How many funerals have you been to in your life?

Way too many. One year we had someone pass every three months or so. By the fifth one I just couldn’t do it anymore. I skipped two and thankfully we had a reprieve for awhile after that.
funerals or wakes?? Funerals probably 8 or so- wakes could not even figure a number for that- all friends parents and siblings, parents, spouses of co-workers, neighbors, neighbors parents and siblings, children of friends and co-workers- way to many to even count- last week had my friends aunts wake we all went to, I worked the next day so couldn't go to the funeral but some of our other friends went.
Actual funeral services, I can count 10 right off the top of my head, & I'm probably missing a few. And I just thought of another one, so that makes 11...

I couldn't begin to count the number of visitations to which I've been - family members, friends, family members of friends, church members, family members of church members, co-workers, family of co-workers...

Visitations are probably a lot like wakes & are usually the day or two before the funeral service and/or right before the service. It's when the family of the deceased receives visitors at the funeral home or church
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Too many. We have two coming up this week. The last few years have been rough for our families and our friend’s families.
Too many to count but I would say easily over 20.

They always seem to come in groups. My grandparents all died within weeks of each other. By the time we got through one, we had to start making arrangements for another one.

When I first started dating my husband I ended up having 4 funerals within a 6 month period (2 aunts, a cousin and a niece) he was beginning to think everyone in my family was going to die.
I’ve carried the casket 4 times and read 1 eulogy. Been to many funeral services and countless visitations.

My parents did not take me to my paternal grandmother’s funeral because they thought it would be too difficult for me (and my sister). She was only 56 (I was 8).
Only 3......we don't really live near family.
So both parents and a little boy neighbor
Numerous. Grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, my dad, DH's grandmother, uncle, stepfather, friend's parents, a teen in our church-car accident, friend's baby that drowned, etc.

I work in a church, so I get to prepare the service and worship aid, meet with the family and funeral home, set up and clean up for every service in the church. So every funeral at the church. We had one year with over 20 plus funerals.
I can't say I've ever counted but I consider myself fortunate that most have been people that lived long and happy lives. I know many people unfortunately that can't say that.
Only one---my highschool boyfriend's younger brother was killed in an accident (he was 13). They had an 8 month old younger sister who knew me well---I was asked to be there, sit with family, and be the one to exit with her when she got fussy. It was a hard funeral to be at.

My dad's parents died when i was toddler and when i was age 5. I was give en a choic3e to attend my grandmother's funeral or not and I was scared to go so stayed with a sitter.

I was 8 1/2 pregnant when my mom's dad died and couldn't fly out for the funeral. I also lost a cousin when I was 12 but my parent did not fly to the funeral because there were threats being made and my aunt asked that we not (my cousin was murdered).

I've been extremely fortunate not to have lost any other close family and because we've moved ofte3n it never seems that friends/neighbors/coworkers are people we know enough to attend a funeral for.
Literally hundreds but it's kind of a trick question because I interned to become a funeral director. For family members or personal friends, probably 30 or so. I've been to 3 in 2018. DH and I always attend funeral/memorial/celebration services of people we know whenever we can; we were both raised that way. We feel it's an important gesture of respect towards the departed and support for the grieving family. We don't find it scary, or emotionally draining or whatever else it is that cause people to not want to go.
Just one- my grandmother died when I was 21 and I traveled to her funeral. I have been lucky that I've not experienced many relatives dying. I'm getting older, though, so I know more will come in the next 10-15 years.
Only one---my highschool boyfriend's younger brother was killed in an accident (he was 13). They had an 8 month old younger sister who knew me well---I was asked to be there, sit with family, and be the one to exit with her when she got fussy. It was a hard funeral to be at.

My dad's parents died when i was toddler and when i was age 5. I was give en a choic3e to attend my grandmother's funeral or not and I was scared to go so stayed with a sitter.

I was 8 1/2 pregnant when my mom's dad died and couldn't fly out for the funeral. I also lost a cousin when I was 12 but my parent did not fly to the funeral because there were threats being made and my aunt asked that we not (my cousin was murdered).

I've been extremely fortunate not to have lost any other close family and because we've moved ofte3n it never seems that friends/neighbors/coworkers are people we know enough to attend a funeral for.
:wave2:Hi Hadley,

I'm always interested to know how things are done in other places. What kind of funerary rituals are common in Germany right now?


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