"Even the Garbage Cans Have Flowers!"-A September 2016 Mother-Daughter TR!- NEW TR LINK 9/13!

Real Life Update!!

Hello my friends! Sorry if I've been a little MIA lately! When I started this TR, I was pounding out updates every few days, but life and work has been catching up to me. I've been extremely busy these past few weeks, but it has been so much fun! To switch things up, I thought I'd tell you guys about my adventures these past few weeks!

October has been a crazy month for me. I work full time during the week, but I've been playing hard on the weekends as well!

October 7-9

The first weekend in October, I visited my boyfriend, Tom. He lives about 2 hours away and we and try to see each other at least once every two weeks. Long-distance dating has definitely been a bit of a change, but we are making things work! It's funny, while in college, we hung out almost every night, oftentimes just staying in, cooking dinner, and watching TV with friends. But now that we live farther away, we try to pack as many fun things into our weekends as we can! I stayed from Friday until Sunday evening, then drove back home to get back on that work grind!

October 14-16

The next weekend was jam-packed with fun activities! My mom had a conference in Wisconsin Dells at the Kalahari resort. Since Tom and I love water parks, we tagged along with her. Friday night, Tom drove down and we made cauliflower-crusted pizza. It was kind of gross, to be honest :crazy2: We wanted to switch things up and put a healthy twist on pizza, but I'm not a cauliflower fan in general and it made the crust soggy, not crispy! Oh well, you win some and you lose some with recipes :crazy:

The next day, we left bright and early for Wisconsin Dells. Before checking into our room, we ate lunch at our favorite restaurant in the Dells: Mac's! It is a specialty macaroni and cheese place with all sorts of crazy combinations! This time, I decided to go with the Chipotle Chicken Mac, Tom got the Taco Mac, and Mom got the Memphis Mac (BBQ pulled pork and onion strings with swiss :worship:)

After our big lunch, we checked into the room and went our separate ways. This conference was for Dental Hygienists, so my mom compiled a lecture about special needs patients and techniques for treatment plans. So, Mom was off to give her 3-hour lecture, while Tom and I jumped into our swimsuits and hit the waterpark! We stayed at the waterpark until about 5 PM. Our favorite ride was the Master Blaster, which was like a water roller-coaster with water jets that shoot you super fast over hills! We also hit up the swim-up bar and shared an Otter Pop slush, which tasted exactly like a red, white and blue popsicle :love:

We were starving after swimming all day, so we got some treats to hold ourselves over until dinner. This was my adorable chocolate-covered Rice Krispie Treat!


Yes, I did take a bite first

Then, we showered, changed, and met my mom for a drink at the steakhouse in the Kalahari. She was with two of her co-workers who had traveled alone, so we ate dinner with them as well. I got a burger with deep-fried cheese curds, and it was delicious!

The Kalahari had an awesome sweets store, so we got some more treats to last us the weekend. Tom and I got cake batter truffles and an amazing chocolate chip cookie topped with Kit Kat's and M&Ms. I ate the whole thing for breakfast the next morning, no shame ::yes::

We were planning on going bowling later, since there was an alley in the Kalahari. But we were both so exhausted from our big day that we ended up just falling asleep at about 11:30!

The next morning, we were up early again! Mom was heading back home, but Tom and I were driving up to Green Bay! Why?


My family and I are huge Packer fans! Today, they were playing the Dallas Cowboys. We actually have season tickets and often sell our tickets to friends during the season. But, these tickets were given to Tom and I a long time ago. Because....

Tom is a Cowboys fan.


Seriously, where did I go wrong?? He grew up in Green Bay too, which makes it all the more puzzling to me! My parents love to give him crap about the Cowboys, since they had a bad track record last season. I was ready to rub it in his face when the Packers beat the Cowboys at Lambeau Field!



Well, whoever watched that game knows that didn't exactly happen. But like the great boyfriend he is, he was very respectful and didn't rub it in anybody's face. You can clearly see who the child is in the relationship :rotfl2:The game was so much fun despite the Packer's painful loss. It was Tom's first time seeing the Cowboys play in person, and I loved seeing his excitement. I don't think the smile left his face the whole game :goodvibes The most exciting part of the game happened when a Cowboy fan gave a wicked right hook to the Packer fan right in front of us! The Packer fan got a huge black eye, and the Cowboy fan was escorted out by security :scared1: Seriously people, it's just a game!!

It was a 3:30 PM game, so we were out of there by 6:30. We spent some time at Tom's friends house in Green Bay before driving back to Milwaukee. For dinner, we made buffalo chicken dip and watched the movie Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates. Then, we headed home and went to sleep after watching some TV. Tom drove back home the next morning when I left for work.

October 21-24

I definitely saved the most exciting weekend for last in my update! On Friday, I went to work like usual, then drove to the airport and boarded a flight at 7:45 PM. Where was I going??


