I want to participate in the 2012 Disney Princess Half Marathon!

It is so encouraging to hear everybodys progress and that I'm not the only one worried about the pace sweepers. I'm currently at 16:23m/m and am doing 6 miles 3 times a week. I'm only running a little less than half of that. I'm still running extremely slow not wanting to hurt myself. I've decided to pick a 5K to do every month to keep me motivated. There seems to be one every weekend around here.
It is so encouraging to hear everybodys progress and that I'm not the only one worried about the pace sweepers. I'm currently at 16:23m/m and am doing 6 miles 3 times a week. I'm only running a little less than half of that. I'm still running extremely slow not wanting to hurt myself. I've decided to pick a 5K to do every month to keep me motivated. There seems to be one every weekend around here.

6 miles is GREAT! I'm just barely doing 3 miles each run. We have a year to train, I'm sure we'll get up there! Races are a great way to stay motivated and moving!

I actually just signed up for my first race, a 4 mile, at the end of March! I'm excited and terrified all at the same time! :woohoo: :eek:
I actually just signed up for my first race, a 4 mile, at the end of March! I'm excited and terrified all at the same time! :woohoo: :eek:

Good luck on your run. I did my first 5K last year and my only goal was not to be last and to actually complete it. Wasn't last but was towards the back of the pack. They brought in cheerleaders at the finish line and even though my time was miserable it felt so good to have people cheering me on at the end.
Thanks Happy Mom2 for starting this.:goodvibes
I take this as a sign. Just a few days ago, one of my friends was telling me that I should start running. (I have never ran at all for sport) She has been running for a while. She said if I started running then we could run in one of the marathons at Disney. I just laughed and she mentioned the Princess 1/2 Marathon. I said, yeah that sounds more like it. They can't expect Princesses to run far and fast in those beautiful dresses they wear - lol! Well, my DD and I went home that evening and looked up the info on the Princess 1/2 Marathon. We saw that my DD could actually run with us next year since she will be 14 at the beginning of Feb. Then I read where the 1/2 Marathon is 13.1 miles!!! (I said I have never ran before so I was clueless). I happened to see my friend a couple of days ago and said I can't believe it's 13.1 miles!! She said, yes that's what a 1/2 marathon is. And I said it starts at 5:30!! Anyway, today I searched Princess 1/2 Marathon and here I am!! I'm not sure if my DD & I will be able to make it in Feb next year since our family wants to go back to WDW in June and not sure of covering the expenses for 2 trips for next year. However, right now I'm on board and have a year to figure out how to get us there next year.
Sorry for such a long post but wanted to let all you princesses know how inspiring it is to read your stories and for all the great info you have given!:thumbsup2
So glad I stumbled upon this thread!! My friend and I just decided to take the plunge and do this marathon. I haven't really ran since high school. I have tried to pick it up again between kids (I have 3 boys), but I just never stick with it. So this is great motivation to get back into shape and get my body back.

Not only am I excited about getting into shape again, but an extra disney trip, alone without kids. And fun with a friend!!! I am even looking forward to the car ride down. LOL!!

I am going to start the C25k program this week and hopefully will be able to do a 5K this spring to keep the motivation up!
I am finally starting to feel I might just be able to do this next year :) So I think I will be hanging out here more often. To all you ladies who are just starting out and will make it (I know you will!) to the Half in 2012, I am just in awe. I was a track runner in HS but could never even run a mile. It has taken me 2.5 YEARS to get up to running what I now run (ok, there were starts and stops). I have worked up to 3 miles (total, 2 miles of it is at 1:1 run:walk) and 3.75 on the weekend (3 of it is run/walk). I have had the most success since I have been doing Galloway. I really like his program. Then I have also added in extra walking time to get up to the 3 miles.

I am VERY worried about the time requirement. I train at 15-15:30 for 2-3 miles. I did run a 5k (but I was exhausted!) in 39 minutes last year. The Galloway training program on the princess site says to aim for that pace for training, so I hope it all turns out okay. I am also worried about building millage. Right now I add .25 a long run. But there is a whole year!

