East Meets West: A WDW Resident's First Visit to the Land [COMPLETE!]

I've met lots and lots of Dales at Goofy's over the years but it sounds like you got one who may have been a stand-up comedian in disguise (not to mention surprisingly articulate for a chipmunk)!:rotfl2:

Your Dale was more amusing than any of the Dales who have moseyed up to my various tables. I think the funniest Dale I met drew a circle on my paper tablecloth and wrote "Chip" inside...and then drew a diagonal line through it, as if to say "No Chip"!:rotfl2: But I think I like the comments your Dale scribbled down much better! How funny!:rotfl2: Those Chipmunks are feisty!

I can't recall which of the chipmunks it was, but our very own DIS'er Belle Ella (Jessica) had an adorable experience with Chip or Dale on her first visit to Goofy's Kitchen. She can jump in here and tell the tale but, basically, she was cold and probably shivering while sitting at her table. Said chipmunk on duty noticed this and brought out a tablecloth (the real thing, not paper) for her to wrap around her shoulders!:cutie: I think that is the cutest and sweetest thing ever!

About the eggs at Goofy's....you know, the eggs are something I eat every time I dine there, out of necessity. Literally, there has not been one meal I've had at GK that has not included eggs - because I need an obscene dose of protein in the morning to keep my blood sugar from going crazy, especially if I plan to have a long day in the parks. So whether the eggs are having a good day or a bad day, I eat 'em because I have to!

That said, there have definitely been random days scattered over the last couple of decades when the eggs tasted 'off' or weird. I can't explain the taste now, but I know I was thinking at the time, "Ew...what's wrong with these eggs?" There have been some batches I've seen that looked a bit too liquidy. Some were too mushy. Some batches are definitely better than others.

But when the chefs put out a good batch o' eggs, they are usually really good. In fact, the last time my friend and I ate there (December of last year), she actually went back for seconds and thirds of the eggs because they were particularly yummy that day. That was the first time I've ever seen her go back for more helpings of eggs and nothing else! So my assumption is that the egg issue (at any of the character meals, most likely) is hit and miss. Depending on who the chef is in the kitchen on any given day, maybe the quality can decline!:rotfl2:

The Goofy's bacon, however, is almost always delicious!

I must say, considering where you were seated at Goofy's and the potential for weird lighting issues in that location, your photos have much better clarity and lighting than some I've seen. For some reason, I always hate the lighting in most Goofy's photos (and in many of the Minnie & Friends photos I've seen too), but yours came out sans weird lighting!:rotfl2:

I'm looking forward to the next installment on Tuesday!:yay:
Love your review so far. I am eager to read more since we will be heading to DL for the first time next Feb.:wizard:
It was fun to read about your experience at Goofy's Kitchen. I have had such a blast each time I've eaten there - and Dale has usually been a big reason behind it! I always tend to get the most interaction out of 'him' than any other character and I love it. Heck, my favorite GK moment was when Dale brought me out a tablecloth to use as a coat since I left my sweater behind on accident and I get very, very, very cold when I eat. Fun times, fun times. I like to hear when other love GK. I'm a big supporter, just like Sherry.
Great TR so far. You're lucky living in the east and visiting the west, such an advantage for getting up early. Goofy's looked delicious and fun. I'm not a fan of scrambled eggs really in the first place, so typically buffet ones don't even get a second look from me.
It was fun to read about your experience at Goofy's Kitchen. I have had such a blast each time I've eaten there - and Dale has usually been a big reason behind it! I always tend to get the most interaction out of 'him' than any other character and I love it. Heck, my favorite GK moment was when Dale brought me out a tablecloth to use as a coat since I left my sweater behind on accident and I get very, very, very cold when I eat. Fun times, fun times. I like to hear when other love GK. I'm a big supporter, just like Sherry.

Jessica -

Okay, so it was Dale who brought you the tablecloth! I wasn't sure if you would see my explanation of your tablecloth experience in my previous post and answer the question of which chipmunk it was!:rotfl2: I couldn't remember! But as I mentioned, that is an adorable story of how Dale wanted you to be warm! It still warms my heart (no pun intended) to this day!
Haha, no I hadn't read your reply Sherry - kind of doing a skimming thing today outside of the TR posts so I can try and comment on them all before I run out of time - but looks like I read your mind. It just means that Dale is all kinds of awesome and now we have another annecdote to prove it!
Haha, no I hadn't read your reply Sherry - kind of doing a skimming thing today outside of the TR posts so I can try and comment on them all before I run out of time - but looks like I read your mind. It just means that Dale is all kinds of awesome and now we have another annecdote to prove it!

