Fastpass Enforcement coming?

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I do! And if it meant no waits I definitely do!

Right now I see so many potential problems with not allowing late FP returns...for instance if your return time is coming up you wouldn't be able to jump into a line or see a show because you'll be worried you'll miss your return time. I really don't want to have to be constantly calculating how much time I have before my window opens/closes.

it's not about calculating, it's about making choices. If you have a return fp and a show is about to start you have to make a decision which one you want to see. and if you already do uber planning then I'm thinking you already have this information programmed into your day.
So extending it as a perk to DVC rooms could potentially double the number of people using it, and at the very least dramatically increase the numbers of potential X-Pass users.

Like you said earlier, DVC negotiates for the perks given to DVC owners. But this really falls into a separate category -- if the X-Pass system isn't designed to handle these kinds of numbers, then all the negotiating in the world won't make it available to DVC owners.

That said, no one knows what the system is or how many people it can handle. If they phase the system in, then I'd guess that DVC owners would not be a part of the first phase.

FP is already available to EVERYONE who walks through the gates. So how will offering X-Pass to DVC members (who already are allowed to use FP) going to make things more crowded or increase the number of users? The number of users currently is "everyone".'s all just speculation.
it's not about calculating, it's about making choices. If you have a return fp and a show is about to start you have to make a decision which one you want to see. and if you already do uber planning then I'm thinking you already have this information programmed into your day.

BUT I don't HAVE to factor in return times now. That's the whole point. I can plan to see American Idol, knowing full well that I can return late for my FP. IF I can't determine what the FP return time will be now, I can't make my plans like I usually do, because I cannot plan to see American Idol with the knowledge that my FP return time MIGHT be anytime that afternoon.
FP is already available to EVERYONE who walks through the gates. So how will offering X-Pass to DVC members (who already are allowed to use FP) going to make things more crowded or increase the number of users? The number of users currently is "everyone".'s all just speculation.

For someone who refuses to speculate, you're sure doing a lot of speculating.
FP is already available to EVERYONE who walks through the gates. So how will offering X-Pass to DVC members (who already are allowed to use FP) going to make things more crowded or increase the number of users? The number of users currently is "everyone".'s all just speculation.

Since we're speculating ;) and reading in to things, the memo posted yesterday indicates that they are planning to increase the number of FP users. That means increasing the number of FPs available (all of which may take the form of an X-Pass as opposed to the existing FPs available to everyone now).

The number of users is not "everyone". It's the number that were able to actually obtain a Fastpass. If that remains constant, plus you have the X-Pass users, that means more users. More users means more people in line, which means more waiting.

Another thing came to mind - not long ago they had to reduce the number of FPs issued for TSM, due to internal queue changes that made things a bit slower. How would they then increase that number again and not make it more of a problem?
I wish I had the time to read all the posts on this thread, but I don't right now. I wish I knew about the FP window and how it doesn't mean you should return in that time frame. If I would have known, I would have taken advantage of it many times. It all seems shady to me how they would secretly tell you that returning later is encouraged. I've never once heard that out of the many years that FP has been available. I guess it's just for disboards people?
I wish I had the time to read all the posts on this thread, but I don't right now. I wish I knew about the FP window and how it doesn't mean you should return in that time frame. If I would have know, I would have taken advantage of it many times. It all seems shady to me how they would secretly tell you that returning later is encouraged. I've never once heard that out of the many years that FP has been available. I guess it's just for disboards people?

Many CMs state it right out loud for all to hear at the parks. It's been published in books and touring plans as well. It isn't just a perk of the DISboards. :)
Since we're speculating ;) and reading in to things, the memo posted yesterday indicates that they are planning to increase the number of FP users. That means increasing the number of FPs available (all of which may take the form of an X-Pass as opposed to the existing FPs available to everyone now).

The number of users is not "everyone". It's the number that were able to actually obtain a Fastpass. If that remains constant, plus you have the X-Pass users, that means more users. More users means more people in line, which means more waiting.

Another thing came to mind - not long ago they had to reduce the number of FPs issued for TSM, due to internal queue changes that made things a bit slower. How would they then increase that number again and not make it more of a problem?

Are you thinking that X=Pass might not "replace" FP but coexist with it?

Wonder if this is why it's taken so long to even consider rolling out X-Pass? Working out kinks/issues like we've considered here has to be a bear of a problem.
Are you thinking that X=Pass might not "replace" FP but coexist with it?

Wonder if this is why it's taken so long to even consider rolling out X-Pass? Working out kinks/issues like we've considered here has to be a bear of a problem.

I think to start at least it will co-exist. I see nothing to indicate any plans on pulling standard FP away from the "masses" in the near term.
Many CMs state it right out loud for all to hear at the parks. It's been published in books and touring plans as well. It isn't just a perk of the DISboards. :)

Seeing how I've never bought a WDW tourist book or don't use touringplans, I see how I could have missed it. However, am I (or anyone who has ever been to WDW with me) that oblivious to a CM shouting it out? Honestly, I have never heard it.
Seeing how I've never bought a WDW tourist book or don't use touringplans, I see how I could have missed it. However, am I (or anyone who has ever been to WDW with me) that oblivious to a CM shouting it out? Honestly, I have never heard it.

