How far away are some of your family members?

Most of my family, immediate and extended, are right here in the same small city. My sister moved away but she is only 45 minutes away!! My Dh's family though is far. His immediate family is all in town, but extended family is in Canada. I love that our kids get to visit an area though with a completely different culture (rural, farming areas in New Brunswick, mostly French speaking). We make the 11 hour trek every three years for reunions.
Parents - one mile :cool1:
Sister - one block past them :banana:
Brother - Texas -too dang far!!! :sad2:
I have NO relatives of MINE.......locally.
Aunt/Uncle 600 miles away in San Diego, CA.......and Mom's aunt's in Michigan.
(Both parents passed away)
Fraternal siblings: Boston, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon.
Cousins: Chicago, Milwaukee, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Maryland, Key West, North Carolina, Detroit, untold other places.

And we can usually stay with any of them (within moderation!)
I forgot In-laws in Florida: the Ft. Lauderdale area. Big paybacks due to my wife, whom I did not get to edit my previous post.
Most of my family is further away than they were 9 months ago...

I moved to Florida, Mom's now 45 minutes away. For almost all of my adult life, I've lived in Maryland and the rest of the family (just about) was in NY/NJ/LI and more recently, Florida.

Mom wishes I lived closer than the 45 minutes, but I don't think that I can have anyone live too close after having the four hours distance. The good part of that is that siblings that I didn't want camping out at my house never did!

My whole family other than immediate brother and two sisters are in Essex and Kent counties, England

I don't really count my husbands family but he has some in Italy.
1134 miles to the north for my sister, her dh and 2 girls, My parents and dh's family. And we hope to heavens they all stay there!! :teeth:
Some family in Cocoa area and a BIL and his family in Houston.
Elf, I haven't mapquested it to get the exact mileage! My old house to my mom's was 996 miles, but now we're 41.8 miles, lol!

Immediate family - all in Orange County (except me, when I am in LA at school, and this fall I will be in England)
Extended family - all over! CA, Utah, Washington, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Missouri, Colorado, Kansas, Texas...
Two people I consider family (boyfriend - England; best best friend - Scotland) - these two are TOO FAR away especially :sad1:
My mom and dad, grandmother, father in law, sister in law, brother in law and niece live in Va. I have another brother in law and sister in law in NC, and my brother, my sister in law and twin nieces live in Tennessee, but will be moving to North Carolina this summer. At least that is a bit closer!
We are the only ones in Chicago. My entire family and DH's family all live within 30 minutes of each other in the Cleveland area. (DH and I went to the same high school) We are the only ones to venture out. I sometime wish we were closer. Then we visit......and enjoy the distance. :p

All of my relatives at in America. Miss having family close by.
My family is pretty spread out. My parents and siblings live in Mississippi. My mom and brothers are an hour away from me. My dad is 2 and 1/2 hours away. My half-sisters are about 15 min. away. My grandparents (both maternal and paternal) live in Florida, as well as quite a few aunts, uncles, and cousins. I also have family in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Tennessee, and Alabama. I may have family in other states, but those are the only ones I can think of now.

Dh's whole family lives here and in Alabama though.
I have some cousins in California. My immediate family though, all lives within a half hours drive.
Very far.

I'm in the NYC area.
Brother & family in Shreveport.
Sister in Dallas.
Parents, other sister & family in MN. (Where we all grew up.)
I live in southern NH. My brother lives about 5 minutes away in Massachusetts. My sister and parents live about 15 minutes away. My other sister lives in Oklahoma. I have extended family in Texas, Tennessee and New York.
my parents are about 350 miles away. my extended family is in michigan and on the west coast. my sister lives about 150 miles away.
We are all over the country.

While all of us started out in Michigan, we are as follows:

Sister, Still in MI...2267 miles

Brother, still in MI...2256 Miles

Inlaws, Florida...2663 miles

Mom, AZ...400 miles

Grandparents, Winter FL...2670 mile
Summer MI...2336 miles

I do have family in Oregon, but I'm not sure where Portland, I think, but I'm not at all close with them.

I have know Idea where my Dad's family are at. Dead mostly.

And the rest of my extended family is in MI, FL nd AZ.

Nobody is an expat, but DH and I plan on changing that . :teeth:


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