for all us june half term visitors.................

Just checked weather wise and at the moment it says no rain expected till thursday, so doesn't look too bad!

Woo hooo that is fine with me...! :thumbsup2

Rach - I'm taking leggings & cropped jeans - that way if it's warm I won't be too warm and if it's wet I should be OK. Wet creeping up trousers is awful and as I said earlier, there is nowhere to dry them off - lack of radiators in hotel rooms! I hope your DS is fine without you - you will miss him more I'm sure!

Could you nip out tomorrow am quickly and buy something? - even somewhere like Asda or Sainsburys to get some leggings? Have to say, wide linen trousers sound lovely though :goodvibes. I had a similar issue as have lost a fair bit of weight so when I went to try on my summer trousers they were all 2 dress sizes too big - had to do an emergency shop! :lmao:

Thanks hun! Sadly, I am still quite Pooh-sized lol (bottom 24/26, top 20) so none of the Asda or Sainsbury's range fit me. I did pick up a couple of pairs of leggings at Tesco (their True range) so if it is awful I do at least have an option. I have however come up with a marvellous plan - which will look stupid but serve the purpose lol!! If it rains too bad, then I shall have my quick unpick with me, cut a small hole in the outside seam of my trousers, get a piece of ribbon that is the same colour as the trousers and tie them up like crop trousers!! Won't look great, but it should work. As I will be losing more weight, it isn't a problem if I ruin these trousers as I won't really need them when we get back anyway. I usually donate everything to charity, but I guess I could always re-sew the hole up :rotfl:

I was going to say exactly the same the thing as DLPDreams. Can you pop out tomorrow and get a couple of cheap pairs of leggings that could be paired with some baggy tops no problem? You'll be much more comfortable if it's wet then. Matalan also do nice cheap pairs if you have one close by. I've had similar problems as due to health problems I went from an 18 down to a 10-12 in the space of 6 weeks last summer and am now a 12-14. Most of the contents of my wardrobe were too big so got binned, now I have a load from last summer that are too small and I've had to buy loads again recently!

Have a lovely trip, hopefully the rain will hold off anyway!!

I'm stuck up doing my last washing load before we leave for Kent in the morning, would have been done hours ago but OH decided that we should all go round the neighbours house for a few drinks. Kids weren't bathed until 11pm! Grr!! Well at least they'll hopefully be tired enough to sleep in the car tomorrow!!

:woohoo:Wow, that's a lot of weight to lose in 6 weeks, I hope you were/are ok though... :goodvibes

Sorry but I had to :lmao: at you being dragged to your neighbours for a few drinks, that is exactly the sort of thing that happens to me! All the best laid plans and that. We are also leaving for Kent this morning and I should be asleep in bed but my tonsils are really swollen :sick: and I can't swallow so I needed some tablets, plus the noisy neighbours' party is still ongoing so I can't sleep...and well I therefore just had to turn on the computer and read the DISboards hehe :rolleyes1

I've heard traffic is bad so we're leaving loads of extra time for the journey and we'll amuse ourselves in Ashford if we get there early.

Safe trip everyone! Thanks again for the kind words about my clothing dilemma! :grouphug:

Rachel xx
Just to reassure all you half-termers, we arrived yesterday and so far so good weather wise! The journey from Calais didn't have a lot of sunshine but it was warm. We are self-catering off-site this time so didn't get to the park until it was getting dark but I love walking down Main Street for the first time when everything is lit up. We went straight to BTM - terrific in the dark - and then watched Dreams. A perfect, warm still night to watch it and DS was crazily excited as each character appeared. It hadn't lost its magic for me either so a fabulous start to the holiday.

Best news for you guys is that we have woken up to blue skies and sunshine. :yay: Long may it continue!

Good luck with packing and travelling to all those who follow. :goodvibes
Just to reassure all you half-termers, we arrived yesterday and so far so good weather wise! The journey from Calais didn't have a lot of sunshine but it was warm. We are self-catering off-site this time so didn't get to the park until it was getting dark but I love walking down Main Street for the first time when everything is lit up. We went straight to BTM - terrific in the dark - and then watched Dreams. A perfect, warm still night to watch it and DS was crazily excited as each character appeared. It hadn't lost its magic for me either so a fabulous start to the holiday.

Best news for you guys is that we have woken up to blue skies and sunshine. :yay: Long may it continue!

Good luck with packing and travelling to all those who follow. :goodvibes

Good morning :goodvibes You are just down the road fromme then ;)

I was coming to give the weather update :rotfl:

So I second the beautiful blue clear sky and sun and it's already 16° looking outside.