I loved the idea of reading the thread on the 2011 Princess Half. I read a lot of it when it was posted. I need to go back and read what the ladies are saying now. They are so close!
Michele - Of course you can do this!!! We have a whole year to work to train for this!!

Brightvalleyjrts - WELCOME!! So glad you have joined us.

4forWDW - Sounds like it was meant to be!! Train and prepare yourself. Everything else will work itself out!!

Dawn - I agree, I love seeing everyone's progress!! Sounds like you are doing great! Right now, I'm trying not to think about the pace sweepers. I'll worry about them in December!! :lmao:

Twoboysnmygirl - 3 miles is great!! :thumbsup2 Please let us know how the race goes! Good luck!

Andie - I'm with you - they will have to pick me up kicking and screaming!! :rotfl:

Things are going well for me. I'm still at a pretty slow pace - 19 to 20 minutes per miles, but I'm hanging in there. We are taking the kids to Mardi Gras parades Saturday so I'll probably do my long walk on Sunday. The weather has been beautiful for the past 10 days, and I'm praying it continues.

Has anyone else read Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham and Jenny Hadfield? I've been reading it and find it very inspiring, and it contains a wealth of information. I believe someone on here recommended it, but I can't remember who.

Keep up the great training, princesses!!! princess:
Yes, I have Marathoning for Mortals, it's a great book! :thumbsup2

I totally agree :thumbsup2
Some of the things in the book really hit home and I am so inspired by "the Penguin". Even if I have to waddle my way through the 1/2 next year, I know I will be able to do it!

To all the 2012 Princesses.....GO FOR IT!! This time next year I hope to be meeting all of you at Expo! princess:
OK, OK, I'm in!!

Little bit about me.
I'm 37
I have 4 kids
I'm on week 3 day 1 of C25K, for the second week in a row. It's a tough week!
I've signed up with DS14 to do Everest Challenge in May
The whole family is considering the Family Fun 5K in October
my pace is currently 17 - 18 or so depending on the foot pain, I have plantars fasciitis, but it's getting better!

I'd like to walk/run or run the Princess 1/2 in 2012. especially if all my DIS peeps will be there!

I have this years Princess 1/2 bookmarked and will start reading tonight, I may print out a few pages at a time and read before bed.
OK, OK, I'm in!!

Little bit about me.
I'm 37
I have 4 kids
I'm on week 3 day 1 of C25K, for the second week in a row. It's a tough week!
I've signed up with DS14 to do Everest Challenge in May
The whole family is considering the Family Fun 5K in October
my pace is currently 17 - 18 or so depending on the foot pain, I have plantars fasciitis, but it's getting better!

I'd like to walk/run or run the Princess 1/2 in 2012. especially if all my DIS peeps will be there!

I have this years Princess 1/2 bookmarked and will start reading tonight, I may print out a few pages at a time and read before bed.

Yipee Buffy!!! I'm going to this too!!! I think I'm going to pass on Everest and do the one in October instead.
Guess I'll have to wait until Oct to meet you in person.

I think I'm insane trying to run this!! Even DS14 said, I don't even run that far. :scared:
Guess I'll have to wait until Oct to meet you in person.

I think I'm insane trying to run this!! Even DS14 said, I don't even run that far. :scared:

Woo hoo, Buffy! :cool1: You can do this no problem -- you have a whole year to get ready.

Princesses the color for this year's race is a lovely green -- not quite as bright as lime green. Lots of fun stuff at the Expo. Have seen several WISHers. It is a ton of fun -- you hardly have time to worry about the race! princess:

Cherie, this is the first time I've seen your lovely wedding pic! :love:

In one short year you Princesses will be here too! :cheer2:
Bah! I've fallen behind because DH's work schedule has been all jacked up. We went out yesterday to do week 2 day 1- we should have been finishing the week on Sunday! Anyway, we feel pretty good, so we might go out again tonight.

