***** February 2022 Thread *****

Anyone doing any extra stuff to prepare for your upcoming trip? I have my amazon wish list started for shopping for the trip. Things I normally don't take but decided to take this time. My eyeglasses have gotten loose on my face so I think I will buy a strap to tighten them on my head so I don't have to take them off on all the faster rides. I hate having to do that. So I will probably buy those straps and see how I like them. I also wanna bring reusable straws this trip. I have sensitive front teeth and so I have to use a straw but I hate those paper ones. Especially if I am drinking a slushie type drink. They just seem to get all yucky. I am also gonna get some lanyards for our masks. I think it will be more convenient than putting our mask in our pocket and having to pull them out all the time. Besides that I am making my packing list. Thinks like the Epsom salt foot rub that I used in March. Not once did my feet hurt when I used this every evening before bed. So I plan to take it again even though this is suppsoe to be a more relaxed slower paced trip. I also need to make my shopping list for groceries. Tony gave me the address to the Publix we will be stopping at and I figure I can place a curbside pick up order when it's closer to our trip if there is a time slot open when we need it for. I will also need to do some grocery shopping for the house the day before our trip. Even though we won't be home, our college aged son will be and he will need food to eat while we are gone.
Our last trip I had taken some croakies for my glasses but at the park I saw a nice chain for my glasses so I bought that and will take it again this time. Yeah those paper straws can be a pain. I did take some reusable straws last time but didn't use them though. I also got a chain for my mask. I got a cute Mickey one off of Etsy. I was gonna get one for my daughter too but she didn't want one. I have just about everything already purchased. I do have to stop at Sams sometime though and buy gift cards to use to pay for our meals and stuff like that.
Anyone doing any extra stuff to prepare for your upcoming trip? I have my amazon wish list started for shopping for the trip. Things I normally don't take but decided to take this time. My eyeglasses have gotten loose on my face so I think I will buy a strap to tighten them on my head so I don't have to take them off on all the faster rides. I hate having to do that. So I will probably buy those straps and see how I like them. I also wanna bring reusable straws this trip. I have sensitive front teeth and so I have to use a straw but I hate those paper ones. Especially if I am drinking a slushie type drink. They just seem to get all yucky. I am also gonna get some lanyards for our masks. I think it will be more convenient than putting our mask in our pocket and having to pull them out all the time. Besides that I am making my packing list. Thinks like the Epsom salt foot rub that I used in March. Not once did my feet hurt when I used this every evening before bed. So I plan to take it again even though this is suppsoe to be a more relaxed slower paced trip. I also need to make my shopping list for groceries. Tony gave me the address to the Publix we will be stopping at and I figure I can place a curbside pick up order when it's closer to our trip if there is a time slot open when we need it for. I will also need to do some grocery shopping for the house the day before our trip. Even though we won't be home, our college aged son will be and he will need food to eat while we are gone.
i have a big packing list started too. just added extra batteries, a travel charger for in the park, a collapsable hamper from the dollar store (so nice to have to have an away place for dirty clothes), ziploc bags in all the sizes, white noise machine, meds, glowsticks from the dollar store, ponchos,
we are staying on property so I have no way to get the little things (for a reasonable price)
trying to be prepared!
Im sure I will add more things as the month goes on.
Anyone doing any extra stuff to prepare for your upcoming trip? I have my amazon wish list started for shopping for the trip. Things I normally don't take but decided to take this time. My eyeglasses have gotten loose on my face so I think I will buy a strap to tighten them on my head so I don't have to take them off on all the faster rides. I hate having to do that. So I will probably buy those straps and see how I like them. I also wanna bring reusable straws this trip. I have sensitive front teeth and so I have to use a straw but I hate those paper ones. Especially if I am drinking a slushie type drink. They just seem to get all yucky. I am also gonna get some lanyards for our masks. I think it will be more convenient than putting our mask in our pocket and having to pull them out all the time. Besides that I am making my packing list. Thinks like the Epsom salt foot rub that I used in March. Not once did my feet hurt when I used this every evening before bed. So I plan to take it again even though this is suppsoe to be a more relaxed slower paced trip. I also need to make my shopping list for groceries. Tony gave me the address to the Publix we will be stopping at and I figure I can place a curbside pick up order when it's closer to our trip if there is a time slot open when we need it for. I will also need to do some grocery shopping for the house the day before our trip. Even though we won't be home, our college aged son will be and he will need food to eat while we are gone.
Saving saving saving! (Well, at least all the extra fun money from Christmas 😅) I need to make a shopping list…hand sanitizers, masks, maybe some nice new tops & a new suitcase! Definitely don’t want to be scrambling last minute, especially since we have two pet drop offs to make before we leave.
Something to consider for those getting their stuff ready is chargers like fuel rods. So glad we had them for our last trip. With how much we need to use our phones in the parks now I could never have made it through the day without one. And you can exchange them for free in the parks for a fully charged one. A couple of other unusual things to take would be a clothes pin for the curtains and a night light. Really glad we had the night light last time.
I'm still watching Southwest for the fares to drop for our trip to Orlando. I bought the return flight ages ago, when it was $98 one way. But the flight there has stayed high. I'm hoping for a sale to start tomorrow. The trip is less than 5 weeks away and time is running out.

