Joy in the World ~ a magical Christmas weekend! real life update 04/07

I had brunch solo at Homecomin and think I was sat at the same table. I enjoyed my meal but wow so much food . ( I had the granddaddy plate )
What an awesome start to the day! Your photo of the water just looks so calm and peaceful. So nice to ease into the morning :goodvibes Homecomin did itself proud with excellent food and amazing service. Isn’t it lovely when people go above and beyond!
The Christmas tree trail looks like fun and I love the idea of monorail resort hopping especially if there’s drinks to be had 🍸🍷🥂

we did just do the Twinning Tea Experience here last week and LOVED it
Looking forward to your thoughts on the Tea Experience. I did it in March and absolutely adored it!
Can’t wait to hear all about this tea experience but just so you both know I make an excellent pot of tea and my Malteser squares are out of this world delicious 😋 Feel free to call in any time you’re passing and I will share. There might even be scones or apple tart and cream if you’re lucky 😂👍
That's phenomenal. I love that!
The service was just exceptional!
Wow! How amazing!
It could not have been more perfect! :)
I had brunch solo at Homecomin and think I was sat at the same table. I enjoyed my meal but wow so much food . ( I had the granddaddy plate )
The servings are huge but oh so yummy! I didn't eat again until the Tony's party during MVMCP that night!
What an awesome start to the day! Your photo of the water just looks so calm and peaceful. So nice to ease into the morning :goodvibes Homecomin did itself proud with excellent food and amazing service. Isn’t it lovely when people go above and beyond!
The Christmas tree trail looks like fun and I love the idea of monorail resort hopping especially if there’s drinks to be had 🍸🍷🥂
Homecomin' is my new favourite! What a great spot with awesome food. The service level is old school Disney style, I was very impressed. Yes, monorail hopping with a bevvie is always fun!
Can’t wait to hear all about this tea experience but just so you both know I make an excellent pot of tea and my Malteser squares are out of this world delicious 😋 Feel free to call in any time you’re passing and I will share. There might even be scones or apple tart and cream if you’re lucky 😂👍
Well, I am hoping to make it to Ireland next summer!
Can’t wait to hear all about this tea experience but just so you both know I make an excellent pot of tea and my Malteser squares are out of this world delicious 😋 Feel free to call in any time you’re passing and I will share.

I might have to remember this tidbit of information. 😆 It's a matter of if - not when - we get over to Northern Ireland.

Well, I am hoping to make it to Ireland next summer!

Are you coming over to England, as well??
I enjoyed reading about your experience at Homecomin'. The consideration you received from the manager and server at the restaurant are the sort of stories I love learning about in trip reports. And I'm happy to hear the food was delicious.

Smart of you to get to the Christmas Tree Trail right at opening. I'm sure avoiding the masses helped with viewing those creative trees.
Are you coming over to England, as well??
I would love it.....I haven't been to England in close to 24 years so I am well overdue. I'll have to see how my budget works out. I'd love to add in DLP too!
I enjoyed reading about your experience at Homecomin'. The consideration you received from the manager and server at the restaurant are the sort of stories I love learning about in trip reports. And I'm happy to hear the food was delicious.