Might see you later on as we are going to Val d'Europe and a coffee at EoS

Have a great day and again safe travels for us you go today :goodvibes
Hope you haven't all left already! We are in south of France with very limited internet so only able to get on today. We were in the parks last Friday - lovely as always. This was a stopover trip really as we had driven through the night in the motorhome en route to the south. We went in saying we might just do a couple of rides and renew my annual pass, but ended up staying 6 hours. Weather glorious, park quiet - how we like it best! DS get a go on BTM (his favourite) though it was closed by 5pm and didn't look like it was going to open again that day.
Just a note for some - they have changed the Exit pass thing again. We had one with DS annual pass from last year, but when we went to BTM the guy said he had never seen one before. We went to City Hall who told us to go to the Annual Passport office (where we had just been to get my pass - sigh). Got issued with new card, but they now specify the type of condition and help required, eg companion needed, wheelchair, deaf etc. We did have a new dr's letter, although she didn't ask to see it (it was the same lady who had done my pass and I think she felt a bit bad for our wasted trip!) DS has autism, and she put the card the number in party is all of us so we can all go on together.
We used the card a couple of times - all fine.

We are back at Disney on Friday and Saturday of this week for the 'proper' trip. Booked Cafe Mickey while we were there last week! Maybe see some of you there!
Hope everyone travelling today has a good journey, looking forward to joining you soon. :goodvibes
Woo hooo that is fine with me...! :thumbsup2

:woohoo:Wow, that's a lot of weight to lose in 6 weeks, I hope you were/are ok though... :goodvibes

aw thanks yeah it was about 3.5 stone!! pretty bad at the time as it was my thyroid so I just felt lousy, on mess for it now though so feeling much better. I could never have got round DLP feeling like at hence us missing out last year, so looking forward to tomorrow!!

Sorry but I had to :lmao: at you being dragged to your neighbours for a few drinks, that is exactly the sort of thing that happens to me! All the best laid plans and that. We are also leaving for Kent this morning and I should be asleep in bed but my tonsils are really swollen :sick: and I can't swallow so I needed some tablets, plus the noisy neighbours' party is still ongoing so I can't sleep...and well I therefore just had to turn on the computer and read the DISboards hehe :rolleyes1

Argh blooming husband , I feel rotten this morning now and I didn't even drink!! Still have lots to do!

I've heard traffic is bad so we're leaving loads of extra time for the journey and we'll amuse ourselves in Ashford if we get there early.

Oh no is it?! We were planning to leave this morning and do exactly that but I think we'll leave after lunch now thanks to DH!
Safe trip everyone! Thanks again for the kind words about my clothing dilemma! :grouphug:
Have a lovely trip! and don't worry, think positive... IT IS NOT GOING TO RAIN (much lol)

Rachel xx
I hope that everyone leaving today has a safe journey. I've given up looking at the weather, it will be what it will be. Just going to pack layers and waterproofs!
ok...................... 'finally' i am excited!! all thanks to cherrys post bout the disabled area for dreams!!!!

this has been my biggest worry with the boys, and now, tbh, it cud rain the whole time (well, not all as wet is still a big issue to ds2) but i can relax knowing that there is an area to go for dreams, and we dont have to b there ages and having to deal with 2 very stressed (and prob tired) boys who dont understand times and waiting........ (ds1 is obsessed with clocks and times, but cant tell the time - so u can imagine how that goes!!)

wow i am nearly ready to dance for the first time!!!!! ive coloured my hair (so the stress n grey doesnt show lol) and i feel a weight lifted!!! bring it on!!!!!
ok...................... 'finally' i am excited!! all thanks to cherrys post bout the disabled area for dreams!!!!

this has been my biggest worry with the boys, and now, tbh, it cud rain the whole time (well, not all as wet is still a big issue to ds2) but i can relax knowing that there is an area to go for dreams, and we dont have to b there ages and having to deal with 2 very stressed (and prob tired) boys who dont understand times and waiting........ (ds1 is obsessed with clocks and times, but cant tell the time - so u can imagine how that goes!!)

wow i am nearly ready to dance for the first time!!!!! ive coloured my hair (so the stress n grey doesnt show lol) and i feel a weight lifted!!! bring it on!!!!!

