Just Got Back ~ First Haircut For Ds (2) What A Blast!


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
I can't believe ONE of the highlights of our trip was a haircut! LOL!

I read about the FIRST HAIRCUT excellent treatment at MK here! I dropped in last week during vacation and it was busy so I just decided to forget about it.

BUT! Yesterday was our last day at WDW and we had 4:25pm PS at Crystal Palace so I stopped in again to see if it was busy and IT WASN'T! We had about 20 minutes to kill before PS so I asked the barber if 20 minutes was enough time, he said SURE!

He was GREAT! I didn't know how ds would be about this. I expected a tantrum but he was INCREDIBLE! LOTS OF PICTURES AND LOTS OF VIDEO!

DS got FIRST HAIRCUT Mickey ears and a certificate too! DD (8) was patiently sitting there enjoying the event too. The barber gave her 24 Mickey sticks and gave ds the same! LOTS AND LOTS of stickers!

TOTALLY worth it! This is a memory that will last forever! Sandra
Ooh, thanks for posting this! We have a 2-year-old getting a first haircut there at the end of this month! She's really shaggy, but we're waiting--and I'm so excited!

26 days to go
YEP! Isn't it the best! My son was a little over 2 I refused to get his hair cut until we got to MK luckily he had lots of curls so it wasn't too bad ! But if you pulled a curl out it was about 3 inches or so!
Welcome back! I cna't wait to here all about your trip!
DH got his hair cut at the MK barber shop when we were there in Feb, but we weren't ready to bite the bullet and have DD's (20 months) curls trimmed. We're going back in September and that's where she's going to get her first hair cut! They give lots of stickers to any child that's in there... not just those getting their hair cut.
Where were you?? I looked for you! We also got our 8 m. old DD's 1st hair cut last week, and we were waiting behind a family that was from Canada! At first I thought it may have been you! Oh well, maybe next time!

We also had a blast getting her "curl" trimmed! The barber even gave it to us free! (Though we did tip him $10!) Got to love that Disney magic! I think the 1st haircuts should be posted on the Secrets to Disney post! :D
HEY THERE! We did the hair cut on Monday, April 29th at 4pm. No one was in the shop! The barber was VERY generous with stickers for both my kids! I wish I had more time to get dd(8) hair trimmed, but we had PS at Crystal Palace at 4:25pm. I didn't think she'd be interested, but I think she would have really like it! Last trip she got TONS of toys, while ds didn't get much. He was only 15 months. This trip dd only asked for a couple things, so the hair cut event was ds's special treat. It's nice the kids get to look out the busy door. I think that's what kept ds so still. Can't wait to see the pix and video! I have only viewed 45 minutes of over 3 hours of video! LOL! Sandra
I haven't heard of this before. Will someone please tell me what it's all about. It sounds fun and we will be there in Sept with our 2 year old daughter.

Hi Rellim, I read about it on these boards, otherwise I would have never done it.

There is a REAL working (small) barber shop in MK. It's located in Town Square on the left as you walk into MK.

We went in and told the barber it was ds's first REAL barber hair cut other than a couple of really bad mommy hair cuts.

The barber took about 5-7 minutes getting ds comfy with stickers and a Buzz Lightyear toy to play with. ds was happy looking out the door at the crowds passing by. The barber started the hair cut as we all chatted, he was very nice! Once the cut was done, barber Michael gave ds Mickey ears with FIRST HAIRCUT stitched on the back and a very nice colourful certificate (8"x11") for his first hair cut. Michael gave both my kids even more stickers on the roll, 48 in total, not including the stickers he covered the kids in! It cost only $12. The hat is $6.00 so it's a real bargain. We tipped $4.00, was that enough? Thanks! Sandra
we'll be there in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to have DD's first haircut!
Our granddaughter got her first haircut by 'Billy' on December 31, 1999 - she had just turned 2 the end of November. She was great during the whole thing - what a laugh we had when she was done - 'Billy' put her 'ears' on her that said "My First h Haircut" & a pair of really big funny glasses!!! We lucked out by having the 'Barber Shop Quartet' in there singing "When You Wish Upon A Star & they also sang "Happy Birthday" to our grandson who was there watching his cousin get her hair cut - he turned 2 on January 1, 2000!!!! It was 'Priceless'!!!!:D
What a lovely story! I got goosepumps! This is what it's all about! Thanks! S
We are going to Disney on May 22 w/ my 18 month old twins I am sooo exicted about these haircuts - it will be the first for both of them. Thanks for all the info, I had not heard of the Barbershop anyplace else but here. Does anyone know how to find the "secrets to disney" post? Thanks, Kathy
I believe the "secrets to disney" post is on the Theme Park Board. It's pretty long, you can't miss it!;)
Is the barber shop for "first" haircuts only? Or can older children (9 & 11), or adults, get a haircut also?
The barbershop is for anyone! While we were waiting, there was a 30+ man getting his hair cut, and the barber even threw the pixie dust (metallic confetti...) in his hair, and then sprayed it in!! That poor guy didn't know what he was getting into!

We just got our vacation photos back and the ones of our DD getting her 1st haircut are too cute! I'm going to make scrapbook "cards" and send them to our friends and family! :D
Man, I can't wait! The two-year-old is getting sooooo shaggy!

12 days


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