I guess it is OK to go to DLR in your underwear

If a guy went into build a bear with his kids in just his briefs and sandals, I think people would have a different opinion. There is a time and a place for everything. Wearing underwear into a store where children will be is not the right time or place.
If a guy went into build a bear with his kids in just his briefs and sandals, I think people would have a different opinion. There is a time and a place for everything. Wearing underwear into a store where children will be is not the right time or place.
If a guy walked into the store in briefs, picked up something from the register, paid, and walked out, that's hardly worth getting worked up over. Most people in BAB probably wouldn't even notice. All we know from the OP is a third hand account saying someone walked into a store in what was judged to be lingerie and a clerk was notified. We don't know how long the person was in the store or what they did there. It also says nothing about that person having kids with them.
Out in AZ too and out here people know if it is not covered, it will burn and all it takes in burning those bottom biscuits just once then trying to sit! Can we all say, OUCH! Plus it isn't fun rubbing lotion all over, day in and day out and the spray lotion makes it horrible to breathe. :rainbow:

Okay, this made me laugh! Though it's true - I usually wear a t-shirt or at least tank top over my swim suit, and it's not because I think it's inappropriate to wear a swimsuit (while swimming) but because I burn easily, and I'm not a big fan of slathering on sunscreen. (plus I miss spots...) My kids all wear swim shirts if it's before 5 pm for the same reason!
But at the same time you never really know a person's story. Maybe something happened to their cover-up at the beach, but they still needed to stop at a pharmacy to pick something up on the way home and there isn't enough time to go home, change clothes and go back to the store. It's a bathing suit, I can think of things that are worse.

When I was in high school I did a foreign exchange program. On the way home my jeans snagged on something on the plane and ripped a line along the bottom of the back pocket, exposing my underwear. All my clothes were checked and I had no US money or credit card or sweatshirt to tie around my waist. I sucked it up and walked onto the plane, off the plane, through the airport to my connecting flight, onto that plane, and through customs and baggage check with my butt cheek exposed. I wanted to go home and I wasn't going to let being embarrassed by my pants stop me.

I go agree with PP about people with their exposed butt cheeks in the parks though. I often see them sitting down on hot surfaces on hot days and think how gross that is. But at the same time, I always wear pants in the park and I wash my pants, so my exposure is very minimal. The only time I'd probably say something would be if that person was actually touching their butt and then touching surfaces, which is something I've also seen. Honestly, I'd just keep in mind that every park surface has probably been touched by someone who just coughed in their hand, didn't wash their hands or just scratched themselves and I wash my hands and don't touch my face or food accordingly.

This wasn't a pharmacy though. It was Build a Bear. I can't think of a single life necessity one would need to buy there.
My wife and I were at a store in Pacific Beach yesterday and they were selling bikinis that looked like underwear. They had what looked like lace around the edges. That might have been what the woman was wearing on the day in question. Either way I'm surprised by all of the passive aggressive comments regarding the situation. It's June in southern California, not Utah. Women walk around with next to nothing on all the time here without issue.
This wasn't a pharmacy though. It was Build a Bear. I can't think of a single life necessity one would need to buy there.
That was in response to a post that said beachwear should be at a beach or a pool. It was an example of when someone might have to break that "rule." Who knows what this woman was actually wearing or what she did at BAB. Maybe it was necessary to her.
Eh, not everyone agrees with that. IMO beachwear should be at the beach or a pool. If you leave those places, put something more on. I also have a firm "put your shirt on!" policy, and it doesn't matter WHAT the person looks like. (since I have a DH who is a big guy, I am extremely offended by those who believe tiny clothes are only OK on tiny people, because it doesn't offend their eyes. to me, it all offends my eyes unless you are on a beach or in or very near a body of water.)
I just think the idea of being offended by someone showing skin is funny that's all, as if the location of the venue changes the offense somehow. Beach, no offense, store, offended - same person, same body, different venue. Just seems so odd to me.

Is it odd to wear a bathing suit (or underwear) to build a bear...yup, it's an odd choice for sure. Is it offensive, can't really see why. Children in the store, children go to beaches too. Heck the young ones often go into change rooms at pools too.

Anyway, just trying to challenge the assumption that's all. In many, many other parts of the world this kind of stuff isn't a big deal at all.
If a guy went into build a bear with his kids in just his briefs and sandals, I think people would have a different opinion. There is a time and a place for everything. Wearing underwear into a store where children will be is not the right time or place.
as opposed to the beach, which is usually full of children?
I did not realize when I posted this thread that it would get the responses that it did. Some were truly funny. Thanks for the laughs. I will be sure to share this with my daughter.
I go agree with PP about people with their exposed butt cheeks in the parks though. I often see them sitting down on hot surfaces on hot days and think how gross that is. But at the same time, I always wear pants in the park and I wash my pants, so my exposure is very minimal. The only time I'd probably say something would be if that person was actually touching their butt and then touching surfaces, which is something I've also seen. Honestly, I'd just keep in mind that every park surface has probably been touched by someone who just coughed in their hand, didn't wash their hands or just scratched themselves and I wash my hands and don't touch my face or food accordingly.