I was sooooooo excited for this. My best friend Gabi's older sister Dani is getting married in December, and decided to have her bachelorette party in Las Vegas! As soon as I was invited, I knew that I had to go along. I had never been to Vegas before! I had also never flown/traveled by myself, so last weekend was full of new experiences. I could only take one day off work for this long weekend, and I decided to take Monday off rather than Friday, which meant that I needed to fly by myself. I was a little nervous, but for no reason; everything went off without a hitch!

I flew with Frontier airlines, which was extremely cheap but you definitely pay for what you get. The tray tables were really tiny and you had to pay for everything, including a carry-on bag and soda on the flight. Two girls that were college friends with Dani took the same flight out with me, so we met up at the airport and decided to all go in on a cab to the hotel. Our flight landed at 9:30 PM, and I was bouncing out of my seat!

There was a group of about 20 of us total for the bachelorette party. We stayed at the Rio All-Suites Hotel just one mile off the strip. I shared a room with my BFF Gabi, her cousin Kaley, and her mom. Pros: The rooms were huge and it was super cheap. Cons: the theming was underwhelming and it was off the Strip. Even though it was only a mile off, it seemed like a lot farther away. There was a free shuttle that left every 30 minutes to/from the Strip, but it ended up being more tedious than convenient. Since we had such a large group, we couldn't all fit on the shuttle at one time and ended up taking Ubers almost everywhere we went. That being said, the rooms were awesome and it worked well for our party! Next time I visit Vegas, however, I will be sure to fork over the extra money and stay on the Strip.

We arrived at the Rio at 10:30 PM, then quickly changed to head up to the Voodoo Lounge. The Voodoo Lounge was a rooftop bar on the 52nd floor of our hotel, and offered a panoramic view of the strip! It was sooo awesome!


We met up with everyone else (we were the last ones of the party to get in) and danced our little hearts out. The DJ was awesome and was playing all of our favorite jams. The adrenaline was definitely rushing and we were all having such a good time! I still couldn't believe that just a few hours earlier, I had been at work! We ended grabbing some fast food at the food court at about 1 AM and going to bed late! That's Vegas, baby!

The next day, we got up at about 8:45.


Not a bad view to wake up to!

We grabbed breakfast at Hash House a Go-Go in our hotel, and I ordered a huge pumpkin pancake! It was the size of a medium pizza!

After breakfast, we had some much-needed pool time. The weather was perfect, about 90 degrees but it didn't feel sticky. I loved that about Vegas; it was a nice dry heat and I never felt overheated. I even got some color!


At about 4:00, we went in the casino to play some slots. I put in a 20 and came out with $7 :cool: Not terrible, but I was not having much luck! But, you have to bet big to win big, and I am so conservative when it comes to gambling! We all got ID'ed about 20 times every day because we look so young :laughing: I don't like it, but my mom always tells me that I'll be happy about it when I'm older!

Once we had gambled for a bit, we decided to go upstairs and get ready for dinner. All 20 of us had reservations at Battista's Hole in the Wall, an Italian restaurant right by Bally's Hotel.


Gabi and I before heading out. BFF's take Vegas!

At dinner, we all had salad, pasta, and cappuccino for dessert. It was delicious! There was an adorable old man with an accordion that came to our table and serenaded us while we ate :love:

After our huge meal, we were starting to hit a wall, but we pushed through. We ended up walking over to the Encore Hotel to check out their club called XS. It was so awesome!! Both the Wynn and Encore are beautiful hotels. They reminded me a lot of the Contemporary actually! It would be awesome to stay there one day.

The club was packed, but very fun! I'm not much of a partier, so I was a bit shell-shocked at first. There was just so much to look at! Luckily, Gabi is laid-back like me, so we were happy just to keep things mellow and look around. Skrillex was DJ-ing, so it was really cool to see so many people cheering and dancing along.


We headed home at about 1:00, then crashed right into bed! We had a big day!

The next day, we woke up at around 9:00 and headed right over to the Strip. I was so excited to see the Strip in the daytime! I had heard so much about the cool themed hotels. Vegas reminds me very much of Disney World in that way! But instead of theme parks, there's casinos! :rotfl2:

We all headed over to the Aria Hotel to eat brunch at Todd English's. I ordered breakfast sliders and a Watermelon Mimosa with Pop Rocks on the rim!

After our yummy brunch, we went over to the Cosmopolitan Hotel to check things out and gamble.


It was so gorgeous in there! Definitely had more of a posh feeling than some of the other hotels.

I played some more machines, but didn't win anything! But, Gabi won $14 on a Friends machine, so that was really cool to watch! We then headed over to the Planet Hollywood Hotel so that some of the other girls could play Craps. I don't know how to play, so I just observed. The dealer was so fun and we were all getting super into it! One of the girls in our group ended up winning $125, but another girl lost $160 :earseek: It was so fun just watching, I think I would have burst into tears if I would have lost that much money!


Love this shot!

