How many times a day do you brush your teeth?

How many times a day do you brush your teeth?

  • Once a day

  • Twice a day

  • Three times a day

  • other

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OK, so brushing at bedtime makes sense...but when you get up? I have to wonder how your teeth got dirty since you were just sleeping.:confused3 Do you eat in your sleep?:laughing:

I only brush them once a day, in the morning or occasionally if I have some "special" occasion pending. I floss everyday and have gone 61 years without a cavity. Good genes, I guess.

You don't swallow/salivate as much while you're sleeping (although by the amount of drool stains on pillows you'd think we were producing more), stuff has more time to just sit in your mouth which is just a breeding ground for bacteria which is where that gooey white gross morning breath and gunk come from. Morning breath is the grossest.
At least 3x/day, before my am shower, after lunch, and before bed but often I brush a few more times each day because I like to brush my teeth every time I leave the house ~ a ritual: pee, brush teeth, wash face and hands, brush hair, apply gloss, good to go:)
Once a day in the morning, but my dentist is getting on my case to do it twice a day. I can't stand rinsing my mouth because of the nasty taste afterwards, so I always rinse with water when I'm done (which you're not supposed to do), but I use Crest with Scope.
I'm a mouth breather or at least I don't keep my mouth closed, which makes it more of a breeding ground according to my dentist. I never had cavaties when I was a kid but in the past few years i seem to have gotten quite a few. Probably cause I eat more at night than I used to.
My "good" brush is before bed. I spend about 5 minutes on my teeth, brushing, flossing, and mouthwash for one minute. Then, I don't eat anything else the rest of the night. The thought of all that food residue staying on my teeth for 9 hours all night..yikes, seems like a breeding ground to me.

Then, I do a quick 30 second brush before leaving the house for the day. Most days I am out of the house before 9:30, but sometimes it's not till after lunch. This brushing is more "make sure there is nothing stuck in my teeth or nothing smells" more than a functional cleaning.
I try to get 2 a day in but with these braces its just a pain. If I eat ice cream or something sweet during the night I make sure to brush them before bed. I probably need to start brushing better...
This is an interesting thread I never thought about how many times a day people brush their teeth. I brush mine in the morning and at night, before bed unles I am going somewhere in the afternoon then I will brush again.
This is an interesting thread because I only brush my teeth once a day (morning) so does DH. I was never brought up to brush my teeth at night. Fortunately my teeth are in great shape. However I do notice closer to bedtime or if I wake up in the middle of the night I have an awful taste in my mouth. Maybe I should start brushing my teeth at night :confused3
I try to get 2 a day in but with these braces its just a pain. If I eat ice cream or something sweet during the night I make sure to brush them before bed. I probably need to start brushing better...

I have braces also. I'd rather brush then floss, but I have finally found something easier to floss with.
I tend to brush my teeth once in the morning, and then do a vigorous swishing of mouthwash at night.
The truth is, the night time brush is for you (ridding yourself of bacteria that poops out acid after feeding on the sugars you've consumed all day and causes tooth decay) and the morning brush is for everyone else (morning breath-PEEYEW:sick:).

If you have to skip one, the morning should be it. While it won't make you popular, it will reduce your decay.

I brush 3 times a day, BTW. Gotta be spot on after lunch for my patients:thumbsup2!
I brush after every meal which is normally a twice a day, with that I do floss. If I happen to go off my diet and eat three times a day then I would brush three times. Also I use oral hygiene products when I can't brush or floss, which fights bad breath.
OK, so brushing at bedtime makes sense...but when you get up? I have to wonder how your teeth got dirty since you were just sleeping.:confused3 Do you eat in your sleep?:laughing:

I only brush them once a day, in the morning or occasionally if I have some "special" occasion pending. I floss everyday and have gone 61 years without a cavity. Good genes, I guess.

Don't you wake up with "morning breath???"
I don't know anyone who wakes up with a fresh, "ready-for-the-day" feeling in their mouth! You may not be eating in your sleep, but there's lots of nasty bacteria that multiply in your mouth when you sleep. (saliva helps fight bacteria in your mouth, and since your body produces less saliva when you sleep, the bacteria grows more quickly...OK, maybe TMI)

I brush at least twice a day. On the weekends, I will sometimes brush in the middle of the day, but usually once in the morning and once at night.
Anywhere from three to five times a day. I hate not having my breath or mouth feel clean even if I just drink something or have a snack I still brush my teeth.


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