Just back from BLT 2/25-3/4 Housekeeping Horror

Wowwwwww.... I would be extremely angry, OP! We feel very disheartened over this new policy and the new door hangers. I don't know if it would have helped to tape a big sign to your door that said "sleeping baby, stay AWAY!" but it would have been worth a try! LOL!!!! Ugh, I'm so sorry. You and your poor baby!
It's a shame that the OP has to do this-think of the interruptions she's GOING to have, and act accordingly.
Oh, I agree with you. I don't mean to pick on the OP telling her what she did was wrong. I was offering the suggestion more for others reading the thread. The reason I mentioned the Poly is because she says she usually stays there. I just wanted her to be aware that the "security" program of checking rooms is monorail-resort wide and she will run into it there too. I do think it's easier to handle things if you go in with the right expectations and that includes expecting to be interrupted in your resort room the afternoon.
I'm so sorry to hear of your problems with this OP. The behavior you experienced is completely unacceptable in my book. I'm concerned about our stay at Disney next month.

I was a chambermaid for four summers when I was young, at a motel in a popular tourist area. If I had barged in on a guest like what the OP experienced I would have been reprimanded or lost my job. It would have been unthinkable to me to insist upon entering when a guest is obviously in the bathroom or has someone sleeping in the room. Heck, if the guest had been sitting there watching tv, I still would have apologized and left immediately.

I don't understand this policy at all. Treating all guests like they are all secretly criminals out to hide something is insulting and not even statistically accurate either. It accomplishes nothing except anger guests and damage the reputation of the company. If the guest's behavior is not suspicious, then you have no reason to negate their basic privacy. If the guest IS acting suspicious, then you better get the police in there pronto, because there is no way that a chambermaid should be expected to deal with that successfully or safely.

All kidding aside, what protocol would Disney adopt with this new policy with a guest who is hearing impaired?

I was sitting on my balcony with the door to the balcony wide open in a boardwalk view studio late one morning last month. I did not hear a knock, and when I turned around and walked into my room, there was the housekeeper in the room. We were both startled. With the typical boardwalk noises, if she knocked, I was unable to hear it.
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It's a shame that the OP has to do this-think of the interruptions she's GOING to have, and act accordingly.

Then I always wonder, why does the button on the phone say "Front Desk"? The OP seems correct in assuming that her call was going to where the button said. Perhaps, in the spirit of honesty, the wording on the button should be changed to "call center which acts as the front desk".

If the button was completely and truthfully labeled it would say "Call goes to call center and most likely your concern will not be addressed".

I'm sorry that happened to you and I definitely think you should write Disney about it. I hope everyone having nightmare experiences tell Disney so they do something about it. Clearly the way they are doing things isn't a good way to go about it. If Las Vegas hotels aren't doing this I don't understand why Disney is, especially when half the rooms have zero view and would provide zero advantage to a shooter.
Then I always wonder, why does the button on the phone say "Front Desk"? The OP seems correct in assuming that her call was going to where the button said. Perhaps, in the spirit of honesty, the wording on the button should be changed to "call center which acts as the front desk".

On our last trip, we had an issue that we had to call the front desk about. Knowing beforehand that we might not be calling the front desk, my DGF asked if she was actually speaking to the front desk when she was on the line with them and it was confirmed by the CM on the other end that indeed, she was on the phone with the call center, not the front desk. She was also told that if it was a pressing issue, to go down to the front desk in person to get a manager.

We read about the front desk/call center thing here on the boards some time ago, but actually found out first hand that it is true. So if the issue is bad enough that it warrants manager attention right away, find a way to get down to the front desk in person. Things will happen much quicker, also, they can't brush you off as easy if you're standing there looking them in the face.
Although I agree that the current situation with housekeeping/security isn't the greatest, keep in mind that they can't accommodate everyone's schedules.

