Dreams Unlimited Travel Podcast: More Travel Questions and Answers | 04/06/20

I like the suitcase issue being addressed. I traveled extensively across the U.S. in my career and Delta was very accommodating when my baggage was lost (with the next day, I was a keynote speaker at a military conference and needed my professional attire). Of course, our Administrative Assistant would book 99% of my flights through Delta so maybe that was an influencing factor for their generosity.
I like the suitcase issue being addressed. I traveled extensively across the U.S. in my career and Delta was very accommodating when my baggage was lost (with the next day, I was a keynote speaker at a military conference and needed my professional attire). Of course, our Administrative Assistant would book 99% of my flights through Delta so maybe that was an influencing factor for their generosity.

Just an FYI: they did cover this in a past episdoe of the Dreams show (might bea few years ago at this point). I remember because we were looking at purchasing new luggage at that time so I took notice. In that episode I remember Kevin recommended Tumi and Tracey was on and recommended Delsey. Well, the Delsey ones were much more in my price range and so we got a few of those - just carry on size (several domestic carry on size and I got one that is international carry on size) and they have worked really well. Definitely recommend - they hold up well, roll really well, aren't too heavy (the are "hard sided" but still light) and come in different collors to easy to spot if we have to gate check or anything
Just an FYI: they did cover this in a past episdoe of the Dreams show (might bea few years ago at this point). I remember because we were looking at purchasing new luggage at that time so I took notice. In that episode I remember Kevin recommended Tumi and Tracey was on and recommended Delsey. Well, the Delsey ones were much more in my price range and so we got a few of those - just carry on size (several domestic carry on size and I got one that is international carry on size) and they have worked really well. Definitely recommend - they hold up well, roll really well, aren't too heavy (the are "hard sided" but still light) and come in different collors to easy to spot if we have to gate check or anything

Good to know. I viewed my corporate luggage as a consumable as I had a very liberal expense account (extremely fortunate at that time). I had to take photos of my soft case once my hotel got the luggage showing it was not only late, but damaged. Fortunately, the inside was intact. I lost an entire night's sleep when I was showcasing my PowerPoint to some U.S. military officials; it was a sweat mode for sure.

I opted for, and still have, the replacement hard case via Delta's generosity. Until carbon fiber hard cases are affordable, I am quite happy with my replacement.
It won’t make sense if you don’t watch the Dream show. But watching today’s show it was so true what they said here about the dogs and it made me laugh.

The big question was what secret info was Sam revealing??!



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