Hurricane Irma?

It "upsets me" that people are making assumption about other people. You have no idea what is going to happen. So chill.

Agreed. I'm from the north east. I've lived through more than a few damaging storms and more than twice as many "storm of the century" scenarios that ended up fizzling out. The media LOVES this stuff. That's why they are hyping it up days before there is any definitive forecast. They want people tuning in constantly to see every little change.
We were planning drive down on 9/8 through the night from NC. Dates 9/9-9/15. Incredibly bummed as this was my first trip in 30 years and first for my 8 yr old & 18 month old. We rolled the dice and opted out of insurance. So now holding our breath that Fl will announce a warning before Sat. My TA says she has been successful with changing dates without incurring a fee, but, we are limited because the trip has to happen this year based on my husbands vacation terms with his job. Most of Nov/Dec are booked within our price range :( I have been in prayer for the entire state and the damage expected is nothing compared to a " vacation" but nonetheless I am devastated. My hubby refuses to even considering going. We have friends in South Florida and they are headed to NC!
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Agreed. I'm from the north east. I've lived through more than a few damaging storms and more than twice as many "storm of the century" scenarios that ended up fizzling out. The media LOVES this stuff. That's why they are hyping it up days before there is any definitive forecast. They want people tuning in constantly to see every little change.

Precisely what I LOATHE about the media. For crying out loud, with just the past eclipse they made it sound like if you went outside during the day you were going to go blind!
The latest NHC cone has it hitting Miami Sunday night. So it's coming in slower than they thought.

Wow I still have no idea what I'm gonna do. I would hate to leave a day early for nothing but then I can easily see getting screwed if I wait until Sunday.
We are flying in Friday. Staying at Polynesian Saturday for 6 nights. Does anyone have any memories of how they handled Matthew? Were any discounts offered on rooms during the stay? Was there food? Should we bring a suitcase of food? Of course, we probably won't know the answers to any of these questions but my mind is racing...I really appreciate this thread - so much good information. Thank you all, please keep posting.

There was food, but there were long lines of people waiting for what amounted to sandwiches in a box. All ADRs were canceled, table service restaurants had a limited menu available for those staying at their resort only. We got tacos to eat the thursday night (when the parks closed early) and grabbed some flatbreads to eat cold the next day. We were able to leave the room at 11am or noon that friday (when the storm hit the space coast) because the system wobbled at the last minute.

It seems as if Saturday might be dicey right? I'm not sure of the timing based on these charts but if you are still going, bring some non perishables and try to see if you can make moana mercantile your first stop to see if they have anything left.

Edit: based on the current model, you could try to put in a grocery order or amazon now order and grab some lunch meat, bread, cheese, etc. But I'm not sure if they will have much available.
Ok, here is an illustration of TRENDS based on the data being provided by the Hurricane Hunter planes.


Midnight EST Sept 5th

6 a.m. EST Sept 5th

Noon EST Sept 5th

6 p.m. EST Sept 5th's almost as if those dozens of models you speak of are all moving east. The EURO is following the same trend. And when the CMC comes out at midnight I wouldn't be surprised to see it do the same. That would be 95 combined model runs all shifting east with each new run today.

And as everyone can see, a majority proportion go right through Florida. Only a handful skirt the state.

That's because the models take into account the Saturday'Sunday transition of the guiding currents from a northwesterly to more northerly (not easterly) track. That will happen when a shortwave trough from the south begins to degrade the Atlantic trough currently pushing Irma northwest. Based on timing, most of those models know that transition will happen right around the time Irma is due south of Florida.

Which is why the Governor and smart money there are preparing for the worst and not engaging in wishful thinking about Irma suddenly veering away from the state into the Atlantic at the last minute.
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It "upsets me" that people are making assumption about other people. You have no idea what is going to happen. So chill.

Maybe you haven't experienced the hardness of hurricanes like I have - that's great, and if you want to 'chill' - that's good, but don't tell me to chill. I know what it's like for a Cat 5 to potentially come.