After our adventures on the Strip, we headed back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. This is where things kind of started to unravel. It took about an hour and a half to get back because of shuttle and Uber troubles. The traffic was ridiculous, however, so we couldn't really blame them. Then, we got ready for dinner, but some others in the group wanted to go Downtown Vegas for the night. We wanted to go back to the Strip, but nobody else did, so we ended up just kind of hanging out in the lobby for a bit trying to make plans. After about a half hour of mulling around, we finally made a plan!

We just had some Chinese stir-fry for dinner in the hotel. Then, Gabi, me, and the two girls I flew out with Ubered over the Linq hotel. We wanted to go on the High-Roller!


The High-Roller is the tallest observation wheel in the world! Before we embarked, we got some gelato at a little store and looked around the shops at the Linq. They even had a Sprinkles Cupcakes store! Then, we took our 30- minute journey on the High Roller!


This picture was taken at the highest point of the wheel. It was awesome! I love the Eiffel Tower on the right. The four of us had the whole pod to ourselves, so we could walk around and take as many pics as we wanted. It was such a great experience and provided some amazing views of the strip!

Then, we headed back to the hotel and went to sleep. We had been hitting it hard the past few days and desperately needed some shut-eye!

Monday (yesterday) morning, we woke up at 9. Departure day, wahhhhhhh :sad: I figured out that one more night would have been perfect! But, no worries, I didn't fly out until 11 PM that night! I still had a full day to enjoy Las Vegas.

We checked out of our room at 11 AM, and I took a cab over to the Harrah's hotel. Ironically, my sister Haley and her boyfriend Ryan were in Vegas at the same time and staying at Harrah's! My plan was to hang out with them all day, since everyone's else's flight out was at 4 PM. They were nice enough to let me store my luggage in their room until I left for the airport.

When I got to Harrah's, Haley, Ryan and I grabbed coffee at Starbucks while I waited for the bachelorette group to get to the Strip. At 12:30, they texted me saying they were over at the Linq hotel, so I headed on over!

It was pouring outside, so I took an Uber. We ended up staying at the Linq and gambling until they had to leave at 2:00. I lost $20 in blackjack, but made lots of memories learning how to play! There were definitely some tears when everybody left at 2:00; this weekend had been so fun and Dani was so happy the whole time!

After our tearful goodbye, I met Haley and Ryan over at Guy Fieri's restaurant for some lunch. They were here with some other friends because it was Haley's BFF's birthday. I ordered some salami and mozzarella breadstick dippers, and they were super yummy!

After lunch, we split up. Ryan went with the other friends to gamble, while Haley and I decided to check out some of the hotels on the Strip. The first stop was the Mirage! Haley and Ryan were seeing the Beatles: Love Cirque de Soleil show that night and she needed to buy tickets. I was soooooooooo jealous. That was my one regret of the trip: not seeing a show. But, with only 3 nights, there just wasn't enough time! Just another reason to come back I suppose :thumbsup2


Once she bought the tickets, we walked down the strip and peeked into the New York, New York Hotel, The Flamingo, and Caesar's Palace. They were all such cool hotels! We definitely preferred the North side of the Strip; the South end looked a bit sketchier. It would be so hard to choose a hotel on the Strip since they are all so unique in their own ways! I think I've narrowed my top choices down to Paris, Caesar's Palace, the Cosmopolitan and the Venetian!


NY, NY Hotel


The Flamingo


Caesar's Palace

We definitely got our exercise in walking up and down the strip! We got some treats at the Hershey's Store and headed back to Harrah's for a rest. We napped from 6:30-7:30 and just chilled out in the room until I left for the airport at 8:30. It was awesome to just have some quality sister bonding time in Vegas! My flight left at 11:05 PM last night, and I didn't get back until 4:30 this morning!! So, needless to say, today I took a four-hour nap and a long, hot shower!

And that brings us to today. I should have a Disney related update by the end of this week! Ta-Ta for now Disfriends! Hope you enjoyed reading about Molly's weekend adventures :goodvibes

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Oh my gosh! What a whirlwind weekend! I have never been to Vegas and currently have no interest. It definitely looks like fun for you younger people though (and I sound like a Granny just saying that! :rotfl:)

By the way, they TOTALLY ruined that Rice Krispie Treat (my favorite snack EVER!!) with the Gummy Bears :crazy2: :P
What a busy bee you have been! It's always nice having fun-filled weekends to look forward to!

So fun that you and your BF got to go to a game together! Funny enough I knew some people who went to that game as well! Half were Packers fans and half were Cowboys fan! I was rooting for GB and sad that they lost! Glad it was a good time though, and I'm sure it was exciting for your bf!

Ahh Vegas, one of my favorite places (after Disney of course)! I'm so glad you had such a fun time, it really is a great place!
Hey...I was at the Packers-Cowboys game too! Not too many Packers game that I leave at the end of 3 quarters, but that was one of them! Oh well....it was still a lot of fun!
I love Vegas! Was just there last year for my birthday. So glad you and your friends had a good time. I have to agree with you, if you go back you have to stay on the strip.

