How were the lockdowns for you?

Between my very large extended family, church, work, large circle of friends, friends of friends, my kids friends, we are talking hundreds and hundreds of people, I don't know a single one that ended up with any heart problem. Zero!
I'm with you - Every person in my family and everyone at my job got vaccinated and I don't know anyone that had any side effects other than the sore arm and feeling flu-like the first day after the shot.

I am grateful for the vaccine. I got Covid this past February and was fully vaccinated and boosted and it was very mild.
All these side effects must be regional.
Joke all you want, but this "vaccine" is causing serious long-term side effects and sometimes death. Of the top of my head, I can think of 10, but it's all anecdotal. Just like the phrase, "I'm so thankful I got the vaccine because and of it had a mild case of covid" is anecdotal. You really never know how you would have reacted without the vaccine. I had a mild case and so did 12 other people in my close family and none of us are vaccinated including my 70-year-old mom. That's why I go back to it's a choice to get the shot and thankfully now it is! I will never regret not getting it just like you would say the same about getting it.
Joke all you want, but this "vaccine" is causing serious long-term side effects and sometimes death. Of the top of my head, I can think of 10, but it's all anecdotal. Just like the phrase, "I'm so thankful I got the vaccine because and of it had a mild case of covid" is anecdotal. You really never know how you would have reacted without the vaccine. I had a mild case and so did 12 other people in my close family and none of us are vaccinated including my 70-year-old mom. That's why I go back to it's a choice to get the shot and thankfully now it is! I will never regret not getting it just like you would say the same about getting it.
Who said I got it?
There is a lot of misinformation in this thread.

I saw both sides of it taking care of patients - certainly a good bit of serious negative sequelae from the shot(s) and from Covid, but we see a lot of the difficult cases that get sent out from elsewhere. And of course there were also plenty of people who had the shots and had Covid who were ok; some with relatively minor symptoms of long covid.

I worked in the Covid ICUs so I can say with certainty that not everyone who died or became seriously ill from Covid was old, infirm, or otherwise “at risk”. And I seriously hope I never have to do that again. It was a living nightmare. 😭 We watched many of our colleagues all over the world getting sick and dying from Covid at the outset of the pandemic, so it was terrifying to be in that position ourselves, not just for us, but for our families that we had to go home to.

That's why I go back to it's a choice to get the shot
For millions of us healthcare workers it was mandated. Get it, or lose our jobs.
Natural immunity is only good if you actually survive Covid!!
As you of course know, many, many, many did not survive it, so natural immunity is no good for them.
Yeah, I am pretty mainstream media. If you look hard enough you can always find someone to support your belief. I don't need to do that though. ABC is good enough for me!
Its pretty clear cut how and why the vaccine was safely developed in record time.
What evidence do you have that it is safe? The studies barely looked at safety and the 2 main companies in the US are hiding their data on safety. So where is the double-blind, placebo controlled study that showed safety?
But it's not over. I know more people in the last 2 months with covid than I knew at any other time in the past three years. And that includes my wife and I who finally went on a vacation and brought covid back last month.
Remember, masks are to protect others from you, not you from others. Even after the 5 day quarantine was over, we wore out masks when we went out and still do to protect others, not us.
We still have our cloth masks hanging by the front door, 40 each, and a box of disposables.
Are we still saying this even though the data doesn't show it??
Yup. Perfect example of what happens when people follow health guidelines instead of fighting like some did with covid.
Not sure what you mean but I remember reading about how a lot of people in the Spanish Flu fought against the restrictions back then as well. People generally don't like to be subjugated.
This sounds very tin foil hat-y, getting data from Fox News isn't accurate either. So are you saying that hte elderly and immunocompromised don't matter that them getting sick or dying isn't that big of a deal? I'm just curious. I've known plenty of very healthy people that got covid before the vaccine was available and they still have lasting effects from covid to this day. Having complications from covid is an issue too not just dying. The vaccine doesn't keep you from getting covid it just keeps you from getting severly sick. So yes it does protect the patient, but in doing the vaccine you are also protecting others by protecting yourself.

The lockdown was alright for me, I still had to work. I do think that the lockdown brought out a lot of very entitled people, and I always think that there were entitled people even before covid it but definitely made it worse. I missed being able to go out and do things, but as time went on I got used to it.
Again, where is your proof of the bolded statement? Because again the studies did not actually study efficacy? Where do you get your news, CNN/MSNBC? It is a shame we have very few journalists anymore that provide news to people in a balanced manner.
At least here Nursing Homes and Rehab Centers routinely lockdown here for flu. And now RSV has caused some lockdowns in least it did back in December in Southern California because my Granddaughters daycare was shutdown for 2 weeks for RSV outbreak.
You are talking about a very local response. That is how this should have been handled - on a local level with the data driving the decisions. Having the federal or even state governments handing down a one size fits all approach really doesn't work.
This statement is truly mind boggling. I am curious, when you say "most people" how many people are you talking about?

