July 2013 with a 1 year old...Yes we ARE that crazy! We're back & had a great time


DIS Veteran
Jun 18, 2007
UPDATE: Everyone is in agreement and we're going in July!! Let the planning begin!!!!

See this post for the who, where and when!

Finally OFFICIALLY booked!!

EDITED: Read this first post below, if you want to know when our last trip was, and why it has taken us so long to get back again.....

Hi there, I'm Cheri and I'm a Disney addict. It has been over 3 years since my last trip to WDW and I'm just dying to get back!! Yes, in this case, it wasn't my choice to "quit" Disney. In fact, this is the longest I have gone between trips in my adult life. In 2007, 08, and 09, my DH and I enjoyed week long trips in September during the free dining promotion (back when the regular dining plan was offered for free even when staying in the value resorts).

In 2009, however, after a year of TTC we learned that we would have no choice but to do treatment to conceive. So, no more Disney trips for us, as we hurdled into IVF debt.

Alas, it took many more months and lots more $$$ (also throw in a failed adoption) to finally achieve our dream of becoming parents!

And finally on July 15, 2012 we had our little miracle, Harper!! And I will tell you that she is every bit worth the money we spent, and the time spent away from Disney.



But now that she's here, I want so badly to share with her our love for Disney!! I want to build memories that will last a lifetime! I know that she will likely not remember her first Disney trip, or even her 2nd. But if we lived our lives planning around what our children would remember, then there'd be no point in doing anything, right?

Now, the one road-block is that my husband decided to go back to school once I was pregnant. His school terms move at a much faster pace than normal, hence, they don't get many breaks. He won't finish school until next year, so if we want to take a vacation this year, our only option (aside from a long weekend) is...*gulp* the week of 4th of July!! :scared1:

I'm no stranger to summer trips to WDW, as that is the only time my family ever went when I was a child. But yikes...4th of July week has got to be the hottest and busiest of all! We actually went in 2006, and ARRIVED ON the 4th of July--and spent the evening in Epcot which wasn't so bad, because all the crowds were in MK. The fireworks were beautiful!

My parents, sister, and husband (then, fiance') all enjoyed that trip quite a bit as I recall. So it's manageable....but am I crazy to be considering a trip to WDW during the 1st week of July with a 1 year old??

I'm trying to rope my parents into coming with us, so we'd have help. And I know they would enjoy seeing Disneyworld through Harper's eyes.

Speaking of Harper's eyes...here's a more recent picture:


Now, shouldn't we take this cutie to Disneyworld and bear the crowds so she can go before her first birthday?? ;)

PS. The heat doesn't bother us so much, since we're from South Louisiana! And there are many opportunities to go inside when we feel need to.
You sneaky little devil. ;)

I had to be first..off to read now :surfweb:
That is a long hiatus between trips.

You must be more than ready to get back there

That would be great if your parents could come. I am sure they would love seeing Harper's reactions to everything there, including characters :thumbsup2

It will be crowded as you know, but you are normally pretty good planner. I think you can figure it out and as Tim Gunn always says, MAKE IT WORK :wizard:
My sister and mom are totally game. It's these men that need convincing! And I guess I'm still trying to convince myself that taking a 1 year old during the 1st week of July is NOT crazy and that we'll have a good time!
Cheri, so glad to see you are planning a trip with your precious LO!

I say yes - go and have a great time! Just take lots of breaks indoors and poolside. We are going in early December, but if July was the only time I could go I would still do it!
Cheri, so glad to see you are planning a trip with your precious LO!

I say yes - go and have a great time! Just take lots of breaks indoors and poolside. We are going in early December, but if July was the only time I could go I would still do it!

thanks so much! Glad to see you here!

I'm happy to have my feelings validated about July! LOL
You ARE sneaky! If Kelly hadn't MADE me start planning another trip I wouldn't have stumbled my way over here at all. :rotfl2:
Popping into say hello for the first time on a trip report of any kind.

First, congrats on your daughter! I think she would have a lovely time on a first birthday trip to Disney. My 3 year old was born in Lafayette, so I know the heat--one year while living in LA, my husband and I took a trip to Disney in late June and thought it was too chilly out to swim. :lmao: She'll be fine.
You ARE sneaky! If Kelly hadn't MADE me start planning another trip I wouldn't have stumbled my way over here at all. :rotfl2:

:rotfl2: did she send you here too or did you see my linky?