Smart of you to get to the Christmas Tree Trail right at opening. I'm sure avoiding the masses helped with viewing those creative trees.
It was such a perfect morning. I could not have asked for better service, they were absolutely lovely. I'd like to see the Christmas Tree trail at night one time, I think it would be a different experience all lit up.
What a lovely experience at Homecomin! The staff sounded awesome!
I couldn't have asked for better service or food! I noticed your ticker as well......a Disney bachelorette sounds so exciting!!
I had put in a request through Touring Plans for 50's section on the top floor and got pretty much the opposite......80's section by the computer pool on the 2nd floor. Oh well! It ended being a great spot as it was only a five minute walk from the Skyliner.
I've had good luck with the Touring Plans tool... and I've had this type of luck too. Sounds like it wasn't a total loss though.
Final thoughts on Pop....... I would absolutely stay here again. If I had a late flight where it made no sense to spend $$$$ to only go to sleep or if I was doing a quick go, go, go trip like this one, Pop would be a great option.
::yes:: I'm a big fan of Pop. It's a good budget friendly option when you're going to be on the go anyway.
Walking in to Town Square, I was overcome with all the Christmas decor, the music playing and the amazing atmosphere. I was really here! The tree was incredible and I loved the wreaths on all the lamp posts. It was completely over the top which is exactly how I like Christmas to be!
I absolutely love the Christmas decorations in MK!
I was pleasantly surprised to see that there was no additional bag check for monorail guests....
That's one of the reasons I am really leaning towards split stays lately, it gives the opportunity to visit different resorts and get a taste of everything they have to offer.
::yes:: I'm torn. I love the concept of the split stay and getting to experience more of what there is to offer, but I also hate settling into the room and then packing back up and moving.
Now if you have ever been to the R&C on the patio, you'll remember there is an awkward three top right as you enter the patio. It's directly across from the servers station and is indisputably the worst table you can get. Any guesses as to which table they sat me at??? I was not pleased at all and requested an indoor table. I was told it would be at least another 40 minutes for a two top inside. Yet, five minutes later the next people in line are led inside to a two top!!!!!!
Oh, no. That stinks. I'm sorry the experience and the food were a little bit subpar.
Gary Sinise was the narrator for the Candlelight Processional that night and he was absolutely incredible. The show was everything I hoped it would be. I was so overcome by emotion during the Hallelujah chorus and their rendition of Oh Holy Night.
Awesome! I'm glad you were able to experience and enjoy it so much!
We chatted for a minute and he said "I noticed you don't look very comfortable. Come walk around with me and pick any seat in the house that you would like. I just want you to feel happy and relaxed." I couldn't believe it but I got up and walked around the restaurant with him and found another two top that wasn't in direct sun light. I thanked him for his kindness and concern and settled in to look over the menu. Of course I was going to go for a brunch cocktail and settled on the White Peach Sangria (La Perlina Moscato with muddled orange and mango, fresh peach puree, peach moonshine and a moonshine soaked peach wedge). My waiter came over to take my order and said "Please pick any drink on the menu, Mickey wants you to start off the day on a happy note!" I had been at the restaurant less than 15 minutes at this point and the pixie dust was overflowing! My drink arrived and was everything a brunch cocktail should be.....
That's fantastic! It's nice that you got to see the polar opposite Disney Dining experience compared to what you received at R&C.
I think I could live on bread and cheese and nothing else!
It's the best!
::yes:: I'm a big fan of Pop. It's a good budget friendly option when you're going to be on the go anyway.
Totally agree! It wouldn't be my choice when I wanted more R&R at the resort but for a park heavy trip, it was perfect!
::yes:: I'm torn. I love the concept of the split stay and getting to experience more of what there is to offer, but I also hate settling into the room and then packing back up and moving.
It's not too bad on a longer trip.....when we were on our anniversary trip we did 4 nights at AKL and 5 at CCV, I wouldn't want to split a stay shorter than 6 nights though.
Awesome! I'm glad you were able to experience and enjoy it so much!
It was SO wonderful!
That's fantastic! It's nice that you got to see the polar opposite Disney Dining experience compared to what you received at R&C.
It was such a fabulous experience! :goodvibes
It's a resort hopping kind of afternoon!

Leaving Disney Springs, I headed towards the bus loop to wait for the Wilderness Lodge bus. I had a very special reason for picking Wilderness Lodge as my first resort to hop to. You may remember that I had placed an offer on a resale DVC contract at Boulder Ridge Villas back in late November of 2019. Well, three days before my Christmas Disney trip, I received word that Disney had passed on the contract and I was successful in my offer! Currently, I am waiting on my welcome package from Disney but all the paperwork is done and my bank account is significantly depleted, lol! I am thrilled to own a small piece of the magic and I had to visit my new home away from home. Of course, I had to have an "I'm celebrating" pin to mark the occasion.


I loved the lobby tree in my new "home". :goodvibes


I adored the tree in the main lobby as well.


Walking around Wilderness Lodge was such a pleasure. It further solidified my decision that it was a perfect choice for our first DVC property and I can't wait to be back there again soon. I strolled down to Roaring Forks to grab my favourite iced tea/lemonade blend, then headed off to the boat dock. It was a beautiful afternoon to be on the launch and soon enough, we were pulling into the dock at the Contemporary. I found the decor at the Contemporary to be rather sterile although I did think the Mary Blair inspired gingerbread scene featuring Cinderella was quite well done.


