From ZERO to HERO - The October 2015 W.I.S.H. Challenge

Hi Everyone! Just caught up reading from the weekend-- @JacknSally Congratulations! Such a pretty wedding picture :)

I had a good weekend. I was house sitting for a friend and attended a party at my cousins house. I went into the weekend thinking that it was probably going to be a disaster but that was ok. Well, I was pleasantly surprised that I pretty much maintained. I think the biggest thing that kept me on track was that I did not eat if I was full (on weekends when visiting family I eat just because that's what we came over to do!). Both Saturday and Sunday I really only had a light/snack sort of dinner and was perfectly happy since I had eaten a larger lunch. AND I woke up feeling better. So I liked that and will try to keep to that!

@ThistleMae and @courtneybeth -- What is the Croque Glace that you speak of so highly?!?! I am intrigued!

QOTD - October 26

Today marks the last Monday of the October challenge! Where oh where have the weeks flown?

What are you going to do to make today special for you?

Today is special because I am going to start working on mine and hubby's costume for Mickey's Jingle Jungle 5K. I'm two weeks out (not very in shape, but I know I can pretty much power walk it in the time limit and be fine), and so excited to make the costumes. And can't wait to flounce around the house later tonight when I finish my tutu! We will be Bert and Mary Poppins wearing my running outfit take on their Jolly Holiday outfits. I think I'm punny as we will be having a "Jolly Holiday Run" :rotfl: Ok, enough of my nonsense-- gotta get back to work!
Hi Everyone! Just caught up reading from the weekend-- @JacknSally Congratulations! Such a pretty wedding picture :)

I had a good weekend. I was house sitting for a friend and attended a party at my cousins house. I went into the weekend thinking that it was probably going to be a disaster but that was ok. Well, I was pleasantly surprised that I pretty much maintained. I think the biggest thing that kept me on track was that I did not eat if I was full (on weekends when visiting family I eat just because that's what we came over to do!). Both Saturday and Sunday I really only had a light/snack sort of dinner and was perfectly happy since I had eaten a larger lunch. AND I woke up feeling better. So I liked that and will try to keep to that!

@ThistleMae and @courtneybeth -- What is the Croque Glace that you speak of so highly?!?! I am intrigued!

Today is special because I am going to start working on mine and hubby's costume for Mickey's Jingle Jungle 5K. I'm two weeks out (not very in shape, but I know I can pretty much power walk it in the time limit and be fine), and so excited to make the costumes. And can't wait to flounce around the house later tonight when I finish my tutu! We will be Bert and Mary Poppins wearing my running outfit take on their Jolly Holiday outfits. I think I'm punny as we will be having a "Jolly Holiday Run" :rotfl: Ok, enough of my nonsense-- gotta get back to work!
Perhaps Courtneybeth can best answer because I have yet to try it. But here is the description. Your choice of ice cream, placed inside some sort of soft roll with either chocolate or strawberry sauce, then it's pressed like a Panini and served warm!
What is the Croque Glace that you speak of so highly?!?! I am intrigued!

Only the best treat available at EPCOT - France Pavilion! :)

Your choice of ice cream, chocolate or raspberry sauce, placed into a warm bun and it's pressed together.

I've had chocolate ice cream with raspberry sauce - hubs had Gingerbread with chocolate and loved it.

Here's an image of one I stole from Google.

Hi all! I am disneycheerleader's aunt. She was at my house and tried to post on her account in this thread and used my account instead. I'm sorry for any confusion.
Monday must have been very busy for folks. It is Halloween week....getting costumes ready, preparing meals for the week...figuring out how NOT to eat Halloween Candy! Today is my lunch date. I have prepared shrimp and will make a lovely spinach salad to go with it. Looking forward to meeting with a former coworker to just "chit chat" and catch up. I have fit into the new jeans I bought (no dressing room to try at store)! To all of you out there this week, being busy....make sure you make time for fun. Every time you make a good choice, you are giving yourself a "priceless" gift. Money cannot buy a good choice. We are all here for each other. That's another gift money can't buy. I offer my support whenever anyone needs it. We have all been there...and are still there. Happy Tuesday!

QOTD - October 27

I'm excited because today is Taco Tuesday!!! But 'what is your favorite taco?' seems like a silly QOTD*.

So instead, let's continue the October windup. What has been your favorite thing this month? What are you ready to leave far behind?

