It's a Marshmallow New Year's!The End! Future trip?? 7.21.14 Update

I just can't believe Madison has graduated! It's just crazy.

Awesome that there was a bus to Epcot at DHS. I'm pretty sure it's always there, but then again I might be wrong. We normally walk, but I think I'd seen it before. :lmao:

The crowds do look intense. I've only been to DHS on NYE, and it's less...oppressive.
Congratulatons to Madison on her graduation. I love the sign (of course). Perfect!!

O... M... G!!!! THAT is a crowd of people at Epcot. It's made even more astounding considering Epcot is such an expansive park. Just Wow.
Congratulations to Madison! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

That video made me cry though! But, of course, I am the same person who cried about Reid finishing Kindergarten this year. :rotfl:

So glad y'all were able to find a decent spot for the fireworks @ EPCOT. But, those crowds! :eek: Just looking at the pictures made me claustrophobic and uncomfortable. :sad2:

As of right we won't be there. I happened to get a PIN for Free Dining that allowed us to make a reservation at POR! I couldn't even get a room only at POR with the military discount. Now, if they decide to release military discounts for after Sept. 27 we may look at the savings...Keith says whatever is cheapest! ;) I was disappointed though! We could have a grand Dis meet!!!

That would've been so fun to meet up! :sad1:
I have finally caught up on reading the TRs I have been following so hopefully I will get a new update done very, very soon!! :goodvibes

I just can't believe Madison has graduated! It's just crazy.

Awesome that there was a bus to Epcot at DHS. I'm pretty sure it's always there, but then again I might be wrong. We normally walk, but I think I'd seen it before. :lmao:

The crowds do look intense. I've only been to DHS on NYE, and it's less...oppressive.

I still can't believe she has graduated! I still see a little 12 year old girl when I look at her! :(

I know we have taken a bus to and from Animal Kingdom and Magic Kingdom so Epcot would make sense. We always walk or take the boat and just never paid attention...I was so thankful for that bus though! Oh the crowds were just beginning to get...oppressive! :worried:

Congratulatons to Madison on her graduation. I love the sign (of course). Perfect!!

O... M... G!!!! THAT is a crowd of people at Epcot. It's made even more astounding considering Epcot is such an expansive park. Just Wow.

Thanks and I just thought that sign was perfect! :thumbsup2 One of my most favorite attractions!

I had chosen Epcot for that very reason...and yet the crowds were just showing up...(insert foreshadowing...)

Congratulations to Madison! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

That video made me cry though! But, of course, I am the same person who cried about Reid finishing Kindergarten this year. :rotfl:

So glad y'all were able to find a decent spot for the fireworks @ EPCOT. But, those crowds! :eek: Just looking at the pictures made me claustrophobic and uncomfortable. :sad2:

That would've been so fun to meet up! :sad1:

I have cried and cried the last several years and especially when we would go to banquets and they'd show the senior baby pictures and senior portraits...:sad::sad::sad: But I managed to hold it together this year. It just all goes way too fast and feels so surreal. I held onto each moment but still feel like it slipped away. I can't imagine how parent's feel that don't stop and take their kids growing up in! Okay...that was being Debbie Downer!! :rotfl:

Claustrophobic...oh yes....well, that's to come!! :rolleyes1 The spot we found was perfect for the fireworks and especially considering that we hadn't staked it out for hours!

The one thing I am disappointed in not being able to go in October is how much fun the meet up could have been! :(
I've been trying my best to get caught up on all my Dis subscriptions since coming back from Disney.

Congrats to Madison for graduating high school! She makes a beautiful graduate!

