GREENBAN has returned

Why/Where did greenban go?

  • He got writer's block and couldn't handle the pressure of his trip report

  • Rash and greenban really are in prison/mental hospital

  • Mrs. greenban laid down the law (too much computer time)

  • greenban is an inconsiderate SOB

  • greenban was on a mission

  • greenban was hospitalized

  • greenban had a business crisis that took all his resources, period.

  • greenban loved/needed the attention

  • greenban was in Disney!!!!! The entire time

  • Welcome back dude, we missed you!

  • Don't Know. Don't Care. Ban the greenban

  • This space for rent

Results are only viewable after voting.
fkj2 said:
Vote Rash for what??? Did I miss something?
I think he's running for Grand High Exalted Mystic Ruler, or running from the law, can't recall :confused3
Blogreader said:
I voted space for rent. I want to know how Mar voted. Now that thread was like an Agatha Christie novel turned Matlock turned Something Wicked this way comes when Greenban returned - just kidding Greenban. I hope the answer wasn't any of the "bad" stuff. Welcome Back. I think you've got some caring DIS cyberspace friends.

Gotta love Bradbury..... Something wicked this way comes and Dial Double Zero (good luck tracking that one down) are two of my favorite reads!

greenban had a business crisis/oppertunity/perfect storm.

One of greenban's business died suddenly and rather expensively, but another one had a remarkable chance for expansion, also expensive (why can't life be affordable?). Add in Ms. greenban's business expanding with 2 new providers and a brand new LASER, well folks I was just working 80+ hours a week, and floating funds from account to account.

Of course a laptop crash and burn during the above didn't help much.

So that's it, a business train wreck, that I finally am digging myself out of. I apologize again, but I am extremely grateful for all the care and concern shown to me.


Finally, the answer! Thank you...I have been standing by patiently. Glad to hear that things are looking up. Best wishes with the ventures in the future.

greenban said:
greenban had a business crisis/oppertunity/perfect storm.

One of greenban's business died suddenly and rather expensively, but another one had a remarkable chance for expansion, also expensive (why can't life be affordable?). Add in Ms. greenban's business expanding with 2 new providers and a brand new LASER, well folks I was just working 80+ hours a week, and floating funds from account to account.

Of course a laptop crash and burn during the above didn't help much.

So that's it, a business train wreck, that I finally am digging myself out of. I apologize again, but I am extremely grateful for all the care and concern shown to me.



So what you are saying is that all inclusive, fully paid vacation you promised in exchange for certain pictures is off? :eek: You think I would know better by now!

Anyway, sorry you went through such a trying time and we are certainly glad to have you back!
Ms. Greenban's got a business with a laser? Too cool! Holy cow. That's quite a chaotic time you had! :earseek:
wtpclc said:
Ms. Greenban's got a business with a laser? Too cool! Holy cow. That's quite a chaotic time you had! :earseek:
She's an Emperial Stormtrooper. Her boss is the worst!
Rash said:
She's an Emperial Stormtrooper. Her boss is the worst!
Can I take back pm's? I don't think I want that plant tour any more. :rolleyes1
Rash said:
She's an Emperial Stormtrooper. Her boss is the worst!

But he has a great anthem. *raspy breathing in and out while the Imperial March plays in the background*
I respectfully request that you guys have your Greenban discussion on one thread. Please pick one and the let the others fall off the first page.
OK, we need to make a decision. In honor of greenban, I thought we should post a poll to decide, but that may defeat teh purpose. I vote we go for keeping the "has greenban been banned" thread.
wtpclc said:
OK, we need to make a decision. In honor of greenban, I thought we should post a poll to decide, but that may defeat teh purpose. I vote we go for keeping the "has greenban been banned" thread.

me too, so let's stop posting here so this one falls off the first page


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