That's completely understandable. However Disney needs to smooth out this system. Because currently it's really inconsiderate to guests the way it's been handled. Housekeeping should be able to accommodate guest requests because I've never met a single person who likes to be around while they service the room. The security team should be the ones that are knocking on the door and saying "Hey I realize it's not a great time but we'll be quick and quiet." Not this slamming on the door nonsense. I'm all about safety first but there's a line where this just becomes intrusive.
I'm sorry that happened to you and I definitely think you should write Disney about it. I hope everyone having nightmare experiences tell Disney so they do something about it. Clearly the way they are doing things isn't a good way to go about it. If Las Vegas hotels aren't doing this I don't understand why Disney is, especially when half the rooms have zero view and would provide zero advantage to a shooter.

Some Las Vegas hotels have a similar system where if there's a Do Not Disturb sign on the door for more than I think its 48 hours but it might be 72, someone's coming in your room. And they announce themselves, and they will ask you to step out for a moment so they can have a quick look around. And you know after 2-3 days of no signs of life they have every right to suspect something. They had this before the shooting. It was in place mainly because someone might be very ill or hurt (ie. Fell and can't get up) which makes sense. And I understand Disney's stance on it there's a lot of families and a lot of kids and it would be horrible if something like that happened on their property but there's got to be a better way.
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I would be frustrated too, but I wonder if it was because of the new policy of entering the room every day? Although they certainly should not be beating down your door at the same time every day if they know you have a napping baby.
Especially at DVC properties, the cleaning required for rooms being turned over is more pressing than trash or trash/towel service, and takes longer than standard rooms.
I wonder if I tape a note to the door
No tape!!!!! Use a magnet :)
I am not saying that housekeeping as a whole is illiterate, I'm just simply suggesting that with english sometimes being their second language, reading may not be their strong suit.
I can see complaints coming if the cards are in a difference language, plus guests not understanding "Habitación Ocupada" or "Sala Ocupada". Or "Pokój Zajęty."
"Room Occupied" seems to imply to me that I'd prefer you check back later when the room is not occupied. Apparently that's not what it means at all.
what it seems to imply probably doesn't matter. Company policy does. Shareholders must have some official way of making their feelings known.
All kidding aside, what protocol would Disney adopt with this new policy with a guest who is hearing impaired?
Disney has rooms equipped for heating-impaired guests. One would hope they have a reasonable protocol in place.
Some Las Vegas hotels have a similar system where if there's a Do Not Disturb sign on the door for more than I think its 48 hours but it might be 72, someone's coming in your room. And they announce themselves, and they will ask you to step out for a moment so they can have a quick look around. And you know after 2-3 days of no signs of life they have every right to suspect something. They had this before the shooting. It was in place mainly because someone might be very ill or hurt (ie. Fell and can't get up) which makes sense. And I understand Disney's stance on it there's a lot of families and a lot of kids and it would be horrible if something like that happened on their property but there's got to be a better way.
A couple days makes sense. Checking every day in my opinion is pointless, at least the way Disney goes about it. I was just in Vegas I had a strip view and we kept the do not disturb on for three full days and no one ever came in, so I guess the Venetian is doing that?
A couple days makes sense. Checking every day in my opinion is pointless, at least the way Disney goes about it. I was just in Vegas I had a strip view and we kept the do not disturb on for three full days and no one ever came in, so I guess the Venetian is doing that?

It depends on the hotel more and more are adopting it to fit their needs. They may have also knocked and popped in while you were out. I know Wynn does it and I'm pretty sure MGM and Ceasars is doing it as well
If the button was completely and truthfully labeled it would say "Call goes to call center and most likely your concern will not be addressed".