Oh gosh, those horns! After a while, I am sure that they would get on your nerves. You had a pretty good view for Illuminations and great pictures!
Finally! A little time to catch up and I see a lot has happened!:) First, congratulations to Madison on her graduation! The years go entirely too fast but it's also not bad entering the new phase of your adult children actually becoming your friends. :goodvibes (I think you've already got a headstart on that one) Ok, now let's see if I can remember my comments as I read thru: I totally share your feelings about the Candlelight Processional. It was very moving and beautiful! If I'm ever there when it's going on, it will be on my agenda! I also agree with you that everyone is happier when they can do (or not do) what makes them happy at Disney. Love all the beautiful pics (as always) and am freaked out at the crowd pictures you are showing on NYE!! And your ominous foreboding makes it sound like they will get worse. What! How can that be? Oh, and I almost forgot "Tinkle Tower" made me lol! Good one! Looking forward to the rest.......
I've been trying my best to get caught up on all my Dis subscriptions since coming back from Disney.

Congrats to Madison for graduating high school! She makes a beautiful graduate!

Oh gosh, those horns! After a while, I am sure that they would get on your nerves. You had a pretty good view for Illuminations and great pictures!

I wish I could say a Disney trip was my excuse for always trying to catch up! :goodvibes Mine is just that life is too dang busy!! :rolleyes: Thanks from Madison!

Those horns were like a million locusts, crickets and frogs all rolled into one giant sound!! :lmao: I think had it been any other night than NYE they would have been extremely annoying but due to the excitement of the was tolerable! I was pleased with the view since I had been worried that it would be impossible after seeing people camped out with blankets!

Finally! A little time to catch up and I see a lot has happened!:) First, congratulations to Madison on her graduation! The years go entirely too fast but it's also not bad entering the new phase of your adult children actually becoming your friends. :goodvibes (I think you've already got a headstart on that one) Ok, now let's see if I can remember my comments as I read thru: I totally share your feelings about the Candlelight Processional. It was very moving and beautiful! If I'm ever there when it's going on, it will be on my agenda! I also agree with you that everyone is happier when they can do (or not do) what makes them happy at Disney. Love all the beautiful pics (as always) and am freaked out at the crowd pictures you are showing on NYE!! And your ominous foreboding makes it sound like they will get worse. What! How can that be? Oh, and I almost forgot "Tinkle Tower" made me lol! Good one! Looking forward to the rest.......

I am so thankful Madison likes hanging out with me! She is already hammering away for a Disney trip with just me and her so we can do anything we want!

The Candlelight Processional is definitely so worth going to! The crowds were crazy! Hopefully I will get a closer on this day posted soon!
I Can't Move!!!
I forgot about these pictures. We found ways to occupy ourselves while waiting on Illuminations to begin!

After Illuminations was over, we knew we needed to figure out what to do next plus we were hungry! Starving!! Ravenous!!! We decided we would head into Future World and see what was going on and grab food at Sunshine Seasons! I had Strawberry Shortcake on my brain!!

We made a pit stop in China for Madison to make a purchase for her best friend. We stayed in the store for a few minutes and then we made our way out. There were several stages around with live music and they were thumping!!

There was another near Italy and I think one other around Canada...we never made it to that side so I am not too sure and my memory is not recalling. However on this night I knew from all of my glorious research!!

We hung outside for a few minutes watching the throngs of people walking by and listened to the music. There wasn't a good option of getting close though!

Not great pictures but good enough to get the idea! While standing around I could smell Chinese food wafting from the quick service local and it made me even hungrier!! I tried talking my family into grabbing something but to no avail! I haven't really had a desire to try the places in China...mostly because it seems like the same offerings we get around here. Everyone decided to make our way to Future World and the original plan. And this is where it just gets ugly!!!

Okay...maybe not ugly but the fun got sucked out! We step out into a mass of people and then right in front of Nine Dragons we stepped up on the little curb by the bushes. We were just hoping the cattle drive would pass by soon!

I loved the light fixtures in the restaurant...or I just decided to occupy my time:

And this was looking towards the stage area:

We then decided to venture out because the crowds of people were never ending!! It was pretty much like those little clown cars at the know the ones where 9 bizzillion clowns climb out of a little Volkswagon Bug? You wonder where so many people are coming from!!

