If parks close tomorrow, how to get to resort restaurants?

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DIS Veteran
May 2, 2007
Here now, lots of cms saying they have been told parks may close tomorrow. If so, is there a way to get to resort dining from another resort?
There may be changes as to how they handle dining during the closures. Better check with the resort as it is confirmed the parks and Disney Springs are closed tomorrow.
If you have an exterior door there will be a time frame you will be told to not leave your room, not even go to your food court/restaurant.

If you are at a hotel with interior door I would consider changing my ADR to there, especially at breakfast/lunch time.

We don't know that there will be any bus service tomorrow, it depends on the weather and you likely won't know until tomorrow.

THIS IS NOT COMMON, Disney is having to make many decisions and some like the weather and CM availability will determine that.

Be flexible!
I would stop at your resort store on the way home today and pick up whatever you might need for 24 hours, fruit, chips, popcorn, snacks that don't need to be heated up in case you lose power. it's been discussed on other threads that parks are closing at 5 today and will not be open tomorrow. I would not count on any services being open tomorrow as the hurricane is probably going right over Orlando and it will not be safe to go outside if you are not in an internal corridor hotel. If you are in an internal corridor hotel, it's possible the store would stay open as long as power is retained. Make your plans now to keep your family safe.
Stop whatever you're doing and stock up on food and snacks for the next 36-48 hours. Do not assume you'll be able to physically go out an exterior door or that there will be electricity even- all the news briefings are saying expect to lose power and have damage.
Don't expect buses, taxis, or any transportation until Saturday at the earliest.
What everyone has said. Take some action now, try to get some food/water for your room and/or flashlight/candle. No idea how long you might be in the room (depending on where you are staying). Good luck.
Don't plan on that ADR. If the storm is as bad as they are preparing for then you won't be going outside your resorts. You don't say which resort you are at but if you are not at a resort where everything is in one building or at least connected then you will most likely be told to stay in doors for most of tomorrow. The storm is very slow moving so it isn't just going to blow over after an hour.
With Charley in 04, we stocked up on pizza (its good cold), cheese and fruit and snacks. We didn't have a fridge as we were at All Star Music back then, so we got a lot of ice to keep things cold that needed refrigeration. Peanut butter, jelly, etc are good to get if you have no fridge. For those with a fridge, most food tastes good cold. IF you don't mind the mess, you can heat up some soups in the coffee maker. I would doubt restaurants will be open as many CM's won't be able to get in to staff them.
As others have said you will not be able to leave your room. This is a very serious hurricane and you need to hunker down, food, water, batteries, charge up your phones etc. It is a good chance you will loose electricity. You can forget about ADRs for Friday and just focus on staying in your hotel room. Be safe.
Just check for red and white striped stockings sticking out from under the building after you land.

Hey hey, this is getting personal.

(my facebook profile pic)

Look, if a place that prides itself on being open and having all this showy stuff 365 days a year is shutting down... it's a safe bet your dining reservation should be skipped.

Stay in your room, watch the tv, and play some games. This is dangerous enough that Disney, the lover of money, is cancelling and shutting down.

As others have said, during the storm, it won't be safe to leave your room (if you have an exterior door) or your resort (if you have an interior door). After the storm passes, there's a good chance roads won't be clear to drive on for a while so don't plan on bus or taxi service immediately afterwards. Stock up on things to eat and drink now.
From reading these other responses, it's obvious that it didn't occur to me that if they're closing the parks, that traveling to another resort for an ADR might not be possible. So, please disregard my previous post.:o
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