Between my very large extended family, church, work, large circle of friends, friends of friends, my kids friends, we are talking hundreds and hundreds of people, I don't know a single one that ended up with any heart problem. Zero!
Do a search online for died suddenly. There are a lot of people who died suddenly either right after getting the vaccine or within a short few months after. My BIL had a heart attack after the vaccine and there are many that have neurological symptoms and a lot of cardiovascular outcomes. If you look hard enough you will find thousands of stories of people that have been harmed by the vaccine that are being left out in the cold and not acknowledged by the government or the medical establishment.

Not a guarantee though. My DH and I are in are early 60s, extremely fit, active and healthy. We both got Covid last July (and I as a teacher in person full-time was able to avoid it for close to 2 years). Thanks to the vaccine, we had barely more than a cold. I've been way way sicker with bronchitis.

I know a number of people half my age, in good physical shape who chose not to be vaccinated. They were much sicker than I was.

I do agree with you though--as a nation (US), we are a terribly unhealthy bunch.
That is a counterfactual statement. There is no way to know if you would never have had any symptoms at all from COVID if you weren't vaccinated and there is no way to know if you would have been worse off. There is no data out to back-up your claim. It is merely anecdotal.
This statement is interesting to me. Everyone in my circle (and it is a very large circle) received the vaccine and none of us have any reported side effects. And almost everyone in that groups had multiple boosters.

Exactly same here. Everyone in my circle got the vaccine and boosters and there are no issues.

Vaccines, boosters here all good and grateful for them.

Husband had a mild case in late January becausehe was vaccinated and boosted. 4 of us have never gotten it and know precautions work.

I'm with you - Every person in my family and everyone at my job got vaccinated and I don't know anyone that had any side effects other than the sore arm and feeling flu-like the first day after the shot.

I am grateful for the vaccine. I got Covid this past February and was fully vaccinated and boosted and it was very mild.
For all of these you just don't know if someone is going to have a bad outcome or not going forward. It could be in a few more years most who got the vaccine have some major health complication. It may be that we are lucky and only the people who have died or have already identified a side effect will be it. But if you look at VAERS in the US and other reporting systems worldwide you would see there is a problem with the safety profile of these vaccines. Any other time in history and after the first few months of the roll out these vaccines would have been pulled from the market. There is definitely something shady going on here.
Finally, it seems that there are a few specific lots of these vaccines that account for 90% of the adverse effects. Feel lucky if you didn't get that lot. Your whole world could have been turned up side down.
There is a lot of misinformation in this thread.

I saw both sides of it taking care of patients - certainly a good bit of serious negative sequelae from the shot(s) and from Covid, but we see a lot of the difficult cases that get sent out from elsewhere. And of course there were also plenty of people who had the shots and had Covid who were ok; some with relatively minor symptoms of long covid.

I worked in the Covid ICUs so I can say with certainty that not everyone who died or became seriously ill from Covid was old, infirm, or otherwise “at risk”. And I seriously hope I never have to do that again. It was a living nightmare. 😭 We watched many of our colleagues all over the world getting sick and dying from Covid at the outset of the pandemic, so it was terrifying to be in that position ourselves, not just for us, but for our families that we had to go home to.

For millions of us healthcare workers it was mandated. Get it, or lose our jobs.
Always "misinformation" when it doesn't fit the narrative. The government treatment plan for covid was flawed. We will never know how many died because of that. Once on a vent, you had a 50% chance of death. Higher if the Remdesivir damaged or shut down your kidneys which it was known to do well before covid. It's sad, really. Our Government mishandled the whole thing.
What data? Going to be at least 10 years before we really know.
The data from the clinical trials. We have a lot of data now but I agree we will continue to find out the long term effects from COVID and the COVID vaccines.
They weren't that much different for us, other than not being able to go out to eat for our weekly treat.

I was considered "essential" so we never closed or shut down. My wife was able to work from home. The inconvenience of grocery shopping (only so many allowed in, the "one way isles", shortages of various items, etc. was a PIA.

As for the vax, I wasn't thrilled about certain mandates for it. My wife and I, while not required by our employers, were faced with not seeing our son graduate basic training, in person. He was REQUIRED to get it per the current administration, and also per their rules, anyone stepping foot on any military base was also required to have it (and show original proof). Luckily, so far, neither of us have had any side effects (that we know of). I can't say the same for everyone. Even within our own "circle", many have (coincidentally?) developed new to them conditions. One of which, sadly, suddenly died from a massive heart attack about a month ago. He was older, however in the best shape of his life (great diet and walked daily for exercise). We also know many others, also within our "circle" that have had no issues or shown any side effects.

