Family trip to Aulani - 6/25 to 7/2

We called Wednesday morning (before the spa) and got dinner reservations for 6:30 at Makahiki. This is the buffet restaurant on the resort. It has a good variety of food to choose from and my DW and I tried many of the selections. Some of them we liked others we didn't. The food was okay and I ate quite a bit. My biggest issue with this restaurant is the fact that two out of three people in our family did not get their money's worth. The cost for three of us (all considered adults) was $135 before gratuity. Unlike me, my wife probably did not eat enough to justify the money for her meal and DD definitely did not. I am not sure we would do this again only because of this.

We were there last week & had the dinner buffet @ Makahiki. I have read all the previous reports of the food & went in with an open mind & LOVED IT!!!! I am Filipino,my husband Caucasian & obviously my teen boys both soo...... most of the dishes to us were like my MOM's cooking (I DO NOT cook Filipino dishes @ my house) & ANYTHING that goes WITH RICE is a given for us. So maybe if your looking for something that looks or tastes like HOMETOWN BUFFET- this wasn't for you. I can't say it was the best gourmet I've ever had or that the price matched the food but it is Disney in Hawaii (almost anything in Hawaii is expensive anyway) but the food was fine there. Later in the week went to a little hole in the wall type local restaurant called HIGHWAY INN as suggested by one of the beach attendant CM Jordan " if you are looking for local (like your grandma made) dishes stop by there."
We did & loved it! The beef dish (can't pronounce it) was awesome so I had to order 2 servings to take back with us! We ate it with sauteed veggies I picked up at ABC's across from the hotel & of course rice! I love that there was a rice cooker in the villas! Only in Hawaii!! My husband & I celebrated or 21st wedding anniversary @ AMA AMA & the food was good there as well. (yes quite $$$ but that's why it was only for the 2 of us!)

It is always good to hear different viewpoint on any aspect of the resort. Thanks!.
There is one thing I want to be sure people understand. My issue with Makahiki was not with the food itself. My DW and I both found plenty that we liked. The issue was more with our DD and the fact that she was considered an adult for the buffet and there was no way she could eat enough to cover the cost. Maybe when she is older it will be better, but not right now.
Our DD really likes the pool at Aulani, so we decided to stick around the resort for the day.

There were a couple of new things that we experienced today. Yesterday, we booked the interactive stingray experience that they have on the resort. Our DD is an inspiring marine biologist, so this was something that she was interested in. The cost is $45 for a child (11 is considered a child) and $50 for adults. There is a 10% is you are a DVC member. A portion of the cost of this experience is donated to the preservation of stingrays. I participated in this experience with my DD along with six other people. The ages ranged from adult to a child that seemed to be around 6. Other family members can come with you and watch. The guides in this area spent the first part of the program talking about the seven stingrays they have in the preserve area. All seven are of a species that is found only in Hawaii. They went through a discussion of the anatomy of the stingray and some of their defense mechanisms in nature. There is definitely a conservation message that is emphasized in this program. For this experience, you will need to get in the tank with the stingrays, but the water is not deep. I am around 6 ft tall and the water was at my upper thigh. The youngest member of our group had no issues standing in the preserve area. The program starts with allowing you to touch the fins and the end of the tail of the stingray while it is not moving. Then they broke us up into two groups. One group fed the stingrays and the other group got to touch a stingray as it swims by you. After a period of time the two groups trade. I will say that the guides took our safety seriously and have things set up to make you feel safe. The experience is scheduled for 45 minutes, but it seemed like it was a little longer than that (about 1 hour). As I am typing this, our DD is still talking about it. She even picked out one stingray as her favorite.

The other new thing we did today was our DD went to a session where they taught tweens to play the ukulele. This was a one-hour session and there were four kids that participated. The instructor taught the kids 5 chords that allowed them to play a couple of songs. We came back near the end of the session and the kids played a little concert for some of the folks that we in the area. I have to say that I was pretty impressed with how the kids did. I told our daughter that I didn’t think I could find a decent ukulele teacher in central Indiana ;).

After the ukulele lesson, we spent some time in the room relaxing and then went to dinner. We had some gift cards to Ruth Chris Steakhouse and there are two on Oahu. Since our DD is a huge steak fan, we decided to go. I made the reservation this morning with no problem.

On other interesting thing to note. Yesterday was day 4 of our DVC stay, so housekeeping came into replace the towels. What they did not do was give us any new laundry soap, dish washer soap or bath soap/shampoo/conditioner. This was different than our previous experiences at BLT. We didn't need the laundry or dish washing soap, but we did need some shampoo and conditioner. Today, we called housekeeping to see if we could get some more. We said we would like two shampoos and one conditioner. What they brought us was two shampoos, four conditioners and three shower gels. I think we are set for the rest of our stay.

I think that tomorrow we will head to the North Shore to see what sort of trouble we can get ourselves into.
By the way. Thanks for all the encouraging comments. I am enjoying putting it together. Hopefully people are getting a little something out of it.
Thanks for the wonderful trip report. We will be traveling in September. Sounds like a nice vacation is being had by all. Enjoy your trip and family time.