*For the record, Korean barbecue shrimp tacos are my favorite tacos. But tonight we are having achiote-spiced mahi topped with a cabbage slaw and salsa verde; I don't eat tacos in bed but if I did, I wouldn't quick these out of bed.
We sometimes eat the tacongs without the shell....make a salad out of it. But we have found some wraps that are full of fiber and low in your Taco Tuesday has inspired me to add a Taco Wrap to my repertoire of meals! Thank you. I will continue to be binges!
We sometimes eat the tacongs without the shell....make a salad out of it. But we have found some wraps that are full of fiber and low in your Taco Tuesday has inspired me to add a Taco Wrap to my repertoire of meals! Thank you. I will continue to be binges!
Sorry the edit feature seems to be stuck. I meant to say....Taco Fixings! There no such thing as tacongs! LOL!
You look fantastic! Congrats!

I can definitely relate to this. I look back at pictures of myself when I was much small ernad think "Man, I would kill to look like that again" but I know when I was in that moment that I was feeling fat and awful. I wish I knew how to make it stop!

Congrats on being overweight! You're so close to Onederland!!

Yay!!! Congrats on your wedding! You looked beautiful and that dress is gorgeous!

Congrats on your small wins! I love the days when you feel like you're just killing it.

I'm wearing a cute new shirt to work today that I got over the weekend. It's not anything super special but I love wearing new clothes!


Check in for the weekend - sorry just posting this today - up 1 pound so I'm at 30%. Pretty frustrating because I felt like I actually had a decent week last week although I sabotaged myself on Thursday and Friday. I feel like I'm stalling, I've been playing with gaining/losing the same 2 pounds for a month now. I need some fresh motivation!

You're doing great! Just string together another decent week and make plans to be a little more careful next weekend. Playing with the same 2 pounds is better than gaining 2 pounds back and the. Finding them 2 more friends. :)

Not sure if I am doing anything to make it special, but I will be on my former apartment community to get me the full amount of refund owed. Apparently they credited and debited the deposit, which results in a net zero instead of the $889 that's owed. My favorite part is the letter that "ensures accuracy" - - second time they've screwed this up! #fail

Eat a Croque Glace for me in "France" - it's definitely worth the calories. ENJOY THE TIME WITH YOUR HUSBAND and share loads of pics. :D

It is of vital importance to ensure accuracy when making mistakes.

I am definitely going to eat a Croque Glace...when I get there in November! I just found out about this treat on the Disney Boards...had never heard of it before. Sounds superlicious! My goal today is to "just stick with it!" Every day is a good day if I stay on track. My sweetie and I talked about what kind of penny candy we used to eat as kids. We kept coming up with more and more, some I barely remember until we took this walk down memory lane. It was kinda fun to think about all the junk that made us feel so happy! Then....we ate yogurt, LOL! Went for a walk today....the first one since hurting my back. It was really sore just walking...but did it anyway. Making my health cookies later. Sticking to the two a day plan, which I feel great about. Bought a pair of jeans that I didn't try on yet. They look small....and may have to take them back...but they were a good buy and they are cute! Everyday is a battle you can win, even if you don't win the entire war!

So glad your back is feeling good enough to start walking again!

HI everyone, I had a fantastic weekend.. stayed within my allotted points and got 40 pages finished :) at the scrapbook weekend.. my Wooo Hooo for Monday was that when I checked my blood sugar this morning instead of the normal 220+ it always is I was at 180! I haven't taken it for a few weeks so I was pleasantly surprised with that number.. so not a good one but a good one for me!

@JacknSally - what a beautiful picture of your wedding party, thanks for sharing it with us.. and have a FANTASTIC day in Epcot!

Great great great job! That's so wonderful you are getting validation with the improved blood sugar numbers!

@ThistleMae - They may have the Gingerbread ice cream flavor out. Not sure depending on when you're going, but it's amazing. You can't go wrong with any flavor. It's on my Top 3 Treats of eating when I'm there in December.
  1. Croque Glace - EPCOT France
  2. Be Our Guest Strawberry Cupcake - MK
  3. Some sort of Cupcake - Contempo Cafe at Contemporay

Husband and I have a tradition of sneaking off to the Contempo Cafe to eat one of their amazing cupcakes during our stay. It'll be easier to eat there this time because we're actually at the hotel. Ha! The Dirt Cup Cupcake is divine.

Mmm. Things I shouldn't read before breakfast. Oatmeal and Berries are just as yummy. Oatmeal and berries are just as yummy. Oatmeal and berries are just as yummy....