Aw I might not get a chance now between me coming home and you going so I will say now that I really hope you and your boys have the best time ever!! I don't think I could do a solo trip with my two and I don't have the obstacles in the way that you do! Sending you lots of pixie dust!!! :wizard:
Aw I might not get a chance now between me coming home and you going so I will say now that I really hope you and your boys have the best time ever!! I don't think I could do a solo trip with my two and I don't have the obstacles in the way that you do! Sending you lots of pixie dust!!! :wizard:

awww thanks ro - hope u all have a lovely time :goodvibes & will look for ur report when i get back!!! ill prob pop on fb whilst there anyhow :lmao:

brummig - yes, knew bout this change in the easy access card (we dont have aps) if ur in the park on friday at 12 noon come and meet up with a few disers - we will be outside the castle by the bridge (there is a thread bout the meet up!!) no pressure, just a chance to say hi!!

still in a happy mood here..... even with rain outside, nice to know in disney the sun is shining!!! just keep it there ;)
I have however come up with a marvellous plan - which will look stupid but serve the purpose lol!! If it rains too bad, then I shall have my quick unpick with me, cut a small hole in the outside seam of my trousers, get a piece of ribbon that is the same colour as the trousers and tie them up like crop trousers!! Won't look great, but it should work. As I will be losing more weight, it isn't a problem if I ruin these trousers as I won't really need them when we get back anyway. I usually donate everything to charity, but I guess I could always re-sew the hole up :rotfl:

Rachel xx

that sounds like a perfect solution to me Rachel :thumbsup2.
I am finally packed!!!.... I think.... Well my case is packed. Just have to put the last few bits in on Monday before I travel like make up and my GHD etc.... Only thing left to pack now is my hand luggage... Can't decide what to bring!
Hi all. Just sat in car, in eurotunnel waiting to move off! Have a wonderful trip everyone, maybe see you there! Rachel xxx
We're half way to the magic! :banana: as we are now settling into our Ashford hotel. So tired and really hope we don't oversleep as we have to be up at 5am to catch our shuttle.

Have a great trip everyone! :goodvibes
We're half way to the magic! :banana: as we are now settling into our Ashford hotel. So tired and really hope we don't oversleep as we have to be up at 5am to catch our shuttle.

Have a great trip everyone! :goodvibes

Have a great time, Ro. :goodvibes
awww thanks ro - hope u all have a lovely time :goodvibes & will look for ur report when i get back!!! ill prob pop on fb whilst there anyhow :lmao:

brummig - yes, knew bout this change in the easy access card (we dont have aps) if ur in the park on friday at 12 noon come and meet up with a few disers - we will be outside the castle by the bridge (there is a thread bout the meet up!!) no pressure, just a chance to say hi!!

still in a happy mood here..... even with rain outside, nice to know in disney the sun is shining!!! just keep it there ;)

Thanks for the lovely offer, but we have Cafe Mickey booked for that exact time (one time we have been organised enough to pre-book!). We will be spending a lot of time around BTM (waiting for the boys as I'm a wimp!) so may see some of you there.

Have a great time everyone!
Well, that's us pretty much all packed, I think we are still just within limit on the hold baggage :rolleyes: Not sure what I will do with the bits I hope to buy - perhaps put them in hand luggage as we are only taking 3 bits between the 4 of us so have an 'extra' bag if need be.

The treasure hunt clues have now all been hidden in their places and their 'treasure' positioned at the end of the hunt - I'm SO excited to see my little girls' faces! :yay:

To those already on your journey, have a fabulous time :goodvibes. To those going tomorrow and in the next few days, have a safe journey and a fabulous time too :goodvibes.

Thanks to those staying at home who have wished us a good trip. Can't wait to get there tomorrow and experience it all :love:. Don't think I'll sleep much tonight :rolleyes1.

Thanks as well for all the hints, advice and tips you've given on here - this place really is amazing :cloud9:.
Well, that's us pretty much all packed, I think we are still just within limit on the hold baggage :rolleyes: Not sure what I will do with the bits I hope to buy - perhaps put them in hand luggage as we are only taking 3 bits between the 4 of us so have an 'extra' bag if need be.

The treasure hunt clues have now all been hidden in their places and their 'treasure' positioned at the end of the hunt - I'm SO excited to see my little girls' faces! :yay:

To those already on your journey, have a fabulous time :goodvibes. To those going tomorrow and in the next few days, have a safe journey and a fabulous time too :goodvibes.

Thanks to those staying at home who have wished us a good trip. Can't wait to get there tomorrow and experience it all :love:. Don't think I'll sleep much tonight :rolleyes1.

Thanks as well for all the hints, advice and tips you've given on here - this place really is amazing :cloud9:.

cant wait to hear how the treasure hunt goes!!! :love: have a lovely safe journey and the most magical of times....... cant wait til friday so we can b on our way too!!!

enjoy it all :goodvibes
Damp and windy this morning ...we had a thunderstorm during the night and it appears to have rained a fair bit..but it's still warm 16° atm (9.45)

Have fun ! :goodvibes


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