Thinking of walking a 5k on my birthday (3/20) because it is for the heart association and DS1 is an open heart surgery survivor. It's very informal (strollers allowed and what not) then trying to walk/run a 10k on April 30th. does that sound like too much too close together?

I have no idea and obviously like to have something to obsess over, so this is it lol:cool1:. I guess I just hear so much about tapering and race specific training, I'm psyching myself out.

I love that the color is green this year, I can't wait to see pics! DH and I have already decided to run our race as Tiana and her frog :cutie: we both love that movie!
Bah! I've fallen behind because DH's work schedule has been all jacked up. We went out yesterday to do week 2 day 1- we should have been finishing the week on Sunday! Anyway, we feel pretty good, so we might go out again tonight.

Thinking of walking a 5k on my birthday (3/20) because it is for the heart association and DS1 is an open heart surgery survivor. It's very informal (strollers allowed and what not) then trying to walk/run a 10k on April 30th. does that sound like too much too close together?

I have no idea and obviously like to have something to obsess over, so this is it lol:cool1:. I guess I just hear so much about tapering and race specific training, I'm psyching myself out.

I love that the color is green this year, I can't wait to see pics! DH and I have already decided to run our race as Tiana and her frog :cutie: we both love that movie!

I think it all depends on you! I don't think I could do a 10K that soon, but if you think you can walk it if you get too worn out, then go for it! I'm nervous about running a 4 mile at the end of March and I can do 3 miles already. I'm not sure why I'm so nervous about it, but it's my first race, so I guess that's why. I'm hoping to do a 10K this summer some time, but haven't found one yet!
Woo hoo, Buffy! :cool1: You can do this no problem -- you have a whole year to get ready.

Oh I'm nervous!!! I don't know if I can do it.
But I have until at least summer to see where I'm at right?? Wasn't registration for this years race in July?

DH is on board, so hopefully he will continue to support me in my efforts to make a complete fool out of myself! LOL
Welcome to all the new folks!

I finally broke through my "block" on the week 4 of c25k. I followed some good advice I got on this thread and slowed my pace way down. I start week 5 tomorrow. I lost some time this week due to my son's illness and an unwelcome snow day. I should already be on day 2 but I'm trying not to let it bug me. The extra rest days probably did me some good!

I'm also trying to increase my weight loss by making myself do 30 minutes on the elliptical after I finish the treadmill. It doesn't seem fair that the elliptical burns so many more calories than running. Since the running is so much harder!

I finally got registered for my first race a 5k on April 2nd. A good friend is going to run it with me. She's been running since we were in high school but she says she doesn't mind slowing way down and sticking with me. Our only goal is not to come in last!
Yesterday we went to Disney , just for a family fun day. We needed some calm in our lives . we started off at Epcot 'cause DH always parks where we will end our day.
We got to see a lot of the Princess as they were running thru Epcot, we clapped and cheered ! DH looked at me and asked 2012 ??
I said of course :)

it was what I needed to get me back off the couch and up and training again.

I have signed for for 4 -5K's

I don't care if I have to walk/jog them. I will do them. I don't care if I come in last I am going to do them...

And I will be at the Princes in 2012 :)
Yay pudge!!

Well, I casually mentioned the 5k walk at the IL's last night and SIL got very excited saying that she had wanted to run it, but didn't want to do it alone, so now DH, BIL, SIL and I will be run/walking the 5k on March 20. Since I won't be walking this one, the 10k in May is out for us, but I'm still entertaining the thought of the 5k:banana:

DS1 will be doing the 2k kids run. This cause is important to us as DS is an open heart surgery survivor and he's excited to "give back". It's really cute!

Back on track now and contemplating joining the Y so we have access to a treadmill and indoor track on days when the weather is crummy. And here in Cincy, it seems like it's always crummy:laughing:
thanks for all the ideas on how to train. I am currently on week 3 of c25k. I have my a 5k planned in April and hope to do our big 4th of July 10k as well as a labor day 10k. Im just so happy to see other mommies like me taking time out to do something good for ourselves!! So here is to us making our way to the princess marathon next year!!


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