Popping into say hello for the first time on a trip report of any kind.

First, congrats on your daughter! I think she would have a lovely time on a first birthday trip to Disney. My 3 year old was born in Lafayette, so I know the heat--one year while living in LA, my husband and I took a trip to Disney in late June and thought it was too chilly out to swim. :lmao: She'll be fine.

Well thank you for being here! I'm totally honored! I see you're new to the DIS so :welcome: !!!!

That's a hilarious story! That must've been an unseasonably cool Florida summer week...:lmao:
So, a few notable things:

  1. I usually fly Southwest. If Southwest goes there, and it's not a "last minute" trip then I'm using them. Hands down. So I have been looking, and their prices are a little more than I'm willing to pay. I'm hoping for a DING! fare to come along, but fat chance during that week. In the meantime, I did a Priceline flight search for the heck of it, and that's when I realized Airtran (owned by Southwest now) finally has a nonstop from New Orleans to Orlando (and back)! For the longest, my friend "Trentmom" would suggest Airtran and their prices would always be too high and they never had non-stop flights to MCO. I'm excited that I have another option! I would rather DRIVE than to take any flight with a layover. From MSY to MCO is less than 2 hours on a plane, so it really doesn't make sense to have a layover and drag it out.
  2. My brother in law works at an electronics store which I shall not name, and thanks to him I got a sweet deal on a Mophie juice pack for my iPhone, which I've realized will totally come in handy at WDW! (If I haven't upgraded to the iphone 5 by then). My regular battery drains so quickly now on my 4s!
  3. I'm awaiting my bonus and our tax return.....I don't yet know the $$ amounts of either, but hopefully that will make this trip a reality! We also have a couple of things to put up for auction online, so hoping that brings in a few bucks.
  4. I need to get back into Sunshine Rewards to earn more Disney money! I currently have close to $60, just from doing my shopping through their links, printing coupons, and the daily scratchoff, in the last year or so!
Glad airtran has good flights and direct flight. Crazy to have a lay over on a 2 hour flight for sure

Hope you get a nice return and bonus :thumbsup2
Update! My mom slept over last night (she does that on occasion since she comes over to babysit my 7 month old) and we watched the 2013 Disney Vacation Planning DVD!

We both got giggly and discussed ways we can make this trip a reality! I felt bad when she would say "wow, I haven't seen that yet!" regarding things that have been there for over 5 years now. This is a woman who I'd always considered a Disney fanatic but man, is she rusty now! We've got to polish her up!!

The decisions my dad makes are financially driven. He tells my mom he's not "ready" for Disney yet but c'mon man, 2006 was his last trip! I'm not sure what's going on in his brain. My mom and her family "converted" my Dad on his first trip to WDW in his early 20's. Then I was born when they were 25, and they took me when I was a year old---so why not continue that tradition and take Harper just before her first birthday!

Mom asked me how I would feel if my dad didn't come along. I answered, "sad" :( It just would NOT be the same. At this point she thinks he just needs a little convincing.

The plan is this: Mom is taking the 2013 Vacation Planning DVD home with her today. As my unsuspecting father is finishing up, oh, I don't know what show he watches on Tuesday night (His #1 show is Big Bang Theory...is that Tuesdays?)...she and my sister will pop in the DVD and start it up.

According to my mom, "we don't ever ask your dad if he wants to watch something. We just turn it on and he's so addicted to the TV that he watches no matter what it is" :lmao:

She also wants to convince him that flying is not as dangerous as he thinks. (He's flown once in his life, I think. Grand Canyon trip) Ten (or more) hours in a car with a 12 month old just doesn't sound like a lot of fun. :scared: Ten hours in a car WITHOUT any children isn't even fun. As many Disney trips as we went on when I was a kid, we ALWAYS made that 10-12 hour road trip instead of flying. A couple times we stopped for the night somewhere in the Panhandle, but it still made for a LONG trip. And for as far back as I can remember, we always headed straight for one of the parks after checking in!

And so, Operation: Persuade Dad 2013 begins!

