of my way!!! :headache:

We arrived at Francks on time and I got to meet Carol for the first time!! :) We hugged...only appropriate when she's been planning my wedding for a year and putting up with all my emails and changes!

I was only there a few minutes as we needed to get back to the WG for the rehearsal. Carol said she'd meet us there and off we went. We got to the BC at 2:55pm. My MOH and I and the kids headed through the lobby whilst mum sorted out the car and got her EMV out. Everyone else was already there and had been for a while, so, being the bride on a mission that I was, I (briskly) gathered everyone together and headed for the WG.

Our photographer was snapping away. I hadn't realised he was going to take pictures at the rehearsal and it took a bit of getting used to but I'm glad he did as it's nice to have the pictures to remember it all.

It was great meeting Rev.Jack too...he was so perfect for us and I'm so glad we picked him! He was funny and really put everyone at ease! We practiced a few times and by the end we were good to go! :thumbsup2

I gave Carol her present at the rehearsal and she loved it! We had a chat about the Royal wedding too...everyone in the US is so excited about it...it makes me laugh...everyone back home is just happy to be getting a day off work for it! :rotfl:

Here's the WG set up for the rehearsal



After the rehearsal we all headed back to our hotels/villas. When we got back to our villa I had a swim with my neice and I must say, she is so funny :goodvibes She wanted to play doctors and nurses...I had to be her patient...I told her my arm hurt, she looked at it and said 'there's nothing wrong with it!' :laughing: She'll make a great doctor one day! ;) We also had to pretend to be firemen and put fires out and the lilo was our firetruck and then we had to pretend to go to Mcdonalds! Great fun :thumbsup2

DH, Mum, Dad and I went to dinner at Bahama Breeze that evening and met DHs mum and brothers there. It was so busy and we had to wait 1 hour to get a table but luckily we got some seats and a drink from the bar so it wasn't all bad! It was a good night and I got very drunk! Our waiter, Bill, was great, and as I couldn't decide what I wanted to drink he bought me all his favourites! I can't tell you what I drank but I loved them all!!



This can't be too many drinks in as I'm still looking at the menu but I'm looking a little bit tipsy!

What a panic about the favours etc!! I would have been beside myself!!!
It looks like you are having so much fun in those pictures!!
I'm not sure if I commented on your pj at all before or not, but it is crazy how fast your day is over, isn't it? I am sorry to hear about all of the drama at David's but I am glad that it all worked out in the end for you! The pictures so far look great! I agree with what you said about having all of your events and guests at the one hotel, it definitely makes things easier. Looking forward to more!
Yeah I'm really glad I didn't do favours... No one noticed... :rotfl:
What a panic about the favours etc!! I would have been beside myself!!!
It looks like you are having so much fun in those pictures!!

I think I would of had a major meltdown if it hadn't been for my mum and sister! They were total stars!! I did learn a lesson though and I've nearly finished the favours for our at home reception on May 7th!! :thumbsup2

I'm not sure if I commented on your pj at all before or not, but it is crazy how fast your day is over, isn't it? I am sorry to hear about all of the drama at David's but I am glad that it all worked out in the end for you! The pictures so far look great! I agree with what you said about having all of your events and guests at the one hotel, it definitely makes things easier. Looking forward to more!

It really is!! It just flew by! But I have some amazing memories of it all!

Davids was a drama and there was plenty more before it all got sorted but the manager was amazing throughout!

I love my pictures...I can't wait to get the rest so I can upload more!!

Having everyone at the BC was so perfect...although we were spread out between floors 1 and 5 we all knew where eachother were and it was nice for the kids to be near eachother too!

Yeah I'm really glad I didn't do favours... No one noticed... :rotfl:

:rotfl: It was my bridezilla moment...after I thought maybe it had been a waste but most people bought the buckets home and have them on windowsills in their kitchens so they are getting lots of use out of them...and all the kids loved the sweets...there still eating them now!!
That's so good that they're getting used! The reason I decided not to do them was because I've been to so many weddings where they get left behind on the tables.
I was so excited for the tea party to arrive! I'd been plannng it nearly as long as the actual wedding so was just so excited to see it all together! :goodvibes

I still hadn't decided what to do with my hair, I had the fascinator but I wanted my hair up but couldn't decide anything else. Thank goodness for big sisters as she ended up doing a fishtail plait for me...got my hair off my face and looked really good with the fascinator...sorry no pics of that!

Our friends Paul & Hayley arrived on time with their girls and we headed off soon after. We had to take 2 cars as there were a few of us so mum drove me and Hayley and her 2 kids and my sister drove her car as she was taking my MIL and friend Jo.

We left about midday as I wanted to make a quick stop at DTD to buy 4 cheshire cats for the activity bags for the kids. DH had said I couldn't buy them so I just figured I'd buy them when he wasn't with me!! ;) We were also originally going to buy the princess dresses for the wedding but didn't feel like we had enough time to be able to buy them and to enjoy it so decided to put that off until another day.

