From “You Liar!” to “I Do!” in 17 Easy Months **Update 7 July**

You have to love when your relationship is built on a lie.. lol don't worry my marriage is too that's hubby and my joke when people ask how we met.

Cant wait to hear more!!!!
Just had to laugh at that! And thanks to all for the kinds comments so far. More to come soon, and perhaps even missy luv will make an appearance! :thumbsup2
I think I just got a bit teary eyed myself there. That ring is gorgeous. I will tell you that way back when we were talking of getting married he asked what I liked. I went looking with my older daughter and found the most gorgeous ring at Jareds. I loved it and told him about it. He decided after talking with buddies that a girl shouldn't pick her own ring out and refused to even go look at it. he bought me a ring and gave it to me for Christmas. Of course I said yes, but I do NOT like the ring and never have. Of course I wear it everyday (I have to, I gained weight and can't get the sucker off ;) ) but if I ever came into a large sum of money the first thing i will do is replace this ring. Even after almost 11 years of marriage. I just do not like it all. If he would've actually went with me and saw a few I liked, he would've maybe picked something according to my tastes. You did a great job! You need to hold classes for other men!!!
I think I just got a bit teary eyed myself there. That ring is gorgeous. I will tell you that way back when we were talking of getting married he asked what I liked. I went looking with my older daughter and found the most gorgeous ring at Jareds. I loved it and told him about it. He decided after talking with buddies that a girl shouldn't pick her own ring out and refused to even go look at it. he bought me a ring and gave it to me for Christmas. Of course I said yes, but I do NOT like the ring and never have. Of course I wear it everyday (I have to, I gained weight and can't get the sucker off ;) ) but if I ever came into a large sum of money the first thing i will do is replace this ring. Even after almost 11 years of marriage. I just do not like it all. If he would've actually went with me and saw a few I liked, he would've maybe picked something according to my tastes. You did a great job! You need to hold classes for other men!!!
Here's a toast to you one day getting that ring you want--sounds like a great 12-year anniversary gift to me (you could substitute the 30-yr anniversary gift--diamonds--for the 12-yr--silk). :smokin: I understand men wanting to pick out THE ring for their betrothed, but every man should realize that his predilections and tastes are not what matters here since as my grand pappy once said to me, "you ain't wearing that sucker." Okay, he never said that, but it's still true.

wiigirl said:
Awesome ring!
Thanks! See above.

Chapter 2: Let the Planning Memories Begin!

Luv is to planning as Gordon Ramsey is to Hell's Kitchen, only way nicer :duck: . Hey, I said "way nicer!" We had no more gotten home from the most excellent engagement dinner when she began calling Disney Wedding Event Planning, photographers, cake decorators, limousine services, grocery stores, party supply stores, stationery companies, WikiLeaks, the NSA, bling purveyors, shoe shops, bridal gown boutiques, hair stylists, nail technicians, makeup artists, and Brad Pitt. This woman is thorough! Our TV viewing went from shows such as The Newsroom, Castle, and Suits, to more wedding-oriented fare: Say Yes to the Dress, Bridezillas, Randy's Tres Expensive Gowns, Four Weddings (no funeral), Say Yes to the Bridesmaids' Tackily, Ugly Dresses, Bridezillas vs. Mothra, and other uplifting wedding-based shows.

And what had originally been conceived as a simple beach wedding, barefoot, flowing gown for her, linen pants and gauzy shirt for me became a full-on Disney wedding ceremony. At first, I was a bit hesitant. I love Disney (heck, it's how luv and I met), but the notion we would make more of a concerted effort and jump into the Disney wedding fever dance :cool1: was a bit off-putting. At first. However, if there is one thing I've learned from all my years of living (all, umm, 37 of them), is that when you have a good--no, a great. . .no, the BEST person to ever walk into your life, you do everything you can to make that person happy, and I don't mean giving in to that person because you think you should. No, a real, life-and-blood relationship is built on more than a foundation of compromises (not that those aren't necessary at times) and resignation, on more than one person getting his or her way out of shallow conceit, on more than one-sided dictation. You make that person happy by being a partner: sometimes economically, sometimes intellectually, sometimes (okay, make that lots of times) sensually, and always, always emotionally.

Luv is my partner, my equal, my best-part-of-me, my mo anam cara (google it). She had a vision for a Disney wedding, and I had a vision that we would prep for it with great zeal. How could I not want a Disney wedding? Okay, here's the best part--knowing we had a Disney wedding around the corner (okay, 17 months was so not around the corner, but I digress) and telling others about it has been amazingly, awesomely enjoyable! LOML is like the general with the battle plan organized to the smallest detail. I am but a foot soldier, though an extremely proud one. . .okay, except for the times when we changed lunch plans for the day of our pre-wedding photo shoot again and again. . .and again. . .and then more agains. I was like one of Pavlov's dogs for as soon as I heard her say, "Now, I know we said. . ." and my foot would start scratching behind my ear, my tongue would hang out, and I'd drool. Ever see a drooling man giving you the evil eye at the same time? Luv has.

