If a teacher were to post your child's work on Facebook with no identifying details..

My favorite is from my daughter in kindergarten. They were learning about farm animals. On this was a "quiz"

Quiz- If a farmer looked out side and saw eight legs what animals could he have?

Daughter- Octopus

Honestly, I'm not sure what other answer there is.

Are they eight of the same legs? How close together are they? Are any of them in pants? I mean, really, what the heck?

A mutant cow...

Two sheep...

Two dogs with 3 legs and a duck...?
My favorite is from my daughter in kindergarten. They were learning about farm animals. On this was a "quiz"

Quiz- If a farmer looked out side and saw eight legs what animals could he have?

Daughter- Octopus


The way the question was worded I would have answered the same as your daughter.
As a teacher, I don't tell anyone what any of my students do or say. It's private, and should be kept as such. Don't even talk about it with my spouse...

I don't have Facebook, but if I did, I absolutely would not have any of my students' parents or guardians as friends. That doesn't even make sense...I am a teacher, not their friend.

Honestly, I will say that many teachers I have taught with struggle with good judgment and confidentiality in this regard, so posting on Facebook doesn't surprise me. I don't care if there aren't any identifying markers, it's a private experience that happened in class, between a teacher and student/s, so no place on a public social media forum, IMHO.

Then next comes students who are posting about teachers, and they may get into trouble. None of it should be done, and that way, it is a fair and private relationship, in that it takes place between the teacher and student, and not the entire Internet community.

As a teacher I wouldn't do it but as a parent I wouldn't mind
I would never know, because I wouldn't be friends with my children's teachers on Facebook. That's just weird.

In small towns (or elsewhere) you may be real life friends with them, and FB friends as a result :)

My wife works for the district, so it's pretty much a given she knows our daughters' teachers anyway.
At the school where I work we had to sign Computer/Social agreements that we (1) would not friend any student in the school system and (2) we were not allowed to post ANYTHING about our school day on Facebook, Twitter, etc. In addition, at the beginning of the year meeting our principal made it very clear that those were rules not to be broken. So I don't.

That is against your basic constitutional rights (if you are in the USA) - you could take a stand to protest, if you wanted to. School systems do not have the right to say what you do in your private time, as long as laws are not being broken. Also, FERPA does not cover 'common knowledge' or 'public knowledge' information.

For example, if I was assaulted in public by a student, or even if a student says something to me in class, in front of others, that information is not protected by FERPA. I have every right to tell my husband, or anyone else, what happened to me at school that day.
A few years ago one of the teachers at my kids school posted something like this year can't end soon enough. And the guidance counselor wrote I know-Johnny is such a nightmare!! And the teacher wrote back: exactly!
I can't remember it exactly, but that was pretty close. Definitely called the kid by name and said he was a nightmare.
The best part was his page was public. 'Doh!

I know a lot of teachers personally because a large number of them are around my age and grew up in this town, and I started hanging out with people here when I was 16.
I still don't friend my kids' teachers. I am fb friends with 4 teachers at my kids' school. 2 my children never had, 1 they both did, but she's retired. The other one is one of the specials teacher and I've known her for 20 years, since she was 10- friends of the family- when she started my kids had to work to remember not to call her by her first name at school. LOL
I am fb friends with another 3 teachers in the district, one I''ve known since K, we went to school together, one I've known since we were teens, and one I'm good friends with, she's married to one of my husband's fellow firefighters.
My husband grew up here and he's friends, both Facebook and IRL with a lot of people in the school district. And it turns out that my sister in law's cousin( who went to high school with my husband) is one of my son's teachers. Things just overlap here. And this is a town of 20,000+ people, not too small.

I never see them post anything about school.

I work in the school part time and I would never ever put anything that happened at school while I was at work on Facebook, I wouldn't talk about it to anyone in town, besides my husband, even. Unless its a general-Field Day was great, love seeing these kids have so much fun! Kind of thing.
That said, if a teacher posted something cute/funny that my kids said or did I wouldn't care.
As a teacher, I don't tell anyone what any of my students do or say. It's private, and should be kept as such. Don't even talk about it with my spouse...

