gossip/name calling about you


<font color=green>for the love of LEO!<br><marquee
Aug 21, 2004
random question, this guy that i never talk to messaged me on fb and told me he was doing a project for college (no idea what the project is lol) but his question to me was;

'in high school, what names did you get called by other girls'

i thought it was an interesting question, so i'll ask you guys...

i was generally nice to everyone in HS so i didn't get too much gossip about me/ name calling, but i'm not gonna lie it did happen.

i was called a suck up/ teachers pet all the time (and i'm dang proud, got the 90s to prove it ;)), and i was called a **** as well.
what names have you been called/what gossip has been spread about you in school?
(i'll have to try and remember any gossip, i know there was some but i can't remember.)

also how did/do you deal with that sort of stuff?
this goes out to the guys too -- have you ever been called anything or has a rumour/gossip spread about you?

ETA; guys, don't use the actual curse words or try to get around the filter to use them, i don't want anyone to get points for this thread!!
Well I don't get teased at all in High School. I keep my mouth shut.

In middle school this guy called me fish face cuz of my big lips xD I laugh when I remember.
But that was for about a week
i got made fun of a lot in middle school. high school, not so much.
I've had gossip going around about me for like two years. I just always end up in the middle of that stuff even though none of it has ever been true. But I've learned just to ignore it. Don't let it affect what you do or what you think. No matter what just do whatever you want to do.
I get teased a lot.
I have been called a teacher's pet, Walking Thesoraus/dictionary, I've been called the "b word" and I have no idea why, and a bunch of other junk.
I get teased a lot because of my last name, also.
I get teased because I like school and am extremely anti-cheating. I also get teased for loving Disney. :rolleyes:

I wear my heart on my sleve and someone can get me really good once in a while. I've been trying to ignore it and have gotten a lot better about it.
The ghetto group at school hates my group of friends, but they hate me the most. They call me ugly and "that white *****". And a lot of people call me a skank, but almost always in good humor (they know I'm not and am very faithful to my boyfriend). Haha.

The reason the ghetto group hates us is because one time it was raining (they normally sit outside) so they took over our table. They were being LOUD and one of the teacher's tells them to be quiet. They all start screaming "WAT SHE SAY?!" and I laugh and go "Basically she told you guys to shut the hell up" in a totally joking manner. They couldn't take the joke and were all like "OHHH GIRL WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO US? YOU TRY SAYIN THAT AGAIN GIRL WE BUST YOU UP YOU LITTLE *****". x.x

In middle school I got called everything under the sun... Ugly, nerd, pizza face, anorexic, bulimic, volcano face (?), and a bunch of really really mean things. I hated middle school. That was pretty much all in 6th grade though, 7th grade was actually cool and 8th grade was just unmemorable.
lol Im nice to everyone. Even right now.. we have a huge Senior Girls Vs. Junior Girls war going on and i'm still nice to all the Junior girls lol

But I've said this before many, many times on there, my school is unusual.. we are soooo nice to each other its crazy lol you wont see hardly ANY Clinques at all!
i'm sure that girls called me names behind my back, but i honestly don't remember anyone ever calling me a name to my face.

i'm about 100% positive that ***** has been used in reference to me countless times. probably also pothead, stoner, toker etc, etc.

i tried to be friends with everyone in high school, so i figure most name calling directed at me was either in jest or just pointless cattiness.
I've been called every name in the book, most likely.

After a while, being ignored and being called names and stuff really just stops mattering to you, y'know?

I've lived in quite a few different places and gone to a number of different schools and not really fit in at any one of them, nor had many friends at any of them either.

Any bullying that I've gone through has simply made me stronger. :-)
Ever since I was little I have never ever fit in. I have always been the slow kid in the fast crowd. I was called "whale", "ugly", "fat", and I was even told I was the source of Earthquakes when I walk. This was all before I even entered middle school.

In middle school people made fun of my first boyfriend for going "out" with me. They said it was like dating their mom. I had a perspiration problem, I would sweat all the time, and it would really upset me because I couldn't deal with it.

In high school it different. People think I am "beautiful" and "pretty" and have "flawless skin", but they make fun of me for liking Michael Jackson or Twilight. Pretty much everything that makes me who I am. They more tease me in high school or give me looks like "are you for real" but mostly I just ignore them.

All of the bullying has made me stronger, and I realized that life is too short to care about what other people think about me. I am going to wear and like whatever I darn well please, because I am the only one I need to make happy.
well i am friends/ friendly with mostly everyone. i try to talk to everyone no matter how popular they are because i used to be bullied & i hate the feeling of being on the outside & now that i am more popular in school and people aren't bullying me i feel like i would have wanted someone being nice to me so i am nice to everyone.

but the people that don't like me call me obnoxious or something stupid.

alyssa, the ex best friend that i have been having issues with just says she doesn't know who i am when people talk about me. she's being mature about the sittuation, whereas i say she looks like a pig. i'm going to hell xD

actually, we did this thing my my highschool 101 class (pointless, pointless class) where we wrote what we honestly thought about everyone in the class then he typed up the list for us about what everyone said about us. all anonymous (sp?) and it was actually really cool.

i had the clique of popular "mean girls" in my class and they got various insults and curses on their papers (i was very happy [:)

my paper was generally nice, except for a few things. it was all mostly comments like
  • loud
  • crazy
  • energetic
  • talkative
  • funny
  • doesn't care what people think
  • easy to talk to
which i was happy about because i always try to be friendly with everyone & not to make anyone feel excluded.

but i had a few comments that have bothered me.