You read my mind or somehow sensed that I mentioned you!

It seems that Dale is quickly becoming the breakout star of Goofy's Kitchen, stealing Goofy's thunder along the way. (I'm still laughing at the "I have no culinary skills" comment scribbled on OrcaPotter's tablecloth!:rotfl2:)

Soon there will be throngs of groupies showing up for GK Dale, all sitting in a special Dale section of the restaurant!:rotfl2: Is the Dale at Minnie & Friends nearly this popular and fun? I know Critter Breakfast Dale is not quite as playful.
I was wondering if you ever got around to doing a report on the hotel?
Im supposed to stay there next month so im interested in all the info I can get. :)
Enjoying every little detail of your trip report and anxiously waiting for the next installment! I also appreciate that you are not really comparing WDW to DLR. Like "At WDW this is better and that is better" sort of thing. Though it is a shame you guys missed Fantasmic! while you were there since I've heard it's a little different. That is my all time favorite, too! :)
I was very excited to find your TR, because I too am quite familiar with WDW but am making my first trip to DL in October. So I am doing MY research. I am also flying into LAX, thanks to a direct flight at a decent price coming up about the time I got very tired of agonizing over fares. I will be there for MHP, so I am tickled about that. I am staying at the big Marriott, because I will be there for a teacher's conference and am just tagging on to satisfy my Disney love! So I feel like your TR will help me be prepared to get the most out of my trip. I went ahead and got a 6 day pass right before the prices went up. I may not use it all, but I want to be able to go down to the parks for at least a few hours after the conference finishes for the day. (And the difference in price was so small it seemed silly not to get more days.)
I am really enjoying the report, and look forward to the next installment and hearing about your first day in the parks.
Great start to the trip report!
The Fairfield Inn looks very relaxing with their recent remodle.
I really love Anaheim and Downtown Disney early in the morning, so peaceful and just has that "smell" that long time D-Lander's know what I'm talking ing about. It just says, I'm at Disneyland, when you open up your hotel room door!:lovestruc
I enjoyed the pics walking over. You appear to be a very agressive driver on the Tomorrowland Speedway, did you end up relaxing on Autopia?

I was left wishing I could have some buffet scrambled eggs.
... Your Dale was more amusing than any of the Dales who have moseyed up to my various tables. I think the funniest Dale I met drew a circle on my paper tablecloth and wrote "Chip" inside...and then drew a diagonal line through it, as if to say "No Chip"!:rotfl2: But I think I like the comments your Dale scribbled down much better! How funny!:rotfl2: Those Chipmunks are feisty!

I can't recall which of the chipmunks it was, but our very own DIS'er Belle Ella (Jessica) had an adorable experience with Chip or Dale on her first visit to Goofy's Kitchen. She can jump in here and tell the tale but, basically, she was cold and probably shivering while sitting at her table. Said chipmunk on duty noticed this and brought out a tablecloth (the real thing, not paper) for her to wrap around her shoulders!:cutie: I think that is the cutest and sweetest thing ever!

About the eggs at Goofy's....you know, the eggs are something I eat every time I dine there, out of necessity. Literally, there has not been one meal I've had at GK that has not included eggs - because I need an obscene dose of protein in the morning to keep my blood sugar from going crazy, especially if I plan to have a long day in the parks. So whether the eggs are having a good day or a bad day, I eat 'em because I have to!

... I must say, considering where you were seated at Goofy's and the potential for weird lighting issues in that location, your photos have much better clarity and lighting than some I've seen. For some reason, I always hate the lighting in most Goofy's photos (and in many of the Minnie & Friends photos I've seen too), but yours came out sans weird lighting!:rotfl2

That's funny about Dale stealing the show there! Clearly they enjoy their job in Goofy's Kitchen ;) I've also got a story about Chip, too, so who knows ... it might be Chip & Dale's Kitchen before long! :rotfl:

I hate my eggs wet, and they certainly were that day. Granted, most buffet scrambled eggs tend to be that way. I like them better made-to-order and as dry as you can get them. The bacon on the other hand ... ah, tasty tasty protein!

I'm glad you're enjoying the TR so far!