The media has 'nothing' to do with how I feel - I watch the National Hurricane Center site only and keep up with the size, strength, changes, direction, etc.
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Question... what happens let's say you're due to checkout and the eye of the hurricane is over Orlando. Would Disney do its best the find you accommodations?
Maybe you haven't experienced the hardness of hurricanes like I have - that's great, and if you want to 'chill' - that's good, but don't tell me to chill. I know what it's like for a Cat 5 to potentially come.
Maybe you should let people make their own decisions, It's hard enough for them to decide what to do. Your experiences are appreciated but don't think that yours will be theirs. Let them decide.
We are flying in Friday. Staying at Polynesian Saturday for 6 nights. Does anyone have any memories of how they handled Matthew? Were any discounts offered on rooms during the stay? Was there food? Should we bring a suitcase of food? Of course, we probably won't know the answers to any of these questions but my mind is racing...I really appreciate this thread - so much good information. Thank you all, please keep posting.
Mathew?? Yes, they were selling ponchos for viewing of fireworks.
We are flying in Friday. Staying at Polynesian Saturday for 6 nights. Does anyone have any memories of how they handled Matthew? Were any discounts offered on rooms during the stay? Was there food? Should we bring a suitcase of food? Of course, we probably won't know the answers to any of these questions but my mind is racing...I really appreciate this thread - so much good information. Thank you all, please keep posting.

We were there for Matthew last year. We were booked thru the storm, so of course no change to our rate. We had friends staying at AoA. They were given their rate for the extra two nights they had to stay due to flight cancellations. We knew others that were staying at the Contemporary, and they had to pay the rack rate for the two extra nights. Very expensive.

The lines for the box lunches were crazy. Plus they were very expensive for what you got. We chose to get a couple of pizzas and eat one hot that day and cold the next if there was no electricity. We also had some cereal, PB, bread, juice in the room.

The line for the pool bar was CRAZY busy that night too. Just an FYI. :duck:

Disney did a great job of keeping us informed via the telephone messages in the room. The evening of the storm someone came around with a flashlight and told us to be prepared to not leave the room at all that night and potentially until the next afternoon. The storm came in over night on Thursday and we already knew the parks would be closed Friday.

The storm was not nearly as bad as predicted. The food courts were open by lunch. They made the arcades free and they brought Disney characters to the resort for photo ops. The pool was closed that day, so we walked around Pop and AoA.

They did open a few restaurants at Disney Springs for dinner, but it was CRAZY busy. My sister had driven down, so we hopped in the car with them. It did take QUITE a while to find an open restaurant in Orlando.

By Saturday morning it was business completely as usual.
I'm not trying to be rude, so please don't think I am, but... I live in the panhandle of Florida and have went through many hurricanes, my husband was activated for many through the years and after seeing what they can do, I have cancelled my reservations for the weekend and I guess will have to waste the money I spent on NOJ tickets. This is not something to take lightly at all. Look up what Ivan did and he was only a Cat 3, then look at what Andrew did back in 92, he was a Cat 5 and leveled Homestead. Also search on how wide Irma is she spans over 400 miles, so even if she shifts there will be part of FL if not all covered by her. She would literally have to go out into the Atlantic at this point. I personally will not be taking any chances. I love Disney and it is magical, but even a Disney resort won't hold up to a historic Cat 5+ ... again I'm not saying this to be rude, but out of concern. I pray all will be safe and I pray that a miracle will happen and she will shift to the east back into the Atlantic. I would also like everyone to realize that many stores are out of gas or very high priced gas and are running out of water.... God Bless Everyone, prayers for safety!

Just got off the phone after over 2 hours on hold (with 2 different depts). We were able to cancel our resort reservations that were beginning Thursday with no penalty. We were also given a full refund on Night of Joy tickets after being transferred to ticketing/special events. Being from SC, no way were we driving into this mess, but I'm much relieved that we didn't lose any $$ either.


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