Oh please god - make it stop!!! I am the one who originally posted about the cheeks on surfaces that I now have to sit on. I am a germ freak and try like mad to put it out of my brain when I am at places like Disney. Now, thanks to you, I have loads of other things that make me want to gag! LOL
Oh please god - make it stop!!! I am the one who originally posted about the cheeks on surfaces that I now have to sit on. I am a germ freak and try like mad to put it out of my brain when I am at places like Disney. Now, thanks to you, I have loads of other things that make me want to gag! LOL
Haha, I would be much more worried where people's hands and mouths have been over where their butt cheeks have. Those handles on the rides are probably the most germ ridden things in the park.
Haha, I would be much more worried where people's hands and mouths have been over where their butt cheeks have. Those handles on the rides are probably the most germ ridden things in the park.
This. I was always told wash your hands BEFORE going to the bathroom because your privates are 100 times cleaner than what you've been touching. (wash after as well).
I guess I don't see the big deal. What is so offensive? Is her midriff calling your kids names? Her thighs making rude gestures? Butt cheeks whispering rumours about you? They are just body parts and it's just underwear (although I'm guessing it wasn't underwear- I'd assume it was a bra top and some of the high rise silky fabric shorts that are in style, maybe a size or 2 too small, so it looked like underwear). Do your kids wear underwear? Do you? Is that offensive?

Why is a woman whose private parts (which, by the way, are where babies are born from and nourished from) are covered such an offensive thing? Are women's bodies inherently offensive?

Does your daughter have hangups about her own size/shape? Because often times our judgements/ and feelings of offense stem from our insecurities.
Haha, I would be much more worried where people's hands and mouths have been over where their butt cheeks have. Those handles on the rides are probably the most germ ridden things in the park.

See that person over there dancing around with their fingers in their ears and singing la la la? That's me.
See that person over there dancing around with their fingers in their ears and singing la la la? That's me.

And you'll probably grab the door handle with that ear waxy finger, then the next person to touch that handle unknowingly gets a nice ear waxy hand, then eats some popcorn without washing first, and now they just ate something that came from your body. Hands are gross and offensive. Let's make everyone wear gloves. Elsa would be psyched.
(although I'm guessing it wasn't underwear- I'd assume it was a bra top and some of the high rise silky fabric shorts that are in style, maybe a size or 2 too small, so it looked like underwear).

This is what I was thinking. Bralettes are in right now as are the high rise tight cut shorts so it could look like someone is wearing undies or a bathing suit when they are actually wearing real clothes. I would imagine it is is very in in LA right now. Basically thinking what one might see someone wearing at Cochella.
I guess I don't see the big deal. What is so offensive? Is her midriff calling your kids names? Her thighs making rude gestures? Butt cheeks whispering rumours about you? They are just body parts and it's just underwear (although I'm guessing it wasn't underwear- I'd assume it was a bra top and some of the high rise silky fabric shorts that are in style, maybe a size or 2 too small, so it looked like underwear). Do your kids wear underwear? Do you? Is that offensive?

Why is a woman whose private parts (which, by the way, are where babies are born from and nourished from) are covered such an offensive thing? Are women's bodies inherently offensive?

Does your daughter have hangups about her own size/shape? Because often times our judgements/ and feelings of offense stem from our insecurities.

Now I'm imagining talking butt checks lol. What a visual!
In British Columbia it has been legal for 15 years for women to be topless in public. So, underwear in public doesn't seem like it should be a problem. Going back to an earlier statement, it is funny how we do live in a society where more and more of us going to someone else to sort out a problem (store clerk, manager, etc) rather then addressing the issue ourselves. I realize now that I may have done something similar as well in an unrelated matter where as I should have addressed the situation up front with the individual.

To be honest with you, I find the most offensive fashion statement is wearing pajamas in public. Why not put on a pair of slippers while you are at it.
In British Columbia it has been legal for 15 years for women to be topless in public. So, underwear in public doesn't seem like it should be a problem. Going back to an earlier statement, it is funny how we do live in a society where more and more of us going to someone else to sort out a problem (store clerk, manager, etc) rather then addressing the issue ourselves. I realize now that I may have done something similar as well in an unrelated matter where as I should have addressed the situation up front with the individual.

To be honest with you, I find the most offensive fashion statement is wearing pajamas in public. Why not put on a pair of slippers while you are at it.
No, it's crocs, perhaps tied with black socks and sandals. Pajama's, black socks and crocs with a fanny pack? :crazy2:
This thread is bring out my germaphobe tendencies, and it ain't good!

You know what's really, really gross? The handle bars on Indiana Jones. Sometimes they're sticky and it makes me freak. Also, the Star Tours arm rests. Everyone grabs the arm rests and so there is bound to be germs of all kinds. I like taking germ killing wet wipes to wipe down these two surfaces before touching them. I also don't know how clean they get those 3D glasses on Star Tours, so I always wipe mine down before I put them on my face.

I might just start wiping down the seats now thanks to this thread. I don't want no ones cheek sweat getting on me!


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