Looking forward to your next update.
I enjoyed your review of all your Oct. weekends, looked like lots of fun and like you had some great times :goodvibes Your mom is right about the fact that you'll be happy you look young and get when you get older. I got carded until I was in my mid-30's and I LOVED it! There was nothing sadder than the day I bought beer at our grocery store and instead of asking for my ID, the cashier simply overrode the system when it beeped looking for ID input :sad:
Oh my gosh! What a whirlwind weekend! I have never been to Vegas and currently have no interest. It definitely looks like fun for you younger people though (and I sound like a Granny just saying that! :rotfl:)

By the way, they TOTALLY ruined that Rice Krispie Treat (my favorite snack EVER!!) with the Gummy Bears :crazy2: :P

It was a complete blur! I have never flown out somewhere to only be there for 3 nights. It's funny you say that, because I was a bit nervous to go to Vegas (and I'm only 22)! Gambling's not really my thing and I'm not a partier, but it ended up being such a fun time. There's so much to do besides drinking and gambling; the shopping, restaurants and hotels are awesome!

And, I beg to differ..... The gummy bears made it SO MUCH BETTER!!! :laughing: :thumbsup2

What a busy bee you have been! It's always nice having fun-filled weekends to look forward to!

So fun that you and your BF got to go to a game together! Funny enough I knew some people who went to that game as well! Half were Packers fans and half were Cowboys fan! I was rooting for GB and sad that they lost! Glad it was a good time though, and I'm sure it was exciting for your bf!

Ahh Vegas, one of my favorite places (after Disney of course)! I'm so glad you had such a fun time, it really is a great place!

These weekends have definitely made my long weeks go by so much faster!

That's funny that you knew people who were at the game! Thanks for being on my side ;) It was very exciting for both of us, as it was our first NFL game. And I think that Vegas has turned into one of my new favorite places as well! Next time I go, I will have to make sure I check out a show and also see the Hoover Dam! Oh, and maybe fly out to Anaheim to check out DLR ::yes::

Hey...I was at the Packers-Cowboys game too! Not too many Packers game that I leave at the end of 3 quarters, but that was one of them! Oh well....it was still a lot of fun!

Haha, no way, what a coincidence! We managed to stay until the middle of Q4, but it was painful to do so :sad1: It was fun, however, and at least the weather was beautiful, right?! :thumbsup2

I love Vegas! Was just there last year for my birthday. So glad you and your friends had a good time. I have to agree with you, if you go back you have to stay on the strip.

Looking forward to your next update.

Wow, what an awesome way to celebrate your birthday! And that's my plan so far! But, like Disney, I feel like I want to stay at all of the hotels at some point!! :rotfl: Thanks for reading along :flower3:

I enjoyed your review of all your Oct. weekends, looked like lots of fun and like you had some great times :goodvibes Your mom is right about the fact that you'll be happy you look young and get when you get older. I got carded until I was in my mid-30's and I LOVED it! There was nothing sadder than the day I bought beer at our grocery store and instead of asking for my ID, the cashier simply overrode the system when it beeped looking for ID input :sad:

Thank you :) October was such a fun month!

Awwww, I suppose you and my mom are right! At the Wisconsin State Fair this year, I played the Fool The Guesser game. My mom told me to have him guess my birthday month or Weight, but I insisted on age. Turns out, he guessed me at 17, and I got to take home a stuffed unicorn :lmao:
Day 2: Part 4- “My Oh My, What a Wonderful Day!”

Hello there my friends! Sorry for the delay with this update, but things are finally starting to settle down. Although my busy October was a blast, I’m ready to just kind of chill out until Thanksgiving!


Where I last left off, Mom and I were just sitting down under the Frontierland guillotine to watch the Festival of Fantasy Parade! We caught some of the floats on our last trip, but we were on our way to a FP, so we didn’t see all of the parade. This was on my bucket list for the trip: watch the FoF Parade!

Our spots were pretty perfect, because we could sit down but still have a great view of the floats. We have lots of pictures at home of Haley and I trapped in that guillotine :rotfl:

At about 3:05, the parade finally started! Be prepared for lots of pictures!



Ahhhh, the amazing Flynn Rider :love: Mid-salute, of course!


Ariel just lovin’ life!



Tink being adorable as usual!



I was very proud of this picture! When I managed to capture Maleficent mid-fire, I let out a squeal of delight! But, my mom turned to me all worried and thought that I was scared :lmao:




Had to get the big cheese himself!

Overall, the Festival of Fantasy Parade was superb! Although I miss the catchy music of Celebrate a Dream Come True, FoF surpasses that parade in almost every other aspect. All of the costumes and floats were so intricate, not to mention cool (Flynn swinging on a pendulum, a fire-breathing dragon)! Mom and I were really glad that we took the time to sit down and watch it. Last trip, we were rushing to and from everything and trying to get on every ride we could. This trip, we vowed to be more leisurely and try to step back and just enjoy the magic pixiedust:

After the parade, we headed towards Frontierland. We had a FP to catch! Any guesses where?


