ID for alcohol purchase

Disney doesn't want their liquor license suspened for even a few days as a penalty for serving someone under aged. Sting enforcement sends in a 19 or 20 year old. That person looks, is dressed and made up to look 30.

Some places have a policy to check ID for anyone who looks under 30 or 40. Some places don't want an employee to have discretion. Everyones ID is checked, even seniors.

Disney doesn't check everyone's ID. Do you look like a 25 year old in your bathing suit? If yes bring your passport. Otherwise you probably won't even be asked.
In my bathing suit I’m definitely showing my age 😂
As stated in the screen shot another user provided, a copy of your passport (either paper or on your phone) plus your government issued ID (actual ID, not a photo) is what you will need. You can leave your actual passport in your room.
Thanks, I wasn sure if that was only for us passports as the wording isn’t 100% clear.
You can try and if they say no just go back to your room and get your passport.

We now have digital Driver's Licenses but I've yet to hear of any spot around me that accepts them to buy alcohol. They are used for TSA. We def can not present a photo of an ID. That would be the easiest way to have a fake ID.

They should be very strict because if they get caught not following Florida law then they lose their job and Disney will be fined. And yes, there are often "narcs" testing Disney and other businesses all the time. A CM can be charged as well.

The MB has no information in it, it would have to be attached to your MDE ... not likely info they want to risk having in their data base. AND it would be too easy to share MB which brings you round to needed an ID to prove that is your MB so pointless.
I agree that they need to be strict, it’s just not something I’m used to.
regarding the magic band, I did mean the mde, as they use that for your ticket as well, which is allocated to one person only.
I believe that, legally, they are required to have the actual passport. Legally, too, they are supposed to card everyone, but I haven't been carded at WDW for about 30 years, so even though I keep a photo of my passport on my phone in case, I haven't had to show it yet. I won't carry my passport with me, so if they ask for it and won't accept a photo of it, I would just say no thanks to the drink. I usually have my DL with me, but they won't accept non-US-based DL and require a passport. I recall someone at Taphouse who was Canadian being asked for ID, showing their DL and was told that it wasn't acceptable but a photo of the passport would be. So YMMV, but I'd take the photo and maybe keep another form of photo ID on you recognizing that they may not accept it.
I also am not a fan of carrying my passport with me and don’t have a DL, just another ID. I just know that with non US ID/DL etc it gets a bit more confusing. I think it’s fairly hit or miss. I can’t remember V& A asking for I’d, but somewhere in Epcot they definitely did.
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Thanks for all the info, quite honestly on one hand I’m not really bothered, on the other it seemed like a nice and relaxing way to maximise the dining plan having dinner and a drink at the pool. So partly it was to help decide if I do the DDP or not.

I totally understand the legal stuff, it’s more a question of what will or won’t they accept. To make things even more interesting my second ID is from a different country as my passport!

I’ll just have to take it as it comes…. and show my age 😝
Yes, that’s what I had somewhere and I was also 50+

Yeah, some places just make it mandatory to always ask for ID.

I'm sure I could have asked for a manager and everything would have been fine, but, I was only going to have a beer with lunch and it was no big deal.

After lunch I just stopped at the stand nearby and had one.
Isn't it funny how some laws that came out of Prohibition almost 100 years ago are still wacky and the standard? I would imagine Disney employees are trained more than other places about the law and what ID's they can accept so at least there is that. I remember years ago my coworker from Denmark was not allowed a beer at a pub despite being clearly over 21. The bartender wasn't well trained and didn't know what ID to accept so he was refused service for not having a state-issued ID. I've also seen Canadian tourists cited for driving their car without a California driver's license so the ignorance extends to law enforcement as well. Silly blue laws...
I’ve never been ID’d at WDW since I only ordered alcohol after turning 30yo. Last trip my niece was 32 and never got carded but my 21yo son did every single time.
I’m 34 and was carded about 90% of the time in Dec on a week trip. I look young but not that young, alas better safe than sorry is the mantra of every server as the consequences are just too bad.

We range in age from 28 to 65, and if they ask for one they want them all.
Crazy. Done a few trips with my parents, I and my sibs would get carded at TS meals with the whole fam but they’re never asked.

Yes, definitely a legal issue. But here a non us id Is ok and on the Disney site they need 2 types of ID. Almost not worth the effort tbh.
Save the dough then!
better safe than sorry is the mantra of every server as the consequences are just too bad.
Oh absolutely. And that’s what people should plan on if it matters much to them.

Our trip was a week in Dec too. Twins! 🤣 We probably drank more this trip than all others combined.
Oh absolutely. And that’s what people should plan on if it matters much to them.

Our trip was a week in Dec too. Twins! 🤣 We probably drank more this trip than all others combined.
You know nobody told me of the perils to my pocket book of traveling with holiday pressures looming. That and it wasn’t hot as hades so dehydration wasn’t kicking my butt from 8am onward…
I have been carded at Disney and I'm in my 40s. My understanding is that Florida law requires the actual document. Any screen shot that someone in customer service or some random cast member tells you that they can accept is wrong. And if a CM does accept the screen shot or doesn't card you, they might not following the rules of the Florida restaurant alcohol training that they were required to take before they could work that job, and they risk getting fired and having Disney fined or worse, the restaurant losing their liquor license.

It's like any other thing that happens at Disney. There are rules, there are cast members who don't enforce them, then people think that the ones who do enforce them are jerks. It is just tough all around.
Sadly :sad1: I am no longer carded - i wasn't on our last 3 trips lol. That said, a few days ago we were at the Oasis Pool Bar at the Poly and they refused to serve 2 different people for not having their physical ID on their person, so - def err on the side of caution and take it along!
I was planning to have a cocktail at a pool bar every now and then on my May trip. But I don't want to carry my (UK) passport with me to the pool. Will they accept a photo on the phone with another ID?
My experience ca. 2018 (if memory serves) was that I was carded at the Fort Wilderness New Year’s eve party and they were adamant that they see the actual card. I had to travel back to my campsite on the bus to get it. I’m currently 74, so that was an interesting experience.

I’d be cautious as any image can be photoshopped etc. I wonder if there’s an option for having something like a wrist band where if you supply ID once you wouldn’t have to again as you’re “tagged” so to speak?


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