Hi Everyone! Just caught up reading from the weekend-- @JacknSally Congratulations! Such a pretty wedding picture :)

I had a good weekend. I was house sitting for a friend and attended a party at my cousins house. I went into the weekend thinking that it was probably going to be a disaster but that was ok. Well, I was pleasantly surprised that I pretty much maintained. I think the biggest thing that kept me on track was that I did not eat if I was full (on weekends when visiting family I eat just because that's what we came over to do!). Both Saturday and Sunday I really only had a light/snack sort of dinner and was perfectly happy since I had eaten a larger lunch. AND I woke up feeling better. So I liked that and will try to keep to that!

@ThistleMae and @courtneybeth -- What is the Croque Glace that you speak of so highly?!?! I am intrigued!

Today is special because I am going to start working on mine and hubby's costume for Mickey's Jingle Jungle 5K. I'm two weeks out (not very in shape, but I know I can pretty much power walk it in the time limit and be fine), and so excited to make the costumes. And can't wait to flounce around the house later tonight when I finish my tutu! We will be Bert and Mary Poppins wearing my running outfit take on their Jolly Holiday outfits. I think I'm punny as we will be having a "Jolly Holiday Run" :rotfl: Ok, enough of my nonsense-- gotta get back to work!

Congratulations on the great weekend. LOVE the costume plan!

Only the best treat available at EPCOT - France Pavilion! :)

Your choice of ice cream, chocolate or raspberry sauce, placed into a warm bun and it's pressed together.

I've had chocolate ice cream with raspberry sauce - hubs had Gingerbread with chocolate and loved it.

Here's an image of one I stole from Google.


insert more whining about how delicious my oatmeal and berries are.

Hi all! I am disneycheerleader's aunt. She was at my house and tried to post on her account in this thread and used my account instead. I'm sorry for any confusion.

More cheerleaders are always a good thing!

I had off of school for a teacher planning day and I did my roundoff backhandspring three times by myself.

Woohoo! I'm impressed by your improving springiness!!!

Monday must have been very busy for folks. It is Halloween week....getting costumes ready, preparing meals for the week...figuring out how NOT to eat Halloween Candy! Today is my lunch date. I have prepared shrimp and will make a lovely spinach salad to go with it. Looking forward to meeting with a former coworker to just "chit chat" and catch up. I have fit into the new jeans I bought (no dressing room to try at store)! To all of you out there this week, being busy....make sure you make time for fun. Every time you make a good choice, you are giving yourself a "priceless" gift. Money cannot buy a good choice. We are all here for each other. That's another gift money can't buy. I offer my support whenever anyone needs it. We have all been there...and are still there. Happy Tuesday!

Woohoo on new jeans! Particularly because you thought they would be too small!!!! You are always a big ray of sunshine in my day.

QOTD - October 27

I'm excited because today is Taco Tuesday!!! But 'what is your favorite taco?' seems like a silly QOTD*.

So instead, let's continue the October windup. What has been your favorite thing this month? What are you ready to leave far behind?

*For the record, Korean barbecue shrimp tacos are my favorite tacos. But tonight we are having achiote-spiced mahi topped with a cabbage slaw and salsa verde; I don't eat tacos in bed but if I did, I wouldn't quick these out of bed.

This weekend I went shopping and actually enjoyed it! It's crazy how big of a difference 25 pounds makes. I looked in the mirror and actually felt good about myself. I have a long way to go but I'm really proud of how far I've come. That's my favorite thing this month.

I'm ready to leave behind the slump that I've had this month. I'm also ready to leave behind the 210s and get into the 200s!
I've got a great deal of catching up to do! I ended up dropping my computer last Thursday and breaking the screen. It's been touch and go ever since and I had to send it off to be fixed yesterday and I'm using an older computer. I'm past the weigh in date but I did want to add that I'm now at 32%. Progress, as small as it may be. I'll be answering some of the questions, etc. in a bit. Hope everyone has been having a good week and is ready for Halloween!
Only the best treat available at EPCOT - France Pavilion! :)

Your choice of ice cream, chocolate or raspberry sauce, placed into a warm bun and it's pressed together.

I've had chocolate ice cream with raspberry sauce - hubs had Gingerbread with chocolate and loved it.

Here's an image of one I stole from Google.


*wipes drool off the desk* Well... now that I've found my post run treat.... :cool1:

QOTD - October 27

I'm excited because today is Taco Tuesday!!! But 'what is your favorite taco?' seems like a silly QOTD*.

