Jon and Kate Plus 8, Official Thread-Part 3

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I can't find anything that says one way or another. I think in the case of Jon and Kate I would bet my house on it they have college accounts for the kids

I agree. I think (hope) they do have savings set aside for the children .... but, setting up because they want to vs. setting up because it's required as a result of their job are 2 different things.
ratings are in for last night's show .....

The hour-long episode -- in which tabloid cover queen Kate Gosselin admitted, "I have a lot of anger...this is not what I envisioned for us" -- attracted a whopping 9.8 million viewers, which more than doubled the audience that tuned into the show's season 4 finale in March (4.6 million). Early estimates also reveal that the premiere, which lured unprecedented numbers of women aged 18-34 and women 18-49, was TLC's (and Jon & Kate's) most-watched episode ever.
I asked this I am not sure how many pages back, but does this show reair sometime this week. My son or husband cancelled my tivo recording of it. Thanks!!
Last night's episode was just sad.

I was a big fan of the show when it started. How could you not watch those oh-so-cute babies, the bratty big sis, the OCD mom, and the stressed out dad?

Then there were a few too many digs from mom to dad. And (more than a) few too many declarations by mom about how special she is. And a few too many hissy fits from big sis. And a few too often mom picking up one of the babies by their bicep. youch! And way too many episodes of the kids playing in the darn driveway. They had a backyard for gosh sakes! And both big sisters being spoiled by some of the free perks...can you say piano?? Not to mention those darn GAP shirts everyone was wearing. Just kinda sickening.

I don't know if I even watched an entire episode last year.

But I couldn't resist last night, what with all the media attention.
My heart is breaking for all of them. How sad.

TLC should be ashamed...."The Learning Cannel'????
What are they teaching us?

Again. It's just sad.

I will not watch any more.

I was waiting for that. That's unreal numbers too!

Question - what does it take to "sponsor" a show or get like the Gymboree free clothes? I'm sorry I'm just dumb about this kind of stuff. Like how come Starbucks hasn't shelled out the cash (assuming they pay to sponsor the show or get their products on it)? It seems like there are always Starbucks cups being moved out of the way (blurred out of course!) and didn't Kate get Jon a gift card there for Valentine's Day or Christmas or their anniversary or something (I think I recall the kids helping her wrap it while he was at work)? Granted I don't drink Starbucks but have seen enough of the cups to recognize it (or maybe not - maybe it's another brand and I'm way off!). Just curious about that.
Well - this is what many thought would happen. They didn't exactly have the most solid of marriages to begin with. Very very few men would tolerate the badgering and berating Jon got from Kate on a constant basis. When you add fame and fortune into the mix it's a recipe for disaster.

The only hope they have is if they put a stop to this show right now and focus on their family and children. Kate is way too selfish for that though so I predict they will be heading for a nasty divorce by the end of the year.
I have defended them both through out all of these threads and had negatives to say about both. It's yoru opinion that it is all one sided. What is one sided, is that if my husband was in bars and leaving with a 23 year old, I wouldn't be so nice to him.

I do have a lot of time to be on the boards, because I work from home doing Desk Top Publishing, and lot of my work means sitting with printers as they spit out my work. I work very hard, and am sometimes up finishing a job until early morning. That gives me a lot of time to be on this board, because I don't like to leave the printers when they are printing out a few thousand sheets of paper. Is that a good enough explanation to you? Although I didn't think I had to explain why I'm on this board.

I can just say again, as many others have, we see what TLC wants us to see. In the past, they showed Kate really bad, and I believed it and on the4 earlier threads, I posted it. I still would not talk to my husband the way Kate has talked to hers. This weekend I spent time watching in the corner of my computer screen past seasons. I had missed a lot. I'm not so fond of Jon anymore. My husband would never belittle me the way Jon so quietly does. I think he wants his cake and he wants his freedom. I think you are right, the ending of the marriage is in site. I also think you are right, Kate wants this to continue. He spends the money apparently and freely, and he if he wanted to walk out, on the show, he could have. He got caught, and now he wants his privacy, and until I see that she did, in my eyes, right now, he's the bad guy.

If either of them cheated or neither, I think the marriage is over. I've stated I've thought that for a long time.

It's so easy for anyone to be an armchair quarterback and child physcologist and even to have hindsite. Is this how I think they wanted to end up? Nope. Do I know how this is going to affect the kids, beyond what would affect any child of a divorcing (if that happens) couple? Nope. Do I have any idea if they can afford at this time to cut their losses, pay off a possible contract, afford two houses, etc? Nope. But I read that a lot of people know just were this is going, what will happen to the kids, that they should have money to support all they have bought. And they know this based on what a TV show producer decides to tell us, not what we really know about their lives.