That’s right! Molly’s favorite ride in all of WDW. I was so pumped to finally get on Splash Mountain! After all, it had been a whole year since I had last ridden it! :tongue:

As you can see in the picture, the clouds were looking pretty nasty. We weren’t too worried though, since full logs were still coming down the mountain! We cashed in our FP’s and got in line at 3:30.

The line went by pretty fast, but hit a standstill once we got to the upstairs part. Then, we started to see people exiting the line. Uh oh! You guessed it, the ride was closed for inclement weather approaching :sad: I knew that we could get another FP for it later, so I approached a CM at the end of the line for information.

I saw him give the 3 women before me some paper FPs for Splash Mountain, so I asked if I could also get some since our FPs were already cashed. He told me no, and that I could just come back later and get another FP for the ride without a problem. I was a bit suspicious, so I asked another CM, and she told me the same thing. I mentioned to the lady CM about the women in front of me, and she told me that they must have been getting a paper FP for a different ride, and that they were not doing paper FPs for Splash. Both relieved and confused, Mom and I strolled towards Adventureland to pass some time while Splash Mountain was down.

Once we arrived in Adventureland, our tummies started rumbling. We weren’t feeling Dole Whips quite yet, so we got these beauties instead!


A Disney classic! Please excuse the lack of ears and the chocolate on my face :mickeybar

Mickey bars in hand, we made a beeline for Pirates of the Caribbean. We were itching to ride this, since it was closed for refurbishment on last year’s trip! The line was 45 minutes, which was pretty standard for today. Definitely more crowded than we were used to in September! The line went by fast, since we had our snacks! Helpful Disney Hint: Always have snacks if you are waiting in a long line :thumbsup2 This was the second time this trip that a sweet treat made a wait fly by!

We met a family in line that was from Tampa, and they spent the entire line raving about how we should go to Busch Gardens. No joke, a direct quote from the mom stated: “Y’all, Busch Gardens is SO much funner than Disney World!” I was THIS close to making that quote my TR title, but I didn’t want any Disney fans coming at me with their torches and pitchforks :stir:

Soon enough, we were boarding our boat! Ahhhh, I missed this ride so much. The smell on Pirates of the Caribbean is one of my absolute favorite Disney smells! There’s just one smell that I prefer over it, and you’ll learn about it later in the TR :cutie:

While looking in the dump shop after the ride, I checked MDE and noticed that Splash Mountain was up again! Yay! We walked on over to Frontierland to check it out, and headed straight for the FP entrance.

We scanned our bands, and the girl working the entrance gave Mom and I a dirty look, stating “Ma’am, you’ve already used your fastpass for this attraction. Please exit the line.” I got a bit frazzled, stating, “Well that was when the ride broke down, and a CM told me I could just come back through the FP line again once it got fixed.” She gave me a small snicker and said, “That’s not how it works, you should have gotten a paper fastpass.”

OH HECK NO! :furious: Usually I’m not one to throw fits, but I was not pleased. Especially because I like to consider myself a Disney connoisseur, and she was treating me like I didn’t even know what a fastpass was! So, I marched straight up to the male CM that I talked to before and (calmly) exclaimed our predicament. He played dumb at first, but eventually told us we could go back through the FP line. I didn’t want to sound like a brat, but we had FPs for Splash and were told by 2 different CMs that we didn’t need paper FPs to come back! Yikes!

The FP drama aside, we were finally on my favorite ride of all time :cloud9: It’s just as charming as I remember it! It’s funny, because Song of the South is such a random, obsolete Disney movie, yet one of WDW’s most popular rides is based off of it!

After getting wet (but not soaked), Mom and I took a look in the gift shop. I definitely wanted to buy something this vacation that was Splash Mountain themed! I was looking for a phone case in particular, but sadly had no luck. :charac2:

But, I found an adorable t shirt that I just had to have!


If you guys are wondering, it’s actually a children’s size XL :cool2: Children’s XL shirts fit me better than Adult smalls, because I have a really short torso and petite shoulders. I love this shirt and have already worn it so many times! While buying the shirt and filling out the form to send it back to the GF, we talked to the two CM’s working the cash register. They were about my age and just starting their semester in the College Program! We could tell, because things were moving a bit slow, but we didn’t mind it at all and actually really enjoyed chatting with them about the DCP :goodvibes

When we walked outside, we knew that it was about to rain in a matter of minutes. So, we made a split-second decision to take the train to our next destination! Where were we going? You’ll have to find out in the next update ;)

Coming Up Next- Day 2: Part 5: “That Wasn’t Flying, That Was Falling With Style!”

I was very proud of this picture! When I managed to capture Maleficent mid-fire, I let out a squeal of delight!
It's not that easy to do, but so satisfying when you get it!

