I can't be the only one...

I'm not so tight on money that I will drink bad coffee just because I paid for it....

I would hope that most people that can afford a Disney vacation, aren't doing it on such a tight budget that a $7 dollar coffee is make or break the food budget
Guess that went over your head. It's not about the money. The coffee I pay for at WDW is normally closer to $20 because it has booze in it. So you don't have to worry about my finances. I'm doing OK. It was just a little story about actually bad coffee. That I drank. Because caffeine. And that sometimes what some people are willing to do/not do is based on past experience. There are a lot of things I can tolerate or don't consider so bad due to things I have experienced in the past (hence, "everything is relative"). Don't get me started on military food while on deployment...
Maybe a crazy question, but for those of you who make coffee in the room, do you just use the tap water? I just can't do the Florida tap water! We just use the refillable mugs and get our coffee there, and the Joffrey's is just fine. Give me Joffrey's any day over the burnt taste of Starbucks!
oh GOD no. I always have at least a 12 pack of bottled water in my hotel rooms when traveling for this very reason. (Along with the fact that I am NOT drinking Florida water straight out of the tap when I'm thirsty in the middle of the night either...) Might as well be like that guy who scooped his bottle of water into the water on Splash Mountain.
oh GOD no. I always have at least a 12 pack of bottled water in my hotel rooms when traveling for this very reason. (Along with the fact that I am NOT drinking Florida water straight out of the tap when I'm thirsty in the middle of the night either...) Might as well be like that guy who scooped his bottle of water into the water on Splash Mountain.

Thanks! That's the only way we've ever made coffee in the room, but the DVC units have the regular coffee pots, not Keurig, and it takes a lot of water. So the refillable mugs it is. Good thing we like Joffrey's 😂
Guess that went over your head. It's not about the money. The coffee I pay for at WDW is normally closer to $20 because it has booze in it. So you don't have to worry about my finances. I'm doing OK. It was just a little story about actually bad coffee. That I drank. Because caffeine. And that sometimes what some people are willing to do/not do is based on past experience. There are a lot of things I can tolerate or don't consider so bad due to things I have experienced in the past (hence, "everything is relative"). Don't get me started on military food while on deployment...
No it didn’t go over my head
but if your drink something that taste Horrible, just because it has booze it, you might have identified your problem.
Thanks! That's the only way we've ever made coffee in the room, but the DVC units have the regular coffee pots, not Keurig, and it takes a lot of water. So the refillable mugs it is. Good thing we like Joffrey's 😂

We just get a bunch of gallon jugs with our grocery delivery. We use them to fill our water bottles before heading to the park but also to make coffee.

I love Joffrey's in the park, it's not as great in the packets in the hotel room but it's fine for the jolt of caffeine to rope drop Flights of Passage. Slightly tastier on the balcony at AKV. :)
I certainly prefer some brands (Tim Hortons, Dunkin) of coffee to others (Starbucks, Joffreys), but for the most part, coffee is like pizza... It has to be really bad coffee for me NOT to consume it. Otherwise, gas station coffee hits the spot when I need it.
So I am not a normal coffee drinker, I only drink iced coffee with various flavors in them, so maybe not talking about the same thing. But IMO, Joffrey's was a big step up from the old Nescafe. Some of the drinks they do at the stands are too sweet, which is really saying something coming from me, but I think the actual flavor of the coffee is better. It's a step above Starbucks too, but I prefer the flavor syrups at Starbucks, so I split my purchases when at the parks.
I don't know what coffee they serve in 90 percent of the Disney restaurants, but it is not bad. I can only assume it is Sysco or some other kitchen-supple house brand, but, I would much rather have that in the parks.
I think it's fine, but the Joffrey's carts are often really slow and run out of dairy free options often. Starbucks are typically more efficient, never run out of dairy free options, and my drink is always consistent so I often land there for my coffee.

Now I do give props to Joffrey's for their iced tea. WAY better than Starbucks.

I'm really not that picky, honestly. I drank the coffee at Cabana's (black, even!) and thought it was just fine. Others have made their distaste for Disney cruise coffee very well known and it worked fine for me :confused3
A cup of black coffee from the in-room coffee makers is all I need to get me going for a Disney day. I do prefer the dark roast I make at home but can live with their med-dark for a week. I love a cold brew or iced latte at Starbucks for a treat (just milk, no sugar). But the Joffrey's Mission to S'mores over by Space Mountain is my favorite dessert type coffee anywhere. So good!!
OMG please for the love of all things holy NO. We have a Dunks on every corner here in Massachusetts. NO MORE DUNKS.
Boy, Massachusetts has lost a lot of Dunkin Donuts since we lived there I guess! When we lived there, if there was a DD on one corner, you often didn't have to go all the way to the next corner to find another one. I probably sound like your mother when I say-"If you didn't have it, you'd miss it." We don't have DD where we live now, and I was OK for several years, but now I miss their donuts!
Boy, Massachusetts has lost a lot of Dunkin Donuts since we lived there I guess! When we lived there, if there was a DD on one corner, you often didn't have to go all the way to the next corner to find another one. I probably sound like your mother when I say-"If you didn't have it, you'd miss it." We don't have DD where we live now, and I was OK for several years, but now I miss their donuts!
Yea, one about every mile in any direction.

They all make money hand over fist, so cant be all that bad
Maybe this thread can help me save money on a cup of coffee that I would end up pouring out!

For anyone familiar with the following, should I give Joffery’s a try?

Love: Pete’s, Blue Bottle
Drinkable: Starbucks, Coffee Bean
Prefer to go without: Von Dutch, Tim Hortons, Dunkin’ Donuts (IIRC)
Boy, Massachusetts has lost a lot of Dunkin Donuts since we lived there I guess! When we lived there, if there was a DD on one corner, you often didn't have to go all the way to the next corner to find another one. I probably sound like your mother when I say-"If you didn't have it, you'd miss it." We don't have DD where we live now, and I was OK for several years, but now I miss their donuts!
When we first moved to the Commonwealth, we lived in Sturbridge in central Mass, which was rather quiet. We had something like 4 Dunks for that little town! It was absurd.


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