Have you ever seen celebrities at DL?

We have seen Melanie Griffith, Lisa Marie Presley, and Sandra Bullock.
My husband saw Melanie Griffith entering the park with her family a couple of years ago (I only saw the back of her head lol).
We saw Lisa Marie Presley a few months ago near Splash Mountain. I was standing like 5 feet from her trying to put our baby down for a nap while my husband rode Splash and thought she looked familiar but it took me a minute of staring lol to figure out who she was.
We saw Sandra Bullock this past December with her son. We saw her 2 days in a row, at Cali Adventure and then DL. She actually boarded Peter Pan right in front of us.
It if weren't for my husband being observant, I probably wouldn't have seen any of them...he definitely notices things more than I do. :)
Recent sightings were Brad Garrett, Hale Berry--lots of male drooling observed, John Stamos--lots of female drooling observed, oh yeah Al Bundy too.Amazing amounts of them on weekends.
Ch:rolleyes1ris Rock and family getting on at Tower or Terror...led in by a VIP CM and got ride all to themselves.
I worked there during the Pirates of the Carribbean premiere so I saw lots of stars that day. I got to help Kelsey Grammer when he bought his photos one year and I have pictures of Johny Depp, Hugh Jackman, Holly Marie Combs and a few others. It's been more than a few years but it was always exciting seeing a celebrity in the park:goodvibes
Funny story. On our last trip, I saw the teacup and wanted our pictures in it but another family got to it right before us. I asked them if they wanted me to take their pictures so they could all be in it and afterwards they took our pics for us. The wife and I were laughing about how seldom it was to get the whole family together in one picture. Then all of a sudden dh asked the guy if he was so-and-so. The guy said yes and then he and the kids got pictures with this guy. Such a nice down to earth family. I asked dh about who this person was they were taking pictures with and turns out he was a famous actor and a main character in a current movie that was out and was in several other big name movies. Unfortunately I am so bad at recognizing actors and their names that I had no clue who he was until we got home and dh pointed him out. We've seen others like Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise, Jennifer Love Hewitt, and some of the other Disney channel characters.
Years ago my mom saw Josh Groban in California Adventure while I was in Disneyland. I remember beating myself up because I missed him :(

Also when my brother was in middle school back around the year 2000 or so, he went to Disneyland on a school field trip. He got hurt on Tom Sawyer's Island and a man walked up to him, the group of kids he was with and their chaperones to check on him. That man was Tom Hanks. What an awesome guy :)
I saw Baylie and Riley last April in DCA; they play Hope on 'Raising Hope' and then in October this past year I saw Ryan Adams and his wife Mandy Moore.
We saw Chris Elliott (Get a Life, one of my favorite TV shows of all time) and NBA Hall of Famer Chris Mullin.
I am pretty sure that I spy-ed Garfield in NOS, where he was all sprawled out in his glorious gargantuan cat laid back style, he was sunbathing. Some tourists were taking pictures of him, and one tried to wake him up for his autograph or should I say pawtograph :faint: but to no avail, for not even a kid tickling him under his nose could rouse him from his sunning splendor. I hear if you wave a churro under his nose that will wake him up, but he had hit all of the churro carts before napping so the park was churroless for awhile. double :faint:

~~ I love you Phil and you will forever be with me! Forever my very best and most special friend! I love you to no end. ~~
I've seen Laura Dern, Holly Madison, Gennifer Goodwin with Josh Dallas, Emma Stone with Andrew Garfield, Nathan Fillion, JJ Abrams, and two of the Sister Wives
When we were there in November, we rode Jungle Cruise with Goran Visnjic (Luka from ER). He wasn't with plaids, though. I was going crazy! It was so hard not to stare...but I did get a sly pic. :) Afterward, I thought I should have said something to him - he probably rarely gets recognized anymore. lol

On the same trip, we saw a guy with plaids and I know he was someone, but I couldn't get a really good look to know. He had on a hat and sunglasses. He was kind of a mix between Luke Perry and Josh Duhamel.
I've seen Laura Dern, Holly Madison, Gennifer Goodwin with Josh Dallas, Emma Stone with Andrew Garfield, Nathan Fillion, JJ Abrams, and two of the Sister Wives

We saw the sister wives crew last July! The majority of the family was there and Meri walked up behind us at Splash Mountain and asked how long we had been there. Very friendly!
Several years ago my sister and mom saw Lex from survivor, he was there with his wife. They were super nice and even posed for a picture.
On my last trip I saw a pseudo-celebrity, Debby Ryan. I think she was not happy, she was posing for photos with fans and she never smiled.
I saw Jamie Lee Curtis! She was in the boat behind us on the jungle cruise...she was there with her daughter I think...it was the world of color premier...I should have taken a picture of her.


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