We were squished and walking inch by stop by inch by stop by inch....and finally we made it to Norway where we made our way to a sidewalk, stood on the edge and waited again....for a long time!! From our new wait spot:

While standing there we began asking how much more fun could we have!? It literally had taken over an hour to squeeze our way from China to Norway...and granted we did stop trying (hoping) the crowds would pass! At this point it was decision time. We are not huge New Year's Eve people anyhow. Even Madison and Chris just don't do the whole midnight thing much. The crowds were oppressive and we did discuss that they could clear out some as it got later since families would be leaving. The following day was going to be our final park day. We had been going strong since early that morning. I do not do well in shoulder to shoulder crowds and no escape in panic attack although this wasn't an issue at the time. Keith doesn't care for crowds. So the decision was unanimous! Let's head out!

Thankfully, Disney knows and prepares for crazy crowds and they had two alternative exits out of World Showcase. One by Canada and thankfully one between Mexico and Norway. We decided to brave the crowds and made our way for the exit. The walk was so long, looping through the backstage areas. Soon we were spit out into Future World. now once we landed here Future World was no where near as crowded. This was probably due to the many beer kiosks not being as frequent...just a guess!! :confused3 We briefly considered staying at least a while here but the crowds had zapped the fun. We were still pretty awake but we were just ready to not be around the crowds. So to the main exit we went!

Okay so we make it to Spaceship Earth and maybe the crowds aren't that much thinner!!

And one final picture before we leave!!

We make it to the bus stop and decide to go to Art of Animation and grab dinner there!! So a bus comes extremely quickly. We were some of the only people leaving the park so the bus was pretty empty. Also as a sign of things to come...rain drops started falling just as we boarded...big fat rain drops!!!

Continued in the following post...
On the bus we were feeling pretty relieved to be "alone" and I snapped a few selfies...perhaps we were a little too giddy!! :lmao:

As you can bailing on Epcot before midnight really didn't spoil our moods! And what Chris was doing...well that was him almost the whole trip. Not having a cell phone at basic made him overly attached!

We arrived at AoA and ordered our food. This was my first time in the food court area and I really liked the light fixtures and wall art...such a great food court!

I wish I could remember what this was but Keith ordered:

I got the butter chicken. It was good. Not something I would go out of my way to order but it was really good. But I also got a spinach dish that was good!

Chris ordered a meatball sub which he devoured:

And Madison ordered a flatbread which she really didn't care for...this doesn't mean it wasn't good though because she can be very picky!!

After eating, we walked around outside a bit:

We then made our way across the lake...

The rain had stopped so we went to the pool for a bit and then we decided to rest up for our final day!

You know, as I am writing this (and even though I have seen these pictures a lot) it strikes me of the things you do to end one year and begin the next. I mean really, it is just a day, right!? December 31 isn't that much different than January 1. We just write a new year. It will be 2014 when we hit the parks the next day. A whole new year to make new memories and here I am about to enter into reporting our January 1st day when in reality,we are almost at the mid-point of 2014! Where has this year gone? I have been so busy with Madison's senior year that almost 6 months have passed! So what has me reflecting!? Because my final picture taken in the year 2013 was....

A there you go! I obviously thought the little fellow adorable!!

And that folks was our final day in 2013!! in retrospect, I should have stuck with DHS. I'm not sure how it was on this night and it may have been just as bad. I had thought Epcot could spread crowds out more. We weren't delusional thinking that the crowds weren't going to be there. We knew it would be crowded, we just had no idea we would not be able to walk! Would I do it again? Yes I think I would...but not for a while. Would Keith do it again...well, officially from his mouth...not in a million years!! Did we enjoy our NYE in Disney? Most definitely!!! We had a very fun day and we wouldn't trade that for anything!!!

Up next: Our final day at Disney!
UGH! What a mess with those crowds! :scared1: Glad y'all were able to get out and not it let it ruin the night! :thumbsup2
Oh my gosh! The crowds looked scary! :scared1: That's what it looked like on Main Street when we went to the 24 hour party. It was ridiculous and Mama was just saying last night that she felt like she couldn't breathe because of the crowds.

