Hot Dog! Hot Dog! Hot Diggity Dog! ~Upated 12/15 Darn! That's the end!

I saw your "shameless plug" in MB (mirage)'s trip report and had to pop in and say hello, and I'm reading along! We are going to California in 3 weeks (OMG I just realized that) and will celebrate my birthday in San Diego, then we head to Disneyland! And congrats on finishing school!! I'm a teacher, too. :)
Your husband sounds awesome

Everyone let me introduce you to my hubby Tim, Tim, this is everybody!

And its his very first post on my little ol' TR. Gwarsh!:love:

ND, thanks for including me in your field, hearing that makes it really "Real". I loved being able to substitute teach this year. Especially for the class I pre-student taught with. There is not better feeling I have than working in a classroom with kids.

jedjill, I'll post this great clip of my daughter for you tomorrow, you will love it!
I actually stopped teaching when I had my oldest, but I've started subbing again and will get a full time job in the next few years. I love subbing, because I get to know pretty much the whole school! Plus there's no take home work, which is always nice ;).

Student teaching was awesome. What grade will you be student teaching? (I cannot seem to compose that sentence without it sounding awkward!!!)
After spending time (locked) in the car with my 5yo DNephew and 3yo DNiece this week, I CANNOT get the MMC theme song out of my head every time I see the title of your trip report. ;)

Jill in CO

This is Mal when she was 2. My favorite all time clip of her! We were at Hollywood and Vine Sing and Dine in Hollywood Studios. Don't even know if this exists anymore.

I actually stopped teaching when I had my oldest, but I've started subbing again and will get a full time job in the next few years. I love subbing, because I get to know pretty much the whole school! Plus there's no take home work, which is always nice ;).

Student teaching was awesome. What grade will you be student teaching? (I cannot seem to compose that sentence without it sounding awkward!!!)

I will be in a resource room with a variety of students/grades. Elementary school setting, one student is CI and the rest are either LD, Autistic, Physically or health impaired, ADHD, or the lowest RTI students. I have the best co-op teacher and we work well together.

I've worked with a wide range of students during my training, never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would tube feed a student.
This is Mal when she was 2. My favorite all time clip of her! We were at Hollywood and Vine Sing and Dine in Hollywood Studios. Don't even know if this exists anymore.

So cute!

I was treated to several renditions of MMC, Yo Gabba Gabba, and Oomie Zoomie? Never heard of that one prior to this week. Also got America the Beautiful several times. I don't get to see the kids very often so the singing is a treat. :)

Jill in CO
Subscribing, looking forward to your TR. Congrats :cheer2: on graduating!! I am also a soon to be grad, went back to school for my Masters in Nursing to become a Nurse Practitioner. Gotta say, in some ways it is so much harder to go to school as an adult with lots of other responsibilities (like kids!) and in some ways it is so much easier... Kudos to you for doing it!!
I embarrass really easily. There's a great group of writers
on the boards now, and now we have one more.

By the way,,, yeah, yeah, great start,,, but as for that November thing going on? One Word:


It's cheaper.
I embarrass really easily. There's a great group of writers
on the boards now, and now we have one more.

By the way,,, yeah, yeah, great start,,, but as for that November thing going on? One Word:


It's cheaper.

That depends on the types of movies you rent.

We had netflix and gave up the monthly $8.00 fee and are proud owners of a $28.00 (one time only) antenna.

And it was wonderful watching the Tigers in HD beat the Sox today!
I live with two Leo's and grew up with one. Leo's and me are a tough fit. We just clash! Maddy's is on the 13th. I'll have to see what park we will be in on the 9th.

OH CRAP! I'm a Leo too (8/12).... YOU'RE SURROUNDED! :goodvibes I'll try to be a good reader and not post anything to rub you the wrong way :lmao: Anyway, I'm here and ready for your trip report to commence commencing!
I do as I'm told so I am tagging along for the ride. I vowed if I ever go back to WDW in the summer I would only go to the parks at night, yeah right!
I was drawn in by the Leo bashing. 7/30 here, and my husband is also a Leo (8/14). :teeth: Have a great trip! I have a friend there now. I keep waiting for her to post pictures so I can live vicariously through her! :sigh: 4 and a half months left for us!
I am not Leo Bashing. I don't bash, just love to make fun of me and my life, the crazy one I was blessed with.

Side Note: I have one baby sister, who I love dearly. Her birthday is 7/31. We are almose 4 1/2 years apart. When I hit about 12, I wanted nothing to do with her. My mother made me take her everywhere with me. She was a tattle tale and I couldn't get away with anything when she was with me and my not so appreciative friends. HA!

So most of our lives we clashed, part resentment, part personality differences. As adults we really did not get along. Extremely different life view points. I am of the nature to just go with it, and she is of the nature that she needs to make the world change to her ideas. We can get along and laugh like best friends, but those times are far and few inbetween. But that is ok, I will take those few great moments over many bad moments.

In my opinion I find with my sister and my 2 born under the sign of Leo children, who I also love and adore more than the air that I breath, that Leo's tend to be stubborn, high tempered, very smart, determined, strong willed, leaders, and unstoppable.

I am a Piscean. I find in my life that it is hard to get along with a Leo. One thing I am very good at is acceptance, toleration, and overlooking things I don't agree with because I hate confrontation and avoid it like the plague.

Please, don't take those comments personally, I am just reflecting what I know based on my family. We all have crazy family dynamics. I find it easier to swallow to blame the differences I have with my sister on stupid astrology signs rather than bad chemistry.