I've also started buying Disney gift cards from Target with the 5% discount. I like to buy just a few gift cards at a time to stretch out the fun. :)
I'm still watching Southwest for the fares to drop for our trip to Orlando. I bought the return flight ages ago, when it was $98 one way. But the flight there has stayed high. I'm hoping for a sale to start tomorrow. The trip is less than 5 weeks away and time is running out.

I've also started buying Disney gift cards from Target with the 5% discount. I like to buy just a few gift cards at a time to stretch out the fun. :)
I saw that the price dropped for our trip into Orlando but I don't know that I want to change it and take the chance on having my seating group pushed back. Good luck to you.
Anyone doing any extra stuff to prepare for your upcoming trip? I have my amazon wish list started for shopping for the trip. Things I normally don't take but decided to take this time. My eyeglasses have gotten loose on my face so I think I will buy a strap to tighten them on my head so I don't have to take them off on all the faster rides. I hate having to do that. So I will probably buy those straps and see how I like them. I also wanna bring reusable straws this trip. I have sensitive front teeth and so I have to use a straw but I hate those paper ones. Especially if I am drinking a slushie type drink. They just seem to get all yucky. I am also gonna get some lanyards for our masks. I think it will be more convenient than putting our mask in our pocket and having to pull them out all the time. Besides that I am making my packing list. Thinks like the Epsom salt foot rub that I used in March. Not once did my feet hurt when I used this every evening before bed. So I plan to take it again even though this is suppsoe to be a more relaxed slower paced trip. I also need to make my shopping list for groceries. Tony gave me the address to the Publix we will be stopping at and I figure I can place a curbside pick up order when it's closer to our trip if there is a time slot open when we need it for. I will also need to do some grocery shopping for the house the day before our trip. Even though we won't be home, our college aged son will be and he will need food to eat while we are gone.
When we were there in December 90% of the people we saw had lanyards for their masks. Because we had to test negative to fly home to Canada, we just kept ours on the entire time we were in the park, indoor and outdoor, so we didn't need one.
I bought a reusable disney utensil set that included as straw when we were there. I agree, I like a straw, but hate the paper ones. It's something new to get used to carrying with you.
I usually hit the hot tub every night after a park day to sooth my tired feet and relax me before bed. Never thought about the epson salts.
It's so fun planning for your upcoming trip isn't it?
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Something to consider for those getting their stuff ready is chargers like fuel rods. So glad we had them for our last trip. With how much we need to use our phones in the parks now I could never have made it through the day without one. And you can exchange them for free in the parks for a fully charged one. A couple of other unusual things to take would be a clothes pin for the curtains and a night light. Really glad we had the night light last time.

YES! I actually have an Anker charger. It's on the heavier side but since I'll have a backpack or fanny pack anyways I can deal with it. I love it because it will do full charges on mine and my husbands phone several times. I actually just remembered to get it back from my daughter and son-in-law because I had sent it on their Ukraine mission trip last year and had forgotten about it until I was making my list of extras to pack.
I'm still watching Southwest for the fares to drop for our trip to Orlando. I bought the return flight ages ago, when it was $98 one way. But the flight there has stayed high. I'm hoping for a sale to start tomorrow. The trip is less than 5 weeks away and time is running out.

I've also started buying Disney gift cards from Target with the 5% discount. I like to buy just a few gift cards at a time to stretch out the fun. :)
Oh wow. I thanksfully was able to get a great rate both ways at the same time. Of course I used points but I checked the other day and the cost of our return flight is up to $334 dollars for the wanna get away fare. That's crazy!
I was going to post something yesterday but that's ok! We're officially 29 days out from our trip!

The possibility of flights and plans getting changed or canceled worries me a little but I'm trying to stay positive :earsboy:

I'm trying not to even think about the "what ifs" even though I should. I am just in need of this trip so badly that, like you, am trying to stay positive.
When we were there in December 90% of the people we saw had lanyards for their masks. Because we had to test negative to fly home to Canada, we just kept ours on the entire time we were in the park, indoor and outdoor, so we didn't need one.
I bought a reusable disney utensil set that included as straw when we were there. I agree, I like a straw, but hate the plastic ones. It's something new to get used to carrying with you.
I usually hit the hot tub every night after a park day to sooth my tired feet and relax me before bed. Never thought about the epson salts.
It's so fun planning for your upcoming trip isn't it?

I had never even heard of the Epsom salt foot rub stuff until I saw it mentioned on this board. I was skeptical it would work but I was shocked how I didn't have any foot pain the entire trip.
When we were there in December 90% of the people we saw had lanyards for their masks. Because we had to test negative to fly home to Canada, we just kept ours on the entire time we were in the park, indoor and outdoor, so we didn't need one.