It was fun to read about your experience at Goofy's Kitchen. I have had such a blast each time I've eaten there - and Dale has usually been a big reason behind it! I always tend to get the most interaction out of 'him' than any other character and I love it. Heck, my favorite GK moment was when Dale brought me out a tablecloth to use as a coat since I left my sweater behind on accident and I get very, very, very cold when I eat. Fun times, fun times. I like to hear when other love GK. I'm a big supporter, just like Sherry.

Haha, that's funny that you're both on the same wavelength, and that's so cute about Dale taking care of you like that! I got the impression that the attention to guests at GK is easier on the characters since the restaurant didn't appear that big. And especially when the place isn't full! I'm definitely a GK fan now :goodvibes

I was wondering if you ever got around to doing a report on the hotel?
Im supposed to stay there next month so im interested in all the info I can get. :)

Ask and ye shall receive! I got that up today: Here. You'll like it, I'm sure. It was a very nice hotel.

Enjoying every little detail of your trip report and anxiously waiting for the next installment! I also appreciate that you are not really comparing WDW to DLR. Like "At WDW this is better and that is better" sort of thing. Though it is a shame you guys missed Fantasmic! while you were there since I've heard it's a little different. That is my all time favorite, too! :)

I think all my research prepared me to approach DL from the perspective of a "different experience" and so I made a conscious effort to not be in a constant state of comparison. Of course, it was natural to do it at first, but it was more like noting the differences and similarities as they were--and not as a positive or negative. There was very little that I felt "I like this better at ..." I love both resorts for different reasons! And yeah, it would've been nice to try and see Fantasmic there, but our focus was primarily on doing stuff not at WDW. Perhaps on our next trip!

I enjoyed the pics walking over. You appear to be a very agressive driver on the Tomorrowland Speedway, did you end up relaxing on Autopia?

I'm not sure I'm an "aggressive" driver on the Speedway (I seldom ride it) but the Autopia was a more engaging experience for sure!
I'm glad so many are enjoying my TR! Hopefully it can provide tips and such for those of you who are still planning your visits. Thanks so much for reading!

I left the last post in the middle of our Goofy's Kitchen breakfast. Again I must reiterate how pleased I was that I had arranged this experience to begin our vacation, because it was perfect. It put us in the Disney mood and got us even more excited to enter Disneyland for the first time. Normally, however, I am not a big breakfast person. I have a sensitive stomach (clearly) and I have to be careful about what, how much, and how fast I eat early in the morning. Especially considering what had happened the night before, I definitely took my time and went easy on what I ate. As it was, I only went up to the buffet twice. I wish I had gone more but hey, it's not good to force yourself and risk any problems.

By the time Chip reached us, we also let him know about my review on Goofy's cooking. When I asked if he and the others help him out, this was his response:


I don't remember exactly how the rest of our "conversation" went, but Chip implied that he was the one "in charge" in the kitchen. I told him that Goofy should pay him more, and perhaps Chip should declare himself the manager. This plan pleased Chip and before we knew it, I was giving Chip business plans for his ultimate takeover of the kitchen!

My adorable pup, Pluto, was a dog of few words ... but he spoke volumes:



Again, the restaurant focused solely on Dixie's birthday--which was great, but I was a little bummed not a word was said about my graduation. The Mad Hatter had walked over just before the waitresses came out with a cupcake, candle, and celebration button for her. Everybody, including the Hatter, sang "happy birthday." This Mad Hatter was really good; he had his character down pat. We all talked about unbirthdays and hats; he admired mine and wanted to know why I had a giant orange "F" on the front. I told him it was for Florida because I had just graduated with my master's from the University of Florida. At least the Hatter was impressed! :lmao:




:smickey: DL vs. WDW Observation: In Florida, we're serious about our university sports. Particularly football. And you're either a Gator's fan, or a Seminole's fan (Florida State University). My undergrad alum, University of Central Florida (UCF) is trying hard to build up the same sort of fanbase now that their football team is winning more often, but it's pretty much just the two big rivals: UF vs. FSU. In Central Florida in particular, the Gators have more obvious support. And it's never more apparent than when you're at WDW. Gator paraphernalia is everywhere and one time Dixie and I laughed because within the span of 3 minutes standing in one spot, we counted over a dozen Gator fans walking by. So it was kinda eerie that there I was in Disney parks and I was not only the only person wearing Gators (hat and bag) but no one knew what school the "F" stood for! So then we tried to notice if DLR visitors supported their CA teams, and saw very little sports related paraphernalia from CA teams! There was more out-of-state support, and primarily from states in the mid-west.