So, that is my two cents, and if you think I am one sided on Kate's side, right now, today, you would be correct...and I can only base this on what I have seen.

You look at the whole situation so one sided. Kate=angel / Jon=bad. Honestly, reading some of your posts, one would wonder if you weren't Kate herself. Kate would have this much time to be on a board because her "babysitters" cough nannies cough cough would be raising the kids.

I am not defending Jons obvious affair. I have always thought that Jon for the first years was quite happy with all the free stuff and didn't worry to much about what the show would do to the kids. I don't think he is at all innocent. But him being wrong, doesn't make Kate right either. She is just as bad in every way and alot worse in many others. I think he still likes the free stuff and trips, but just doesn't think putting up with Kate is worth it all anymore.

He said he wanted the show to stop. That he rather have privacy. He was ready to go back to the way they used to live. He said it one national TV and straight to Kate, and she looked right through him and didn't care one bit. That was when their marriage ended. When you say he could be a big boy and left, fi he did, that would have been walking out on the kids. He wanted to stay with his kids. He tried to stay with Kate. Kate could care less what he wants, so it all blew up.
As an aside, reading those posts about Jon starting his own business from the publicity from the show....he should "team up" with the kid from Real Housewives of New Jersey. That kid wants to be the face of strip clubs and car washes. :rotfl2::lmao: AND his mom's in support so long as he runs them so mommy's proud of them! Jon can run the websites and still get his partying out of his system. Just connecting those two made me laugh. Not trying to be mean - just trying to make everyone smile this afternoon - that's all :goodvibes

I agree though with others that it would be great for him to "take advantage" of this opprotunity and "make something" of himself. I too am also waiting for the Kate Gosselin clothing brand. I thought I'd read somewhere that it was already in the works but that might have been the HealthTex thing.
I know that this interview was referred to many pages back, but I bring it up again to remind everyone that not so long ago Jon sounded pretty satisfied with show and the lifestyle it afforded him. Google Jon Gosselin KUTV interview; it occurred in January of this year.

Let's say all of what you say is true..:goodvibes What is the worst that could happen? They would have to revert back to a "lesser" lifestyle? (Like so many right now are being forced to do??)

Would it not be worth the privacy their children would gain? Not having to fear "Hurry - the paparazzi are coming after us!!".. Not having their children see their parents faces (and all of the allegations against them) splashed all over rag sheets? Not having their children have to look back on that video of the show that aired last night? Not having to listen to gossip from their school friends? Not googling their parents names in the future (as well as poor Mady's) and seeing all of the really, really nasty stuff that is on some of the other sites? Not having cameras recording things they would rather not have millions of viewers gawking at?

What is more important? The money (show) or the childrens right to privacy -even if it means a "lesser" lifestyle? "Things" are just "things".. Their privacy has been taken away from them without their consent - and I find that very, very troubling..

I read through this thread and I never caught the hypocrisy in Kate's statement about the paparazzi following her and the kids until I read it on yahoo. The bolded pretty much sums it up for me.
Its only alright when cameras are in their face as long as they are being paid, no matter what they are filming. How dare that paparazzi try to invade the privacy of these peope while their marriage is falling apart, don't thy know that only TLC has the rights to all their pain and suffering :rolleyes:

New Jersey's Star Ledger also calls out Kate for her hypocrisy over the paparazzi. In a voiceover on Monday's premiere, she says that she tells her kids to call the paparazzi "the P-people" because "I don't want them going to school being like, 'Well, the paparazzi is following us, like, that's so creepy.'"

Says the Star Ledger: "What's creepy is having your children followed around by a camera crew. Any camera crew. Period. It's exploitation, whatever cutesy name you want to give it."
Was it just me or did Jon look like crap last night?? He looked like he has been on a major booze-fest! His eyes were bloodshot and his demeanor looked like he didn't care.

He may say he wants his freedom but I bet he wouldn't want to give back the Porshe (sp?) he came rollin into the birthday party with!!

As a hard working woman, I admire and applaud Kate for doing the speaking engagements and book tours to be able to provide for her family. I don't like how society blames the woman if she is out having a career and the hubby is at home...

It seems to me like he is kinda lazy. Doesn't want to have or can't hold down a real job but resents his wife for being a breadwinner... I think there is a lot more to it. Maybe she belittles him because she secretly resents the fact that he is lazy...
There is a law that parents of kids in the entertainment field have to put atleast 20 percent in a savings account for them.
Something tells me that if this law exists, it is a state law from somewhere other than PA.
Well - this is what many thought would happen. They didn't exactly have the most solid of marriages to begin with. Very very few men would tolerate the badgering and berating Jon got from Kate on a constant basis. When you add fame and fortune into the mix it's a recipe for disaster.

