how many people..

I'll admit I don't really get it, and I probably never will.
My brother's only reason was "because its fun" and I really just don't get why making a potential fool out of yourself is worth it.

The curse of being straight-edged, I guess?
I don't know.
We'll see after the first time I drink (my brother nearly died when I told him I don't drink)
I'm really shy and nervous in big crowds but if I get hyper it all goes away
I'm really shy and nervous in big crowds but if I get hyper it all goes away

I dunno about this mindset... not to pick on you or anything man because I don't know you or anything, and it would be just your wording that I'm taking issue with, but the... artificial "high"... like, you say you're shy and you've gotta get hyper to interact with crowds. I realize that it's a coping mechanism... lots of people use coping mechanisms to overcome their fear of crowds or social interaction with large, largely unaccepting groups. Some folks drink to overcome the fear and other take a drug to get themselves into a state where they can deal with the crowd. I'm afraid that hyping yourself up on sugar is sort of the same thing. I'm not saying that this could lead to drugs or alcohol; rather, I'm saying that getting yourself into a state using some outside ingredient just isn't healthy and will probably harm you in some way in the long run.

So I'd actually just recommend not using sugar or anything, and just start going to smaller get-togethers. Get comfortable with small grounds of unfamiliar people and then slowly move up. Soon you'll be able to party with the best of them, unhindered anything: no sugar, no alcohol, no drugs.

To be honest, this social interaction skill is kind of lost in modern society. So many of us just take drugs or get drunk in crowds; the "party" in "party" has sort of been lost. There's always been alcohol at parties because alcoholic beverages are nice. The trouble with people today is that they don't know how to drink alcohol. Too many of us drink to get drunk, and I don't know why. But this last paragraph is just a bit of a tangent I'm going off on, so never mind haha. :)
i hate that people think partying is all about drinking and doing drugs and having sex. no, it's not. it's about hanging out, having fun, dancing with your friends, and letting all your inhibitions go. you don't have to drink alcohol (although lord knows i certainly have) or do drugs or have sex to have fun at a party. jmo
i hate that people think partying is all about drinking and doing drugs and having sex. no, it's not. it's about hanging out, having fun, dancing with your friends, and letting all your inhibitions go. you don't have to drink alcohol (although lord knows i certainly have) or do drugs or have sex to have fun at a party. jmo
yes, but usually the drinking is always there... unfortunatly
keegs, i didn't ditch ahha

and tom: PPT hahahahahahhha



Most parties around here DO involve sex and drinking. lol. Oh well.

One day, I hope to go clubin' with Tom, Rachel, and Caitlin!

lol...I dont go clubbin but Im known to pump my fist like a champ...and frolic like a

SRSLY COME XD I'm prrrooooobably the funnest person Toronto has to offer just sayin' ;)

well...the age to get into clubs in Canada is only 19 soooo.....get ya butts up here!! IDK how you guys can go the whole waiting til your 21 thing!

i'm expecting you AAAAALL up here once you turn 19 :cool2:

I'll see...I so would and Canada is awesome...but I thought drinking age was 18?

yeah ive been to some pretty wild partays down hurr, but its whatever, i enjoy it. and yuhh can't wait kelsi and caitlin, ill be tha first one in torontooooo:-)

i just can't wait for the day me and katie get crunk togethurr! and Katie will do it before

i can't wait for it either lmao. pics & vids would be a must. :laughing:

speaking of parties....I am SEEEEERIOUSLY comtemplating going to this club on saturday downtown to see THE SITUATION & DJ PAULY D!!!!! :scared1:
BUT from what I hear it'll be a waste of time because THOOOOOUSANDS of ppl are going, and I wanna have a good saturday and not a miserable night stuck waiting in a line.......uuuugh why can't they just come to my house?? WAAAH

this could be me :


lol...I love how everyone knows what a guido is now and the world can make fun of them
I have never been t any parties. From what I hear, but I can't say is true or not, is drugs, alcahol, and sex are very prominent at most parties. I know not all parties are like this, but they have a reputation to be. In this sence, no, I'm not interested.
I also cannot dance and listen to practically no popular music, so I don't think I'd enjoy parties too much.
I come from a very conservative family, as well. So no, I don't think I'd like parties.
I'll admit I don't really get it, and I probably never will.
My brother's only reason was "because its fun" and I really just don't get why making a potential fool out of yourself is worth it.

The curse of being straight-edged, I guess?
I don't know.
We'll see after the first time I drink (my brother nearly died when I told him I don't drink)

im a little confused.
if you're 'straight-edge', why is there going to be a first time you drink??
i thought the whole point of being 'straight-edge' is that you DON'T drink.
im a little confused.
if you're 'straight-edge', why is there going to be a first time you drink??
i thought the whole point of being 'straight-edge' is that you DON'T drink.

I've never had the opportunity to drink, is what I'm saying, short of whatever's in the house.
I'm not straight edge because I have some diehard campaign against underage drinking or whatever, just because I'm antisocial and haven't been around it at all.
I know its hypocritical, and trust me, I could care less if anyone else does it, I just don't see the point.

I did feel like a loser when out of 13 teenagers on the boat I lived on last summer, I was the only one who had never drank or smoked weed. But.. c'est la vie.
most clubs in Orlando are 18 to get into :) you just get a different colored wristband. + people sell the wristband to buy drinks once inside. + if your a girl, find your self a boy to buy you drinks if you like. Usually I just like to dance with my friends though :goodvibes

I like to party. :cool2:


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