I'm SOOOO sorry....

Been there, done that...living in construction is the worst! And when you have contractors who have one functioning brain cell between them, the problems are inversely propotional to the number of said cells...

Hang in there!
but this weeks show will be delayed (likely it will be up late tomorrow night). The issue with my roof is still on going (now 3 weeks since they started work - just to give you an idea of the unmitigated cluster-fudge that this has been). I simply can't record the show with people pounding on my roof (not to mention the creepy 'Chester the Molester' dude that's up there doing the work - I swear to God he's one drink away from a cameo on Dateline).

The problem with the roof stems from the fact that the rocket scientist I bought the house from decided to add 1300 sq ft to the house with an addition and he put a flat roof on it. Think about what would happen to a flat roof in a state that has constant rain from May to Sept. To add insult to stupidity, they also put all the air conditioning equipment and duct-work for the addition - you guessed it - on the roof. So, I not only have to deal with roofers that resemble mouth breathing missing link primates, but also an A/C company that I'm pretty sure is run by Forrest Gump’s less intelligent younger brother.

Hmmm sounds like a job for:

Jeff would have had that job done already and he would have paid less I am sure LOL!!!!!

Although, he may of had to fire Chris- yet again :rotfl:


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