Rather than take you through every planning moment, I will highlight just a few in the coming updates (no, the whole lunch thing is still unresolved. . .I think), and I'll throw in some pics along the way. In fact, here are a few just to whet your appetite.

Should I be jealous?

Where's Ollie? (no, I am NOT wearing this for any other pictures)

The Winner!

Coming up--Chapter 3: I'll Be Completely Franck
P.S. I forgot to add that we hit the road for Florida tomorrow. We won't go straight to the World (not arriving there until Monday due to self-inflicted detours), but I have a laptop, so updates will keep coming. Thanks for reading! :thumbsup2
Jumping over from the VWL thread :) I have never seen anyone use the term LOML, DH & I have called each other LOML since the beginning. Can't wait to read more!
Jumping over from the VWL thread :) I have never seen anyone use the term LOML, DH & I have called each other LOML since the beginning. Can't wait to read more!
How coincidental is that! :thumbsup2 Chris was kidding around one day and said, "You know I'm the love of your life," and it just stuck from there. Thanks for tuning in. Hope to have another update tonight.
I love Disney (heck, it's how luv and I met)

OK, I don't think I have heard the original 'how we met' details! How long have you been together? How is Disney involved with how you met???

I know you're a little ... umm, busy these days - but hey, you're going to need something to write about during that car ride!! :rolleyes1

Enjoyed your other TR. I'm in for this one too! you have to spill. :)

Jill in CO

OK so I met hubby at a ... club,... in Hollywood (ca), ... as he was dancing,.... on stage,.... in white jeans,... and a tight gold shirt:rolleyes1 no he's not gay LOL and that's not the lie LMAO. But I just love cracking up at that now. Anyhow so you know when your at a club its ridiculously loud ya cant hear anything even as you scream at each other. So we had a conversation whats your name, who'd you come here with, what do you do to which hubby points at his head so I say hairdresser?? (thinking crap he is gay darn it) no he's a US Marine (thinking bigger crap I just got done dating one of your kind and obviously it didn't go well)

next questions was what kind of car do you drive he asks
me: Nissan 200sx, and you?
him: Pinto
me: hey whatever gets you around

So club closes not long after that and my friends and I always had a pack at the end of the night meet up at the car. I was parked in a structure a block or 2 away. He was in the same club parking area and asked do you want me to give you a ride. To which my crazy mind said SURE thanks... (ya always smart to get into a car with a marine and his 2 drunk marine friends that you just met moments ago... at a club.. in Hollywood. No clue what I was thinking :confused3)

Anyhow were outside and im looking for a pinto.. only I have no clue what a pinto looks like, then he walks up to a Cherry Red Convertible Mustang and beeps the alarm. I shout out I thought you drove a pinto, his friends laugh as they get into the back of the car. And that is how I say our relationship was built on a lie LMAO.

P.S. I forgot to add that we hit the road for Florida tomorrow. We won't go straight to the World (not arriving there until Monday due to self-inflicted detours), but I have a laptop, so updates will keep coming. Thanks for reading! :thumbsup2

Yeah, have fun, cant wait to read all about it!
OK so I met hubby at a ... club,... in Hollywood (ca), ... as he was dancing,.... on stage,.... in white jeans,... and a tight gold shirt:rolleyes1 no he's not gay LOL and that's not the lie LMAO. But I just love cracking up at that now. Anyhow so you know when your at a club its ridiculously loud ya cant hear anything even as you scream at each other. So we had a conversation whats your name, who'd you come here with, what do you do to which hubby points at his head so I say hairdresser?? (thinking crap he is gay darn it) no he's a US Marine (thinking bigger crap I just got done dating one of your kind and obviously it didn't go well)

next questions was what kind of car do you drive he asks
me: Nissan 200sx, and you?
him: Pinto
me: hey whatever gets you around

So club closes not long after that and my friends and I always had a pack at the end of the night meet up at the car. I was parked in a structure a block or 2 away. He was in the same club parking area and asked do you want me to give you a ride. To which my crazy mind said SURE thanks... (ya always smart to get into a car with a marine and his 2 drunk marine friends that you just met moments ago... at a club.. in Hollywood. No clue what I was thinking :confused3)

Anyhow were outside and im looking for a pinto.. only I have no clue what a pinto looks like, then he walks up to a Cherry Red Convertible Mustang and beeps the alarm. I shout out I thought you drove a pinto, his friends laugh as they get into the back of the car. And that is how I say our relationship was built on a lie LMAO.

Yeah, have fun, cant wait to read all about it!

