Grant Wahl has died

I learned about this morning as a message that “Celine Gounder’s husband has died“ (she does a lot of public health, especially during COVID-19 so our worlds overlap). So very sad.
Just so sad 😥 and … the need to do a full autopsy for so many reasons.
Grant's brother is a member of the LGBTQ community and commented that after Grant was harassed for trying to enter a stadium wearing rainbow colors, he received death threats. All of a, sudden, he starts feeling ill and had to check into an emergency care facility? He tested negative for Covid. He was only 48 and in good health.
Grant's brother is a member of the LGBTQ community and commented that after Grant was harassed for trying to enter a stadium wearing rainbow colors, he received death threats. All of a, sudden, he starts feeling ill and had to check into an emergency care facility? He tested negative for Covid. He was only 48 and in good health.
Yes I had followed all that. They said he was taken into some kind of custody because of shirt. Only way there isn’t a dark cloud over these games and host is to do a thorough autopsy to be sure.
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All of a, sudden, he starts feeling ill and had to check into an emergency care facility? He tested negative for Covid. He was only 48 and in good health.
It wasn't sudden and he wasn't in good health at the time. He had been ill for more than 10 days, been to the doctor multiple times, and continued to overwork himself. I doubt there was foul play involved.
Grant's brother is a member of the LGBTQ community and commented that after Grant was harassed for trying to enter a stadium wearing rainbow colors, he received death threats. All of a, sudden, he starts feeling ill and had to check into an emergency care facility? He tested negative for Covid. He was only 48 and in good health.

In his own words, he had been sick since about December 3rd with what started as a cold and turned into bronchitis. He also made mention that everyone in the press around him had some sort of nasty cough with a chest rattle. He then commented about working himself to the breaking point with little or no sleep. My uneducated guess is that his "cold" and turned into pneumonia, he kept on going, and with the fluid in his lungs probably brought on cardiac arrest.
In his own words, he had been sick since about December 3rd with what started as a cold and turned into bronchitis. He also made mention that everyone in the press around him had some sort of nasty cough with a chest rattle. He then commented about working himself to the breaking point with little or no sleep. My uneducated guess is that his "cold" and turned into pneumonia, he kept on going, and with the fluid in his lungs probably brought on cardiac arrest.

That's my guess, too...and that the medical center probably missed the start of this on the Monday (when he was only diagnosed with bronchitis - I'm betting he already had pneumonia then), and since he proceeded to work, sleep little, and stress after that Monday severe health incident, he literally just kept letting his illness continue to slowly beat him down.

He was reassured it wasn't Covid, so he thought there'd be no harm...but I think his death is a wake up call that a LOT of viruses can kill you, especially if you don't respect them and work on getting better (and not work on work) while you have them.
That's my guess, too...and that the medical center probably missed the start of this on the Monday (when he was only diagnosed with bronchitis - I'm betting he already had pneumonia then), and since he proceeded to work, sleep little, and stress after that Monday severe health incident, he literally just kept letting his illness continue to slowly beat him down.

He was reassured it wasn't Covid, so he thought there'd be no harm...but I think his death is a wake up call that a LOT of viruses can kill you, especially if you don't respect them and work on getting better (and not work on work) while you have them.
Agree! And while 48 y/o seems very young by today's standards, a 48 y/o heart isn't really up to the challenge of untreated pneumonia and pushing yourself. Most people that age already have some coronary issues, etc, so adding something like that is a major stress on the body. But I could be totally off base here and it's maybe a vast Qatar murder plot.
That's my guess, too...and that the medical center probably missed the start of this on the Monday (when he was only diagnosed with bronchitis - I'm betting he already had pneumonia then), and since he proceeded to work, sleep little, and stress after that Monday severe health incident, he literally just kept letting his illness continue to slowly beat him down.

He was reassured it wasn't Covid, so he thought there'd be no harm...but I think his death is a wake up call that a LOT of viruses can kill you, especially if you don't respect them and work on getting better (and not work on work) while you have them.
Streptococcus pneumoniae is the bacteria that causes pneumonia, so if he died of complications due to pneumonia, it wasn't a virus that killed him.
Streptococcus pneumoniae is the bacteria that causes pneumonia, so if he died of complications due to pneumonia, it wasn't a virus that killed him.

Technicality - he would have the virus he couldn't shake that would enable the bacteria to then also take hold...when you start spiraling downward, it's all downhill...

It's like my leukemia - normally, a virus/bacerteria/fungus normally kill those with my type after treatments are ineffective...but it would be the CLL that would be the instigating cause...

PS - And it's how we record flu deaths - most deaths are not "the flu" killing you, but the follow on that the flu enables, like pneumonia, that do you in - but they are all recorded nationally as flu deaths...
Streptococcus pneumoniae is the bacteria that causes pneumonia, so if he died of complications due to pneumonia, it wasn't a virus that killed him.
Just to follow up that that is not actually true. S. pneumoniae is that most common cause of bacterial adult pneumonia. And many times bacterial pneumonia does result from an initial viral infection (that would also be why people can get sinus infections after a cold…..the viral agent that caused the cold didn’t cause the sinus infection/that is usually caused by bacteria). All that being said, pneumonia can certainly be caused by viruses, fungi and bacteria. And in children, other agents, such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae, are often the cause.
I had pneumonia once about 9 yr ago. Was totally fine one day and by noon the next day, felt really lousy with deep chesty cough. Went to urgent care. Got antibiotic prescribed. Was told pneumonia in bottom part of 1 lung. Took it like clockwork as prescribed.

By 4 pm 2 days later, my fever was 105 and it wouldn’t drop. My cough was way worse. Very rapid heart rate. Couldn’t catch my breath even to walk to the bathroom.

Had husband take me to ER. They put me at front of the line. Thought I might be septic. Was put on 3 or 4 IV antibiotics right away plus steroids. Chest X-ray and CT scan showed both lungs totally full of pneumonia. Pulse oximeter reading was in the 84% realm. If it had been lower, they would have intubated me and put me in a medically induced coma.

It took 4 days in the hospital for my fever to finally break. Got discharged on day 5. Took 2 more weeks on supplemental oxygen at home before I could do anything without O2 help.

I hadn’t had a cold or a virus beforehand. Just community-acquired pneumonia.

It turns out that the urgent care doc prescribed the WRONG antibiotic for pneumonia.


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