Ditto about the TR. We are also going in September and have made almost all our plans based on fellow DISboard members TR's, including this one.

BTW, has anyone done one of the shark excursions where they lower you in a cage to see the sharks up close? :eek:
Subbing!! I'm following along too! Great info! We will be there Oct 21-27. I like hearing about the paid activities. Good to get a DIS perspective. I look forward to your next post.
Dad 522,

We are thinking about buying beach chairs at Target when we get to Aulani. Do you think we need to do this or are there sufficient chairs, if any, available on the beach?


Dad 707
great report Iceman... we will be there at Aulani on Monday! Thanks for the information! :thumbsup2
Dad 522,

We are thinking about buying beach chairs at Target when we get to Aulani. Do you think we need to do this or are there sufficient chairs, if any, available on the beach?


Dad 707

The one time we went to the beach, we were able to find a couple of chairs. From what I can tell it seems like there are enough available chairs, unless you want a bunch (more that 4) all together, then it could get tight. It also depends when you get out there. The middle of the day is the busiest. We are going to the pool and beach tomorrow. I will keep an eye on this and let you know.
Today we climbed in the car and headed to the North Shore. We had a list of some possible things that we wanted to do, but we mostly wanted to drive around and see the various beaches and scenery.

We start by driving up to Waiaula and then drove toward the windward side of the island. We got a bit of a late start and we wanted to get to the shrimp trucks by around lunchtime so we did not stop much at first. We used this part of the trip to scope out some beaches that we wanted to stop at on the way back. Our first stop was at Giovanni's shrimp truck that is along he roadside in Kahuku. This was the shrimp truck that was recommended to us by one of the ladies that worked in the spa. The truck is not much to look at but the shrimp was good. Giovanni's has three kinds of shrimp. My DW and DD split a shrimp scampi plate. Each "plate" consists of 12 decent sized shrimp and two scoops of rice. The shrimp and the rice both have quite a bit a garlic, so you better like garlic (our entire family does). I had the hot and spicy plate that came with plain rice. I did get a little laugh at the menu board when I saw this. The menu board specifically says that this shrimp is very hot and no refunds will be given. I guess they feel they sufficiently warned you up front so there will be no refunds for it being too hot. I, of course, love very hot foods so it was right up my alley. It was not the hottest food I have eaten, but was definitely not something many people would enjoy. The two shrimp plates and two 12 ounce sodas cost $28. Like I said earlier, I have some pictures I will post once we get back home. I got a few of the shrimp truck to give you an idea of what it was like. By the way, the third kind of shrimp was a lemon butter shrimp plate.

There is also a shaved ice/smoothy stand at Giovanni’s. We did not get any, but we heard other people say it was good.

After our shrimp, we continued around the island and got to a small town of Kaaawa. This is where we turned around and headed back to Waiaula. At certain points we stopped at a beach area and got out to walk around. We took in the scenery, waded into the water, took at few pictures and then got back in the car. Soon we drove past the Polynesian Cultural Center. My DW and I have been to this before and thought about going again, but our DD did not seem interested and we were not sure we had enough time to do the visit justice. We kept driving around and stopping at various beaches. Our DD loves wading into the water and letting the waves crash into her, so this was what she wanted to do. There are quite a few nice areas along the north shore and there weren't any that were overly crowded (unlike Waikiki beach). We kept on our beach hopping tour and got some nice pictures. We drove by Waimea Bay and wanted to stop in the Waimea Valley to walk through the botanical gardens. The cost of admission is $15 per adult and a little less for children. This is also something my DW and I have done before, and we wanted to do it again. Unfortunately we knew we did not have a lot of time left in our day and had to make a choice. We chose not to stop here and go on to our next destination.

Between Wiamea and Waiaula is the area where the Green Sea turtle come onto the beach. Our decision to skip the gardens was so our aspiring marine biologist could see the turtles. This particular beach is not hard to find, because it is the one with the heavy traffic jam and lots of parked cars along the road. We found a spot and went to the beach. There were a couple of turtles on the sand when we first got there. The folks on the beach roped off an area around the resting turtles to keep the people away. They ask that you stay at least 6 feet away from any turtle. We watched these turtles for a while and then walked down the rest of the beach. During our walk we saw four more turtles. Three were swimming right at the edge of the beach/rocks and a fourth came out of the water onto the rocks while we walked by. This was probably the highlight of our North Shore trip.

By this time we were all pretty tired and ready to get back to the resort. On the way home we stopped in the Pearl Harbor area to eat at Tony Roma's (ribs). Yes, it is a chain restaurant, but it was the first restaurant my family ate at on our first family visit to Oahu in 1995. It is kind of a tradition when we come to Oahu. Also, the three of ate ribs and got out of there for around $70 (our cheapest dinner so far). No reservations were needed and we were seated right away.