The Mad Hatter was our last visitor. The family next to us, who were seated after we were, had already long left. We noted how much of a waste that was, as they only saw maybe 3 or 4 characters before they left. Perhaps they were in a hurry to get to the parks, but honestly, for the price charged, you should plan your character breakfast for a day you're not wanting to be at rope drop. With DL open as late as it was, we felt no pressure to be there the moment the park opened. We are not "theme park warriors" and approached our visit with the concept of focusing on what we knew was different.

Only, we had a problem. Yup, another mishap! It was Dixie's turn to feel ill :sick: A combination of jetlag and heavy food eaten too quickly was not sitting well with her. Knowing full well what she was going through, myself and the others had no problem waiting. We hung at our table as long as we could, then decided to try walking to see if that would help. Only at this point, we did not receive any GK buttons! Now, I only knew about the buttons because of the DIS, and I had expected them to be presented to us or something. But no. I went up to the front desk and asked, and the CM checked to "see if [she] had any left." Fortunately she did, and new buttons adorned, we made our way back to DTD and toward DL.

By the time we were halfway through DTD, however, Dixie had to stop. We let her rest in the shade, while we sat and marveled at the weather (as it was so far) and how light the early morning crowds were. As we waited, we noted more and more people arriving. We didn't want to upset Dixie; I know I remained very patient and let the anticipation of entering DL for the first time build.


We stared at the flowers a lot

When Dixie was ready, we were on our way again. To put it delicately, Dixie ultimately had to do what I almost had to do the night before. Fortunately, she felt a million times better after, and we all declared that the two of us had met our illness quota for the week. We were afraid that since the illnesses were intensifying, someone would lose a limb before we left for home!

But by then, the moment had come ... we were actually lining up to enter Disneyland for the very first time!

By the time we reached the entrance, quite a crowd had formed and massed in front of all the turnstiles. We're used at WDW to cast member-only entrances, but the gates at our parks are also much bigger. Still, we didn't wait that long. No fingerprint identification here! It's done the old-fashioned way with manual input and hand stamps. I never did get why you needed your hand stamped to park hop if you had a ticket, but whatever. (I remember always admiring the Epcot handstamp in the bathroom back in the day).

Once we were through, there we were, where it all began!



Obligatory entrance photo! It's never been more important than at that time!

Now begins the real feeling of dream walking: That state where everything feels the same but is different at the same time. Now begins the art of photographing while walking! This begins with the sign above the train bridge tunnel:


We immediately headed for City Hall for our first visit (and my graduation) buttons. Looking around Main Street for the first time, despite all the similarities it still felt different. You could feel it. There was an "oldness" to it ... but not in a negative way. More like visiting a grandparent's house, where everything feels lived in and filled with memories. The charm was noticeable even then. Disneyland already, at the very front of the park, felt locked in time. The atmosphere was different; it was grand and filled with integrity--not stripped to the bones and filled with an empty need to make a buck. You could really feel Walt here ... and it was a dream state, all right. A dream belonging to Walt that he continues to share with everyone who enters his little park. I looked up at his apartment over the fire house and felt like I should expect him to look out a window. I did look for the lamp kept on in his honor, but I never saw it: Apparently you can at night, and I kept forgetting to look then.





At WDW's MK, we have The Hall of Presidents in Liberty Square. At DL, I was surprised to see not the Exhibition Hall (which is now the Town Square Theatre housing Mickey's new meet-and-greet) but Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln.


Our cinema has long been gone and replaced with, what else, a gift shop. It was exciting to see everything still intact at DL!


WDW used to have all the cars and trolleys, but like the cinema, they're long gone. Dixie says all the vehicles are still backstage, collecting dust. I remember riding one of the omnibuses when I was very small. We didn't make time to ride one of the cars while at DL, but will do so during a future visit for sure!

Like little kids, we were bouncing here and there, exclaiming how it was all the same and different at the same time. In fact, it was like going back in time to when WDW's MK was more like DL's Main Street USA. I don't remember the penny arcade at WDW, but allegedly that used to be here, too. We enjoyed the window displays with the characters, too! I took a lot of (bad) photos of them:


CRAZY Ariel!



Then we came upon what we knew to expect: The castle. We were all prepared for the size. We knew it was much smaller. As result, I wasn't surprised or anything. (In fact, it almost seemed smaller when you were right up close). But we are WDW residents, and so, the size did not go without comment:



You can hold it in the palm of your hand!

