How old was your child when he/she reached 40" tall?


DIS Veteran
Oct 28, 2003
The thread about 3 and 4 year olds riding Soarin' got me wondering about this. My dd must be very short. She is going to be 4 in Sept. but is only about 37" tall. I keep hoping she'll grow so she can ride the big rides for our trip but I don't think it will happen given the time left.

So how old were your kids when they reached 40" tall?
My lil chicky was 5, she was so petite and now she is getting taller but we still have her in size 6 clothes (still in size 5 old navy clothes) because she is so skinny :rotfl: BTW she is 7
My DD reached it when she was 4. She was 42 inches tall right before her 5th b'day We went to DW then and she was able to ride all the big kid rides. She's 46 inches now and will be 6 in a few mos. She's pretty tall for her age though.
Lets see...oldest dd was 3,
second dd was 6
ds was 4 1/2
youngest dd (will be 4 in a few weeks) is still several inches away. Barefoot, she is only 36 inches.
My youngest turned 4 in May and as of last week was 39.5" tall (we'll see if she can ride Soarin' or Test Track next week). She certainly needs size 4T for length in pants or dresses, but some of her clothes are size 3 because she's pretty skinny.
Not real sure when oldest DD hit 40 inches, but I know she rode the 40 inch rides when she was 3 1/2 (she was 42 inches at that point).

DS rode them last year at 3 yrs, 2 months and was well over the mark.

Youngest DD is 20 mths old and only 33 1/2 inches. She is quite a bit shorter than my other two. According to my baby books, oldest DD was 36 1/2 inches on her 2nd b-day and DS was 37 inches on his. My youngest definitely won't hit either one for those in the next 4 mths.

Strange how babies start out being so close in size and yet they grow at such different rates. Especially when you see such differences in the same family.
I have tall kids, the older two were 40" before they turned 3, and the baby just turned 2 this past weekend is almost 37 inches. I think she is 36 3/4 when she went for her 2yr old well child appt last month.
First, I just have to say I can't believe I've been doing Disney for more than 15 years and only just found this site! AND was just thinking about our next holiday trip and wondering if my S4 will be tall enough for some new rides. Great timing!

I measured him this AM - 39.25". And he's technically 4.5yo. I figure with shoes and a few months to grow, he should be at 40 by December :thumbsup2

Which brings up the question: Even at the right height, will a 4yo be okay with some of these rides? Mine thinks he wants to ride roller coasters. We'll see...
PrincessV said:
First, I just have to say I can't believe I've been doing Disney for more than 15 years and only just found this site! AND was just thinking about our next holiday trip and wondering if my S4 will be tall enough for some new rides. Great timing!

I measured him this AM - 39.25". And he's technically 4.5yo. I figure with shoes and a few months to grow, he should be at 40 by December :thumbsup2

Which brings up the question: Even at the right height, will a 4yo be okay with some of these rides? Mine thinks he wants to ride roller coasters. We'll see...

WELCOME to the DIS!! :wave:
My dd is 40" tall and is 3 yrs and 8 months old. She is due a growth spurt..LOL She has been stuck at 40" for about 6 months. She has done this since she was a baby. She grows up, then she grows out. She gets a little chubby, then she shoots up on me.. So, by her 4th birthday I am going to say she will be 42 - 43 inches tall. I have had people think she is short for her age, and some think she is tall. I think she is taller than average. The Dr told me that she should be 6' tall as an adult, but you know I was suppost to be tall, and I am 5'6". :goodvibes
PrincessV said:
First, I just have to say I can't believe I've been doing Disney for more than 15 years and only just found this site! AND was just thinking about our next holiday trip and wondering if my S4 will be tall enough for some new rides. Great timing!

I measured him this AM - 39.25". And he's technically 4.5yo. I figure with shoes and a few months to grow, he should be at 40 by December :thumbsup2

Which brings up the question: Even at the right height, will a 4yo be okay with some of these rides? Mine thinks he wants to ride roller coasters. We'll see...

Most of the rougher roller coasters have a higher height requirement than 40 inches. The 40 inch rides are generally fine for a 4 year old. Some of them are splash mountain, big thunder mountain, soarin', test track, tower of terror, and I'm sure there are more that I left out. Those are all fine for most 4 year olds. My kids went on all of these except tower of terror (because of the "scary" looks of it) at 3 years old. HTH!
DS was 32 months. He stalled for nearly 2 years at around 46", and he is now 53", having just turned 9.
My DS-6 1/2 was a month shy of 3 when he was able to ride the 40" rides. He's always been very tall (90th percentile for height) and very skinny...still is. He's almost as tall as me already and he's not even in 2nd grade yet. :confused3 He's also been very adventurous and loves the thrill rides!

Apparently he got all the height genes b/c DD-2 is only in the 5th percentile and I'm already dreading when she gets older and wants to ride the big rides but can't. We keep saying she'll probably be about 10 before she can ride Goofy's Barnstormer :rolleyes: But I will add that she will NOT ride anything until she is legitimately tall enough.

For the person that asked about allowing a 4 year old on the rides, it really depends on your own child. I had no problems letting my son ride since I know he's daredevil. He's also been very adventurous and loves the thrill rides! With another child's temperment, I might not feel the same way. Start small with Goofys Branstormer and work your way up to the bigger rides.
When sorin opened DD was too short (was this May of 2005????? I think so.) She was 4 then. Jan 2006 she was tall enough then, she was almost 5 years old then. She loves Sorin, (road it May 2006 too.)

She is still under the 44 inch mark for bigger rides. (just under) She should hit it for 6 next year, but I don't know if she is ready for EE anyway.

Anyone else really surpized that midevil wirl (is that the name, the ride next to dino dumbo at AK) is 44 inches. I was shocked. Dino is only 40 and that is much scary (DD has never road it.)
DisneyPhD said:
Anyone else really surpized that midevil wirl (is that the name, the ride next to dino dumbo at AK) is 44 inches. I was shocked. Dino is only 40 and that is much scary (DD has never road it.)

I'm not - only because it's based on the old Wild Mouse ride. I rode that in Crystal Beach (Ontario, CA) when I was little and I remember hearing it was finally shut down due to too many cases of whiplash! I'm sure WDW has softened it up, but it's still the same basic ride, I think.
My DD just made 40" by a whisker when she was 3 1/2. We did Soarin' at DCA and she loved it. She's now 6-years old 48" by my measurements and I'm hoping she'll make it onto Rock and Roll for her 7th birthday trip in a month.
PrincessV said:
I'm not - only because it's based on the old Wild Mouse ride. I rode that in Crystal Beach (Ontario, CA) when I was little and I remember hearing it was finally shut down due to too many cases of whiplash! I'm sure WDW has softened it up, but it's still the same basic ride, I think.

Primeval Whirl in Animal Kingdom is 48" and I think it's because of the way the cars are built and that it spins. [size=-1]Mulholland Madness in DCA is a wild mouse type ride without the spinning and the height requirement is only 40".

My DD was 40 inches at 5.5 years old. She is 6 now and is 43 inches, guess she had a growth spurt this year.
Probably right around 3.5. I know she was 38 inches and 38 pounds at her 3 year check up, and by her 4 year check up, she was 42 inches and 42 pounds. She must be @ 45 inches and pounds now at 4.5


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