The beach hopping today only got our DD in the mood for more beach time tomorrow. Our current plan is to hit the beach and pool at the resort one last time and see what activities are listed in daily 'Iwa (resort newsletter) that we might try. We also want to get some picture with some of the Disney characters that we have missed so far. Tomorrow is our last full day here.
What did your daughter think of the Teen area? I've got 2 teen boys going with us in December (will be 17 and 15). Is there anything in the teen area that looks interesting for boys that age (other than the teen girls running around)?
What did your daughter think of the Teen area? I've got 2 teen boys going with us in December (will be 17 and 15). Is there anything in the teen area that looks interesting for boys that age (other than the teen girls running around)?

Our daughter did not spend a great deal of time in the teen/tween area, but when she was there for specific activities, she had a good time. They have movies playing most of the time and there are game consoles in the area. They had separate activities for the teens and the tweens. In our limited time in these areas, we did not see a lot of teen age boys. Most of the boys that we saw that would be around your sons ages were by the pool and on the beach (another place where teenage girls hung out).
Well, as I predicted yesterday our daughter wanted to hit the beach today. We were there from 10AM to 6PM, with only a few distractions thrown in (like lunch).

There are a couple of things I can share. Today (Sunday) was the only one of our three pool days, where I thought the pool was very crowded. We walked by the pool area on our way to the beach at 10am and there were plenty of open lounge chairs, though all the "prime" chairs were taken. I walked back to the pool area at about 11:15am and I only saw a small handful of lounge chairs that were open and no two of them were together. I walked by the pool again at 12:30pm and 2:30pm and it was just a crowded. When I came up again at 5pm, there were open chairs. It appears that weekends are the popular pool days, so if you want lounge chairs on those days, get down there a little early.

The beach, on the other hand, never seemed to get crowded. There are plenty of lounge chairs in the beach area, and I never saw it more that 50% of them occupied. We got an umbrella from the rental area (they’re free) and the cast member brought it out and buried the pole in the sand for us. We had it all day. There are also some beach chairs available (also free). I counted about 12 that were in use on the beach and also saw a stack of unused beach chairs back by the near the rental building.

The water in the lagoon area of the resort is pretty calm, as there are breaks that cut down the waves before they get to the beach. It is great for small kids and for leisurely wading and swimming in the ocean, but if you are looking for crashing waves to body board/surf/body surf in, then this is probably not the place.

For dinner we decided to stay close and go across the street to a place called Just Tacos Mexican Grill. We did not know what to expect. This is a sit down restaurant. There was a big party going on so when we got there the wait to get seated was about 1 hour. I think this was unusual since the huge party that was taking up all the outside seating. This restaurant specializes in tacos and has all different kind (beef, chicken shrimp, pork, steak, fish, etc). They also have other Tex-Mex items such as fajitas and burritos. We thought the food was pretty good and two adult meals and one kid meal, plus one appetizer cost us just under $50. We thought it was a good value.

Well, this was our last full day and it is a little sad to be leaving. There are a couple of overall thoughts about the resort that I wanted to share:
They keep this resort immaculate. We constantly saw people cleaning, dusting, sweeping, picking up trash, etc.
Every cast member we saw or interacted with offered you some kind of greeting and many asked about where we were from. It seemed like we were constantly saying "hello" or "good morning" or "good evening" as we walked around the grounds.

The staff at the resort kindly dealt with every situation that came up during our visit.

The lines for the Disney Characters were never very long and we never felt rushed. There were a couple of times when they would keep taking pictures even when we thought we were done. There were enough good pictures throughout the week to make the photo CD worthwhile. The charter handler will also take plenty of pictures with your personal camera while the photo pass cameraperson is taking them. So if you don't want the photopass picture you still can get plenty of pictures.

We have to check out around 8AM tomorrow. Though our Aulani visit is concluded, our Hawaii vacation continues as we head to the big island for a couple of days. If there is anything of note as we check out, I will make another entry.

I guess the best way to judge our experience is how badly we want to return. I will say that our DD starting talking about how soon we can come back to Aulani when we were only three or four days into our stay. My DW and I both agree that we need to find a way to get back here sooner than later.

Thanks everyone for reading this. Look for some pictures to be posted when we get back home.
I enjoyed reading your trip report. Thanks for sharing!

Did any of the CMs mention when Aulani plans to open Phase 3? The only thing I've read on the internet is 'Winter 2013.'
...does this mean you'll start saving right away to go with us next year?
:banana: :thumbsup2

So glad that you've had a good time!
Thank-you so very much for all of your report- glad to hear it's a place your daughter wants to come back to.:thumbsup2 Have a great time on the Big Island!
wdrl said:
I enjoyed reading your trip report. Thanks for sharing!

Did any of the CMs mention when Aulani plans to open Phase 3? The only thing I've read on the internet is 'Winter 2013.'

The only thing we heard was that it would be next year. Nothing more specific.
One thing to add on our report.

We had just arrived at the airport, and we realized we left a couple of things in our room. We called the resort and they went and found the items immediately. They are going to mail them to us. No hassle at all.


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