Guess What I Was Just Told?i Have The Long Awaited Disney Perk,WE GET THE AP AND PAP

Originally posted by Doctor P
BTW, my vacation habits are no more of a choice than one's race or ethnicity. I am only ALLOWED to take more than one day or so when the university is not open (which is every weekday except December 24-January 1 normally)--I have taken a couple vacations outside of those parameters and one year ago was called on the carpet and told that they would be keeping an eye on me and taht if I missed any departmental meetings or was unavailable for any period of time for non business reasons there would be repercussions. And you know what, whether I like it or not, sometimes they have the power. In fact, even with the little vacation that I take, I have a reputation among my colleagues for taking way too much time off!!!! Geez!
Well it sounds like to me that you need to be finding a new job.Someone cannot chane the race or ethnicity but You can change your vacation habits.It is noones fault but yours.I would not work anywhere where there were no days off.I would definetly be finding me something else to do.

I do not think anyone is saying anything offensive to you at all.People are just saying you really do chose not to let the new perk be an advantage to you.
And you know what else is ironic, and understand that I am NOT COMPLAINING about this but rather rationally trying to point it out because it is interesting, is that owners who are in my situation actually subsidize the dues of other members (not that there is anything that can reasonably be done about it or that I would ask be done about it). Many of the items in the dues budget are variable costs associated with the use of the facilities. In theory, the fewer nights that one spends at a resort the fewer operational expenses for your visit. In general, it is not more expensive to clean a room or a pool during peak season than it is during low season. So, in theory (and I know that theory is not always borne out in reality), those who stay fewer nights are responsible for imposing fewer operational costs on the resort than those that spend more nights. By having varying points by season, those who stay in high season end up subsidizing the lower season trips of other members other things equal. So, I guess that should make me and my family heros for a lot of you, HUH! :teeth: (Please take this in the humorous spirit that it is intended.)
Somebody PLEASE close this thread. And yes, I have just unsubscribed to it. Enough already.

PS Thank you DVC for the great perk you gave us. We can't use it until a year from now because we are going this Dec, but that is not your fault.
Originally posted by Doctor P
BTW, my vacation habits are no more of a choice than one's race or ethnicity.

Okay...this one "burns" me, too!! Are you trying to make people mad? Or, are you just being SO selfish?!!

I used to be a flight attendant...for 8 years. I had accrued quite a bit of seniority, and was making GOOD money. This job came with certain "rules" and "requirements". I had to work most EVERY holiday (especially Christmas), and would have to continue doing so for many more years. And, continuing with this profession would mean that I was "REQUIRED" to spend many nights a year away from my newborn baby daughter, and to put my life at risk in a profession that was, at the time, being targeted by international terrorists (I was on maternity leave in Sep. 2001). So, you know what I did....after DD was born...I QUIT!!!! I took a HUGE paycut, and went to a not-for-profit organization and got a job with flexible hours where I can bring my DD with has been WONDERFUL!! Do I miss the flight benefits? Sure...but, guess what....staying there (and suffering the consequences), or leaving there (and suffering THOSE consequences) was my CHOICE....I was not born into EITHER of those two professions!!! And, forgive my ignorance....but, I thought feudalism was tied to the middle ages of Europe...not the 21st century America. Your job is a choice....your RACE is not!!! I cannot BELIEVE that you would compare the two, and at the same time imply that Disney is being "racist" or "elitist" in giving discounts...that is low and ridiculous. You are a DVC member just like can get the discount just like me...period...end of story!!! Choose to, or choose not is up to you!!!

You know what's funny....I REALLY thought I might see some griping of "elitism" on the budget board. There really is some resentment of others on the dis for us "elite" DVC'ers...but, over there...not ONE word has been mentioned!! Yet, on the DVC board...we've got people crying "foul". Are you kidding me? We are ALL so stinking lucky just to be born in this country!!! I was raised in absolute lunches, qualified for EVERY grant in school, etc. There were times when I did not eat on the weekends because my family had no food. I could open my kitchen cabinets and see outside. Thick sheets of ice would often form INSIDE my bedroom...I could break it off and get icicles without leaving my bed!!! Rats would run across my bed while I slept. And you know what...I am SOO lucky!!!! I stayed in school, got my undergrad degree, then my grad...and moved on. Then, I married a man who makes more money than I ever dreamed having. I am blessed to live in a country where you can change your status, and in essence your whole life!!! Where we all have clean water to drink, and electricity to warm and cool our homes. And, then a VERY few of us have enough spare money lying around that we can afford the LUXURY of buying into DVC...we are SOOOO lucky, and yes....we are elitist!!! And, then on top of that...DVC is grateful enough for our business that they offer a new discount, and don't take any of the other ones cool is that??!!!