Perhaps I need to compile a list of things that have been added or changed since July 2006, and use that as leverage? It's got to be a TON of stuff! Is there somewhere I can go and put in a date and it will spit out a list?? If not, someone needs to invent that! I need some major help from all you wonderful DISfolks!! pixiedust:

It wouldn't hurt to make a list of the pro's of flying to DisneyWorld, so I'm taking all suggestions for this one as well. (hello Magical Express!!!!! :teeth: )
Lets see, what is new since 2006:

Toy Story Mania
New Fantasyland
Little Mermaid Ride
Double set of Dumbos
New additions in Pirates of Caribbean Ride
3d effects in Star Tours
Interactive que at Haunted Mansion
Spaceship Earth (add your face and make video at end of ride)
Monsters Inc Laugh Floor

Was Expedition Everest there in 2006?

That is all I can think of at the moment

If he is really gung ho on driving, tell him to drive and you all will meet him there via plane
Lets see, what is new since 2006:

Toy Story Mania
New Fantasyland
Little Mermaid Ride
Double set of Dumbos
New additions in Pirates of Caribbean Ride
3d effects in Star Tours
Interactive que at Haunted Mansion
Spaceship Earth (add your face and make video at end of ride)
Monsters Inc Laugh Floor

Was Expedition Everest there in 2006?

That is all I can think of at the moment

If he is really gung ho on driving, tell him to drive and you all will meet him there via plane

thanks!! Man you're good! A lot of those were in the vacation video so if he pays attention he'll be intrigued! Mom was loving it! I had forgotten that they never got to experience TSM yet!

My dad would really enjoy Laugh Floor as well.

Expedition Everest was the newest attraction at the time of their last visit, and they all enjoyed it. Strangely enough, my dad and sister are not thrill seekers like my mom and I are...BUT they do ride and enjoy the Disney coasters. One exception...My sister has already said she's going to sit out on Tower Of Terror this time around. Last time we pretty much forced her on ;)

We would never let him drive all that way himself. I would feel so mean doing that. It's not as if he's never flown before, so he knows what it's like. He just has control issues (ie. he's not in control of the plane).
What's great is that in the newest vacation planning video, there's a part that talks about Disney's Magical Express. Mom said it best when she says "your dad really trusts Disney, so he'd like that a lot".
So I told her that we ought to tell him that Mickey is flying the plane, too! :thumbsup2:rotfl:
Well, that wasn't as difficult as I thought.

Told the hubby about my bonus, he says "We're goin' to Disneyworld!" (as if he had a choice :rotfl: )


Then I was on the phone with my mom telling her that it's ON, and my dad happened to be working on their taxes. He took a break and she told him that Mike (my DH) has 100% agreed to Disney, told him when, and he's in! He asked how we are getting there, and my mom said well you know...flying. He said the rest of us can fly, but he's driving! LOL

The positive about him driving: We can load up his car (small SUV actually) with all the amenities that we would otherwise not be bringing if everyone flew. (I would've just used the hotel's pack n play, but we'll load ours up and have him bring it instead. Also breakfast items, an extra suitcase for souvenirs, etc.)

My sister is single, so she wants to bring her BFF along. I get along well with her, so I'm totally cool with it. I admit I HAD hoped it would be just family this time, but I suppose I can't really complain because I brought a friend along on one of our trips, when I was about 19 (and my sister was only 14).

So let the planning COMMENCE!!!
It sounds like everything is starting to come together! Where are you planning to stay? Are you thinking of getting a villa or a suite at AoA to house all those people, or just splitting up between regular standard rooms? (Sorry if you already shared your hotel plans!)

We are still debating the whole driving vs. flying thing. I am nervous about both a long car drive AND a flight with a one year old. Driving would save us big money and we would be able to bring a lot of extra stuff that you need with a LO, but flying would be much quicker and easier. I'll be watching to see how flying goes for you!

Glad you got a good bonus and DH is on board to go

That's awesome your dad is in.

Since you like your sister's BFF, sure no issues there. You have DH and DD and your mom has your dad, so only fair your sister has someone :goodvibes
Joining in! Your daughter is beautiful. :goodvibes Congratulations! I can't wait to read more about your plans.


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