It sounds like ya'll made the right decision to leave and have dinner at Art of Animation.

We are like you guys and don't celebrate much on New Year's Eve. We hardly ever stay up until midnight on NYE.
WOW... just wow. Considering the size of Epcot and the pathways being fairly wide (at least as compared to the other parks), these crowds are insane. I can't imagine what the other parks must have felt like.

Haha, nothing wrong with a Disney bunny to end the year. :cutie:
UGH! What a mess with those crowds! :scared1: Glad y'all were able to get out and not it let it ruin the night! :thumbsup2

The crowds were crazy! It was so much more relaxing once we left!

Oh my gosh! The crowds looked scary! :scared1: That's what it looked like on Main Street when we went to the 24 hour party. It was ridiculous and Mama was just saying last night that she felt like she couldn't breathe because of the crowds.

It sounds like ya'll made the right decision to leave and have dinner at Art of Animation.

We are like you guys and don't celebrate much on New Year's Eve. We hardly ever stay up until midnight on NYE.

I have seen the live feeds from the 24 hour parties and it was very similar. Crowds are one thing but not being able to move due to crowds are entirely different! We just couldn't enjoy leaving was the best choice!

WOW... just wow. Considering the size of Epcot and the pathways being fairly wide (at least as compared to the other parks), these crowds are insane. I can't imagine what the other parks must have felt like.

Haha, nothing wrong with a Disney bunny to end the year. :cutie:

The size of Epcot was why I thought it would be a little better. I don't even want to think about what MK looked like! Which reminds me...I forgot about a picture I had! :rolleyes:

Wasn't the rabbit the cutest!? :laughing:
Party like it's 2014!!!​

Before I jump into our final day...I forgot I had screen shot this photo on NYE of a Facebook post. The picture is at MK and when I saw that I thought "thank goodness I am not there!!!" When I saw this we were enjoying our time at Epcot...pre-crowd!

So moving on to January 1, 2014!

This was our final day and this was the day we planned to make 4 parks in 1 day! We have done this on most of our trips and love fitting one day in where we hit all four parks!

We woke up and discovered the rain drops that we'd seen on the bus ride the previous night had returned and seemed to be a lot heavier!

We are not ones to let a little rain ruin our Disney trips though so we headed off to Pop's food court for a little substance!! Chris and Keith got the bounty platter because that's what they always get...and I failed to get a picture of it. But I got an omelet...I love getting the omelets and adding in things like mushrooms!!!

And Madison loves French Toast almost everywhere we go, so that was what she chose!

Filling up and ready to take on the day we head off for Animal Kingdom!! This isn't one of Keith's favorite parks so we usually only get a few hours here each trip. I love AK though and the details plus I am an animal lover and could spend all day here exploring!! So, since this was our visit trip here this trip, it was my first time to see the tree with all of the animals! I loved it!!

You can see the raindrops on the lens so this resulted in me not getting the pictures I'd hoped! But oh well, I actually here and that's better than a picture!!

All day I took pictures of my watch so when I wrote the report I'd know the timing...I'll only show this one, but I can only imagine what people thought when they saw me snapping these pictures!!

The other thing about this picture is that Mississippi is Central time and Orlando is Eastern so we are actually entering the park at 10 am! A little late for a 4 park/1 day venture, right?!

The customary Tree of Life picture. This is a required photo for me...much like Cinderella Castle. The hat at DHS? Not so much...I take it but if I miss it I don't cry over it!

A marvelous thing about a rainy day at Disney (which is better than any other day anywhere else, right!?) and millions of people sleeping in after partying all night long!!

We were heading to one of the best, most adored rides we have at Disney!!

I love the details here and always take way too many pictures!!

Continued in the following post...

Obviously I took this to heart!! :rotfl:

How creepy is this thing!? I took this just so I could ask that question!! It looks like something in a nightmare!!



Madison and I were getting a little afraid after seeing all that stuff about the Yeti!!

And soon we were ready for a wild ride!!!