Awesome story! Thanks for sharing....Love that the Pinto turned out to be a red Mustang convertible...I have a soft spot for that car. :)

Jill in CO
I absolutely loved your first trip report and bounced over to this one. I love your relationship. My hubby and I are taking an anniversary cruise in Sept. It took him 5 yrs to ask me to marry him as I am wife #3. Two bad experiences for him one bad one for me as he is hubby #2. We are celebrating 28 yrs but married 23 so planning a DL 25th official celebration in 2015. I am looking forward to your current post and congratulations. It is a wonderful thing when you truly find the love of your life. I can honestly say, and I am not lying that in our 28 yrs together we have never had a fight. We have separate adult children that cause a bit more than normal amount of stress in our lives, so we vent to each other. The "kids" even when they were growing up never heard us yell at each other. I hope your relationship continues for many years and the love and joy you share never ends.
I absolutely loved your first trip report and bounced over to this one. I love your relationship. My hubby and I are taking an anniversary cruise in Sept. It took him 5 yrs to ask me to marry him as I am wife #3. Two bad experiences for him one bad one for me as he is hubby #2. We are celebrating 28 yrs but married 23 so planning a DL 25th official celebration in 2015. I am looking forward to your current post and congratulations. It is a wonderful thing when you truly find the love of your life. I can honestly say, and I am not lying that in our 28 yrs together we have never had a fight. We have separate adult children that cause a bit more than normal amount of stress in our lives, so we vent to each other. The "kids" even when they were growing up never heard us yell at each other. I hope your relationship continues for many years and the love and joy you share never ends.
Aww, that's such a sweet post. Thanks for sharing. Your story is also very cute, anewmac! Funny how relationships start sometimes. :)

I've written a brief additon to the TR. We're on the road, and it's been more difficult than I realized to update, but here is at least something to take all of two seconds to read. ;)

Chapter 3: Let Me Be Perfectly Franck

Now that we have the whole engagement begging—umm, proposal—thingie behind us, let’s do a quick fast-forward to the planning. Simply put, luv did most of it. It’s not because I didn’t want to help, just that she is so much better at it than am I. (Besides, I’m a guy, and wedding details are not our forte, just saying. I can talk ad nauseum about wines, politics, religion, and even sports, but weddings? Not so much. I did add my occasional “okay” or “mehh” to the equation, but luv took the reins and ran the race to beat a dead metaphor to death.) One of the items she definitely wanted to do was sit down and talk to someone at Franck’s. It was just one of those items that she wanted to do, to make it feel more like a Disney wedding, to fulfill one of those dreams we each get when we talk about marriage. Though normally not reserved for a Disney wedding of our scale (we weren’t in the market for most expensive Wishes Wedding—we were after “chipper chicken”: [name that movie!] J), she still managed to talk the initial wedding consultant into letting us drop by on a visit to WDW last November. . .at Franck’s. It was perfect—they treated royally, and we went over what to expect, when to next contact them, and much more. It was exciting, and I could tell by the look on luv’s face that one of her biggest wishes had been granted. I couldn’t have been happier. However, she was not able to wrangle a cake tasting there, so she did the next best thing. Plan a surprise. For me. At Artist Point—our sentimentally favorite restaurant in the World.

We had a most scrumptious meal there (and our faith in AP was restored after a couple of previous experiences that were lacking in either service or overall food quality), but for dessert, the server said there was something already prepared. It thought that odd since LOML rarely eats dessert. Lo and behold, two mini-cakes were presented as you see in the following pictures, one a carrot cake and the other chocolate with a fruit filling. Though we had not enjoyed a cake tasting at Franck’s, luv was able to two small cakes that would represent the flavors we most sought. The first, a carrot cake, while good was not as moist as we wanted. Ah, but the chocolate cake with a fruit filling was superb! So, that is the cake we opted for. I was shocked that she had pulled off such a surprise as I had thought that was my special talent. It was another romantic, meaningful experience for us, one of many we have enjoyed (and will continue to enjoy) together. This whole wedding thing was coming together.
**I don't have time to load pics as we are about to go out to Rose and Crown for dinner, so I'll add them later. Thanks for tuning in!!
Congratulations to the happy couple! :bride::groom:

Have fun in WDW and on your cruise! Can't wait to see pictures when you get back!
I feel like a wedding crasher but I love your story :goodvibes
I have hopped over from the WL thread - can't wait to read more :thumbsup2
I apologize to the tens of thousands of readers who have been breathlessly waiting a new chapter, but getting married has a tendency to gobble up one's time. Further, the internet connection at the Villas was spotty and very slow during most of my free moments. We are now at the Concierge Level at the Lodge, and the connection has been excellent. Anyway, on with the story. . .
The beautiful bride-to-be. . .


Carrot cake. . .moist, but lacking killer-tasting icing and spice

The winner! Chocolate cake with raspberry filling. Mmmmm!


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