The only hope they have is if they put a stop to this show right now and focus on their family and children. Kate is way too selfish for that though so I predict they will be heading for a nasty divorce by the end of the year.

... I think Jon likes the money (trip to Utah, Hawaii, fancy sports car, nice house), and that he somehow thinks he can cut out and it will still be there. ....
... He may say he wants his freedom but I bet he wouldn't want to give back the Porshe (sp?) he came rollin into the birthday party with!! ...
You guys are making quite a bit of hay over Jon's car. I don't understand why. He drives a Nissan, not a Ferrari.
I know that this interview was referred to many pages back, but I bring it up again to remind everyone that not so long ago Jon sounded pretty satisfied with show and the lifestyle it afforded him. Google Jon Gosselin KUTV interview; it occurred in January of this year.

He did, didn't he. I think that is the interview where he talked about starting a corporation. Amazing what happens when you decide you want to be the one to decide if and when the press can have it at you. I still am not positive that he cheated on her in the worst way, but he should not have been in the car with another woman (who is prob making a lot of money now on that tape her and her last boyfriend made) in the middle of the night.

I would say the same thing about Kate, if it comes out that she was also cheating or out with a man in the middle of the night after being in a bar together.

Boy, this moves and changes so fast, I can hardly keep up. Soon we'll have to start yet another thread.
I read through this thread and I never caught the hypocrisy in Kate's statement about the paparazzi following her and the kids until I read it on yahoo. The bolded pretty much sums it up for me.
Its only alright when cameras are in their face as long as they are being paid, no matter what they are filming. How dare that paparazzi try to invade the privacy of these peope while their marriage is falling apart, don't thy know that only TLC has the rights to all their pain and suffering :rolleyes:

New Jersey's Star Ledger also calls out Kate for her hypocrisy over the paparazzi. In a voiceover on Monday's premiere, she says that she tells her kids to call the paparazzi "the P-people" because "I don't want them going to school being like, 'Well, the paparazzi is following us, like, that's so creepy.'"

Says the Star Ledger: "What's creepy is having your children followed around by a camera crew. Any camera crew. Period. It's exploitation, whatever cutesy name you want to give it."

My husband said pretty much the same thing last night. She's pissed because she isn't getting paid for those photos.
new to this thread but a constant those who didn't like her comments about the party being long...the impression I got when she said that was that she felt like the party was running really long and it was kind of an apology to the parents who were there with their children. I think she was kind of worried that they were thinking it was running way long......

I feel sorry for her.....I have to say she is obviously one who has been through that situation (of course not with 8 children though) I know it is incredibly hard......John just seemed very seems like she wants to work it out but doesn't know if it is possible and after seeing how he was acting I think she may be right.......which is very sad......I think he seems like he is realizing he misses his freedom.......well guess what........he's not free........get over it........he should never have been photographed in a car with another woman....or videotaped coming out of her apartment.......stupid moves on his far as what is being said about her and the security guard.....I've seen no concrete I'm not convinced.....Jon and the other woman......well....if it walks like a duck....and squawks like a duck.........well you know..........Has his life been a cakewalk since the babies were born? No, it hasn't.....Is Kate hard to live with? Probably so..... Does that give him the right to run around?????? NO WAY!!!!

Just my opinion......

I get what you are saying but I dont actually feel that its all about him missing his freedom...Kate is more than hard to live with...she has belittled him, and embarrassed him to no end...Hes even told her she makes him feel like a fool in front of millions of people when she hollers at him across a store like he was one of the kids but to no avail...I have been thinking for a long time that poop was going to hit the fan if she didnt stop..She has seriously taken him for granted. I think I can count on one hand the amount of men I know who are like him as far as always being there and helping out as much as he when all of this came falling down I wasnt know a person can only take so much before they break and when they do there is a point of no return and unfortunately I think that is what happened to Jon and now that Kate realizes that her life may be shook up shes thinking about ways to rectify it when she should have been doing that all along...its so sad to say this but I honestly feel you can never think that your man or woman wont leave you especially if they feel the way jon does...last night I cried at that...I really felt bad for Kate but I think this has been a long time coming and you all are probably right about him checking out of their relationship and Im sorry for both of them but I really feel no matter what that he will be there for his kids and I hope they can rectify the situation but if not then at least I hope they can maintain civility amongst each other and be there for those kids....this is so sad:sad1:
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