This trip, we vowed to be more leisurely and try to step back and just enjoy the magic
I've been trying to take things easy each trip. It really does make for an enjoyable trip. You just have to put the thoughts and panic out of your mind that "OMG, I am missing a chance to ride this or see that".

Please excuse the lack of ears and the chocolate on my face
It's perfectly acceptable for the following reasons:
1. you're at Disney
2. everybody knows the ears taste better :-)

“Y’all, Busch Gardens is SO much funner than Disney World!”
Ironically spoken while standing in a line at Disney World. I would have had to do some serious tongue biting in that situation!

I didn’t want to sound like a brat, but we had FPs for Splash and were told by 2 different CMs that we didn’t need paper FPs to come back! Yikes!
I would have been similarly stressed and upset by the situation. I've never (yet) experienced missing a FP because of weather, but I'll certainly be looking for a paper FP if it ever happens.
Ahhhhh…Splash Mountain! That's our favorite ride too! When we went in 2010, there was still paper fast passes and we went on about 20 times that trip! Since the changeover to FP+, that just isn't possible anymore, but we still manage 5-6 rides per trip. I love your shirt, and you're lucky you can fir into children's sizes because they are usually less expensive!

I'm guessing you went over to the Big Top area and rode :dumbo:
You've definitely had a fun October! That's great you were able to make it to Vegas for the bachelorette party.

Really nice pictures from Festival of Fantasy Parade! That's quickly become my favorite parade.

I would be pretty irate over the fastpass deal at Splash Mountain. I'm glad you were able to ride it anyway.
I was super behind but I am all caught up now! Looooove your FoF pics! That's one of the things I am most excited to see on my upcoming trip because it wasn't there yet the last time I was in WDW! I have looked at so many pics and videos of it though and I am so excited to see it in person :lovestruc

Also, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Vegas pics! My boyfriend and I LOVE Vegas! We plan on getting married there next October at the Aria :cloud9:

We stayed at The Venetian last time and I HIGHLY recommend it...it's a GORGEOUS hotel and the rooms are so nice! Their smallest room is still a suite and has plenty of room. It's worth the money!
We will probably stay at Aria next time since we plan on getting married there, seems logical :magnify:

Sounds like you had a very busy October! Glad things have settled down for you! Looking forward to the next installment :goodvibes
I'm glad you were able to catch the parade! It's such an awesome parade. Great pictures and woo hoo for catching the dragon mid-fire!

Mickey Bars make everything better :)

I haven't been on Pirates in what seems like forever! I hope to remedy that in a few days :)

Ugh what a disaster using your FP for Splash! I would have been pissed too! I'm glad you were able to get on it finally, and I love the shirt you bought!
It's not that easy to do, but so satisfying when you get it!

I've been trying to take things easy each trip. It really does make for an enjoyable trip. You just have to put the thoughts and panic out of your mind that "OMG, I am missing a chance to ride this or see that".

It's perfectly acceptable for the following reasons:
1. you're at Disney
2. everybody knows the ears taste better :-)

Ironically spoken while standing in a line at Disney World. I would have had to do some serious tongue biting in that situation!

I would have been similarly stressed and upset by the situation. I've never (yet) experienced missing a FP because of weather, but I'll certainly be looking for a paper FP if it ever happens.

It was hard at times to just slow down this trip, but totally worth it since we were not too tired or burnt out by the end. I remember how miserable we both were last year at Disney Springs on our last day. We were both so tired, hot, and sad that we were leaving! That's why we had to do more Disney Springs this trip to get the bad impression out of our heads!! :rotfl2:

We had to bite our tongues so bad! We had a good laugh about it once we were separated in line! Hey, if I am ever lucky enough to go to Disney for something like 2 weeks long, maybe I will make a day to go to Busch Gardens! (oh, who am I kidding, that will never happen!) :rotfl:

Yes, please make sure you get a paper FP! It all worked out in the end, but the thought of having to wait in the standby line after having a FP would have made me rage-y!

:rotfl: this is too funny

Haha, my mom, always looking out for me :thumbsup2

Ahhhhh…Splash Mountain! That's our favorite ride too! When we went in 2010, there was still paper fast passes and we went on about 20 times that trip! Since the changeover to FP+, that just isn't possible anymore, but we still manage 5-6 rides per trip. I love your shirt, and you're lucky you can fir into children's sizes because they are usually less expensive!

I'm guessing you went over to the Big Top area and rode :dumbo:

Ahhhh, Splash Mountain 20x per trip sounds like heaven :goodvibes And yes children sizes are definitely the way to go if you can do it! I have a pair of children's shoes (I'm a size 6 1/2) from Target that are identical to an adult pair, but $10 cheaper!

You are close! We did get off at Storybook Circus but didn't ride Dumbo again!!

You've definitely had a fun October! That's great you were able to make it to Vegas for the bachelorette party.

