Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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Curious, are there anyone that are/will be waiting for a particular vaccine, and not just whatever is available? I ask because the vaccines coming out aren’t all the same as with a flu shot.
Curious, are there anyone that are/will be waiting for a particular vaccine, and not just whatever is available? I ask because the vaccines coming out aren’t all the same as with a flu shot.
I do remember reading some people are going to wait, I believe some were basing it off of the efficacy rate. If you're waiting for choice it must be that you're okay with the unknown because I don't think any places (unless I am wrong) has given a timeline for choice of vaccines. Places have given expected timelines for when anyone who wants one can then get it but I'm assuming that is still based on whatever vaccines are being shipped to a specific area. Will be something to keep watch on when other vaccines join in a mix. With the entire globe needing vaccines choice is the most luxury option.
I do want to get back to normal. But I don't have any fear of going to a restaurant, or anything else. Other than lack of being able to do things my life has pretty much stayed the same this year. I've still had to go to work every day, my kids have still gone to school or daycare everyday. I've still had to go grocery shopping bc no place here does curbside pickup or delivery. There is no door dash or grubhub or anything else where I live. When you don't have a choice but to do some thing, you lose your fear of it pretty quickly. I figure I'm going to catch it at work from the other employees who don't take precautions outside of work then come to work before they know they are sick. Or one of the new patients who comes in. Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't caught it yet. Please don't think I'm downplaying anyone elses fears, bc they are valid fears. I want everyone to be able to do the things some of us have been doing this whole time WITHOUT being afraid of catching it. And also I hope that this works because the one thing I am truly afraid of is the economic collapse that is going to happen if we don't get this under control soon. So I'll do my part and get the vaccine as soon as it's available for me.

I should add that none of us in my house have any underlying conditions and I don't have any elderly relatives that I worry about getting sick.

I am immunocompromised, so I have to be extra careful, but I have been forced to adjust, just like everyone else. I would personally not go into a restaurant to eat because I don't think it's safe for me. We adjusted by getting take out so we can support restaurants.

I work from home so that has not changed. I go in the office about once or twice per month for meetings. They were done via zoom, but recently we started going in for the meetings. We wear masks and distance. Definitely not like usual.

My kids have gone to school but they are hybrid. They have switched in and out of remote as cases surged causing confusion among staff and students. All school sports were cancelled. School has not been normal for us.

I have to grocery shop. I go about once per week but it is defiantly different. Masks, distancing and long lines to get in lately due to occupancy restrictions. No choice on that here, I just do what I have to do. I want things to go back to normal. That does not mean I have stopped doing things, I adjusted like everyone else. I just want to do them like I did pre-covid. :)

I too am fearful of economic collapse. I hope this vaccine works and people get it. For all of us.
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I could be reading some of the comments here incorrectly. But, just to clarify some possible misconception, there is no evidence to support any notion that a vaccine prevents the transmission of the virus. (In fact, the general thought is that the vaccines will not stop transmission). It is just for your own personal benefit to reduce possible severe illness.

Vaccine = helps you
Mask = helps others
I could be reading some of the comments here incorrectly. But, just to clarify some possible misconception, there is no evidence to support any notion that a vaccine prevents the transmission of the virus. (In fact, the general thought is that the vaccines will not stop transmission). It is just for your own personal benefit to reduce possible severe illness.

Vaccine = helps you
Mask = helps others

I'm not in the medical field and it has been a long day but - if I get vaccinated against a disease how can I continue to spread it to other people....
Curious, are there anyone that are/will be waiting for a particular vaccine, and not just whatever is available? I ask because the vaccines coming out aren’t all the same as with a flu shot.

I was wondering this too. I don't think we will have a choice, I think you get what you get. I have heard there are a couple more coming out soon, like in a month or so, that do not require 2 shots and do not require the deep refrigeration. I imagine whatever one is cheapest and easiest to transport will be the one the masses get.
Are you allowed to get one since you’ve already had covid?

I'm wondering the same thing? My sister and DH and some of their family members and friends are still dealing with Covid so wondering the same thing. I wouldn't even dare ask them right now as they are quite "under the weather" with this nasty virus. :(
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my hospital will be getting their shipment on Wednesday I believe. I'm not exactly sure which wave I'll be in...I am in outpatient radiology which according to my hospital is the 3rd wave to get it but also states ambulatory urgent cares and testing sites are wave 1. which we do have here and I see Covid patients here in radiology so I believe I may be wave 1 but hasn't been confirmed yet.
I'm not in the medical field and it has been a long day but - if I get vaccinated against a disease how can I continue to spread it to other people....
from what I understand you could still get COvid after being vaccinated but you would likely have a much milder case if you did get it and if you did get it even vaccinated, you could of course still spread it.
I'm not in the medical field and it has been a long day but - if I get vaccinated against a disease how can I continue to spread it to other people....
I'm curious, too. I have read or heard where we still have to wear our masks and social distance for quite awhile, tho, even when getting the two doses of vaccines.
I'm not in the medical field and it has been a long day but - if I get vaccinated against a disease how can I continue to spread it to other people....

Some clarification to my post. I was previously referring specifically to this coronavirus and COVID-19. There has been no human challenge trials nor studies looking at viral loads in people. That’s why I say there is no evidence to support prevention of infection/spread (yet?). Vaccines are meant to prevent an individual from becoming severely sick by helping the immune system to recognize and neutralize the threat. Everyone’s immune system works at a different level. Some people can still get mild symptoms when infected even after getting a vaccine. If we get significant percentage (not just what people think of herd immunity) of the population to have titers (like we do with other diseases such as polio), it could be said that the vaccine protects the community. But, we also don’t have evidence yet to show duration of immunity with this virus since not enough time has passed. It could be one time thing, or it could frequently. What we know for sure as of now is that up to 95% of the population who gets the vaccine will have an effective immune response for the same time as however long the trials have lasted. (At least 1 in 20 who gets a vaccine will still be vulnerable).
Correct. These vaccines prevent you from getting a severe case of COVID. But you can, and will, still catch the virus and still spread the virus to others. The more people that get vaccinated, the less the worry is as most will have the antibodies to ward off severe cases. But until this is available to everyone, we must continue to wear masks and social distance, even if we get the vaccine. You can still carry and spread even after the vaccine is given to you.
I am hoping to be able to reserve a slot to be vaccinated, like I did at cvs for my flu shot and Shingrix shots this fall.
I thought this thread was about who got the vaccine.......

I am still not sure when my turn will be. I hope to hear something soon from my state.

You're right......DISers need to learn, like me, to just answer the question asked without throwing other questions in the mix. Hopefully OP, DISers can possibly explain their experiences with the vaccine....if not maybe someone else can start that thread!! ;) :goodvibes

Eta.....I know Webmaster Doc started a thread back in Oct but I just don't want to go thru pages and pages of that which is probably where I would get the answers of the couple of questions I asked on your thread.
My hospital hasn’t received our shipment yet, but to my understanding it should be this week.

I signed up immediately, and my manager has suggested December 24 as my date since I have a couple days off after and apparently they’re recommending that. Hoping they’ll let me do the 29th instead but what matters most to me is that I get the vaccine! Will report back once I get it.
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