Dog Approved Areas

Doubtful about being asked to board or leave. The CMs are very lax when ot comes to enforcing dog rules. Many complaints last year about a dog barking incessantly, day and night - nothing done, despite numerous calls to the front desk. Another dog attacked and injured someone's dog. Nothing done at all other than to remind the owners to leash their dog!

We had the exact opposite happen to us a couple years ago. There was an issue with a dog, and when we asked for their attention to this matter, security came to us to tell us they were on it, then, after taking care of matters, came to tell us it was resolved, and to let them know if there were other problems. We are not trouble makers, was the first time ever that we had complained. We were totally satisfied.
I learned this information today and thought I'd share it for all those bringing pets with them to Fort Wilderness or the other Disney Resorts now. If you see a dog with a yellow ribbon on its leash they are Yellow Dogs who need space - they are not necessarily aggressive dogs but more often are dogs who have issues of fear; pain from recent surgery; are a rescue or shelter dog who has not yet had sufficient training or mastered obedience; are in training for work or service; are in service; or other reasons specific to the dog. We should share this info and watch for it everywhere, not just at Disney.
IMO, not the best thing to bring dogs that "are not necessarily aggressive", but learning control for various reasons, to a crowded family campground like FW until they HAVE mastered the tendencies mentioned - referring to pp. They could understandably be unpredictable.

Having known a service dog trainer for many years, all the dogs she has trained has mastered the basics already before service training, so can see having those around on leashes at FW.
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I dont have dogs. But i dont mind them, mostly. They should be leashed, or at least trained. And most are. Not everyone likes dogs. My daughter got a scare when a non leashed dog in a park knocked her down when she was 4. It can be traumatizing. It took her a while to atually not be scared of dogs. My daughter knows to ask before approaching a dog, Some kids dont know this. This is probably most important. Ive seen a lot of people say there dog is mostly freindly, or doesn't bite. But there demeanor says otherwise. Ive also had people say there dog isnt freindly, and continue to approch us. Hopefully, dogs and everyone else can get along and be happy.

As for the tent loops, i think its because the dogs can more easliy get out of a tent or pop up. I think the rational here is that if a dog gets spooked, it could get out. Not sure if that would apply to vans or hard side pop ups campers.
Thanks everyone. It seems like it's not extremely restrictive especially if you're just driving them on a golf cart and they are behaved. I imagine other guests probably don't care so long as your dogs are quiet, aren't going to the bathroom in the wrong places, or not cleaning it up. I'll search through the forums to look for any other pet peeves to watch out for.
Our 2 Sky and Katie love riding around in the Golf cart. Both jump right in at every opportunity. They love it so much that at our 1st stop on the way home I got the look from Katie when I took her to the dog park the next morning after she realized there was no golf cart that was like where is MY GOLF CART


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