**July 2020**

Still holding out hope for our quick trip July 11-13. We have the Florida resident discover Disney tickets that according to Disney as of right now, expire July 31st. I’m hoping they extend that soon. But then there’s the other factor that our daughter turns 3 in July so we wanted to go before we have to buy a ticket for her ☹️
I think they will be suggested but not mandatory. At least I hope that's the case. Mandatory masks would be a deal breaker for my family and we would cancel our trip.
That will be a deal breaker for our family too. We're still hanging on, but it's looking bleak. We already rescheduled this trip from 5/30 - 6/8 trying to buy us some time.
It's not childish at all! It doesn't matter how you feel about whether it's best to wear a mask, if there's no point to wearing one, if you're saving the world by wearing one or indifferent. It's how YOU feel. We are required to wear them here in NY if we go in just about any store or any Dr. office (my chiropractor is not requiring them). My boys 14 and 18 are fine, not bothered. DH isn't bothered and wears one to work. I on the other hand HATE it. Regardless of what my feelings are on if it's necessary or not I am super uncomfortable in them and it gives me more anxiety than before we had to wear them, so I don't want to wear them in the parks either. On the 2.5 hour plane ride down to Florida to get to Disney? I'll figure it out lol.
I think there's a chance they'll require them but a greater chance they'll suggest them for guests, I just hope we know SOON!
Thank you! This is actually really nice to read.

I’ve been feeling like a monster because I hate the mask (I feel like I’m suffocating), but I keep seeing immediate slams against people who indicate that they don’t want to wear masks. Like, “I don’t want to wear a mask” shouldn’t me met with an acidic reply of “Well, I guess you don’t care about others!” Or “how dare you say that when healthcare workers wear them all day!” I know, but I’m not a healthcare worker...

I’m also somewhat concerned for when a mask won’t be required. Will people who go without masks be villainized by those who think they should be required?
Thank you! This is actually really nice to read.

I’ve been feeling like a monster because I hate the mask (I feel like I’m suffocating), but I keep seeing immediate slams against people who indicate that they don’t want to wear masks. Like, “I don’t want to wear a mask” shouldn’t me met with an acidic reply of “Well, I guess you don’t care about others!” Or “how dare you say that when healthcare workers wear them all day!” I know, but I’m not a healthcare worker...

I’m also somewhat concerned for when a mask won’t be required. Will people who go without masks be villainized by those who think they should be required?
I wear mask all day at the hospital and it gives me such a migraine:(!! I really think non medical people wearing a mask in the parks is a bad idea, they actually touch their face more, fiddling with the mask and taking it on and off, I see this daily with patients. In the Florida heat I think it would be more of a risk with overheating and touching the mask with unwashed hands,pulling it down to drink water etc... I think with the cast members wearing masks and everyone being aware of the situation it will be fine:) We just need to be patient and kind and we will get to the other side of this! That being said if you do get a bad vibe from someone wearing a mask in the park just give them wide berth and send them happy thoughts, we all have our personal battles and fears right? So Excited about Disney Springs!! May 20th, that is right around the corner :daisy: :):sunny::flower1:! P.S. My husband helped me put these dates up for May and now I can't get rid of it :crazy:
I wear mask all day at the hospital and it gives me such a migraine:(!! I really think non medical people wearing a mask in the parks is a bad idea, they actually touch their face more, fiddling with the mask and taking it on and off, I see this daily with patients. In the Florida heat I think it would be more of a risk with overheating and touching the mask with unwashed hands,pulling it down to drink water etc... I think with the cast members wearing masks and everyone being aware of the situation it will be fine:) We just need to be patient and kind and we will get to the other side of this! That being said if you do get a bad vibe from someone wearing a mask in the park just give them wide berth and send them happy thoughts, we all have our personal battles and fears right? So Excited about Disney Springs!! May 20th, that is right around the corner :daisy: :):sunny::flower1:! P.S. My husband helped me put these dates up for May and now I can't get rid of it :crazy:
Yes! This. I so agree. I can’t tell you how often I see people playing with the mask, putting it on wrong or taking it off wrong. I really worry about kids and masks.
I’m also somewhat concerned for when a mask won’t be required. Will people who go without masks be villainized by those who think they should be required?
I understand your concern with this and hopefully they (we;I) won't. If they aren't required I know I won't let others make me feel bad about not wearing one but I've had a bit of experience with that already :)
While we are now required to wear masks in most stores here in NY, independent businesses can allow youNOT to wear one if they choose. My chiropractor said from the beginning it's patients' choice whether they want to wear one or not and I don't, but most do so often I'm the only one in there without one. I get looks; I smile back from my usually more than 6 feet away from them spot. Walking on trails and in parks we don't need to wear a mask but some choose to, and that's fine, even though most of us out walking aren't running up to each other and walking shoulder to shoulder......anyhow the 2% that are wearing masks on the trails stare down the 98% who aren't. No fights or yelling but it gets you used to the dirty looks! Well the presumed dirty looks, can't truly see them but you get my drift.
FYI if you haven't figured out yet from my last few posts I do not like masks! But I respect the feelings of those who prefer to wear one when there's a choice as long as my right not to is respected as well.
I just did FP's for our trip (we were on at 7am, of course). We put HS & AK at the end to increase our chances of getting decent rides/times. We are morning park people and unfortunately so much of the FP availability wasn't until the afternoon. I'm hoping I'll be able to move some stuff up. :crazy2:
This was a totally different ball game from our May FP day.