So instead, let's continue the October windup. What has been your favorite thing this month? What are you ready to leave far behind?

I personally like the taco question LOL! My favorites are the ones smothered in sour cream, but that's why I'm in the weight trouble I'm in :rolleyes2 So other than that, I like to do like @ThistleMae and have a salad!

Fave this month would be having DH and I setting a goal for me (which I am so excited about!) and us start to work on loosing weight and eating better. He has a bet with his sister too to help motivate him. We've had some awesome meals this month just meal planning and incorporating more fish and more veggies in our diet and cutting out the the going out. Love, love, love the motivation and excitement he and I have right now. But I must say I am glad to leave behind the stress that Oct. held for me. Between my best friends wedding and throwing my cousin a 50th birthday party, it's been a crazy month! Both were awesome things to celebrate, but I was worn out and stress eating since those were back to back at the beginning of the month. I foresee a much more relaxed November in my future!
QOTD - October 26

Today marks the last Monday of the October challenge! Where oh where have the weeks flown?

What are you going to do to make today special for you?

Well....yesterday I made it special for myself by eating OP all day!!:thumbsup2

I've got a bad case of the hormonal nasties today. Woe to anyone or anything that crosses me over the next few hours. My morning tea is mint chocolate truffle (YUMMY) and I've got my 80s dance playlist queued up for the train ride. My special treat is a lavender bath bomb and a novel that will be waiting for me after work. Sometimes a girl just needs to submerge herself in the bathtub for a while. Plus DWTS is on tonight!!!

Hope the day went by quickly!!!

Here is a pic of the health cookies I just made. There are 108 calories per cookie.
View attachment 131180

When do we get the recipe??

Hi Everyone! Just caught up reading from the weekend-- @JacknSally Congratulations! Such a pretty wedding picture :)

I had a good weekend. I was house sitting for a friend and attended a party at my cousins house. I went into the weekend thinking that it was probably going to be a disaster but that was ok. Well, I was pleasantly surprised that I pretty much maintained. I think the biggest thing that kept me on track was that I did not eat if I was full (on weekends when visiting family I eat just because that's what we came over to do!). Both Saturday and Sunday I really only had a light/snack sort of dinner and was perfectly happy since I had eaten a larger lunch. AND I woke up feeling better. So I liked that and will try to keep to that!

WOOHOO!! Great job!!

Today is special because I am going to start working on mine and hubby's costume for Mickey's Jingle Jungle 5K. I'm two weeks out (not very in shape, but I know I can pretty much power walk it in the time limit and be fine), and so excited to make the costumes. And can't wait to flounce around the house later tonight when I finish my tutu! We will be Bert and Mary Poppins wearing my running outfit take on their Jolly Holiday outfits. I think I'm punny as we will be having a "Jolly Holiday Run" :rotfl: Ok, enough of my nonsense-- gotta get back to work!

Can't wait to see pictures!!

Monday must have been very busy for folks. It is Halloween week....getting costumes ready, preparing meals for the week...figuring out how NOT to eat Halloween Candy! Today is my lunch date. I have prepared shrimp and will make a lovely spinach salad to go with it. Looking forward to meeting with a former coworker to just "chit chat" and catch up. I have fit into the new jeans I bought (no dressing room to try at store)! To all of you out there this week, being busy....make sure you make time for fun. Every time you make a good choice, you are giving yourself a "priceless" gift. Money cannot buy a good choice. We are all here for each other. That's another gift money can't buy. I offer my support whenever anyone needs it. We have all been there...and are still there. Happy Tuesday!

Nicely said!! Thanks!!


QOTD - October 27

I'm excited because today is Taco Tuesday!!! But 'what is your favorite taco?' seems like a silly QOTD*.

So instead, let's continue the October windup. What has been your favorite thing this month? What are you ready to leave far behind?

*For the record, Korean barbecue shrimp tacos are my favorite tacos. But tonight we are having achiote-spiced mahi topped with a cabbage slaw and salsa verde; I don't eat tacos in bed but if I did, I wouldn't quick these out of bed.

Favorite thing this month....duh....getting to hug my DD in BERMUDA!!

Ready to leave behind?? The two pounds I gained in Bermuda!!:rolleyes:

Tacos..... taco salad please..... baby spring mix and baby spinach topped with refried beans, a handful of crumbled taco chips (or a crushed taco shell), lots of crunchy veggie bits (red bell pepper, celery, shredded carrot), a pile of caramelized onions, and my special taco salad creamy dressing (Bolthouse Farms blue cheese yogurt dressing mixed with a double quantity of salsa!)..... MMMMMM!!

