Fort Fiends Salutation Thread Part Deux

You can cut thru the traffic, cut in line, cut thu the lines, cut to the chase, cut across the line, cut all the red tape, be a cut throat, cut the crap, etc.
Girl, are they as crazy about snow in SC as they are in TN? If the weather people even mention snow, east Tennesseans flock to the grocery store and buy up as if the world is coming to an end!:mad: Gretchen and I went to Kroger after church yesterday to pick up a few needed items and it was INSANE! Not only was there no food on the shelves, there were no sharping carts available, which didn't matter because there were no groceries to purchase. And people were rude, rude, rude. I was so glad to get out of there.

It's a good thing I bake my own bread.:snooty: :rotfl2:

Get out of your funk! Right now young lady! Don't make me take a switch to you!!! :laughing:

Yes, we are nuts when there's snow in the forecast. I even caved in and braved the store for the necessary staples. I was lucky enough to even land a sharping cart. :lmao: Fortunately no one was rude to me. Fortunate for THEM of course. ;) hehehe.

Glad to see you around again Liv! Been missin' ya girlie!
Amateurs... ;)

True. But in our defense, we sometimes go several years without so much as one flurry. LOL. I heard on the news that we have 30 snow plows at our disposal. I wonder where the great state of SC borrowed those from!?:goodvibes

I almost forgot...LOL @ Dave's Y2K cartoon! :rotfl: I bought canned beets b/c I knew there would be NO danger of them getting eaten before the dreaded end of existence as we know it....just in case. ;)
Ya wanna see rude,,when in Florida,,drive to a Wally Weird and go into the store during a Christmas holiday,,, THEN YOU'LL SEE RUDE ! (not to mention very scary people)
Most employees and customers of Florida Wal-Marts don't even speak english.

I realize this is sort of related, sort of not, but about 2 weeks ago, I watched: "Wal-Mart, The High Price of Low Cost" on Netflix and swore I would never walk into another Wal-Mart again. So far, so good.

I hate when I can't get a sharping cart! :lmao:

When you have a sharping cart, life will never be dull.

You can cut thru the traffic, cut in line, cut thu the lines, cut to the chase, cut across the line, cut all the red tape, be a cut throat, cut the crap, etc.
No kidding, about 4 years ago, we were sitting at the red light to turn onto Alcoa Hwy near our local airport and a shopping cart strolled right through the intersection, out of nowhere. It was one of those "you had to be there moments." We laughed for days over that.

Just as bad in Ohio and we get snow all the time!
Ya hear this, Lisa? :thumbsup2

Get out of your funk! Right now young lady! Don't make me take a switch to you!!! :laughing:

Yes, we are nuts when there's snow in the forecast. I even caved in and braved the store for the necessary staples. I was lucky enough to even land a sharping cart. :lmao: Fortunately no one was rude to me. Fortunate for THEM of course. ;) hehehe.

Glad to see you around again Liv! Been missin' ya girlie!
I always have a hard time in the winter 'round here. No sun, all the trees and plants are "asleep," and it's cold - at least for this Floridian. But for some reason, this winter has been especially hard. I'm looking forward to my little gg with the middle TN f(r)iends next month.:thumbsup2

Amateurs... ;)
Hey, I resemble that remark.;)

But apparenty it's not just us, did you see what mnsprk posted?:snooty:
I had this awesome dream that we had just spent 2 weeks in Florida with a few of some fine fiends and it was GREAT !
Then I woke up and it's still cold icy and gloomy out, winter sucks,,

BUT I hope you all hava FANTASTIC day !!:woohoo:
Good morning everybody. Well we are all snowed in here in SC,

the state has come to a complete stop. Almost 2" here in Aiken

County. Sure hope our bread and milk doesn't run out. :thumbsup2
I always have a hard time in the winter 'round here. No sun, all the trees and plants are "asleep," and it's cold - at least for this Floridian. But for some reason, this winter has been especially hard. I'm looking forward to my little gg with the middle TN f(r)iends next month.:thumbsup2

You just need to pray like Jenny in Forest Gump..."Dear Lord, make me a bird so I can fly far, far away from here..." If he really does make you a bird you could fly south for the winter. Just a thought...

If there are blue skies and sunshine I can take the cold better, but I hate when it's just gray. Ugh!

I know I left my mental floss around here somewhere... :rotfl2:

:lmao::rotfl::rotfl2: Should have bought extra!
Started back at da Kreme yesterday,,we tempo. hava new doughnut,

It's filled with Chocolate kreme, then it's dipped into Chocolate and then it's drizzled with another Chocolate !!
I know this sounds like chocolate overload,,but it REALLY is very good ! Mmmmmm

I hope ya'll hava warm chocolate kinda day !
Good COLD morning to everyone! I actually ventured out to a doctor's appointment early this morning. It took me almost 35 minutes to get there and it usually takes about 7. But, the suspicious "growth" above my left ear is now gone, leaving me with a nice little bald spot. But the sun is peeking through, so I'm gonna be fine.:laughing:
19 degrees when I woke this morn,,headed to a balmy 27 for the high.

Hava great day,,,,sure.
Good afternoon from sunny and somewhat warm Florida.

On my way back home to cloudy and frigid TN. But I love home!


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