Really nice pictures from Festival of Fantasy Parade! That's quickly become my favorite parade.

I would be pretty irate over the fastpass deal at Splash Mountain. I'm glad you were able to ride it anyway.

Thanks! :flower1: I'm glad that the FP deal was all straightened out, or else it would have put a sour taste in our mouths about FP+. We would have been forced to go to guest services, which we NEVER do!!

I was super behind but I am all caught up now! Looooove your FoF pics! That's one of the things I am most excited to see on my upcoming trip because it wasn't there yet the last time I was in WDW! I have looked at so many pics and videos of it though and I am so excited to see it in person :lovestruc

Also, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your Vegas pics! My boyfriend and I LOVE Vegas! We plan on getting married there next October at the Aria :cloud9:

We stayed at The Venetian last time and I HIGHLY recommend it...it's a GORGEOUS hotel and the rooms are so nice! Their smallest room is still a suite and has plenty of room. It's worth the money!
We will probably stay at Aria next time since we plan on getting married there, seems logical :magnify:

Sounds like you had a very busy October! Glad things have settled down for you! Looking forward to the next installment :goodvibes

Thank you!! :) The FoF is so awesome in person, all of the little details are so stunning and well thought-out!

Ahhhh, congratulations!! :cutie: What an awesome place to get married! The Aria is so sophisticated and gorgeous, I loved the little bit of it that I saw. The Venetian is definitely one of my top choices and I'm so jealous that you got to stay there!

Thanks for reading along! I'm excited to hear about your upcoming trip as well girl! :banana:

I'm glad you were able to catch the parade! It's such an awesome parade. Great pictures and woo hoo for catching the dragon mid-fire!

Mickey Bars make everything better :)

I haven't been on Pirates in what seems like forever! I hope to remedy that in a few days :)

Ugh what a disaster using your FP for Splash! I would have been pissed too! I'm glad you were able to get on it finally, and I love the shirt you bought!

Thank you!! I'm usually not much of a photographer, but I knew that this trip I needed to take more pictures in order to properly write my trip report! Not only is it so much fun to write to you guys, it's also like a virtual photo album that I can just go back to to re-live the trip :cloud9:

Very true about the Mickey Bars! :mickeybar

OMG girl I hope you have so much fun on your trip!!! Please write a TR after! I can't wait to hear all about your adventures :)
Day 2: Part 5- “That Wasn’t Flying, That Was Falling With Style!”

Hello Disfriends! Where I last left off, Mom and I were boarding the train at Frontierland to get to our next destination! We had a very specific area of the park in mind: Tomorrowland!

Now, I know what you’re probably thinking: Tomorrowland doesn’t have a train stop!! But, we figured that a quicker way to get there would be to take the train to Storybook Circus, then walk the rest of the way to Tomorrowland. As soon as we boarded the train, it started to rain, so this proved to be a good choice! :thumbsup2 My mom especially loves the Walt Disney World railroad. We always try to ride it at least once a trip! It was cool to see all of the vintage decorations that they have over Frontierland, like the teepees and fake deer.

By the time we reached Storybook Circus, the drizzle had turned into a pretty moderate rain. We decided to just book it to Tomorrowland and save our ponchos in case it started to monsoon later! (Spoiler Alert: it did :crazy2:).

Since the rain looked like it wasn’t slowing down anytime soon, we opted for an indoor attraction: Carousel of Progress! Both Mom and I had just ridden Carousel of Progress for the first time in 2015 and loved it, so we definitely knew that this was a must-do on our first full day.


With all of the flashy, thrilling rides in WDW, Carousel of Progress is a breath of fresh air. It is one of those rides that I really feel Walt’s “vision” of Disney World, and only a few other attractions give me that same feeling (those being: Spaceship Earth, Splash Mountain, The People Mover, Philharmagic, It’s a Small World, and Wishes). Plus, “It’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” is soooo catchy!

After taking a trip through the decades, we walked outside to more rain. The line for Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin was only about 20 minutes, so we hopped in the queue! In line, a man tapped me on the shoulder and asked where I got my Dumbo Magic Slider from. After I told him, he said, “Thanks! It’s for my wife, but she was too much of a chicken to ask you herself!” :rotfl:


Buzz looks fed up with all of the toys in his line.

Soon enough, we reached the front of the queue! I was ready to redeem myself. I am notoriously TERRIBLE at Buzz, but I did some research before the trip and knew where all of the highest- scoring targets were. And….




My mom crushed me. AGAIN! :sad2: I am so ashamed of this score, haha! I don’t know how Mom does it. She just has naturally good aim I guess! I’m also not sure why I am so bad at Buzz, I blamed it on my gun being defective :lmao: Pathetic, I know!

