Just the two of us...no dining plan, no discounts, no allergies...lots of pics! COMPLETE

So we left Trader Sam's Grotto. By now it was probably around 5 pm or so. The night was young! The intent was to keep lounge hopping. :cool1:

But I am a Wino...not a Rum-o. :crazy2: I had just had a rum drink followed by a rum flight, preceded by a glass of wine. Husband had had a bourbon flight, bourbon drink and more bourbon. We had seen others before us start to come apart at Trader Sam's. Common sense kicked in enough to know it was time to soak some of that up with food. But where?

Close seemed smart and O'Hana was obviously not an option without an ADR. There was Kona Cafe. While we had wonderful experiences there in the past, I had read my share of recent less than favorable reviews. We looked at the menu and as soon as I saw the chicken wings were still on the menu, I was all IN. Husband said he could find something there, so we asked if we could get in without a reservation. They said yes. Told us to wait. I went off to the restroom, came back and Husband was GONE. Sigh, don't do this to a rum-soaked gal! Trying not to panic, I'm checking my phone, looking around the lobby. Finally found him, comfortably lounging at a table for two on the other side of the restaurant. Thanks for waiting for me, Husband!

Our Server comes and asks if we want anything to drink. Table next to us has water with lemon. That lemon looked so good to me, and caffeine seemed smart, so I asked for some unsweetened iced tea with lemon. Husband got a Diet Coke. We were both ready for hydration. I, of course, already knew I wanted the wings and that I was on my own with them. (Husband doesn't do bones of any kind, so no sharing). But darn it if he could make up his mind about what he DID want. We were brought our drinks and there was NO lemon, but our Server was gone before I could say anything. Never did get that lemon, by the way. I wanted to ask the couple next to us if I could have one of their slices, but I controlled myself.

Finally, Server and Husband aligned to make decisions and get an order in. I was very much looking forward to what I was hoping were the amazing wings I had had years and years ago here:

Glazed Chicken Wings
Sticky Wing Sauce


Husband decided on this awesome sounding sandwich:

Hawaiian-style Reuben
Kalua Pork, Corned Beef, Kimchi, Swiss, and Spicy Aïoli served with French Fries


It took awhile, but they brought us terrific Hawaiian rolls with yummy butter. This is like those King's Hawaiian packaged things you can get in the grocery store on STEROIDS. YUM!

I don't believe they are exactly what they used to be. I remember sesame seeds instead of peanuts from the past, but I gotta say these were really good! I could have used maybe a tad less sweet, but the peanuts helped counter-act the sweetness a bit. I had little problem polishing them off, but was very full.

Meanwhile, Husband was VERY happy with his savory sandwich:

He was really enamored with the layers of flavor, and insisted I try it. I took a small bite and was wowed with how good it was. It was juicy and the Kimchi added so much texture and spice. It was incredibly RICH. So much so that Husband could only eat half of it.

Now remember, it was still early evening. It was a rainy Thursday night. We needed to be up in the morning for our Animal Kingdom day. We had been going non-stop all week, so we decided to go back to the hotel and enjoy a quiet evening. Since it was so early in the night, we decided to take the other half of his sandwich with us to nibble on later. A small container was brought to us, we settled the non-expensive bill (yay!) and headed for the monorail. (amazing how much smaller a bill can be when alcohol isn't involved...hah!)

We wanted to go back to the Contemporary Hotel to purchase some items in the gift shop that we had seen earlier but hadn't wanted to carry around.

So we hopped off, bought our items and hopped back on. Still carrying the sandwich, of course. Husband has me carrying the paper barely-sealed box with the sandwich, while he carried our bag of souvenirs. We were at the Contemporary and needed to get to the Magic Kingdom in order to get to the bus to get us to our hotel. :jester: As you all know, that means the circuit. Stops, people getting on, more people getting on. Not enough people getting off. And a box of leftovers that has KIMCHI in it.

Memories had come back to me by now. There's a dinner movie theater somewhat near us. The one time we went I ordered similar chicken wings that came with kimchi on the side. Delicious while I was eating it, but I couldn't finish it all, and I was stuck smelling kimchi through the entire movie. Not pleasant. Actually nauseating. :crazy: I apparently had not learned my kimchi lesson!!