I don't have Facebook, but if I did, I absolutely would not have any of my students' parents or guardians as friends. That doesn't even make sense...I am a teacher, not their friend.

Honestly, I will say that many teachers I have taught with struggle with good judgment and confidentiality in this regard, so posting on Facebook doesn't surprise me. I don't care if there aren't any identifying markers, it's a private experience that happened in class, between a teacher and student/s, so no place on a public social media forum, IMHO.

Then next comes students who are posting about teachers, and they may get into trouble. None of it should be done, and that way, it is a fair and private relationship, in that it takes place between the teacher and student, and not the entire Internet community.


You post about your students here all the time - the ones who are pregnant, the ones with ADHD, the ones with bad home lives etc. So, it is okay to talk about them here but not with your spouse or on a "public social media forum"? Or is what you post okay, but what other people post not okay?
You post about your students here all the time - the ones who are pregnant, the ones with ADHD, the ones with bad home lives etc. So, it is okay to talk about them here but not with your spouse or on a "public social media forum"? Or is what you post okay, but what other people post not okay?

To be clear, I did NOT go searching for posts. Some posters, you just associate with certain things and I associate Tiger926 with posts about teaching high risk kids and their various situations.

I was only laughing because I was thinking the same thing, but thought I had the wrong poster in my head. :goodvibes
You post about your students here all the time - the ones who are pregnant, the ones with ADHD, the ones with bad home lives etc. So, it is okay to talk about them here but not with your spouse or on a "public social media forum"? Or is what you post okay, but what other people post not okay?

Not sure when this became about me...I don't post all of the time...don't have much time to post much at all anymore, but in the past, I have spoken about the types of students I have taught over the many years of being a teacher. You don't know if they are current students or not, and I don't give specifics at all. Saying that I teach ADHD students in a big school somewhere is not specific at all, since all of us teach ADHD students, as well as pregnant students. Such is the life of a high school teacher.

Responding to a DIS parent who is struggling with a teenager at home with something like, "I teach students who also struggle with their homework, sleeping or motivation" is not specific to my city, social class, school location, identity of students, etc.

Posting specific classroom discussions, events or artwork on Facebook in the town of where you teach, to the parents and neighbors of the children you are showcasing, is a totally different thing, IMHO. It would be like if I posted student names, current classroom happenings on a daily basis, location, etc. here on the DIS. I don`t do that...I am very creative with how I answer posts, and try and do in the most general way possible.

Posting on Facebook is very detail oriented, as it`s your own page, so people know where you teach, who you teach, etc. Posting on the DISboards as an anonymous poster, in a very general way, is not the same thing at all. Despite the anonymity on here, I don`t believe I have ever posted any specifics about individual students. I can still get involved in discussions in a general way on here, but with Facebook there is no anonymity or privacy at all.

I am drawn to certain threads about teens, especially those who are struggling, as I know how difficult it is for parents, and so if I can help someone with a general post about what I have experienced in working with teens, then I will try my best to help.

I don't post all of the time...don't have much time to post much at all anymore, but in the past, I have spoken about the types of students I have taught over the many years of being a teacher. You don't know if they are current students or not, and I don't give specifics at all. Saying that I teach ADHD students in a big school somewhere is not specific at all, since all of us teach ADHD students, as well as pregnant students. Such is the life of a high school teacher.

Responding to a DIS parent who is struggling with a teenager at home with something like, "I teach students who also struggle with their homework, sleeping or motivation" is not specific to my city, social class, school location, identity of students, etc.

Posting specific classroom discussions, events or artwork on Facebook in the town of where you teach, to the parents and neighbors of the children you are showcasing, is a totally different thing, IMHO.

I am drawn to certain threads about teens, especially those who are struggling, as I know how difficult it is for parents, and so if I can help someone with a general post about what I have experienced in working with teens, then I will try my best to help.



