Having Issues Finding a New Phone --- UPDATE pg. 11

If your DH is in IT and he does support on different 'puters at different sites, then the iPhone is PERFECT for him.

I did IT support for several years and had the iPhone in my last year. The ability to store information about the different systems I supported as well as the ability to look up information on the web when there are no other computers around to do so is invaluable!

That is almost word for word what he said! :goodvibes

As for what to do in case one of you loses your job, remember that you always have the option of canceling your contract albeit at a penalty. Unless you only have 3 months left in your contract, it is cheaper to pay the penalty than to keep the phone (and you get to keep the phone to be reactivated at a future date).

I think I'm just being overly paranoid in the current climate. I'm sure if I did get the IPhone I'd probably be on the web and using all the other toys. I think I'm looking at it as I'm doing with just a regular phone right now, so anything will be an upgrade. I was hoping DH would also go with a cheaper phone/data plan that can be cancelled at any time (as the phone doesn't need it to run) if the worst happens, we can cut there as well.
Could somebody with an iPhone do me a favor? Could you please check the settings and see if there is a way to make the touch screen more sensitive? A friend of mine has a Samsung Omnia touch screen phone and said that she could set it so that she can type and click using the tip of her nails as opposed to her finger. I am wondering if the iPhone is the same way as well.

Also, is it me going completely crazy or is there a little iPhone icon by the iPhone Collective thread????!
I don't know of any screen sensitivity setting.

DW has said that when her fingers get dry the screen doesn't seem to be as responsive but that was when she was playing a game.

I have the opposite problem. I'm constantly turning on apps by accident. It can be embarassing when the phone is active.
Could somebody with an iPhone do me a favor? Could you please check the settings and see if there is a way to make the touch screen more sensitive? A friend of mine has a Samsung Omnia touch screen phone and said that she could set it so that she can type and click using the tip of her nails as opposed to her finger. I am wondering if the iPhone is the same way as well.

Also, is it me going completely crazy or is there a little iPhone icon by the iPhone Collective thread????!

I have found that the iPhone screen responds to nothing but human touch.

I dont know that nails are going to work and I dont have any to try it out for you.

I think it has something to do with body temperature
I have found that the iPhone screen responds to nothing but human touch.

I dont know that nails are going to work and I dont have any to try it out for you.

I think it has something to do with body temperature
The iPhone screen works by detecting electrical current flow between points on the screen through your finger. Nails won't work because they don't conduct electricity. It's also why you can't use an iPhone while wearing gloves (unless you're wearing these gloves).
Could somebody with an iPhone do me a favor? Could you please check the settings and see if there is a way to make the touch screen more sensitive? A friend of mine has a Samsung Omnia touch screen phone and said that she could set it so that she can type and click using the tip of her nails as opposed to her finger. I am wondering if the iPhone is the same way as well.

Nope, no sensitivity settings. Fingernails don't work.

Also, is it me going completely crazy or is there a little iPhone icon by the iPhone Collective thread????!

Hehe - that's a tag. You can "tag" threads w/ key words

I have found that the iPhone screen responds to nothing but human touch.

I dont know that nails are going to work and I dont have any to try it out for you.

I think it has something to do with body temperature

It won't respond if you're wearing gloves, either. Has to be that "human touch" :teeth:
The iPhone screen is created with a capacitive material that responds to the electrical charge we store in our body. This is why the iPhone doesn't respond well to being fingernails.

There are some phones that are touch sensitive. These phones usually require a stylus and typically don't respond well to touch with a finger. However, they would respond quite well to fingernails.

There are pros and cons to each type of screen but for most people, the iPhone screen is better since it doesn't require a stylus.

The iPhone screen works by detecting electrical current flow between points on the screen through your finger. Nails won't work because they don't conduct electricity. It's also why you can't use an iPhone while wearing gloves (unless you're wearing these gloves).

Yeah....what Chris said.
The iPhone screen is created with a capacitive material that responds to the electrical charge we store in our body. This is why the iPhone doesn't respond well to being fingernails.

There are some phones that are touch sensitive. These phones usually require a stylus and typically don't respond well to touch with a finger. However, they would respond quite well to fingernails.

There are pros and cons to each type of screen but for most people, the iPhone screen is better since it doesn't require a stylus.


And Armand.
One pro of this screen is that it won't get accidently activated in your pocket!
Gotta say tho, you DO get used to the screen very quickly and will wonder why you ever wanted to use your nails ;)

My concern is just for typing purposes. Of course, when the upgrade to the software comes out that'll be solved because they are going to give it the landscape option. This would make the buttons bigger and easier for me to type. Anybody hear news on this lately or on the new version of the phone itself?

The new version of the software should be out in June. As for a new version of the iPhone, no one knows until it is released. Apple is known to not comment on new developments until they are actually released.

It's May 1st. Did you get your new iPhone?

Is it true that the iPhone drops calls a TON?

That's not my experience. It is fantastically better than Sprint (but it has been years since I had a Sprint phony), and really no worse or better than my Treo and Verizon.

I've not been to NJ with it (or ever (if I recall right)) so I can't say how it performs there.

You may have seen it but this is a photo of landscape e-mail, notes and mms in the software upgrade.

Wow, that's a BIG phone. I'll bet it's real easy to type on THAT keyboard, huh?

I just found this...it looks interesting....


Is it true that the iPhone drops calls a TON?

No problem with my iPhone dropping calls. I suspect that it depends mostly on location.

As for the rumors about the new iPhone coming out this summer, I love it when someone says that "For clarification, the above is 100% confirmed" but when you wonder about the source, they say "We can’t tell you where or who, but pretty high up in AT&T’s food chain". Yep, it's real easy to come up with lots of information when you don't have to reveal your source.

I'm not saying there isn't a new phone coming out; just that until it comes out everything is a rumor. I saw this happen with the last 2 iPhones. There were lots of rumors flying around the 'net but when the iPhone came out there was a lot of features that never made it into the phone.

Yeah, I totally understand the rumor issue. It really is making my decision even tougher. I woke up this morning and my phone (which is my alarm clock) was shut off. It really is dying quickly. Part of me wants to just get the iPhone now, but the other part of me is thinking I should wait until the new one comes out in the summer (if that actually happens). When did the 3G come out last summer?
Yeah, I totally understand the rumor issue. It really is making my decision even tougher. I woke up this morning and my phone (which is my alarm clock) was shut off. It really is dying quickly. Part of me wants to just get the iPhone now, but the other part of me is thinking I should wait until the new one comes out in the summer (if that actually happens). When did the 3G come out last summer?

Nikki....I bought my house in less time.

As Pete would say..."IT'S A PHONE".

It's not investment property.

No matter when you buy your phone....Apple will release a newer model shortly after.

Go get an iPhone....and a pink case.
iPhone 3G came out July 11.

People say this a lot but Kevin's right. There's always going to be some bigger, better, faster and louder technology. And even if the next version is wonderful, that won't turn the current one into a brick.
True, true. How fast does the 3G run? The rumor is that the new one will be "even faster." Will that really make a difference?


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