Where to go first from here? The possibilities are endless! Find out next time in Day 2, Part 3: Do All the Things!
Very nice start to your TR.

Your photos from Goofy's Kitchen are very nice as well as MS USA.
:smickey: DL vs. WDW Observation: In Florida, we're serious about our university sports. Particularly football. And you're either a Gator's fan, or a Seminole's fan (Florida State University). My undergrad alum, University of Central Florida (UCF) is trying hard to build up the same sort of fanbase now that their football team is winning more often, but it's pretty much just the two big rivals: UF vs. FSU. In Central Florida in particular, the Gators have more obvious support. And it's never more apparent than when you're at WDW. Gator paraphernalia is everywhere and one time Dixie and I laughed because within the span of 3 minutes standing in one spot, we counted over a dozen Gator fans walking by. So it was kinda eerie that there I was in Disney parks and I was not only the only person wearing Gators (hat and bag) but no one knew what school the "F" stood for! So then we tried to notice if DLR visitors supported their CA teams, and saw very little sports related paraphernalia from CA teams! There was more out-of-state support, and primarily from states in the mid-west.

Took me a while to get through this sections of your TR and your FFI review today.

In the MK on Splash, do you know the weasel?, that pops down from the cieling before you go up the lift hill before the big drop? If so what does it say?
When you were mentioning the sports paraphernalia, I remembered that there used to be a large sporting apparel/goods store in an old, old version of the Disneyland Hotel. I cannot recall the name of it (was it Team Mickey?:confused3), but there was a big, sporty-looking Mickey Mouse sign on the front and the shop carried all kinds of SoCal team shirts, such as Lakers stuff, Dodgers, etc., as well as the expected 'Mickey-playing-baseball' or 'Mickey-playing-tennis' souvenirs.

The Disneyland Hotel of the olden days was much larger and even more resort-ish than it is today, with more shops, restaurants and even a couple of nightclub-type places. But I used to think the sports store seemed oddly misplaced. It didn't seem like it was a very functional store and I'm not sure if it had much business. I guess it was there to appeal to excited sports fans (trying to mirror WDW, perhaps?), but it was a casualty of the late '90s DLH makeover that yielded Downtown Disney and the Grand Californian Hotel and it never resurfaced.

It's funny that you commented on the family next to you at Goofy's who only met 3-4 characters but they didn't stay very long. I sometimes wonder if some of the complainers who say they only saw 3 or 4 characters at any character meal actually stayed very long. I would almost bet money on the fact that some people probably think, "Okay, let's take 30 or 40 minutes to eat breakfast and then rush to the parks," and then they expect 7 or 8 characters to get to them in 30 minutes. Maybe that happens at Minnie & Friends, where the characters come at you in rapid succession, but at the other meals I think you get more of a chance to eat as well as mingle with characters .... more time to do fun stuff like chew and swallow your food before having to grab that camera and hurl your arms around a character!:rotfl2: My friends and I always stay at least one full hour, if not make use of our entire, allotted 90 minutes. If I'm paying $32 - $37 or more to eat there, I want to make the most of it!

In the old days of Goofy's Kitchen they used to bring buttons to the table for all members of the party. I have several variations of Goofy's Kitchen buttons (including holiday buttons) from the '90s. Somewhere along the line they stopped doling them out - I can only assume that people left the buttons behind at the restaurant or left them around the park and they were being wasted or destroyed.

Then it seemed as though the Goofy's staff was only bringing out buttons for people with birthdays. I have still seen a couple buttons floating around here and there when I eat at Goofy's, but I haven't seen them bring the buttons out to an entire table of guests in a long, long time.

On to Disneyland!!! I LOVE your description of seeing DL's Main Street for the first time. That's perfection!:cloud9: I also love the photo where you can see a semi-long stretch of empty, uncrowded Main Street sidewalk - something that is hard to come by during my trips in the middle of the busy holiday season!

Really? The street cars and trolleys are gone from the Magic Kingdom's Main Street? Completely gone?:scared1: This is the first time I've heard that. How awful! Even though I have not actually set foot in these vehicles in ages and ages, they are part of the Disneyland landscape and, most certainly, integral to the charm, ambiance and small town Americana theme.

I can't imagine a Main Street without those vehicles. Part of what makes the Main Street atmosphere so wonderful and enchanting during the Christmas season at DL is when the Main Street vehicle drivers get in the spirit and start beeping and tooting out familiar holiday classics on their horns as they drive up the street!:rotfl2: (Can you just imagine the familiar cadence of "Jingle Bells" or "Deck the Halls" delivered via honking?) It's so much fun!
In the MK on Splash, do you know the weasel?, that pops down from the cieling before you go up the lift hill before the big drop? If so what does it say?