I personally don't care if people are for or against it. We all have our own reasons to have gotten it or not. It should never have been forced, on anyone, IMO.

Am I glad the mask and lock downs are over? You betcha. Do I still see people wearing masks in public (and some still in private too, like in their car, alone), yes. Do I care? No, their choice and they have their reasons. I've said before and I still say it now, if you're sick, stay home, or at least away from me. Take care of yourself and get better. I don't care what you want to call it, a cold, the flu, covid, mad cow, bird flu... don't care, doesn't matter.

I can only hope that any and all side effects are just an overreaction, just like the disclaimers in the commercials for almost every product sold OTC now. I'm not a doctor or a scientists, so I have no idea what is and what isn't. I can only hope that whatever the truth is, will come out (not that either side will believe it).
Always "misinformation" when it doesn't fit the narrative.
No. As I said, I see both sides of it.

And there have been a lot of incorrect statements made in this thread - on both sides.

I get that you didn’t get the vaccine, and that you somehow feel you were “right” now. Your numerous posts here have come off like a big “Told you so”. That’s not fair, really. No one knew everything, exactly. Information evolved. It wasn’t just from the government. I work for a leading medical institution, so we were always up on the latest information, even before the government got it, and I personally followed the latest Covid and vaccine medical news on Medscape, as it was published, for the good of myself and my family, and acted accordingly.

Many of my coworkers left their jobs because they didn’t want the shot, which was devastating, really. I didn’t feel that strongly about it. Even if it wasn’t mandated, I likely would’ve taken it because I believed the information at the time, which is that it would help lessen the risks of getting Covid. That information later evolved, as I said - as did the virus itself, into different variants, some of which became less serious, as we see today. I personally will not get any more vaccines unless they are mandated, again, as I feel I’ve had enough. But I will evaluate each situation if it becomes an issue in the future.

I’ve worked in cardiac care for almost 40 years. People - of all ages - always had heart issues. It‘s kept us very busy over the years. I can’t say that I see things have changed much, other than what I previously mentioned which were a few serious cases related to the vaccines, and I haven’t seen any of those for a while now. The problem is that it is very hard to identify exactly what causes something. Doctors can’t always, I can’t always, and you certainly can’t always. I think there have been issues, sure, but I’m not certain that everything we see today can be chalked up to the vaccine, which many seem to want to do. So many things contribute to medical issues like heart attack and stroke, and our society is ripe for risk factors with the way we eat and don’t always take care of ourselves. Family history plays a big part, as well.
No. As I said, I see both sides of it.

And there have been a lot of incorrect statements made in this thread - on both sides.

I get that you didn’t get the vaccine, and that you somehow feel you were “right” now. Your numerous posts here have come off like a big “Told you so”. That’s not fair, really. No one knew everything, exactly. Information evolved. It wasn’t just from the government. I work for a leading medical institution, so we were always up on the latest information, even before the government got it, and I personally followed the latest Covid and vaccine medical news on Medscape, as it was published, for the good of myself and my family, and acted accordingly.

Many of my coworkers left their jobs because they didn’t want the shot, which was devastating, really. I didn’t feel that strongly about it. Even if it wasn’t mandated, I likely would’ve taken it because I believed the information at the time, which is that it would help lessen the risks of getting Covid. That information later evolved, as I said - as did the virus itself, into different variants, some of which became less serious, as we see today. I personally will not get any more vaccines unless they are mandated, again, as I feel I’ve had enough. But I will evaluate each situation if it becomes an issue in the future.

I’ve worked in cardiac care for almost 40 years. People - of all ages - always had heart issues. It‘s kept us very busy over the years. I can’t say that I see things have changed much, other than what I previously mentioned which were a few serious cases related to the vaccines, and I haven’t seen any of those for a while now. The problem is that it is very hard to identify exactly what causes something. Doctors can’t always, I can’t always, and you certainly can’t always. I think there have been issues, sure, but I’m not certain that everything we see today can be chalked up to the vaccine, which many seem to want to do. So many things contribute to medical issues like heart attack and stroke, and our society is ripe for risk factors with the way we eat and don’t always take care of ourselves. Family history plays a big part, as well.
I definitely don't feel like I am coming off as "Told you so". I am just for medical freedom. I have always maintained that I did what I thought was "right" for me. You would get a little irritated too if your Government was threatening to force you or your family to get a medical procedure you didn't want. Telling you that you will die without it when you know differently. When every news station said the unvaccinated were selfish and didn't care about their neighbor. There were about 25% of us in this country that could see that nobody did know exactly how it would work. There was doubt and we wanted to wait and see more data. We didn't believe the information at the time as you did. Good for your coworkers that left because they didn't want the shot. They stood up for what they believed in. DH's work offered incentives and money to get the shot. Thankfully, he was able to wait them out without a mandate and as more data came out the push just faded away. Now he works with several people that regret getting it and have chronic problems. Two of their doctor's have confirmed it is from the shot. So, I can say that yes, I am glad I didn't get the shot. I'm allowed to be thankful for that just as others can be thankful they got it.
No. As I said, I see both sides of it.