Next up on my list was the Polynesian so I hopped on the monorail and was soon checking out the second floor. I debated stopping in at Tambu Lounge but I knew they weren't serving Bread Pudding yet so decided to hold off until I got to the Grand. The tree here was so pretty covered in traditional Polynesian flowers. Are they Plumeria blossoms? It was perfectly on theme.


I walked out into the sunshine and was drawn immediately to the Pineapple Lanai. I mean, it would be wrong not to have a Dole Whip when at the Poly, right??


It was such a beautiful day and I decided to walk over to the Grand. Considering the weather I had left behind in southern Ontario, it was such a treat to be out in the sunshine and warmth. Arriving at the Grand, I headed into the lobby immediately as I couldn't wait to see the Gingerbread house. I was in awe of the level of detail and spent time walking around it and taking in all the details.


The lobby was packed with people taking in all the Christmas decor so I decided to head upstairs and check out the new Enchanted Rose lounge. It is gorgeous and beautifully themed. It is very subtle with the nods to Beauty and the Beast coming through carefully placed ceramics, the colour scheme and of course, the spectacular chandelier over the bar.


I managed to snag the one empty table over by the window and settled in to wait for a server. Service left a lot to be desired for sure. While there were three CMs behind the bar, there were only two on the floor and it was packed. Eventually I got a menu and chose the "Island Rose" (Ketel one grapefruit and rose, lime, orgeat, pineapple, bitters and rose water) for $15.00. This was one of the least expensive choices on a VERY pricey menu. It was good but I think I would make a different choice on my next visit here. Still, it was nice to relax and take in everything at this beautiful lounge.


I needed to head over to Magic Kingdom as I had a party ticket for MVMCP and my FP time for Jingle Cruise was coming up. The lines were intense at the monorail and at the launch dock, the line went past Narcoosees! I decided to walk back to the Poly and grab the launch from the dock there instead. This proved to be a good decision and I was soon on my way to my first Christmas party!

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Congratulations on your new home away from home! The trees are beautiful! I dream of resort hopping at Christmastime at WDW. Seems like the perfect way to spend a few hours to me just soaking up the festive atmosphere 😊. Shame the bar service wasn’t what it should have been but it looks like a nice place to enjoy a cocktail albeit a pricey place!
Looking forward to hearing how your party went 😊
We chatted for a minute and he said "I noticed you don't look very comfortable. Come walk around with me and pick any seat in the house that you would like. I just want you to feel happy and relaxed." I couldn't believe it but I got up and walked around the restaurant with him and found another two top that wasn't in direct sun light
Wow, that is some kind of wonderful manager! Disney could certainly use a lot more of those.

his was an open faced biscuit topped with griddled country ham, fried green tomatoes, over easy eggs, dressed arugula and a remoulade sauce. Let me tell you, this was heaven in every bite! I went for fresh fruit as my side.

Heaven seems like an understatement. That looks and sounds amazing!!!! Never done Homecoming Brunch but definitely need to change that.

I headed towards the Christmas tree trail and was lucky to be among the first as the entrance as they opened for the day. I just loved the creativity of all the trees and thoroughly enjoyed taking in all the details. Here are some of my favourites.....

What a lovely morning with brunch and then strolling the Christmas trees.

You may remember that I had placed an offer on a resale DVC contract at Boulder Ridge Villas back in late November of 2019. Well, three days before my Christmas Disney trip, I received word that Disney had passed on the contract and I was successful in my offer!
What amazing news! Congratulations!!!!
Congratulations on your new DVC contract! I'm sure you will enjoy many stays at the lovely Wilderness Lodge. :goodvibes

Monorail resort hopping around the holidays is an event in and of itself; I'm happy to see you were able to do it before your MVMCP. But wowza, that sounds like a lot of people! Apparently, lots of guests had chosen to visit the GF at the same time.
Congratulations on DVC ownership!!
Resort strolling is one of my favorite things to do and with Christmas Decorations up it makes it even more enjoyable!
Sorry your experience at the new lounge wasn’t the best. I haven’t been yet, it was under construction during our August stay.
Heading back through International Gateway after my fun few hours exploring the resorts, I was excited to see the Main Mouse doing a meet and greet by the railings . I quickly hopped in line and was soon hanging out with Mickey himself. I think the closing of the Character Spot led to the fab four being out and about in the parks but whatever the reason, I loved seeing them.