Restarted Weight Watchers last Monday - Weighted In Yesterday - Lost 4.4lbs in 1 Week!! Will work HARD to keep that momentium going while we are on vacation

Morning all! At work here today with just a minute to say hello! Working school and WW tonight, so this will probably be my only chance to say hello!

Having a HARD TIME reeling in my "vacation eating" mentality.... I've been staying OP, but barely and eating wayyyyyy too many little sweet/carby nibbles than I should! Not sure if those 2 pounds are going to be gone by months end! Fingers crossed!!

Also..... working doubles tomorrow and Thursday plus I MUST find time to finish DS's costume. And I've decided that I will be "Disney Bounding" at school on Friday (for Halloween) as Rapunzel! I've already got the hardest accessory (the blonde braid), so why fight it?? I found a cute pinky/purple skirt at the thrift store yesterday for just $2.....combining that with a purple jersey/t-shirt and pair of flats (gotta ask DD if there are any in her room I could borrow)..... add some flowers to my braid and VOILA.....DONE! Other than carrying around a small skillet and/or tucking a paintbrush behind my ear, can anyone else think of an easy accessory I could add so that it reads more "RAPUNZEL"?

Just a quick post to say that I still exist!! Feeling a bit stressed at the moment for no reason at all. And that gets me behind on everything. Including this thread. I have not updated my trip report in forever even though I have three full days already written, I just need to get it posted... I hope I will get out of this funk soon! At least it is not affecting my eating and exercising!! I finally picked up a new pair of walking shoes at the end of last week and they are so comfy that I feel like I want to go hiking on a daily basis!! So happy to have proper shoes again!

Other than carrying around a small skillet and/or tucking a paintbrush behind my ear, can anyone else think of an easy accessory I could add so that it reads more "RAPUNZEL"?

Well, you need a chameleon of course!! :thumbsup2 Oh - I forgot, you said easy! :rotfl:
This weekend I went shopping and actually enjoyed it! It's crazy how big of a difference 25 pounds makes. I looked in the mirror and actually felt good about myself. I have a long way to go but I'm really proud of how far I've come. That's my favorite thing this month.

I'm ready to leave behind the slump that I've had this month. I'm also ready to leave behind the 210s and get into the 200s!
It's so wonderful to actually enjoy shopping! I found myself wandering over to the "big girl" section before realizing that those things just won't fit me anymore....but I love many of the clothes Jennifer Lopez designs. Oh well, have to find a new designer! LOL!
Just a quick post to say that I still exist!! Feeling a bit stressed at the moment for no reason at all. And that gets me behind on everything. Including this thread. I have not updated my trip report in forever even though I have three full days already written, I just need to get it posted... I hope I will get out of this funk soon! At least it is not affecting my eating and exercising!! I finally picked up a new pair of walking shoes at the end of last week and they are so comfy that I feel like I want to go hiking on a daily basis!! So happy to have proper shoes again!

Well, you need a chameleon of course!! :thumbsup2 Oh - I forgot, you said easy! :rotfl:
So sorry about your funk. To Quote the father (can't think of his name) on the show "the Middle"...."it will pass!" Sometimes life is just that way. The good are eating and exercising! Hurray! That is the best news ever....since "the funk" can lead to "the binge!" Stay strong...we are glad you still exist!
So instead, let's continue the October windup. What has been your favorite thing this month? What are you ready to leave far behind?

There's been a lot of stressors this week - I ended up having a small breakdown last night in class. I'm not sure what happened, but as we were doing group work I felt extremely claustrophobic and had to tell my 'brother' (male classmate who has turned into my older bro - he and his wife are amazing people) harshly to scoot his chair over because I felt crowded. I have 49 days left until I'm done with the semester and my program - and now we're in this strange part of the semester where we have all of these projects to complete. I think I'm just overwhelmed and exhausted. That feeling and all of these projects can go.

Favorite thing? Disneyland's Halloween Party. Loved it so much!

insert more whining about how delicious my oatmeal and berries are.

Sorry to be that person who posts desserts into a weight-loss thread. #fail I'm a bad influence.

*wipes drool off the desk* Well... now that I've found my post run treat.... :cool1:

I'm surprised that more people haven't heard about the Croque Glace - perhaps because it's hidden in the ice cream store in France and people don't go back there? It's amazing, delicious, and worth EVERY calorie!


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