Getting the family ready for church, I hope to have the next update later this afternoon. Stay cool folks, I feel a sweat coming on!
I'm in. Congrats on your upcoming degree. I'm newly retired from the classroom and fully understand why you have to go to Disney in the summer. We did the same for many years. You know you'll have a great time anyway. Can't wait to read what's next.
Just wanted to do a quick group shout out! Thanks, really for everyone who is here and reading along. You all make a girl feel loved!

I was warned about the dangers of letting the Dis world know that we are staying off site. I have had my share of people bullying me here and I choose to post in safer waters. I have no issue with people knowing we have rented a house. I know you all will have my back in case anyone dares to post negatively on my TR. :goodvibes: But we are just a happy bunch over here and I am NOT looking to start anything like that, just saying.

The last 6 times we have gone we stayed on site. Since the family surpassed family of 4 and grew to a family of 5 (Disney souvenir) and then a family of 6 plus one grandma always tagging along, I have had to pay for two rooms at Pop or an All Star.

Disney likes us, I mean really likes us and this time around found that I had not one but 4 coveted codes attached to our name when we were in the looking and pricing stage of planning. 30% off any resort, free dining, free water parks options and more with a package, and one other I just can’t remember.

It was tough not using any of the codes. It almost felt like I was stabbing Disney in the back not taking one of them, but after Tim pried the phone away from my hands and hit end, it only took a few weeks to stop crying and accept the fact that we were going to have to stay off site if we were ever going to step foot in WDW in the year 2012.

I love codes! I saved boo-ko bucks at Disney using some pretty awesome codes, but this time around we are totally going outside of our comfort zone and our plans are all the complete opposite of what we are used to doing.

I even have PAPER tickets, gasp!

I- know!

There are literally a bazillion vacation homes, condos, apartments, villas, hotels, motels to rent in the Orlando area. I know because I believe I looked at ALL that were available to look at on-line. I only picked a few that I was interested in and after filtering through the 87,002 that responded back I narrowed it down to 2.


I actually enjoyed the wheeling and dealing with one owner. She couldn’t go any less, blah blah blah, and when I told her I did find a home less than hers, she miraculously could go lower, but not as low as Nebo trying to win a bottle of Boons Farm in a game of limbo.

I chose to rent this vacation home for a few reasons. Price, price, and price! That is totally huge for us, I am still a student paying tuition and not working. The house is amazing non the less and has 4 bedrooms that includes a king master bedroom, queen second master bedroom, and two other bedrooms with twin beds each. Tim and I get some privacy, my mom gets privacy, the boys get their own room and so do the girls. It has a private and enclosed pool, game room, and it’s fully loaded with all the necessities of a home. Including my own washer and dryer!

It is going to be fabulous! For the first time my room will not be decorated with laundry hanging all over the place due to poor dryers found on site at most Disney resorts. Just ask Mirage!
Those codes would have been really tough to pass up, and the paper tickets might have bummed me out too.

However, I think the house sounds great! It may not be on property, but it's what works for your family. Who the heck thinks they can give someone crap about that? I will personally kick some butt if anyone does that to you. I promise. :thumbsup2
I've got your back too! I would rather stay off site than stay at home! You have to do what is best for your family.

Jill in CO
She couldn’t go any less, blah blah blah, and when I told her I did find a home less than hers, she miraculously could go lower, but not as low as Nebo trying to win a bottle of Boons Farm in a game of limbo.

:rotfl2: (Sorry, Nebo)

The house sounds great. But I hope you realize that you are probably bringing down Disney stock prices by staying off-site and thereby lowering the value of the IRA of your good, old, faithful friend here...

But, alas, so be it, I'll be here cheering you on.
monymony3471 said:
I am not Leo Bashing. I don't bash, just love to make fun of me and my life, the crazy one I was blessed with.

Side Note: I have one baby sister, who I love dearly. Her birthday is 7/31. We are almose 4 1/2 years apart. When I hit about 12, I wanted nothing to do with her. My mother made me take her everywhere with me. She was a tattle tale and I couldn't get away with anything when she was with me and my not so appreciative friends. HA!

So most of our lives we clashed, part resentment, part personality differences. As adults we really did not get along. Extremely different life view points. I am of the nature to just go with it, and she is of the nature that she needs to make the world change to her ideas. We can get along and laugh like best friends, but those times are far and few inbetween. But that is ok, I will take those few great moments over many bad moments.

In my opinion I find with my sister and my 2 born under the sign of Leo children, who I also love and adore more than the air that I breath, that Leo's tend to be stubborn, high tempered, very smart, determined, strong willed, leaders, and unstoppable.

I am a Piscean. I find in my life that it is hard to get along with a Leo. One thing I am very good at is acceptance, toleration, and overlooking things I don't agree with because I hate confrontation and avoid it like the plague.

Please, don't take those comments personally, I am just reflecting what I know based on my family. We all have crazy family dynamics. I find it easier to swallow to blame the differences I have with my sister on stupid astrology signs rather than bad chemistry.

Getting the family ready for church, I hope to have the next update later this afternoon. Stay cool folks, I feel a sweat coming on!

I took your comments tongue-in-cheek, so no offense taken. I am a pretty classic Leo, all of those things you mentioned. Not only did I marry another Leo, but he and I are also both firstborns! :scared1: Somehow we're still married! :teeth: Luckily, he comes from a very laid-back family, whereas mine is totally the opposite (though we are witty!), so he does balance me in that way, if that made any sense. :upsidedown:

Back to the PTR! We are also staying off-site! We are a family of 9 (my nuclear family of 4 + in-laws + BIL & SIL & baby niece). An off-site house was the only way to go for us. I also scoured every rental in the Orlando area and came down to two. The bedrooms are decorated with Disney theming, and everybody gets their own bathroom, so it sounds like a good thing to me! :thumbsup:


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