That's really cool! I've never seen him outside at EPCOT :love:

We were sorely disappointed last time we went to Rose and Crown too. Every time I'm planning a trip and ask Mike where he wants to eat, he says, "I don't care…as long as it's not that crappy English place…" :rotfl: It's too bad because the location is amazing.

I love the CP too but missed it this time because my DD didn't really have much interest and we weren't on a long enough trip for me to insist. I think we ended up going to DS and walking through the Christmas Tree Trail that night instead, which I absolutely loved.

I decided to sit on the other side of the table and was just angling my chair to get the sun out of my eyes when the manager came over. We chatted for a minute and he said "I noticed you don't look very comfortable. Come walk around with me and pick any seat in the house that you would like. I just want you to feel happy and relaxed." I couldn't believe it but I got up and walked around the restaurant with him and found another two top that wasn't in direct sun light.

Wow, that's so nice. We love Homecomin' and have always had amazing service there. We actually met Art Smith once there and he was super friendly. He runs a great restaurant.

My entire meal was on Disney as I had opted out of housekeeping at Pop and had a $20 gift card to use. The food, ambiance and incredible service made this a meal to remember. Definitely Disney done right and I can't wait to come back to Homecomin' again.


I headed towards the Christmas tree trail and was lucky to be among the first as the entrance as they opened for the day. I just loved the creativity of all the trees and thoroughly enjoyed taking in all the details. Here are some of my favourites.....

There are so many of them, aren't there?? It just keeps going and going. I loved it :lovestruc 🎄

Well, three days before my Christmas Disney trip, I received word that Disney had passed on the contract and I was successful in my offer!

Congratulations on your new home away from home! The trees are beautiful! I dream of resort hopping at Christmastime at WDW. Seems like the perfect way to spend a few hours to me just soaking up the festive atmosphere 😊. Shame the bar service wasn’t what it should have been but it looks like a nice place to enjoy a cocktail albeit a pricey place!
Looking forward to hearing how your party went 😊
Thank you so much! It really was the nicest afternoon. Party details coming up soon. :)
Wow, that is some kind of wonderful manager! Disney could certainly use a lot more of those.
It was over the top service!
Heaven seems like an understatement. That looks and sounds amazing!!!! Never done Homecoming Brunch but definitely need to change that.
I was thinking of you as I was enjoying it. The only thing that would have made it better was more arugula. Definitely put Homecomin' brunch on your must do list.
What amazing news! Congratulations!!!!
Thank you, we are so excited!
Congratulations on your new DVC contract! I'm sure you will enjoy many stays at the lovely Wilderness Lodge. :goodvibes

Monorail resort hopping around the holidays is an event in and of itself; I'm happy to see you were able to do it before your MVMCP. But wowza, that sounds like a lot of people! Apparently, lots of guests had chosen to visit the GF at the same time.
Thank you, we are thrilled to own at WL.....we love it there. Yes, it was crazy busy around the resorts, I guess a lot of people had the same idea. It was really lovely though. :)
Congratulations on DVC ownership!!
Resort strolling is one of my favorite things to do and with Christmas Decorations up it makes it even more enjoyable!
Sorry your experience at the new lounge wasn’t the best. I haven’t been yet, it was under construction during our August stay.
Thanks Caroline! I love resort strolling too, it's so fun! I think the crowds were just so overwhelming for the staff at Enchanted Rose. I'll definitely give it another try.
I love the CP too but missed it this time because my DD didn't really have much interest and we weren't on a long enough trip for me to insist. I think we ended up going to DS and walking through the Christmas Tree Trail that night instead, which I absolutely loved.
The Christmas Tree trail at night would be magical!
Wow, that's so nice. We love Homecomin' and have always had amazing service there. We actually met Art Smith once there and he was super friendly. He runs a great restaurant.
It was my first time dining there but will definitely be back. It was amazing!
There are so many of them, aren't there?? It just keeps going and going. I loved it :lovestruc 🎄
Me too!
Thank you! I can't wait to visit the Top of the World lounge!


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