And there have been a lot of incorrect statements made in this thread - on both sides.

I get that you didn’t get the vaccine, and that you somehow feel you were “right” now. Your numerous posts here have come off like a big “Told you so”. That’s not fair, really. No one knew everything, exactly. Information evolved. It wasn’t just from the government. I work for a leading medical institution, so we were always up on the latest information, even before the government got it, and I personally followed the latest Covid and vaccine medical news on Medscape, as it was published, for the good of myself and my family, and acted accordingly.

Many of my coworkers left their jobs because they didn’t want the shot, which was devastating, really. I didn’t feel that strongly about it. Even if it wasn’t mandated, I likely would’ve taken it because I believed the information at the time, which is that it would help lessen the risks of getting Covid. That information later evolved, as I said - as did the virus itself, into different variants, some of which became less serious, as we see today. I personally will not get any more vaccines unless they are mandated, again, as I feel I’ve had enough. But I will evaluate each situation if it becomes an issue in the future.

I’ve worked in cardiac care for almost 40 years. People - of all ages - always had heart issues. It‘s kept us very busy over the years. I can’t say that I see things have changed much, other than what I previously mentioned which were a few serious cases related to the vaccines, and I haven’t seen any of those for a while now. The problem is that it is very hard to identify exactly what causes something. Doctors can’t always, I can’t always, and you certainly can’t always. I think there have been issues, sure, but I’m not certain that everything we see today can be chalked up to the vaccine, which many seem to want to do. So many things contribute to medical issues like heart attack and stroke, and our society is ripe for risk factors with the way we eat and don’t always take care of ourselves. Family history plays a big part, as well.


Our family and extended family already had uncommon autoimmune and other conditions before Covid came out. Just seem to be prone to weird diagnosis-lucky us. Histoplasmosis, systemic lupus, spina bifida, Hashimoto's, type 1 diabetes. All out of our control.

For our family, we believed in the science available at the time and made the best decisions we could with the info we had. Like everyone did. Vaccines were personally recommended by our doctors. And we hoped we were also protecting others from getting it.

Due to vaccines my kids never had measles, mumps, rubella, polio, chicken pox.

I never had a small pox vaccine as it was all but eradicated in the US before I needed one.

Not too long ago these conditions were quite debilitating.

I hope those who don't get these common vaccines don't get the diseases. But I am concerned that there may be a resurgence of these diseases as people are deciding not to get these inoculations.
It was all a bit of a nightmare for me personally. I will never allow myself to be in those specific circumstances again.
Well, we made the best of it but it has had negative ramifications. Like we now drink a bit too much and argue too much. I also gained a good 15-20 pounds. I also have had bouts of depression like I had as a teenager and hadn't had in years.

And also worrying about our elderly parents, one of which was battling appendix cancer (and had to undergo MOAS surgery) all alone as nobody could be in the hospital with her. Awful!

And while I feel lucky to not have had school age kids during, my twin DDs were just turning 21 at college and were shut in for their 21st year. They also finished college online pretty much. One DD is an elementary teacher and so she has had trouble on the boyfriend front since her last year in college (when 21) was locked in and then off to teaching with mostly ladies. So no fella for her right now. Many of her friends find love online now with dating aps. My other DD did. And student teaching, then teaching, through covid was not fun either. The little kiddos crying because they had to wear masks and couldn't play with each other was sad. And online teaching was a bit of a struggle. But she made it work, she's a good teacher.

But some good happened too. After many canceled vacations and the DH becoming permanent WFH, we decided to buy a 2nd place in FL. And we are loving that. We even bought a rental prop at first and then sold it after 1 year as well as selling our regular home up north, making nice profits due to the wild real estate market. Then we bought a permanent home in FL and got an apartment up north (flipping the script).

I am thankful to not have had any loved ones die during that time, from covid or anything. And to not have been ruined financially as we didn't lose a job or a business or anything like that. My brother, owns a book store, had a tougher struggle with that. I feel like it touched us all in some sort of negative way. Some more so than others but, no way was it a walk in the park. And I am slightly bitter about it.
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I see the discussion on the vaccines and side effects. Was going to add that to my other post. I have had 2 family members have severe heart issues due to the vaccines, one being in heart failure at age 52.
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