  1. Tries to fit in by making her hair perfect
really? cause i'm pretty sure i throw my hair up in a bun almost everyday then walk out of the door. i just came to the conclusion that they said that because i got my hair colored :rolleyes:

  1. funny, but doesn't think before she speaks and has to watch what she says
i agree with this one but it still isn't something i would want people to say, ya know?

I've been called names before, and I really don't care. Doesn't matter if people I don't like like me or not.
I'm know I have been made fun of cause of my acne. No one has ever said it to my face, probably because they are to scared to. I don't care though, I actually think it makes the person look worse. To think they don't have anything better to do.
I was called prude, a witch, a nerd, etc.
Stuff like that.

I took offense to being called prude. My "best friend" was the one calling me that. I'm proud of being "prude" as they all called it. Everyone this year has been losing their virginity and going farther then making out, and thats not me at all.

I'm glad I'm in virtual school so I don't have to deal with the drama as much anymore.
really interesting answers.

in HS i was suuuper nice to everyone, and the people who called me a suck-up were mostly the kids who were doing bad in a class. i was really close with my french teacher, and i know a lot of people thought i was sucking up when i really just actually liked her. lol

one of my ex-best friends was the one who started calling me a ****, because she heard that i made out with a guy she liked at a party....which i didn't.

this other guys said really mean things about me, because he liked me and i made out with his best friend at a party (oops :rolleyes1) and he said REALLY vicious things about me after that!!

i honestly don't let that stuff bother me, i'm nice to everyone and if someone doesn't wanna be nice to me, i don't care. i'm not gonna lie i was pretty popular in high school, i even won prom queen...and i don't think it was because i was the most popular or prettiest girl (far from it lol), but it was because i tried to be nice to everyone and i was friends with almost every 'clique'. so it pays to be nice i guess.

in middle school i was just one of those kids who floated by unnoticed lol, so i didn't get called names, but i was far from popular as well. hehe
In junior high my friends told me that my BFF called me a *****.
I approached her but of course in junior high we never got anywhere, I don't know if it was true or not.
The only rumor that might have gone around about me was that I was engaged (What!?) but I only heard someone ask me that once and it was a kid who wasn't even in school anymore so I'm pretty sure he was talking about a different person.

I'm generally nice and quiet to other people, I've never heard of anybody calling me names behind my back or to my face. I don't get teased either. I've been called scary and depressed before but I guess I don't consider that name calling. (Mostly because I didn't talk and I didn't really like my smile so I didn't smile. I have been a lot more this year though and I will probably talk to anybody.) I've talked to the people who have said that, I'm pretty sure their opinion has changed.
I'm in college and I STILL get called names. There's a girl (who really doesn't like me) that calls me squeakbox. I mean, it's cool. I don't find it upsetting at all. I just think it's funny that she has bothered to make up a name for me.

Haha it probably happened months ago. I haven't been around in awhile
I was called a ***** A LOT!

Because I was one of the few people in a high school with less than 200 people, that would stick up for myself and my friends.

People tell girls to be "real", BUT when you do stand up for yourself people call you a *****. Ahhh the joy of high school.

I'm not trying to sound cocky or anything... but a lot of the girls at Garrett's school don't like me. lol.

I went to his school from pre-k - grade 5. then my last school until freshman year. BUT in that school 7th-12th are in the same building. So we was considered high school. (both towns very small, and right next to each other.)

I have a sectected llike 5-10 girls (from my first school) that I'm pretty good friends with, mostly the ones that go to his school and church, and the ones that are dating his friends.

But there's several girls who realllly don't like me! They've hear stuff like me and him as hooked up and all that. I'm like ONE- It's not called "hooking up" if you've been with the guy for as long as I have. and TWO- we haven't.

Everyone thinks that because we've been together for over a year, we've already had sex.

People in that school, usually have sex or fool around with some they're not even dating, but when they hear a RUMOR about me doing something with my boyfriend of this long.. I'm called a ****.

I just think they're jealous ;)

Haha, but seriously though.. like a girl that left in 5th grade.. comes back in the picture.. everyones grown up.. and takes one of the last decent guys they have left.

Good-looking, straight A student, member of the baseball, football, track/field team, church go-er, raised by a nice, well brought up family.. like I said... they're jealous ;)

But girls are evil. Period.


And another thing.. apparently to people in this town.. if you have a fight w/ a girl.. but then realize it was stupid and apologize and talk to them every now and then.. you're considered being two-faced, messy, and fake.
I get called depressed a lot.
Most of the people who call me that, I have never even spoken to before.
I just brush it off.

I also got told that "I care too much about music."
I didn't really understand that one..
i was the nice girl in school, no one would say anything about me, my school was small, maybe 300 kids, everyone was nice to each other.

but in middle school this kid would call me wendys, but thats it.


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