Just like when you call from home it should say something like "The person you will speak with may not know as much as you. Take whatever they tell you with a grain of salt".
My husband and I have just come back from our vacation today. We were at POFQ from Feb 27 to March 7th. We had never stayed their before. When we arrived to check in, I asked the CM at the desk if housekeeping could be done in the am, between 7:30am to 12:30pm. I explained that my husband and I have medical issues which require us to rest in the afternoon to be able to function later on. The lady assured me that she would put the request in for morning housekeeping. I was very skeptical that would be done at all. However, on day one through five, we arrived in the afternoon around 1pm or so, and always found our room cleaned. Wow, that was so great. That had never happened before.

Well, the next day, we spent longer than we should, and got back about 2pm. The room was not cleaned. I went to the front desk and asked for a room occupied sign, and explained the situation to her. I said we just need to rest til about 4pm, if that could be done. She assured me that housekeeping would bring a room occupied sign right away and to hang it on the door, and NOT to knock or bother us until after 4. When we left later that pm, the sign was on the door as promised. We were not bothered at all.

I mistakenly thought all was well, and was very impressed.
Then the next day we returned at the usual time and the room was not done. We were both in pain and not feeling good at all. So, I called the Operator button on the phone (there is no housekeeping button in the new rooms), and they now answer with, "what can we assist the _______'s with today?" I told the operator that we had just returned, the room was not done, and requested that housekeeping return after 4pm. They assured me they would send the request.
We laid down to rest after putting the sign on the door. Well, at 3pm we got a knock on the door. She knocked several times before I could get out of bed and answer her. I told her that I had requested housekeeping return after 4pm to service the room, as we were resting. The housekeeper told me that "they can't do that, it's not up to them", and was getting rather indignant over a simple issue. I got tired of hearing her, so I said to please come back after 4pm. She was reluctant to do it though. I laid back down trying to get the pain to go away, but had to get up to the bathroom. While I was in there, there was a loud knock on the door. It was about 3:15pm. My husband was finally asleep. But he woke up and answered the door. It was a security man who wanted in. My husband told him to wait for 15 min and he could have the room all he wanted! At that time we were both awake, and still not feeling well. I decided I wasn't going to be ready to let him in in l5 minutes, so we waited til we were going to get supper a little after 4pm. He did not return while we were there.

I got to thinking about this, and I called the friendly phone guy again and told him what happened. He apologized, but at least he knew exactly how we felt about this intrusion. He said why didn't you tell me it was for medical reasons, and I said I did at registration. He did feel bad about that after I explained our situation to him. The next day our room was cleaned in the am.

What I gather by this is this: If you ask a housekeeper to wait for a little while, you will get flagged for security.
If you hang out a room occupied sign, you will get flagged by security.
So, we never hung the sign out again.
I think that some, not all, housekeeping staff might get a little power trip from this, and not use common sense when dealing with the public. We are, afterall, on vacation and it should not matter WHY you want to be in your room, your requests should be considered. It makes more sense to me to do like other hotels that call or check on a room that has had the DND sign up for 24 hours or more. That, to me , makes more sense.
To the OP: I am mortified that they did this to you! Absolutely mortified.

I hope you can follow up with complaints!

There is NO excuse for this behavior. They can come back or do their trash service early (which is what I'd do; let them know they may not have access to the room during afternoon naps, so they must come before noon if they insist on taking trash out).

I hope you get some answers!
There is NO excuse for this behavior. They can come back or do their trash service early (which is what I'd do; let them know they may not have access to the room during afternoon naps, so they must come before noon if they insist on taking trash out).

I hope you get some answers!

You can't tell them when they can have access to your room. You can ask if they can do a certain time frame, but it is in no way guaranteed. And their new Terms and Conditions state you must grant them entry if they wish to enter your room.
It makes more sense to me to do like other hotels that call or check on a room that has had the DND sign up for 24 hours or more. That, to me , makes more sense.

I can't figure out why they are not doing it this way. Other hotels have been quoted in articles about this issue reporting that as their policy, yet Disney has chosen the most invasive way to implement theirs.

I will say it again: guests asking for privacy should not be equated with criminal activity!


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