7/07 (60): Arrival day
7/08 (60+1): Epcot (easiest day because I planned them for the evening).
7/09 (60+2): Relax day
7/10 (60+3): MK (I got Splash at 10am, BTMR at 1:40pm, and Space M at 2:40pm). Mostly afternoon availability.
7/11 (60+4): HS (No Tier 1s. RnRc at 12pm, TSMM at 1:40pm). I was shocked I couldn't get tier 2 rides in the AM.
7/12 (60+5): AK (Grabbed FOP as my first FP and got 1:55pm)(EE & Safari were easy and bright & early).
My travel agent did fp for us this morning. We were not able to get fop at 60+4. However, I ended up talking my husband into adding a day on at the end of our trip so we could have to chances at Rotr and we booked a fop for that day as well. I’m not crazy about all our times, but I’ll keep playing with them and hope we can get better times for some.
Thank you! This is actually really nice to read.

I’ve been feeling like a monster because I hate the mask (I feel like I’m suffocating), but I keep seeing immediate slams against people who indicate that they don’t want to wear masks. Like, “I don’t want to wear a mask” shouldn’t me met with an acidic reply of “Well, I guess you don’t care about others!” Or “how dare you say that when healthcare workers wear them all day!” I know, but I’m not a healthcare worker...

I’m also somewhat concerned for when a mask won’t be required. Will people who go without masks be villainized by those who think they should be required?
Do not feel like a monster. You are not! You are not alone in this. Believe me, my neighborhood has a lot of medical doctors, my own family has a doctor and a ICU nurse. They do not want to wear the masks outside of work either(or the store as my state requires it right now) Anytime any of us, family or neighbors are outside, we talk, we do not wear masks, nor will we when the mandatory store thing is dropped. It has nothing to do with not wanting to save people, these people are dedicated to saving lives, more to do with none of our dr people thinking it is necessary to wear one unless you are sick, your family member is sick or you are caring for an elderly person.
And if someone gives you a dirty look, just give them a gigantic smile and keep walking.
Thank you! This is actually really nice to read.

I’ve been feeling like a monster because I hate the mask (I feel like I’m suffocating), but I keep seeing immediate slams against people who indicate that they don’t want to wear masks. Like, “I don’t want to wear a mask” shouldn’t me met with an acidic reply of “Well, I guess you don’t care about others!” Or “how dare you say that when healthcare workers wear them all day!” I know, but I’m not a healthcare worker...

I’m also somewhat concerned for when a mask won’t be required. Will people who go without masks be villainized by those who think they should be required?
opps double post by accident
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Wasn't able to get FOP at 60+3 a week ago, but checked this morning and one popped up. So if you don't get it on your day, keep checking. Not sure the parks will be open for this trip, but feels good to snag it anyways.
My teenage daughters and I are booked from 7/31-8/8. If they are open we will go. As many have stated, I don’t have much time to plan these trips as my girls are almost out of high school. Masks are not a deal breaker for us. We will tolerate them if necessay , though we only wear them at inside places at home because it’s required. My husband and I are frontline healthcare workers and well aware of what’s going on with the virus. This vacation with be a mental break from all this craziness.
That said the only things that would cause us to cancel is no pool or if Epcot is closed. We are at Yacht Club and love walking to two parks. Stormalong Bay is wonderful. Posts about both of these have been floating around. We will watch and wait to see what occurs. I do feel that they will be at high capacity by the time we arrive. Positive thoughts always.......:cool1:
I saw a video about how things are going to be in Shanghai and it has really made me sad. I just don’t see how it can be even close to a normal vacation if there are no meet and greets. I have said all along if they were open, I would go, but this was going to be our last trip for several years (we are saving up for a big graduation trip for my oldest). My 6 year old hasn’t been since she was 3 so this was going to be the first trip that she might remember anything. She is so into characters and believe they are real still. I just don’t know if I want her to miss that. We are throwing around the idea of a short resort only trip (if pools are open) and then going next year. I just don’t know what to do and wish I knew what was going to be open when we go.


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