After a painful loss at Buzz (and some bragging from my mom), we walked back outside into the rain. It was a pretty steady downpour, and the puddles were getting huge and hard to avoid. I had picked the wrong day to wear tennis shoes with socks! Trying to avoid the rain as much as possible, Mom and I decided to do the People Mover next! We love the People Mover, so it didn’t take much convincing :goodvibes



What a wonderful, leisurely ride! It was super nice to be out of the rain while watching it pour down outside. I could ride this on a loop for about an hour if it was possible! It’s very calming, and once again gives me a sense of what Walt wanted for WDW :earboy2:



Views from the People Mover!

Once we disembarked, it was time to head over to Fantasyland to use our last FP+ of the day: Peter Pan’s Flight! Since it was now raining like cats and dogs, we decided to finally break out our ponchos. And we were not happy about it :sad1:


We had planned for this to be our first ride of the day, but changed the times last-minute so that we could sleep in after our late night. It felt good to finally ride one of the classics! My socks were absolutely soaked from the rain, so I took my socks and shoes off while on the ride to air my feet out a little. Gross, I know, but it felt SO uncomfortable to have wet feet in socks and tennis shoes! I told my mom that I was getting trench foot from the rain, and she cracked up laughing and called me a drama queen :rolleyes:

Even though Peter Pan’s Flight isn’t the most technologically advanced ride, it is one of the first rides I remember riding as a 6 year old. It has a special place in my heart because of it :lovestruc I really wish that It's a Small World was open this trip, because that also holds one of my earliest Disney memories!

Shortly after, we returned from Neverland and set off in search of something to eat. We have pretty much tried all of the QS in Magic Kingdom, minus a few places. So, the few places that we hadn’t tried were our choices this trip! I read off the QS options from MDE, and once I saw a certain place, we knew that was where we had to eat. And we chose…

The Friar’s Nook! Warm mac and cheese just made sense with the cold, rainy weather. It was absolutely deserted, so we got our food right away and sat down at the counter underneath the roof. I ordered the Pot Roast Mac and Cheese, while Mom ordered the Barbeque Chicken Mac and Cheese, and we both got hot chocolate to drink. Comfort food was just what we needed to warm us up!


While eating, Mom and I discussed our plans. We decided to book a 4th FP for Winnie the Pooh from 11:25-12:00, but we were worried because of the rain. We knew that at this point, the rain wouldn’t let up, and I was nervous that it might affect the parade/fireworks schedule. After finishing our dinner (which was delicious), we walked up to the nearest CM to confirm the night’s schedule.

Well, sure enough, the 9:00 PM showing of the Main Street Electrical Parade was cancelled! :sad: I was so disappointed, especially because the MSEP was leaving WDW in less than a month! But, at least we still had the 11:00 parade to hope for. It was about 8:40 at this point, and Mom and I weren’t sure what to do. Should we wait out the rain? Should we just head back to the GF and catch the fireworks from the comfort of our hotel? Should we stay inside and just shop at MK for the rest of the night??

What did we choose? You’ll have to find out next update! :smickey:

Coming Up Next- Day 2: Part 6- “Sometimes Castles Fall to the Ground, But That’s Where Four Leaf Clovers are Found!”

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Nice review. Glad you got to ride splash with your FP+! We also love people mover and buzz. My daughter will not tell me how she does it but she gets the 999,999 almost every ride! Impressed with your mom's score, mine is more like yours. Rain stinks in MK the walkways flood fast!
With all of the flashy, thrilling rides in WDW, Carousel of Progress is a breath of fresh air. It is one of those rides that I really feel Walt’s “vision” of Disney World,
I like CoP too, but I haven't seen it since 2008. That's was my first trip with my wife and step-daughter. Unfortunately my wife thought it was boring ( :sad2: ) so we haven't been back. But I need to do it again. I'd like to see what my step-daughter thinks of it now at 16 and my youngest hasn't even seen it.

Even though Peter Pan’s Flight isn’t the most technologically advanced ride, it is one of the first rides I remember riding as a 6 year old.
My first trip was when I was 9 and I was amazed at flying over London.

I really wish that It's a Small World was open this trip, because that also holds one of my earliest Disney memories!
It's a Small World gets a bad rap from some, but I like it. It actually the first ride my family does on each trip. To us it just means "we're at Disney" and it's a great way to start off a trip.

I ordered the Pot Roast Mac and Cheese, while Mom ordered the Barbeque Chicken Mac and Cheese, and we both got hot chocolate to drink. Comfort food was just what we needed to warm us up!
I haven't tried the special Mac & cheese but they look good. Yet another thing to put on my "need to try" list!
I'm also the worst at Buzz :sad2: But I make up for it at the Men In Black ride at Universal. I blame the guns too! :laughing:
Ugh I am horrible at Buzz! I'm much better at TSMM, not sure why.
I HATE putting a poncho on :mad: Especially when it's hot and muggy because they make you feel hotter and muggier and just......gross. But I think wet socks and sneakers are worse lol.
I'm not a Big Mac n Cheese person but something about the M&C at Friar's Nook intrigues me :scratchin Was it honestly that good?


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