In case you are not familiar with the definition of kimchi: A usually spicy Korean dish made of vegetables, such as cabbage or radishes, that are salted, seasoned, and allowed to ferment.

Yes, it's spicy fermented cabbage. In other words, it STINKS. :scared1:

I was frantically trying to trade Husband HIS leftovers for OUR bag of souvenirs and he was NOT biting. I was trying to block the holes in the box with my hands to keep the smell contained, but it was not working.

Finally we MADE it! Nobody directly pointed us out or got sick or anything. They might still be talking about us, I don't know...but we got off at the Magic Kingdom, and omg, why were all those people trying to get in at this time of night? I mean it was a huge long line, blocking our way out to the buses. (found out later it was probably for an after hours party...everyone must show up at the same time for it?)

Finally a young guy in front of us took it upon himself to hop a gate and move it out of the way. We followed and went to our bus stop. Waited a good twenty minutes or so. Got on the bus and of course it was standing room only. Crowded.

Others riding with us might remember it unfondly as the stinky bus. We can only hope that the fermented cabbage smell was never pinpointed to us. And since I've never told this story to anyone else, maybe it will stay that way. :chat:

By the way, the ride from Magic Kingdom to All-Stars Music is almost exactly 17 minutes. I know because I timed it. Every minute smelled, I mean FELT like forty-five.
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So let me apologize now to everyone on the Monorail and our Bus that night, and may I strongly suggest DON'T DO THAT. If you can't finish kimchi, do NOT take it with you.

That being said, we HAD it with us. It was Husband's sandwich. We had a fridge. The night was still somewhat young, but a lot LESS young, because it took awhile to get around, get back, and then there was the long trek to the farthest Country Fair end of All-Stars Music. By now it had been awhile since alcohol. And a really long time since wine. It was cold out again, and red wine always soothes the soul. What's a Gal to do? Get a $17 bottle of red warmth at the gift shop:

Now you might be thinking that this was my MISTAKE. It was not. Despite it being a $17 bottle of what would probably be two buck chuck at Trader Joe's, it was still way cheaper than wine by the plastic glass for $9 at the "bar" at the hotel. Nope, I was glad to pop that cork, kick off my shoes, put the smelly sandwich in the fridge and get warmed up.

All I needed was a glass to pour it in. Thankfully :sad2: All-Stars offers these gems:

I am not a snob. I can drink wine out of anything. But not if it has a HOLE in it. Yep. Poured a glass. Set it on the nightstand. Picked up "Station 11" , the book I was reading, (which by the way is scary as heck because it's about a Pandemic and the Coronavirus was just getting started). Went to take a sip and realized it was leaking! Yes, the covered plastic cup had a hole in it somewhere. I quickly opened another one to put under it and used a bunch of tissue to clean up the spill. (didn't want to stain the white towels). Fortunately it must have been a small hole because it didn't go all over the place. The spill was contained to one big blotch on the nightstand.

And even that wasn't my MISTAKE.

So I'm enjoying my wine and completely engrossed in the well-written (although terrifying) book. Husband is feeling worse. But the wine is making me hungry. I hadn't forgotten how good that one tiny bite of Husband's sandwich had been. We had talked about sharing it after we got "home". I had sacrificed to bring it home. Maybe it was time to make sure it wasn't all in vain and eat some of that beauty. Husband politely declined as he was still not feeling right but encouraged me to go for it. So I did. I took several big bites this time, savoring that stinky but delicious spicy Kimchi. Even though the sandwich had gotten soggy. It was a mess, but for some reason I kept biting it.

Yes, this was the MISTAKE. Within several minutes the right side of my face was all red and swollen. It was obviously a bizarre allergic reaction. I mean it looked BAD. So bad I didn't take a picture and was trying not to panic. The good news was I wasn't having any problem breathing, so it wasn't a dangerous allergic reaction. Despite feeling like crap, Husband offered to make the long trek to the gift shop in the hope they might have benadryl, but I didn't want him to do that. I didn't feel in any kind of danger, but I was freaking out by what I looked like. Fortunately I had an emergency xanax with me. It certainly couldn't do anything for the allergy, but it could help keep me from panicking about it.