Well, they don't do it constantly, ringing a bell and all, but it's been done. And if you asked, they'd tell you. Of course, now they'd tell you it is changing :)
Well, they don't do it constantly, ringing a bell and all, but it's been done. And if you asked, they'd tell you. Of course, now they'd tell you it is changing :)

No, they'll tell you it's changing... but it's not a change. ;)
Enforcing Fast Pass Times???

Charging $10 pp for canceled/no show dining reservations?

The exec's are doing a great job of taking the "magic" out of WDW
it's not about calculating, it's about making choices. If you have a return fp and a show is about to start you have to make a decision which one you want to see. and if you already do uber planning then I'm thinking you already have this information programmed into your day.

But why force people to have to make this choice?

With the current system you never have to make choices, - you get to do both (at the detriment of noone) and you only have to pay attention to when you are eligible for your next FP. I'm confident I can wing it in any park and out ride any pre-arranged plan. This change totally ruins that and it's disappointing. What it does is limit those of us that know how to get around the parks and it's for sure going to mean less riding for us.
Fast Pass is a perk that they really don't have to offer. I have seen people walk past the distribution point and make a comment that they wish they could afford one. They look blank when you tell them that they are free.

I remember when there were NO fastpasses. Eeeck. We had to wait in line. The ability to override that, even with a set winow, is still a massive perk.

I have used the acceptance of the after the window time on occassion. Most of the time, I'm right there as my window time begins - or I'm trying to get another fast pass.

It may take an adjustment, but I'm glad they're not going to charge $50 to $75 for the privilege.

As to the $10 dining charge, I know many restaurants that do this. It is a method of making good manners happen. A table is waiting and normally, they don't give it to anybody until the reserved party is definitely not going to show. This backs up tables and other people's schedules. I'm sure they want to keep people moving along. It is a token charge which can be avoided easily by calling and cancelling. I don't think they will push if there is an emergency. It may take calling the manager to override the charge, but I'm sure they will have some leeway.
Enforcing Fast Pass Times???

Charging $10 pp for canceled/no show dining reservations?

The exec's are doing a great job of taking the "magic" out of WDW

I am very glad they went to the $10 charge for a no show on reservations. Made it much easier for me to get dining reservation this trip since we didn't decide to go until we were already inside the 180 window. They should have done that a long time ago. As far as FP goes I'm sure we will all adjust to it.
We have a CM in the family and while they don't divulge everything, from what I am understanding:

Fast pass will exist as it, with the exception that the times are to be strictly watched and you will need to return during the time because of the addition of

Gen X which is a pre-programming of fastpasses via the internet. At this time, said CM did not feel that I would have to re-budget for my trip and nothing was said about having to stay at deluxe to use this new program.

Granted I would never want my relative to get in trouble so I asked for the bare minimum on information. Training on the new system starts next week.

My relative did state that CM's would no longer be able to just pass through with an excuse, or suffer getting in trouble. I took it to believe in the beginning managers will be at the station and after a certain amount of time a supervisor would be needed to over-ride for a period of time, then it would be back to the CM handling the situation like it is now, just no "exception" will be accepted.

I hope to know more the beginning of next week. I will pass it on as I hear from them.
Cry me a river that the Deluxes aren't at capacity. Lower the darned prices and see demand increase.

Amazon makes a ton of money because they sell more product at less profit each, compared to a local store that sells less product at a higher profit each.

Exactly. I have budget/planning spreadsheets from all our trips, and it is really eye-opening to flip through the old ones from time to time. In 2005 we decided against staying at the Poly because rack rate in value season was $240/night. Now that same room at the same time of year runs $465 - almost 100% price increase in just 7 years (over a period in which American household income actually declined by nearly 10%). I can't imagine why they're having problems filling those rooms. :rolleyes:
The way I'm reading the info is related to how I perceive the policy of accepting late FPs. It was essentially an "unofficial" policy to accept late FPs, regardless of why someone would use it late. It seems that CMs were supposed to enforce the return times and if a circumstance (late ADR, ride breakdown, etc.) led to a guest being late it was ok to accept that late FP. As I see it, the policy was never meant for accepting late FPs simply because guests didn't want to use the FP during the return time.

I also find it interesting about having an effective date (as I believe has been commented on already) which does seem to contradict that this is not a policy change. I do think it is related to what is coming next and not because of supposed abuse of the system.

What I hope that this enforcement does is that it will encourage the average guest (not necessarily the ones who frequent these boards) to actually pay attention to the return time compared to the posted standby wait time to determine whether it is necessary to get a FP. In my experience, lots of guests get a FP simply because the attraction has a FP, even if the attraction has no wait. Example: Jungle Cruise was walk-on around 2-2:30 the other day. It was amusing to see people using their FPs and they were basically the only ones in the queue. It's also frustrating when there are guests who get the FP and ask to use it early because they have to catch a flight and "this was the one attraction I have to do before we leave." I hope also that this enforcement policy will be posted in prominant places (like the park maps, which has streamlined too much how FP works) so that the average guests will be aware of it, even though most guests do use the FP in the window.

I do want to point out that this thread is making me very nervous for when I as a CM have to deal with the consequences of the enforcement. It's bad enough when I enforce the start time. :eek: :headache:
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