I am sorry this is coming out harsh..I really did try to sympathize with you earlier...and I value your opinion. But, come on Doctor P...a job is a choice, not a race. I have a friend who has a four year-old little friend is in advanced stages of breast cancer....unfortunately, leaving her little girl behind is not a choice, either. She just wants to be around long enough that her little girl can truly remember her...and know that she had a mother who adored her.

PLEASE be happy...if a discount doesn't work for be it. But, please understand others' joy...and let them have it!! I will probably NEVER use golfing or spa discounts associated with DVC...but, I'm not upset that people get them...good for them. I hope they enjoy them!!

Life is SOO short, please don't let something like this ruin even a moment of it!!!


Never mind. I'll just go back in my hole and shut up like a good boy is supposed to.
Originally posted by ceejay13
As I continue to read all these replies I keep thinking - wouldn't richyams have loved this one?
Finally! Someone who can see the lighter side! Thanks!

I've been reluctant to get involved , but I will throw out one possible reason DVC is doing this. It may not be so much for those who are DVCers now, as it is as one of the marketting tools to entice people to join (Besides everything else the sales people mention, now they can point out the big annual pass discount). Remember there's going to be lots of SSR points to sell.
Well, maybe it is your job that is the problem and not DVC. But, you knew your job situation and "inability" to change before you bought DVC. Maybe, considering your situation...DVC was not the best choice of a purchase for you...but, that is only for you to decide. I just cannot understand why ADDING a perk gets you SO upset. It is not the first (or, hopefully last) perk that DVC will add to our benefits.

It sounds like you are really unhappy...with your job, with how you are able to use your DVC...I'm really sorry. Life is so short, and it is such a blessing. I hope you find "choice" in your life, where previously you had perceived none. Remember....families need a lot of things to be healthy...happy fathers and husbands are at the top of that list!!! I hope you find LOTS of it!!


"I suspect they have woken up to the fact that plenty of DVC members can stretch a seven day hopper over two weeks of stay - with pool days and minigolf days and waterpark (and worse for Disney) trips to Universal or SeaWorld or drive to the beach - and enough to make this a profitable decision for them."

Exactly-Count on 4 AP from us (we normally get HP and stretch them out), basically all of our days at WDW instead if US etc, drinks and food in WDW the day of arrival and departure.
You know, Beca, you should not comment about other people's business when you have no clue. You made an assumption that is simply untrue--I did not know about most of these job restrictions when we purchased DVC. The administrative reporting structure of my job changed over the past three years and has been a nightmare. And in fact, the past two years I have attempted to vacation at other times and that is what brought the whole thing to a head. That was when I was told in no uncertain terms that I better not contemplate any vacations when the university was open, and I have no power to change that and will not likely have the power to change it in the future. I have two masters in my job, and each one can make their own rules that conflict. So, one side of the university tells me that I can take A, B, and C weeks off (the side that until three years ago controlled 100% of my employment I might add). The other side of the university says that I can take C, D, or E weeks off. Everyone on the A, B, C side makes it a condition of employment that I have to be there in weeks D and E. The C, D, E side makes it a condition of my employment that I have to be there in weeks A and B. It does not help that I have a new boss on the C, D, E side who never has had a permanent, continuing appointment on the A, B, C side and does not believe in honoring the benefits or vacation schedule of that side of the university since I am the only person on the C, D, E side who also has an appointment on the A, B, C side and everybody knows that the A, B, C side is just lazy and overpaid. Both sides will allow me ONE day here or there. So, what is the common denominator? Week C only each year (and actually, and this IS a choice, it is week C every other year due to family obligations, but the problem does not go away if it is week C every year that we are able to go). And, I have no recourse in this. I can ***** and moan, of course, but there is no formal appeal process. And, the ironic thing, is that because I have worked on both sides of the university for so long in a relatively unique type of position that has been eliminated for all intents and purposes because no one except me was ever able to succeed in doing it, I cannot get a good job doing either half of my job someplace else because I have only a half of an outstanding track record in each place. Trust me, I have looked at other jobs and, though I am very good at what I do, specialists and entry level people are what are in demand. And the practitioner side of what I do is now obsoleter for the most part and could not be retooled, I fear with good reason. So, I'm pretty much stuck riding this thing out another twenty years or so as it looks now. Not a very pleasant prospect.
Doctor P, you and I are usually very close philosophically. I do not know your situation and respect your privacy. I do understand that from a practical standpoint you are trapped in your job and there are certain realities associated with it that limit your options. And I understand the sentiment that if someone else gets something and you don't, there is a sense of loss. I understand it but rarely agree with it in all but extreme examples, of which this is far from. I know you feel this is unfair, but as you know all too well, things in life are rarely fair. And I suspect you really don't want to hear it will be an easy perk to manipulate, as it's currently set up.