I have found you to be one of the most helpful Dissers in those types of threads. You have a lot of experience under your belt. :goodvibes
HOnestly I have a problem with facebook in any shape or form. We had a teacher write something about an admin and the admin saw it....need I say more. I do not think anything related to a child should be posted. I don't care how cute it is. I would be upset if it were my child. I did not read all the posts,but I am betting I am a majority of one.

I have found you to be one of the most helpful Dissers in those types of threads. You have a lot of experience under your belt. :goodvibes

Thanks so much. :thumbsup2

I have been sent so many PMs over the years about helping teens, so I try and do so when I can, in the most general and private way I can in various threads, as I know just how difficult it is when you are in a challenging situation, and you feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel.

To be clear, I did NOT go searching for posts. Some posters, you just associate with certain things and I associate Tiger926 with posts about teaching high risk kids and their various situations.

:thumbsup2 Definitely one of the posters that are easily recognized and remembered by what they post. I too was scratching my head when she said she never discussed her students because she is one of the few screen names I do immediately recognize. And it is because she vehemently brings up her students and her teaching methods all the time. One legalizing pot thread was pretty specific, with the town in Canada mentioned I believe. On the teen threads, I always look to see if it is the Canadian Tiger that is posting.

OP, as long as it was not spiteful, I would not care. I would also hope that you would kind of monitor something you post of a child's to make sure there were no hurtful or identifying comments made. And if there were, that you would pull it immediately
OP, as long as it was not spiteful, I would not care. I would also hope that you would kind of monitor something you post of a child's to make sure there were no hurtful or identifying comments made. And if there were, that you would pull it immediately

Neither I nor my current co-workers have posted anything. But a friend at another school did and we were giggling over it (it was pretty cute!) when the discussion started.

It should be noted that so long as no identifying details are there, there is no current policy against sharing in this way. In most examples (like the one in the OP), you couldn't even be sure it was from that person's class. Funny little things get posted and passed all the time.

That said, I wouldn't do it. There's a risk and it's just not worth it. But I personally see it as harmless. Kids are cute, and the way they see and write things is often delightful. I do think it's a shame we live in a world where everything is negative or a threat, rather than seeing the simple joys.
:thumbsup2 Definitely one of the posters that are easily recognized and remembered by what they post. I too was scratching my head when she said she never discussed her students because she is one of the few screen names I do immediately recognize. And it is because she vehemently brings up her students and her teaching methods all the time. One legalizing pot thread was pretty specific, with the town in Canada mentioned I believe. On the teen threads, I always look to see if it is the Canadian Tiger that is posting.

OP, as long as it was not spiteful, I would not care. I would also hope that you would kind of monitor something you post of a child's to make sure there were no hurtful or identifying comments made. And if there were, that you would pull it immediately

Never, have I ever posted what city or area I live in. Ever...

I don't discuss specific students at all, in terms of names, locations, etc. Speaking about an ADHD student, is like talking about a Disney lover on this board. LOL!

As I already said, it is totally different in regards to a Facebook account in which everyone knows the teacher, city and school, and in a small city, people would know the students as well.

I don't consider speaking in generalities to be the same. I don't discuss specifics of individual students with my spouse or family, and I don't do it on here. I have taught thousands of students over the years at different schools, so since you don't know who I am, nor where I live, you can't know which individual students I would be referring to, whereas posting on my Facebook account about what one specific student said today in class, would instantly tell people that I was talking about a current student.

Sorry as I was not trying to mislead anyone, and hopefully this clears it up, Tiger
Neither I nor my current co-workers have posted anything. But a friend at another school did and we were giggling over it (it was pretty cute!) when the discussion started.

It should be noted that so long as no identifying details are there, there is no current policy against sharing in this way. In most examples (like the one in the OP), you couldn't even be sure it was from that person's class. Funny little things get posted and passed all the time.

That said, I wouldn't do it. There's a risk and it's just not worth it. But I personally see it as harmless. Kids are cute, and the way they see and write things is often delightful. I do think it's a shame we live in a world where everything is negative or a threat, rather than seeing the simple joys.
:thumbsup2 I agree. There is nothing sweeter than seeing the pure innocence in a child's drawing or writing. I love seeing some of the cute things that are posted (by parents) on facebook.


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