Needless to say, after waiting long enough to make SURE I wasn't in danger (just disfigured), we turned in. Ready to learn from our mistakes and most importantly, ready for Animal Kingdom day!

Coming up, one of the best meals of our trip which also had the best discount, AND our STEAL MEAL of the trip!
Sorry for the delay...pesky work gets in my way during the day, and I've been dealing with a very sick Pup this past week as well. Poor guy's progress is going by baby steps.

Oh no, sorry to hear that! And how bizarre about the allergic reaction. Glad it wasn't more serious!
Oh no, sorry to hear that! And how bizarre about the allergic reaction. Glad it wasn't more serious!

Thank you. I wish I could say Pup is finally eating again, but after a week on antibiotics he still is not. Yet, he's perkier despite the lack of eating. Makes no sense. Unless a miracle happens, it will be back to the vet tomorrow. And YES, I am so grateful my allergy wasn't a dangerous one.
Time to talk Animal Kingdom day. (which ended up extending to other parts). This day included a $25 savings! (YES, that actually happened on Disney property)...AND the MEAL STEAL of the trip! (two different events).

Before I start on the Disney festivities, I have to say how relieved and happy I am that my sick little fella is finally eating again. We are on day 8 of antibiotics, painkillers, anti-nausea meds and ear drops. Today he ate more than he has eaten the past seven days! Still baby food, but he's finally eating more than a teaspoon at a time. This was one sick fella. He was diagnosed with Vestibular Disease (bad vertigo), brought on by an ear infection so extreme it had gone into the bone.

He still can't jump, and he's walking slowly, but he can lift his leg to mark his territory without tipping over. And he isn't as wobbly anymore. Progress! I can't tell you how relieved I am. It's been scary.

Anyway, back to Animal Kingdom day. I'm happy to report that I woke up with my face less allergy-laden. Still red and bizarrely puffy under my right eye, but nowhere near where it had been the night before. Needless to say, neither of us touched the rest of that sandwich again. :wave2: The intent was to take it out of the fridge and throw it away in a public trashcan, but honestly we forgot. So sorry Mousekeeping! We do, however leave a daily tip. And we try to keep things as neat as possible for them. Hope that made up for having to throw away the funk. :headache:

With plans for an early lunch, we left on empty stomachs for our 10:15 fast pass for the Safari. It was awesome!! We even had to wait awhile for animals to slowly cross the road. We were fortunate to be able to see so many different animals the whole safari. Loved it!

We then started working our way to Yak and Yeti for our early lunch ADR. They weren't even open yet and we were thirty minutes early for our reservation but being hungry, we decided to see if they would let us in, and as soon as they opened, they did indeed lead us to a table for two, where Ellen took amazing care of us. From beginning to end we felt like very welcome guests!

I know many of you have heard that Yak & Yeti is a Landry's restaurant, and that it's good to have the Landry card to help get in their restaurants if they are busy. But did you know that they will sometimes send email DEALS? Yes, earlier in the month, as a Landry cardholder (for years), they sent me a birthday email with $25! To be used at any Landry restaurant. I didn't know, however, if it would be good at a Disney Landry restaurant. I mean, really, if there was going to be a catch it would be a Disney one. But lo and behold, Ellen didn't blink when I mentioned that I had gotten it. :thumbsup2 She didn't blink when I said I didn't have my Landry's card with me. :love: Just took my name and number and said she would look it up. Yes, it was that easy! Be still my heart! Time to celebrate! Let's start with brunch drinks:

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When Ellen delivered the good news that the $25 birthday discount was going to work, I knew what I was going to get to eat.

Lobster Garlic Noodles

Lobster, shrimp, scallops, baby spinach, red peppers, shiitake mushrooms, tossed in zesty garlic stir-fry sauce


Minus the 'shrooms of course! (no problem, said my pal Ellen).



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