Continued in the following post...
You can see the rain drops on the seat ahead of me...the rain wasn't super heavy but it was steady enough and it hurt when it hit our faces!!

Our ride photo...

We rode one more time since the wait was only about ten minutes and then we were off for more adventures!! Farewell until next time!

We were heading off to Dinoland!!

You can tell the rain still was holding off crowds!

We were making our way to Dinosaur of course!!

We get our instructions from Mrs. Huxtable!

And then the "real" instructions come!!

Ever so close!! This line was about a 10 minute wait too and that included the video stuff!

Madison and I tried "jazz hands" again...but it didn't come off to well!

We wandered back out into the rain...

And into the little gift shop which still had some super cute Christmas decorations up!!

We discuss what to do next. We felt it was raining to hard to fully enjoy the safari and we were all getting hungry so we decided to make our way to find a little lunch! We just aren't sure where we want to go! Or do we?? ::yes::
YIKES! That picture from MK! I can't even handle looking at pictures of those kinds of crowds.

Sounds like y'all were off to a great start on the last day despite the yucky weather. :thumbsup2 You have some great pictures of AK. I may not truly enjoy going to that park but I do love lots of pictures from there.

Excited to hear where y'all are going to go for lunch. :goodvibes
Magic Kingdom... New Years Eve... Nuh uh.

Oh yeah, I loved the AK tree as well. So perfect for that park.

Oh... My... GOD!!!! My hand to God, I take pictures of my watch for that reason too. Too funny.

Haha, yup, I look at that "deer" head and all I think of is Evil Dead (for anyone who's seen the movie). :scared1:
A few weeks ago Madison graduated from high school which was a HUGE source of my craziness!!!

LITTLE MADDIE GRADUATED?!?! WOW...where does the time go? It's so strange how we get to know each other and our families bit by bit here in these TRs and it's almost like we are neighbors from down the street (well, if you count a street about 60 miles long then we are!! :lmao:). Tell her congrats from the weird neighbor down south but please tell me she won't be wearing maroon again anytime soon!! HS is okay but not for college!! :rotfl2:
YIKES! That picture from MK! I can't even handle looking at pictures of those kinds of crowds.

Sounds like y'all were off to a great start on the last day despite the yucky weather. :thumbsup2 You have some great pictures of AK. I may not truly enjoy going to that park but I do love lots of pictures from there.

Excited to hear where y'all are going to go for lunch. :goodvibes

After the parade earlier in our trip it felt similar to that...not sure what it looked like. I do know is that picture gave me anxiety looking at it! :rotfl: I know AK isn't everyone's cup of tea but glad you enjoyed the pics!! I think people could guess all day long and not guess where we ate!

Magic Kingdom... New Years Eve... Nuh uh.

Oh yeah, I loved the AK tree as well. So perfect for that park.

Oh... My... GOD!!!! My hand to God, I take pictures of my watch for that reason too. Too funny.

Haha, yup, I look at that "deer" head and all I think of is Evil Dead (for anyone who's seen the movie). :scared1:

I don't think I could be paid to go to MK for NYE and especially after being at Epcot and experiencing that park! Glad to know I am not the only one that takes that picture of your watch! Perfect thought for that deer head! :scared1:

LITTLE MADDIE GRADUATED?!?! WOW...where does the time go? It's so strange how we get to know each other and our families bit by bit here in these TRs and it's almost like we are neighbors from down the street (well, if you count a street about 60 miles long then we are!! :lmao:). Tell her congrats from the weird neighbor down south but please tell me she won't be wearing maroon again anytime soon!! HS is okay but not for college!! :rotfl2:

I know I cannot believe she's graduated! It is strange how you get to know people on these boards! I reference things all the time and I get strange looks when I explain it's someone I know from the internet! :laughing: No maroon and white for college! Her high school was the spitting MSU image though... same exact bulldog and maroon and white...they just didn't use the fight song. Games even had cow bells! Thank goodness we aren't Ole Miss fans!! :lmao:


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