I'm sure this goes w/o saying, but since we were dumb and forgot...always bring an extra mask or 2. We didn't have lanyards and I would put my mask around my wrist (thru both ear loops) between times I needed it. We were at MK AH and took ours off between Splash and HM, stopping to get a drink and popcorn. It wasn't until we got right to the entrance of HM that I realized I'd lost mine..and we didn't have a spare. A kind guest gave me one of theirs. Same thing happened the next day with my husband but I had brought a spare with us this time!
I had never even heard of the Epsom salt foot rub stuff until I saw it mentioned on this board. I was skeptical it would work but I was shocked how I didn't have any foot pain the entire trip.

Do you mind me asking if there was a particular brand you'd recommend? I never knew there was such a thing as an epsom salts foot rub!
I had never even heard of the Epsom salt foot rub stuff until I saw it mentioned on this board. I was skeptical it would work but I was shocked how I didn't have any foot pain the entire trip.
Please tell me more about this. So it's a rub as opposed to having to soak your feet?
So we have been discussing how we are physically getting ready for our trips which are so so close. I'm wondering how you are mentally and emotionally getting ready for your trip. How are you psyching yourself up for it, if you even need to lol. I have still been watching vlogs but now I'm gonna be watching more live streams from the parks and the resort tour videos for the resorts we are staying in. I love the 4K ones. I will also watch the ones that will be coming out covering Festival of the Arts. Can't wait to see these! I also listen to a YouTube channel that plays main street park music. The other thing I did is I downloaded Disney music onto my phone. I have music from all of my favorite rides that I listen to on my way home from work and it really gets me so excited for when I get to hear them in person. Two of the songs I downloaded are You are the Magic and the Magic is Calling. Oh boy I hate to admit it but I usually end up crying in my car when I hear them lol. I am just so emotional and I know I'll cry when I hear those in the parks. Anyone else a big emotional crybaby when it comes to Disney? I know I will ugly cry again when I enter MK for the first time this trip. Anyway that is what I'm doing to get myself psyched. What are you doing?
So we have been discussing how we are physically getting ready for our trips which are so so close. I'm wondering how you are mentally and emotionally getting ready for your trip. How are you psyching yourself up for it, if you even need to lol. I have still been watching vlogs but now I'm gonna be watching more live streams from the parks and the resort tour videos for the resorts we are staying in. I love the 4K ones. I will also watch the ones that will be coming out covering Festival of the Arts. Can't wait to see these! I also listen to a YouTube channel that plays main street park music. The other thing I did is I downloaded Disney music onto my phone. I have music from all of my favorite rides that I listen to on my way home from work and it really gets me so excited for when I get to hear them in person. Two of the songs I downloaded are You are the Magic and the Magic is Calling. Oh boy I hate to admit it but I usually end up crying in my car when I hear them lol. I am just so emotional and I know I'll cry when I hear those in the parks. Anyone else a big emotional crybaby when it comes to Disney? I know I will ugly cry again when I enter MK for the first time this trip. Anyway that is what I'm doing to get myself psyched. What are you doing?
We are watching videos on YouTube and waiting for all the news for Festival of the Arts. We are also reviewing our packing list and updating it for Florida since we usually go to DLR on trips. Making sure we have everything early instead of waiting until the last minute of things. Heck I would pack now I'd I could.
We are watching videos on YouTube and waiting for all the news for Festival of the Arts. We are also reviewing our packing list and updating it for Florida since we usually go to DLR on trips. Making sure we have everything early instead of waiting until the last minute of things. Heck I would pack now I'd I could.
I already have the stuff I have bought already thrown in my suitcase lol
So we have been discussing how we are physically getting ready for our trips which are so so close. I'm wondering how you are mentally and emotionally getting ready for your trip. How are you psyching yourself up for it, if you even need to lol. I have still been watching vlogs but now I'm gonna be watching more live streams from the parks and the resort tour videos for the resorts we are staying in. I love the 4K ones. I will also watch the ones that will be coming out covering Festival of the Arts. Can't wait to see these! I also listen to a YouTube channel that plays main street park music. The other thing I did is I downloaded Disney music onto my phone. I have music from all of my favorite rides that I listen to on my way home from work and it really gets me so excited for when I get to hear them in person. Two of the songs I downloaded are You are the Magic and the Magic is Calling. Oh boy I hate to admit it but I usually end up crying in my car when I hear them lol. I am just so emotional and I know I'll cry when I hear those in the parks. Anyone else a big emotional crybaby when it comes to Disney? I know I will ugly cry again when I enter MK for the first time this trip. Anyway that is what I'm doing to get myself psyched. What are you doing?
The Happy Planner has a super adorable Disney line right now, so I purchased a journal and a sticker pack to use as a trip planner / memory keeper of our trips! Also watching walkthroughs of resorts gets me super excited! I especially like to watch the resort ones because I get to see a lot of places we haven’t stayed yet :goodvibes


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