I don't believe for a second that anywhere near the majority of DVC owners buy AP but don't begrudge anyone who gets a discount previously, even though this perk is unlikely to help me as we usually get play 4 OR seasonal passes. And while I frequently take family and furnish the room, I don't pay for their passes.

On one hand, I think it's the least DVC could do. OTOH, they didn't have to do anything though I'm sure they had ulterior motives that have a financial bottom line. Sure they could have come up with a discount that spanned all options but it seems this discount does the most for the most people while minimizing the number of passes affected. They could have said 20-25% off any multi day pass and I'm sure they had their reasons for not doing so, again likely financial. But it is a reasonable alternative and is certainly a much better attempt than that stupid 5 year pass they tried to pawn off a few years ago. I still haven't talked to anyone that bought one.
Originally posted by Doctor P
You know, Beca, you should not comment about other people's business when you have no clue. You made an assumption that is simply untrue--I did not know about most of these job restrictions when we purchased DVC. The administrative reporting structure of my job changed over the past three years and has been a nightmare. And in fact, the past two years I have attempted to vacation at other times and that is what brought the whole thing to a head. That was when I was told in no uncertain terms that I better not contemplate any vacations when the university was open, and I have no power to change that and will not likely have the power to change it in the future. I have two masters in my job, and each one can make their own rules that conflict. So, one side of the university tells me that I can take A, B, and C weeks off (the side that until three years ago controlled 100% of my employment I might add). The other side of the university says that I can take C, D, or E weeks off. Everyone on the A, B, C side makes it a condition of employment that I have to be there in weeks D and E. The C, D, E side makes it a condition of my employment that I have to be there in weeks A and B. It does not help that I have a new boss on the C, D, E side who never has had a permanent, continuing appointment on the A, B, C side and does not believe in honoring the benefits or vacation schedule of that side of the university since I am the only person on the C, D, E side who also has an appointment on the A, B, C side and everybody knows that the A, B, C side is just lazy and overpaid. Both sides will allow me ONE day here or there. So, what is the common denominator? Week C only each year (and actually, and this IS a choice, it is week C every other year due to family obligations, but the problem does not go away if it is week C every year that we are able to go). And, I have no recourse in this. I can ***** and moan, of course, but there is no formal appeal process. And, the ironic thing, is that because I have worked on both sides of the university for so long in a relatively unique type of position that has been eliminated for all intents and purposes because no one except me was ever able to succeed in doing it, I cannot get a good job doing either half of my job someplace else because I have only a half of an outstanding track record in each place. Trust me, I have looked at other jobs and, though I am very good at what I do, specialists and entry level people are what are in demand. And the practitioner side of what I do is now obsoleter for the most part and could not be retooled, I fear with good reason. So, I'm pretty much stuck riding this thing out another twenty years or so as it looks now. Not a very pleasant prospect.
Then one of the questions is whether owning DVC is right for you at the present time. I'm not saying sell or agree, simply that it's a decision you would need to make. I bet it's one you've considered already. I don't know where you live but given what you have listed, corntown, I suspect there are options that would work for long weekends and the like since there would be a day here and there you'd get plus weekends. Good luck, I hope it works out.
Thanks, Dean. Boy, do I agree with you on that 5 year pass. Interestingly, not too many members were upset about it when people complained about that non-perk. In many ways it was the same story--some DVC'ers were going to benefit, but those who weren't were pretty perturbed at the supposed perk.

I think some of my complaining has been misinterpreted. While I would love to go to WDW far more than I am able to, getting even seven nights a year IS a real blessing and beats the alternative of getting none. Without DVC we would not even be able to get those seven nights on a regular basis. One of the reasons I bought into DVC was to give myself an incentive to force vacations and to not worry about the costs. Perhaps we can find a way that buying one annual pass at least will benefit us for the discounts and things--we could use the PH and PHP tickets for the other people, and maybe this will be a good option even if we don't get full value out of the pass.

