How does Expedition Everest compare motion sicknesswise?


Earning My Ears
Oct 5, 2015
About to go to Disney World for the first time, but I've been to Disneyland many times. I get motion sickness and I'm trying to figure out if I can handle certain rides. I'm wondering if you can tell me how Expedition Everest compares to other rides I've ridden before like Big Thunder Mountain or Space Mountain. I've never gotten sick on Big Thunder Mountain, but Space Mountain can make me a bit queasy sometimes. Can you tell me how Expedition Everest compares to these to and how likely you think it is to make me sick. Thanks!
Not sure how helpful this is, but I found Expedition Everest a lot smoother than Big Thunder Mountain. My husband cant handle EE though - says it makes him queasy (although he can do Space Mountain).
I don't have any problems on BTM or SM and I can ride them multiple times in a row. I can ride EE once or maybe twice in a row tops, and I do feel queasy, so I stop.
About to go to Disney World for the first time, but I've been to Disneyland many times. I get motion sickness and I'm trying to figure out if I can handle certain rides. I'm wondering if you can tell me how Expedition Everest compares to other rides I've ridden before like Big Thunder Mountain or Space Mountain. I've never gotten sick on Big Thunder Mountain, but Space Mountain can make me a bit queasy sometimes. Can you tell me how Expedition Everest compares to these to and how likely you think it is to make me sick. Thanks!
I get motion sickness very easy... I can ride BTMR no problem. I rode space mount Disneyland 100s of times as teenager no problem. WDW SM made me ill. I have only rode EE 1 time . I did not get motion sick at all (in fact I was able to eat a chicken Caesar salad after riding. my problem was that after riding EE I could not feel the lower half of my body for about 10 minutes... I could walk but had to sit on a bench til the feeling came back...
I was thinking that maybe you got sick on Space Mountain because of the darkness. I tried Space Mountain as a kid at Disneyland and felt a bit queasy in my stomach a bit (haven't rode since). I thought it is due to the darkness and and your brain not knowing where you are and where you are going. BTM is no problems as I can gauge the turns and dips since it is mostly outside.

Although there are times when EE is in the dark, most of the forward moving dark portions of the ride are pretty tame. The only part which may make you sick is the backwards part since it does put a bit of pressure on your brain as it feels like you are going upside down. For me, I was able to ride this with no issues however, it can put some pressure on your brain if you ride several times in a row (tried that before!).
I have motion sickness issues with spinning (no Teacups for me!).

There is only one part of Everest which bothers me, and it is the backwards spiraling drop in the dark. I'm pretty sure it is the spiraling aspect of it which makes me queasy. I'm always glad when that part of the ride is over.
I always feel ill after riding EE. The backwards portion really messes with me.
The only part which may make you sick is the backwards part since it does put a bit of pressure on your brain as it feels like you are going upside down.

The backwards portion really messes with me.

DW reports the same problem but actually LIKES it - the "thrill" of being on the edge of discomfort?

The backwards/dark section of EE is (mercifully for some people) very brief - so unless you're on a hair-trigger to motion sickness you should be OK
Didn't dare go on it on my past visit, which is daft. Same with SM. I've been on the Aerosmith ride, Big Thunder and both Harry Potter rides yet I didn't dare ride EE or SM on the days I could have. I'm off in 2016 and I'm going to just go on them anyway!
The backwards part is the only part that bothers me. It helps when I close my eyes, for some strange reason.
I have an inner thing that makes me feel awful on anything that spins. I won't do SM (the dark really messes me up!) I do go on BTM without any issues. EE is a unique thing with the backwards portion. I went on it reluctantly but it was ok for me. Not a fave but I will go on it once per trip. However, I will volunteer to sit out if we have an odd number! And as the pp said the backwards part is very short.
EE doesn't seem to bother me but like OP have said the part that goes backwards might be the part that could cause issues if you are prone to motion sickness.
Star Tours messes with me - 3D and simulator :sick:, but I think EE is great! On the other hand, the backwards part made my dad sick and he doesn't have motion sickness problems. I think it's that it's in the dark and backwards and spiraling - messes with your equilibrium. If your motion sickness is very bad - like need to lay down sick - you may want to skip this one...
I can't tolerate it at all! The last time I went on it, I was messed up the rest of the day. I don't do backwards!
I can ride Big Thunder mountain and be a bit sick. I only ride Space Mountain occasionally as it can get me pretty sick. Sometimes it doesn't though and it is fun. Expedition Everest has gotten me sick each time. I still ride it once in while as it is fun but the backwards part in the dark is the worst for me.
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Not sure how helpful this is, but I found Expedition Everest a lot smoother than Big Thunder Mountain. My husband cant handle EE though - says it makes him queasy (although he can do Space Mountain).

This is my husband as well. He does Space Mountain without any trouble but said EE was just on the line of not being able to handle it. I haven't done EE because I know going backwards is a problem for me.
I can ride any other mountain at DLR and WDW without a problem, EE and I'm sick for the rest of the day. I can ride Rock n Roller Coaster without a problem but EE and I'm done!
I am pretty prone to motion sickness and I rode all three a few weeks ago on our trip. I'd say EE was somewhere in between BTMRR and SM.

BTMRR was no problem. Space was the hardest for me, probably bc of the darkness. And EE was in the middle...the worst part being the backwards part.

But I will say that none of them made me sick at all...and I credit that to Sea Bands. I wore them every day and didn't get sick on any ride. It may work for you!
I love EE and ride it every trip, but I can't do multiple times. That said, in some ways it has no more effect on a person than SM. As noted above, the going backward is probably the hardest part.
The problem is that EE is a candidate for best attraction on property. I've ridden a couple of times and had a headache afterwards. Since then, I take a med for motion sickness (OTC available everywhere--and cheap!). I don't eat for a couple of hours prior, and if I'm not feeling 100%, I don't ride. When following all of my guidelines, it's a complete blast. I gotta tell ya though, the backwards thing is pretty intense. :earsboy:


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