Ha, yes, the "FSU" weasel! I heard that's a signature by one of the imagineers who designed the ride. Clearly he was feeling under-represented! ;) I know for a fact, though, that Dale is a Gators fan! :thumbsup2

I used to think the sports store seemed oddly misplaced. It didn't seem like it was a very functional store and I'm not sure if it had much business. I guess it was there to appeal to excited sports fans (trying to mirror WDW, perhaps?), but it was a casualty of the late '90s DLH makeover that yielded Downtown Disney and the Grand Californian Hotel and it never resurfaced.

... I sometimes wonder if some of the complainers who say they only saw 3 or 4 characters at any character meal actually stayed very long. I would almost bet money on the fact that some people probably think, "Okay, let's take 30 or 40 minutes to eat breakfast and then rush to the parks," and then they expect 7 or 8 characters to get to them in 30 minutes. Maybe that happens at Minnie & Friends, where the characters come at you in rapid succession, but at the other meals I think you get more of a chance to eat as well as mingle with characters .... more time to do fun stuff like chew and swallow your food before having to grab that camera and hurl your arms around a character!:rotfl2: My friends and I always stay at least one full hour, if not make use of our entire, allotted 90 minutes. If I'm paying $32 - $37 or more to eat there, I want to make the most of it!

... Really? The street cars and trolleys are gone from the Magic Kingdom's Main Street? Completely gone?:scared1: This is the first time I've heard that. How awful! Even though I have not actually set foot in these vehicles in ages and ages, they are part of the Disneyland landscape and, most certainly, integral to the charm, ambiance and small town Americana theme.

Exactly! Personally, characters or not, if I'm paying that much for a meal I'm definitely going to take my time! Out of the 7 we saw, I know they saw Baloo, Pluto, Aurora, Chip, and the Mad Hatter. They left immediately after the Hatter, though. Like you said, I don't want to be constantly interrupted while eating. I'd like time in-between to eat and refill my plate, then perhaps have a little more time with the characters when they do come around. As for the buttons, that makes sense. Although, I did see a cast member walking around with a big bucket full of them and he was going around to a bunch of tables further down the restaurant. He never came our way, though. After the one CM said she'd check if they "had any left," I noticed an entire drawer full of them ... so perhaps they're trying to save some cash (shock).

And yes, the vehicles are gone. They use a trolley and maybe one of the cars at the start of the daytime parade, but that's it. It's been years since they phased them out. I guess because of a combo of the street being just too crowded to use them and the cost? If they're cutting corners on the monorail because they don't want to spend money to fix the issues, it's no surprise they axed the vehicles. So sad :sad2:
I'm a lot like you on the breakfast and sensitive stomach thing. I don't know about you but I really can't stomach eating out at all because it leaves me miserable for the rest of the day/night and then my family gets mad because I can't finish a meal regardless of what it is. A heck, I'll be honest and just state that I don't eat breakfast because in general it makes me sick for the entire day. The only reason I do it at Disneyland is for the character meals if I can get them scheduled before Disneyland opens. And even then it's just so I can see the characters and I barely end up eating anything, jut a few selections here and there and maybe a single Mickey waffle. I just can't bring myself to do it.

Can I just say I'm a little jealous of the 'conversations' you had with the different characters. I'm not that quick thinking on my feet and so I always tend to get a little awkward with characters outside of getting my photograph (and even then I feel like I look super awkward). The Dale/tablecloth thing was pretty much out of the norm for me and I just wish I could get a fun story/rapport going on. Maybe someday so I'll just be thankful for the few occasions when it happens. An ex-friend that I went with once didn't have that problem and even got Br'er Fox to escort her to the buffet for her food. Let's just say I was a touch green over that one.

Do you have a photo of the GK buttons? Every time I have eaten there they didn't have any, period. And I asked in the lobby and they had none and suggested I asked at some other locations including City Hall if they maybe had one lying around and not one location I checked had one. I was so bummed about it and so I've got all of my buttons but no GK and it's a little saddening. I don't even know what it looks like. I guess that's another excuse to drop by GK in September except I've already made my ressies at Minnie & Friends and don't have the time to do another. I'll just have to drop by and ask for one anyway since I'll be at the DLH for the Health & Fitness Expo anyway.


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