As to the job situation, I am making it work and, frankly, things are better than they were six months or a year ago (I apparently going to be able to take a sabbatical in a year or so, which should free up a little time that I could squeeze in a vacation, and also allow me to reenergize--I got quite a hassle from one half of my job for applying for the sabbatical, but I was sick and tired of being a team player when my personal well-being and happiness was being compromised). So, things will go on, and I think DVC is still a good thing for us, and there are lots of people worse off. But, I still want a discount!! :) :)
Doctor P,

Did you consider buying the 5 year pass (if you were a member then)? Actually, that would have worked well for your situation. So, DVC did try to accomodate people with your vacation situation.
Actually, the five year pass would not have worked for us either. At that time, and still for the forseeable future, we really only go every other year at Christmas time (but that is a family thing that truly does represent a choice rather than a true constraint, and at the time the passes came out we only had the minimum 150 points which really does not allow one to go at Christmas time every year except for an OKW studio--which I might add is generally OK with us). But that would have probably been a pass that could have worked for us at some level as I recall, but I also seem to recall that it didn't have enough park days attached to it relative to its cost ($750 each up front) so we would probably would have been in the peculiar situation of having to buy passes to supplement it anyway in the years we used it. Wow, talk about going from one extreme to the other for us! :)
I think this discount is great. I am NOT one of the 56% of DVC members who purchase AP's nor, was I planning on it, until now. We just bought DVC this year (BWV resale). We are planning a trip beginning of Dec 2005 for 9 days and we were planning on getting the 9 day UPH (as we always have). The 7 day PHP is just not the ticket for us. We could NEVER check into an Epcot resort and not walk into Epcot for half a day. Same thing with our departure day. We do an evening flight and a day in the park (sometimes 2 parks to see what we missed). We like Pleasure island and need the "plus's" for that. We only vacation once a year at Disney. We have school age children that we take out of school one time and wouldn't go in the summer due to crowds and the heat!
Now that DVC members get a nice discount on the PAP our family will definately be getting them! In fact, we may even consider taking our annual trip in November the following year(2006) to get two uses out of them! I can't wait to buy them !:hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

:earsboy: :earsgirl: pirate: pirate: princess:
Doctor P, I just wanted to say that I sympathize with you about the job situation. My husband has a good paying job, with fairly flexible time off, but we had to move 1000 miles to get it. We do not like living so far away from our families. This is a great community, but we miss the south real bad. We have been here almost 5 years, and often DH applies for jobs in other areas and so far no luck whatsoever. We hate to complain, we live like royalty compared to most of the world, but sometimes, like after 9/11, I really get down about not being closer to my family! Many people have jobs that you can do anywhere, and many people have easily transferrable skills, but it is not quite so easy for others to just "change jobs." We have never bought APs before as we usually don't do more than one trip a year, but we may try to make it work for us with this new perk. I wish you and your family well, and I hope you will find enough good about DVC to continue being members.....Lacee:)

Thank you for echoing my thoughts.

DoctorP.... Yes, I feel slighted every week when I don't win the lottery. Maybe they should restrict the winners to those whose anual salaries are under 50K and not let well to do people win??

I also feel slighted when its raining here in NJ and sunny in Fla.!!

Can we just not be soooo selfish and applaud those who will be benefiting from this perk??

BTW...also happy some disers are not on the decision-making DVC board!!
I have looked back through this entire thread, which is quite long now, and I wish to point out that not once have I made a personal attack on any poster. I'm not sure why people find it appropriate to personally ridicule or attack me just because they disagree. Each person is entitled to their opinion on this issue. I have expressed mine and tried to explain it. If you don't respect that opinion--fine. That doesn't make it any less valid, nor does it make it any less important. While it is easy to hide behind the anonymity of the Internet, please remember that there are human beings behind each of these board names. I'm a pretty strong person, but some of these attacks have really crossed the line, IMHO, and I don't think anyone should have to endure some of the venom and ridicule that has been pumped my way.
Originally posted by Doctor P
BTW, my vacation habits are no more of a choice than one's race or ethnicity.

You should give yourself more credit. With a little planning, anyone can better themselves. You have to take your foot off first base in order to get to second base.

Sometimes thinking you have all the answers holds you back.


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