A few minutes into our drive to Disney I got a text from our friend Paul asking me where his wife had put his passport...in her hadbag of course...which was in the car with us!! We turned around and went back to the villa so we could drop it off for him...as it turned out he didn't even need it as no one got ID'd while they were out!

Back on the road and it didn't take long to get to Disney. I went into World of Disney, with everyone staring at me, I guess I did look quite dressed up for a spot of shopping in DTD!

After I got the cats we drove to Westside which is where we were picking up my MIL and Jo. For some reason my MIL said her taxi wouldnt take her to DTD and Planet Hollywood was the closest he could drop her? I'm not sure how true that was, it didn't make any sense. We all agreed it was really odd but whatever! That's where we agreed to meet them. They were supposed to meet us there at 1pm so at 12:55 I walked over to Planet Hollywood and waited outside for them. At 1pm I got a text from my BIL telling me they had only just left!! :scared1: They were staying on the I-drive so this really bugged me! I can't stand lateness!! I waited 20 minutes for them to arrive too which was annoying. It was hot out and there was no shade. When they did finally arrive we headed over to the Grand Floridian, parked up outside the convention centre and headed inside. I'd never been there before but it was easy to find the Whitehall Patio.

When we reached the patio I headed out of the doors and was totally blown away by how amazing it all looked!! :goodvibes Warren did such an amazing job! We all just stood there staring at it all!! :rotfl:

Before everyone sat down I put the kids activity bags on the table and just as I was placing the last one a big gust of wind came along and blew the lanterns over nearly knocking me out!! Everyone panicked but after they had been moved to a safer place we all just laughed about it...I moved just in the nick of time so it was all ok. Can you imagine having a black eye on your wedding day or some other equally unattractive injury?!

Carol was there and took me around to show me everything and then we dug in!! I was starving by this point but the food was delicious and worth waiting for! Disney really do think about everything dont they? The sandwiches were shaped like hearts and circles and all had little flowers on top...they looked so cute! One thing I didn't realise was that they would keep topping it all up! We finished a plate of cakes and sandwiches and they just bought out more!! It was never ending!! :laughing: I wish I'd taken a doggy bag to fill up for the boys! Not that they would of appreciated the prettiness of it all but I'm sure they would of loved the taste!

This is the table after the lanterns fell over (you can see they are all caught up)





Our cakes...they were AMAZING! One of the most delicious cakes I've ever had!

The kids cupcakes


We played some games with the kids and I guess Katie, who's 2, is a little too young for pass the parcel as she just did not want to pass it round! :rotfl: We'd planned it all so all of the kids had a prize but Katie still got upset when she couldn't have more than one!

The 2 older girls who are 4 and 5 pretty much entertained themselves. They played hide and seek and asked me to find them. I found my niece quite quickly as she's not too great at it but I couldn't find Charlie. Laura told me she was under the cake table so I 'find' her and she got very annoyed!! Laura asked to play again but Charlie was having none of it and declared 'I'm not playing again if you're going to keep telling people where I'm hiding!' Needless to say they didn't play hide and seek again!


My nephew Stevie LOVED his cupcake, so much so that he got in a right mess with it!!


This is me and the little man


The view of the castle...the girls were very excited!

It was all over pretty quickly and we hadn't eaten everything so we packed up what we could and took it home! The way I see it is, I paid for it, I'm not leaving it there for anyone else!!

My sister was taking Jo and my MIL back to their hotels on the I-drive and she told us she knew where she was going but she got lost and it tooks her ages to get home! We all felt really bad for her especially as she had the kids with her too! By the time she got home we had all been in the pool at least an hour! My sister is a total angel though and she didn't complain...well, only once to say that she wasn't thanked by MIL for going so far out of her way. That's a bit rude as far as I'm concerned but ho hum. What can you do?! Beat a thank you out of her? Probably slightly inappropriate!

We ordered takeaway for dinner, I had a yummy sandwich from beef o'bradys and the others had Chinese. We sat up for a while chatting but to be honest we were all so tired that by 9:30pm my mum and sister had gone to bed! I told Hayley I'd help get the sofa bed set up for her and her husband only for us to realise it wasn't a sofa bed!! :laughing: Luckily she didn't seem to mind having to sleep on the sofa!

We hadn't heard from the boys and had no idea what time they'd be home or what state they'd be in but I decided I wasn't going to worry about it...I'd just see them in the morning!

More on that to come later!!
Really enjoying your tr. You had such an amazing time :goodvibes. I had to giggle at your Bridezilla meltdown in the traffic on the way to meet your planner, I can just see myself doing the same thing!

Can't wait for more updates.
Really enjoying your tr. You had such an amazing time :goodvibes. I had to giggle at your Bridezilla meltdown in the traffic on the way to meet your planner, I can just see myself doing the same thing!

Can't wait for more updates.

It was my worst moment I must say! I really did lose the plot! :rotfl:
Wow Kat your teaparty looks amazing!! You look so sweet in your dress!! The miniature cakes and the kids' cupcakes look so yummy!!
Looking forward to reading all about the big day itself!!!


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